Chapter Four – Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience – The Bulgarian Roundabout


In our last chapter we took a short cruise around a Russian neighborhood where we saw one mobile vehicular unit lead us in and several posted foot and vehicular surveillance units observing us as we passed them.

Some of the themes I told you to remember were the posted vehicle with a car door open due to the heat within a hot car under the sun, the lack of AC in vehicles, windows on surveillance vehicles often being open either due to heat or to enhance the ability to observe sounds and smells relating to a target, cars positioned to allow the operator to observe the target, often using rear view mirrors, so as to maximize target visibility to the operator while minimizing the exposure of the surveillance operative to the target, the patterns of activity that repeat almost exactly because surveillance teams learn what works in a sector and then tend to use the same spots and techniques on successive follows through that sector, the pedestrians posted at intersections acting as commit units to call which route you took, the timed arrival of vehicles at intersections just as the target vehicle arrives, to observe the arriving target and any passengers in their vehicle through the front windshield, and the idea that you will have difficulty ever getting completely alone, especially at decision-points, like intersections, especially in remote areas where you should not expect to commonly see traffic. You will see all of that material again in this chapter as we develop your mind.

In this chapter, we will travel to Bulgaria. We are going to use an industrial zone for our next surveillance detection route, which has several advantages, and several disadvantages. First, in a civilian area, domestic surveillance in America today frequently purchases residences on corners surrounding intersections, which means you can sometimes hit an intersection and not see someone with a sightline to your position, because they will be hiding in a house on the corner. That can make detection difficult. You’ll see this in another surveillance piece like this on our website,, which examines Sri Lankan motorbike surveillance in a Sri Lankan neighborhood, where the few intersections you come to with no vehicles or pedestrians, always have a resident of one of the corner houses, outside the house in the hot sunlight watching you pass, despite the obvious heat which is keeping everyone else inside.

As I have been doing this in different nations, I have noticed different places do surveillance differently. Some is related to the environment. Some differences are superficial. Go to Turkey, and you will see a lot of motorbikes. They are everywhere anyway, you can hop on and off them quick, they can zip around in traffic so you don’t get held up, and they can go off road to scoot around the margins of a floating box around a target as they move, to get ahead of the target while remaining out of sight. Go to Guam, and most of it is vehicular, because it is too hot in the sun to run foot or motorbike surveillance, and few people use motorbikes there anyway, and surveillance does not want to stand out.

However, in other cases the differences are deeper than just what tools are used. I am not sure whether you are seeing a difference in hostility to the Google car, where one place aggressively reveals themselves to intimidate it, while another tries to hide more to avoid frightening it, or if it has to do with resources available, or just differing styles of surveillance, with one emphasizing the covert aspect at the expense of control of a target, while other places require a target be contained fully, even if it makes the surveillance more obvious.

Some places seem to have the posted unit hide as much as possible at the intersections, even I suspect, going inside local stores and peering out. Other places put them in the open, possibly under a theory people assume if someone is not hiding they must be innocent. Some places follow you into neighborhoods aggressively, others just document you went in, and either leave you be while in there, or covertly conduct their observation from houses they own in the neighborhood and use as observation posts.

What you will see here is probably the most similar to what you will see in America, helping you learn to spot the domestic surveillance in America. The only possible difference I have noticed is American domestic surveillance seems to often replace the posted units at intersections with vehicles driving up to the intersection. But the rest of this is dead on, even down to the cover vehicles being actual branded company vehicles.

This will be highly illuminating in your journey to surveillance-awareness, because it will show you how the coverage has no fear of exposure, because it has no fear of you suspecting it. But once you see it, there will be no going back. Your eyes will be opened, and you will not be able to un-see it.

To be clear, if we head to revolution, this is probably not what you will see if real surveillance shows up to confront a real threat to the power structure. Imagine as you watch this, how you would do this if you wanted to hide. How posted units could go inside businesses and peer out, or use a ghillie suit from a field. How ten following vehicles could be replaced with a sky-blue drone 400 yards up that you would never see or hear. How pole surveillance could hide hidden cameras wired into the internet, removing the need for anything you would see standing out at intersections.

All of that is out there in America now. I was buzzed by the aviation lights of a small plane like a Cessna in the dark of night, which, at about 30-40 feet off the ground, glided entirely silently over me, I assume off an electric engine. At night, you’d never hear it overhead, and it could be right above you. At 500 feet, with its navigation lights off, watching you through a thermal camera, you would have no idea it was up there, as it saw you, clear as day.

That is the puzzle really, because in America, The American Stasi is not really surveillance. You could do the same thing, be much more effective, even gather much more intelligence, by hiding. You would never be at risk of exposure, or lawsuits, or even violent retribution from a target that snapped.

You would get more intelligence because your target would relax, and act freely without paranoia, and even be happier as they continue to believe the myth of privacy and freedom in America. It would even avoid any hostile relationship between the citizenry and the surveillance, which I think will prove unavoidable in the near future.

They could do this much better, for less money, and less risk. But they do not. It is almost as if this is actually a department of government devoted entirely to intimidation and harassment, using surveillance as a plausible cover for its real activities and purpose, perhaps to aid in recruiting civilians who want to serve a malicious conspiracy, into it.

Or perhaps it has recruited as many people as possible, even rank amateurs, into is massive ranks, in an effort to get as many people’s hands dirty as possible, so when conflict comes, there will be a plethora of lower level surveillance operators which will absorb the ire of the populace, leaving the upper-level leadership untouched.

Regardless, if you fall under this organization’s harassment surveillance (and I increasingly believe most will in their lifetimes on our present trajectory), this is what it will look like in the US.

Some of you may be skeptical as you follow this, and wonder if I am making this up, so I would like to point something out before we begin. I first published this piece on my website, to show people what I have clearly learned to spot as surveillance from my own harassment coverage in the United States. I recognized the surveillance immediately in this spot in Bulgaria, and knew it was out of the ordinary, despite never having visited the town, or walked its streets.

When I posted the initial version of this piece to my website, which was fairly well-read, one commenter was actually familiar with this area. He traveled there often to visit family, and he confirmed what I had been able to deduce from 4,000 miles away – that what you will see in this piece was unusual. Following the piece, he commented as follows:

Been following the series – how did you pick Stara Zagora? I have relatives from that area and from a couple villages close by. I did the same type of google drive-along in those villages and was amazed to see how many pedestrians are on the street – esp during a colder time of year. I’ve been there in the summertime and rarely see anybody. Strange… I always practice situational awareness whenever I travel – and this series has been very enlightening. Thanks again.”

So from 4,000 miles away, never having set foot in this region of Bulgaria, I can tell you what belongs, and what does not. I can spot surveillance, even though I have no familiarity with the normal patterns of activity in the area. Ask yourself, what have I seen, in my daily life in the United States, which has taught me how to do that, simply through osmosis, with no formal education or training in the craft? How long have I been seeing it? How bad must it be in America?

I am not lying about any of this. I am not trying to trick you. I know what I am talking about. I am the type of guy, that if I am unsure about something, I do not try to tell you about it. I remain quiet and learn. If I take the microphone, and begin explaining something to you, you can be confident I will have attained mastery over it, acquired 100% certainty of what I am talking about, and most importantly, if I am standing up to say it, you can know, it is important. I do not like or want attention.

What is presently operational in the United States is horrifying, and it affects the life of every real American. If we fail to make every other real American aware of it, I think the United States may be lost to this shadow dictatorship. Nothing else you could possibly do in your life will be as important as learning to see the surveillance yourself, and making everyone else in America aware of this cancer spreading throughout our nation.

I do not think that commenter happened to cross paths with my work by chance, or post that coincidentally, either. Much of what I am doing here is done with so many coincidental advantages, I can feel the hand of God at my back. I have no doubt He is aghast traitors in this nation were willing to so sully this nation’s beautiful freedom with such a grotesque organization as the American Stasi. The number of coincidences, the amazing strokes of luck, the Divine guidance, you would not believe it all if I laid it all out. It is for that reason I have no doubt we will destroy this thing, nor that I am doing God’s work here.

Now to begin, start by checking the traffic density on this map at the link below, which puts you over the intersection.

Google’s overhead usually airbrushes traffic out of the streets so they will look empty from above. So it is of no use for this. But this map is perfect because it does not airbrush out traffic.

Here is the route we will take:

The route begins at the bottom right of the image above, and you will travel left along a highway, following the arrows, up into an industrial area off the side of the highway. You will make a right at the “T” intersection, then follow the loop counter clockwise, before returning to the dirt road at the first intersection on the side street, where you took a right at first. That is the path the Google car took when it filmed this route, so if you follow it, the images you see will be in chronological order.

If you examine the traffic captured at the map at the link, you will see the detection route we will take has only five cars on it, represented by yellow circles below, and judging by sun position it is about the same time of day, making it likely useful as a low-traffic backstreet for a surveillance-detection route.

Since traffic there should be low, when traffic is building up around you, you can begin to understand that there is a high likelihood that the mass of additional traffic is there for you. The more traffic, the higher the likelihood the extra traffic drove there because you are there, and it is following you.

Obviously I already know what you will see here. So let me say this is what you could expect of a first rate, well funded, competent surveillance operation, performing the pseudo-harassing, semi-covert surveillance that politically oriented figures who are not compromised by, or assets of, the American Stasi, will tend to receive in America.

Again I emphasize, this is not what you would see if you were a really high end threat who they wanted to hide from and observe covertly to gain real intelligence. They can disappear, to gather intelligence while unseen, for either blackmail, or to gather operational intelligence for use elsewhere. If you ever operate against the powers that be in a real, practical, kinetic fashion, this is probably not what you will see, especially if you are known to be suveillance-aware.

What you see here however will be representative of the overt harassment surveillance an increasing number of Americans are seeing from the American Stasi, which some refer to as “gangstalking.” I see this literally everywhere I go, and never get a moment’s respite from it, from the grocery store, to my front yard.

We, who are not being blackmailed or paid off by the American Stasi in the political world, and who they do not want affecting the political sphere, see a completely different world from regular Americans.

This shows good manpower, and more intricate cover vehicles, probably drawn from a robust domestic informant program similar to the American Stasi’s, where these are actual trade vehicles driven by actual tradesmen, who run surveillance on the side for the domestic intelligence apparatus, in between jobs during the day. This is more like what you will see in the United States, including the overkill. And clearly from what you will see, they have not opted for full-stealth mode, as they usually do not in the United States.

It is amusing to me that I see tangible evidence that Russia, the land of the supposedly “evil” dictator Vladimir Putin, is vastly more respectful of its citizen’s privacy, and exerts far less aggression, and more professionalism in surveillance against even hostile intelligence threats, than you will see the supposedly more freedom-driven nation of America show to its own fellow citizens.

We begin with a shot pointing back on the highway, in the August 2015 timeline:

There are two ways you can be followed. Some operations would use a single team which will follow you from origin to destination. However with the American Stasi, you will receive “phased coverage,” where as you travel from one assigned sector to another, you will be handed off, from one sector’s assigned coverage, to the next sector’s assigned coverage.

Often, the operatives of the American Stasi who rush to follow you appear to be setting aside their responsibilities of the day for a moment. According to reports, and my observations of them, it seems the GPS on their cell phones reports to command which operatives in the domestic network are close to the approaching target. Command sees this, picks who it will draw upon, and a phone app the operatives were given by command chimes and delivers instructions to them on where to go and who to follow.

The operatives then drop everything to join in the harassment of the target for a brief moment, before returning to their days. It is assumed they will get some sort of recompense for taking part in the surveillance and harassment of another citizen.

Some will be office workers who will take a short break and jet out to the car to get in on the follow. Others will be Postal Service workers who will divert briefly to the target’s location. Others may be small business owners who were in the area and have a moment to hop in the car and rush to an intersection to watch the target pass. Still others may be soccer moms who were about to go shopping, but who will drop everything for whatever it is the Stasi offers them. Still others could be kids whose parents are in the network, and brought them in too, who may duck out of a summer job in the early days of a lifetime which will be spent spying on fellow citizens for the machine.

What the target will see is a scene out of the Twilight Zone, where it will seem almost everyone in the community around them knows who they are, and wants to act out against them covertly, making them feel ostracized and alienated from any sense of community with the people around them. As a gaslighting technique of an intelligence operation, it often works quite well.

With respect to a team follow, the literature (if you can believe it) claims FBI mobile surveillance teams (MSTs) are composed of 12 people in six vehicles (each vehicle with a driver and dual-purpose navigator/foot-surveillance operative). If need be, they could deploy multiple 12-man MSTs on one target if circumstances warranted it. Other reports say Britain’s MI5 will assign a single team of 25 surveillance operatives to one target for 24/7 coverage.

That small and targeted a surveillance operation is not what we are describing here, in the American Stasi, which is much more vast and all encompassing, and which seems only tasked with operations designed to assure the continued control of the government and nation, by those presently in power.

If you are a regular American encountering the domestic Stasi (which appears something very different from law enforcement), you will be swarmed by literally hundreds, if not thousands of seemingly regular citizens, and in a vehicle it will look exactly like what we are about to show you.

Since regular law enforcement surveillance operations have a limited number of cars, and they don’t want you to recognize them, regular law enforcement or intelligence surveillance teams deploy in stealth mode. They are supposed to keep the majority of the team so far behind you it is out of sight. Only one vehicle should maintain “command,” or visual contact with you, acting as the “eye,” and it will maintain a “set following distance,” which offers the greatest balance between keeping as much distance as possible and as many cars as possible between you, and yet having the fewest instances of temporary loss of visual contact at turns and curves in the roadway, where you become, “unsighted.”

It is accepted it will lose visual contact with you on some turns, and each time it will notify the rest of the team of its loss of sight, calling out “unsighted,” the position, and the speed you were traveling when sighting was lost. It will then notify the team it has either reacquired sight, or it has lost you when it should have regained sight.

If you disappear, navigators or central control will then immediately begin calculating a radius of how far you have traveled, based on the last known speed and last known sighted location called, combined with the time since the last sighting. The team will then break up to head to every possible place you could have diverted to within that radius, at high speed, to try and reacquire you.

In America, when dealing with the domestic surveillance machine here, the American Stasi does not employ the team model in most populated places. Highways appear to have their own assigned coverage units, composed of individuals, spread out over the highway, just driving their assigned segment of the highway back and forth, during their shifts of service.

When they get the call you are heading toward a highway on-ramp, they will try to get in the right places by the entrance ramp to pick you up as you as you enter. Occasionally they may pull up to a car and look in to verify the driver’s description if they are uncertain they have the target vehicle, or if the purpose is overt harassment.

If you drive fast and pass cars, each phase will spread out in traffic ahead of you as you enter, and as you pass cars, you will be passing surveillance vehicles who will note your passing to the team as it tracks you. What you may notice as you pass is people either talking on their phones, talking to themselves, or engaging in some behavior which covers their mouth, like smoking, itching their noses, and so on, as they radio your passing to the team. They will not try to follow you, if you are driving unusually fast, since you might notice that. Again, just things I have noticed which may be of use to you.

Here in Bulgaria, we will begin on the highway, just to give you a quick look at highway vehicular surveillance, before we begin our detection route by jumping off into the less populated industrial sector. We are using the August of 2015 timeline of photos, in the event Google takes a new series of photos between the publication of this and your reading of it. If Google serves you a newer timeline, you can select that tranche of photos in the dark box in the upper left, where the link says “see more dates.”

Here, the Google car will pass the cars ahead of you, which will allow you to see if any of the drivers do anything unusual, which you would not do, if a car with a giant camera ball perched precariously on a post on top of it, bristling with wires and cameras pointing in all directions, were to drive along side of you like Doc Brown’s Delorean in Back to the Future.

First car’s driver is unremarkable, though he appears to not be looking at a car which would look very interesting to me.

If he studiously avoided any eye contact with a Google car, I would say he was surveillance, but with the face blurring by Google, it is tough to tell. But his driver’s side window is open.

When I look at oncoming traffic, which I would expect to mostly not be surveillance, it appears most of the drivers have their windows closed, indicating there is not a cultural predisposition to open windows in this part of Bulgaria, nor is everyone opening their windows due to the weather and the temperature.

An open driver’s window is common to surveillance operatives as it will allow them to listen to any sounds which might be relevant to their mission, from an unknown acquaintance of your’s yelling some piece of information at your car as it passes, to imminent vehicular failure, to someone sneaking up on the surveillance operative as he sits on a target during a stakeout.

Second car is the same, window open, no looking at the Google car with the big Google ball.

Both drivers are old, so maybe their eyes don’t work well. However if you control your speed with the arrow key, you will notice that you, the second car you pass, and the first car you pass are initially all driving quite fast. Car #2 drives the same speed as you and the car behind him to stay ahead of you. Here is several seconds before you pass him, note the distance relative to the car behind him:

Six frames later the distance has grown, as he has sped up to remain ahead of you, maintaining his cheating command position, as the car you are passing is tapping its brakes so you will blow by fast, and not get a good look at him:

As you approach, the second car suddenly taps the brakes and slows as well, allowing you and the car in front of him to zoom past. If you turn around and continue moving forward while looking back, using the back arrow, you will see the first car has come up on his back side quite rapidly after you pass him:

Now they will pick up speed together to remain behind you at a set following distance.

That is something surveillance would do, as surveillance wants to see you, but does not want you to see them. They want to minimize your visual contact with them, to maintain their ability to operate around you in the future. If you make keen note of this guy’s face, he can hardly follow you into a grocery store tomorrow, or you might recognize him and wonder why you are seeing him everywhere.

So he was driving fast while you were behind him to stay ahead of you as long as possible, until you passed him and were able to look in his side window at his face. Then he tried to create as much distance as possible between you (and your camera ball) as quickly as possible by tapping his brakes.

If you saw this on a highway, he could be surveillance. Because this is the Google car, he almost certainly is. But if this were you, it would be a low to mid probability event. I highlight these as I have no doubt that because this is the Google car, many of these vehicles around you are surveillance. So here, you can look at them to see what you would see in real life if you were under coverage.

As we are driving, we pass this.

That is a surveillance operative communicating via a cellphone, as the Google car passes.

Again, when I see vehicles while performing surveillance detection, I ask, where are they going, what are they doing, and could I see myself doing that, if I were them? If I were the driver of that car, why would I park there? Was I going to meet somebody in that business? If so, when I pulled off, I would drive into the business’s parking lot.

Zoom out, look at the car and picture yourself parking it there. There is nothing around.

Where do you go? Would you walk to the front door, or get back in your car and drive up? Why did your female passenger open her car door, if you just jumped off?

If I was doing something I would expect to draw surveillance, my assumption would be that was a posted unit, the girl was the driver, and she pulled off, hopped in the passenger seat, and then sat there updating her control via text message on your passing.

She was hot in the car as the sun beat down on it, so she opened her door, as is almost a procedure for them when forced to stop their car (and you saw this in the last chapter in Russia, as well). It looks like a good example of poor “cover for action,” aka reason for being where you are loitering.

These are the types of rare events working for you when surveillance is working against you. Would you have spotted it as you drove by, if you were not looking for coverage? Would you have seen it if you were looking for someone following you, and didn’t know that real coverage isn’t in your rearview mirror, but rather looks like that?

Next car is this guy:

His face is blurred, but he appears to be looking at the Google car and his window is closed. He is likely just a regular Joe going about his business when a weird-looking Google car drove by him.

We saw the woman parked in the last lot with her door open, so it is possible they are having people pull off into lots to wait in case you take them, so when we hit the next pulloff, we scan the lot. It is a car dealership. In the parking lot, pointed toward the highway, we have a car with a woman sitting in the passenger seat again.

It is interesting we have another female sitting in a passenger seat. It is possible that is a procedure Bulgaria uses. A surveillance vehicle, piloted by a female parks, the female moves to the passenger side, and sits, and it appears as if a man driving the car has gone inside to do something, and the woman is waiting for him. It functions as a sort of subconsciously assumed cover for action, ie a cover story which explains what the vehicle and person are doing there which is not surveillance-related. They may feel it looks less suspicious to a target than a car with a female in the driver’s seat just sitting, watching the target pass:

Again, you can’t say she is surveillance, because that could be completely innocent. But if surveillance wanted to have someone waiting in each turnoff (that seems to be procedure in the US, when possible) that is what it would look like. And why didn’t she accompany the driver, who is presumably inside the building?

Also note how the guy in the foreground, who you are passing, again has a driver’s window open, won’t look at the Google car, and hit the brakes as you passed.

Here with a large space between himself and the car behind him as you approach that lot:

Here, you have passed, he has hit the brakes, and now the car behind him has come up to his bumper:

If you back it up and look in his window when he is right next to you, his expression would make me very suspicious after my experiences. Notice his ramrod posture and total, blank-eye’d focus – a stiff, awkward focus forward – as opposed to a relaxed, easily distracted, absent-minded curiosity about everything he is passing on his way, driving somewhere.

Again, he could have just had an argument with the girl in the car. It could be anything. But in detection, you are taking in everything, and looking for a preponderance of anomalies that may point toward you being under surveillance. I would factor this as one “demeanor” anomaly, albeit not decisive.

As we continue, and hit the next turnoff, there is this next car pulling off the side of the road, and lingering there as you pass, as if watching you pass and updating the surveillance command:

And here:

If you go back, and look at it from the earliest moment, you will see it was sitting there, or creeping very slowly, for a while. Long before you came up on it, it began to slowly pull off the side of the road, and turn its nose away from you as you passed:

Plus there is nothing really of interest in that lot. I’d also wonder if they are curious about something in the lot, why not just pull in it? The gate is open. So they could have been trying to turn their car and their faces away from the Google camera just as it passes. Also, the driver’s window is open, allowing better transmission of sound and smell from outside, and cooling the car.

Note that as we are driving, we are passing oncoming traffic, and almost all of their driver’s side windows are closed. So the open window thing is not common in Bulgaria. It seems to be primarily the cars around you, on your side of the road.

So far, nothing big, but you have gotten a good look at highway surveillance, with at least one, and maybe two or three static units stopped by the side of the road.

We will take the next right here:

A good surveillance operation will not want you to see a car follow you onto a turn off. And yet if you take a turn off, they will want to have somebody capable of following you onto that turn off. This will usually mean they will either get cars on turnoffs ahead of you, and have them wait for you to arrive, at which point as you turn off, they will begin moving as if they had just turned off before you, or they will arrange a car to come at you from the oncoming direction on the highway. If they chose that option, the oncoming car’s arrival will be timed to land at the intersection just before you do, and they will turn off just before or just after you onto the street you are turning onto.

They assume you will think that if the oncoming car was coming from the opposite direction, where you had been heading, they came from somewhere else and couldn’t possibly be following you. If you should happen to not take the turnoff, they can let you pass and once you are far enough ahead, the oncoming car can pull a U-turn and rejoin the surveillance team behind you, while assets in the direction you are traveling are contacted and coordinated to get ahead of you.

Again, these days operations like the American Stasi’s are not a small team of twelve operators, with most driving right behind you. Rather they are a massive pool of surveillance people, recruited from the community, which function almost like a law enforcement agency, only ten times to fifty times as large as your local police department, once civilian informants are factored in.

And that is not an exaggeration or hyperbole. The government’s own description of the pilot program for Operation TIPS, a proverbial toe in the water, to test the feasibility of managing such an informant network, said it would recruit roughly 350,000 civilian informants in New York City, all spying on their fellow citizens. Doubtless, had Congress not outlawed the program, that would have been expanded to two to five times as large over time, as the pilot program matured into a full fledged agency. At the time the New York City Police Department only numbered 35,000 officers. Pundits noted specifically, Operation TIPS would have produced more plainclothes undercover civilian spies than were employed by the old East German Stasi, in its pilot stage, and the plan was to expand it as large as possible.

Today, this massive network is arrayed around areas in sectors, just like Police would be. There, in their assigned sector on-duty members will wait, staged in civilian vehicles, listening to the radio (or waiting for a text on their cell phone) for orders to temporarily join one passing operation or another. The rest of the civilian component may be just going about their business, shopping, or commuting, or driving to a job, before getting a text about a target passing nearby, and requesting they join the follow.

When done covertly for surveillance, the effect will look like what you will see here. If the operators do not betray themselves with strange behaviors or clearly mouth the name of the street you are taking (as I have seen them do), the only thing you may notice is that whenever you make turns like this, someone strangely just happens to turn off from the oncoming lane and come in behind you or in front of you, or there happen to be pedestrians there predictably, all the time.

If you are under coverage, the only time you may find yourself alone is when you travel a road with only one entrance and one exit. And even then you will see a commit unit at the start when you enter, and another when you exit, at the end of the drive.

So intersections are points of high surveillance exposure and lots of activity. This is because you could take any turn, and they need to have a lot of people to call the turn and maintain contact with you, whatever turn you take. As you begin to become proficient in detection, you will notice your alertness will always spike as you approach intersections and in response to activity levels at intersections. You’ll see what I mean, as I expect after this chapter, you will begin to think differently as you approach intersections, even in real life.

Now take this right turn onto the side street we will use for this detection route, as we jump into the March 2012 timeline.

Did you spot the three guys loitering, with a sightline to that intersection, where they could see you jump into the turn-off lane?

Might be surveillance, might not be. However again we have an intersection with people on foot who can call whether you took that turn, if traffic slowed down other vehicular units unexpectedly, and they needed someone, absolutely present there, to call it. Remember static posted units at intersections, because you will be seeing this material again. And again, and again.

As we saw in the last chapter at the gas station, surveillance people tend to have patterns they engage in, in the areas they operate in. Most have done it for a long time, often from childhood, because surveillance is the Secret Society and they are raised in it from their earliest days. Over time, they find spots which serve their purposes, and often share them with the team.

So follows on different days, even with different teams, can look remarkably similar. You might see the same position occupied by different units at different times if you are taking the same route on different days.

Fortunately here, we can see how this intersection looked during another follow by staying on the highway.

If you stay on the highway instead of taking the turn, you will jump to a different trip timeline (Aug 2015), from the one where you turn (Mar 2012). If you do, you will note that when you were heading in the same direction on another trip, the exact same spot is again occupied by a different set of people out on foot:

Again, I’d ask how often are people out on foot at that intersection, and that spot, when targets are not passing by? Especially given it appears to be a gated entrance to a used car sales lot, where people are supposed to pull in and pull out, and these people are blocking the entrance while not doing anything of note.

In another pass by that intersection in March of 2012, when you did not turn, but continued straight, there was somebody standing on the opposite side of the road:

If you switch over into the oncoming lane of the highway, which is another timeline of photos, you will notice people situated similarly relative to the turnoff, this time loitering on the opposite side of the highway, in front of some little shop that sells clay pots and yard sculptures, which appears closed:

The shop is almost empty because that is a small garden center and according to google that timeline was March of 2012, in Bulgaria, which is probably not the growing season.

In July of 2022, they were set up on the opposite side of the street again, even though the business there seemed closed:

Here is the same driveway seen in the first example, when the Google car passed in March of 2023. In this timeline, a telephone repair guy just happened to be standing there, using his truck as cover to hide:

Surveillance operators will be very prominent among any utility workers who work the poles, as surveillance technologies require access to power and the data-transmission afforded by Cable TV hookups, to send the images and sounds back to either the local monitoring post or a central command center. As a result, in many areas, the telephone poles are laden with covert microphones and even cameras. Utility workers who work those poles will see the devices, and need to be judged trustworthy by the conspiracy to keep the secret. As a result I would assume the American Stasi placed a priority on taking over the positions who determine hiring of pole-workers for telephone companies, cable companies, and electric utilities, and they will stock those positions with their fellow conspiracy-members. Seeing this guy here is no surprise.

If you want, go to the intersection on Google Streetview, and click the little link in the black box in the upper right of the screen which says, “See more dates.” On the bottom of the screen will be other imagery timelines for you to peruse. There is something on this side-road which is hot, which local surveillance is assigned overwatch for, because in perusing the timelines, you will notice everything from people standing around watching the intersection, to a tinted Humpty Dumpty technical van sitting on it.

Remember later on that there was almost always traffic at this intersection turning on and off this street, on different timelines, when you passed. It will become significant at the end of our route here. My assumption is Bulgaria wants somebody stationed at intersections, in a static position, to make absolutely sure someone is there who can call if you took the turn or continued straight, right past the intersection.

Vehicles on the road are subject to traffic, and could get trapped behind people and lose you or not see what you do. So the static unit makes the call on whether you turned or not. Where I see it here, it is often a redundancy backing an arrangement of vehicular units which are arriving at the intersection.

In real covert surveillance designed to gather intelligence, the procedures would be different, and I suspect the loitering foot units would hide inside shops, or in cars in the parking lot, maybe with their backs to the intersection, watching through rear-view mirrors, to be less conspicuous.

In surveillance speak, the text books say they call this a “commit” position. The purpose of it is to make sure the broader cloud of surveillance assets surrounding this position, but far enough away to be out of sight, will know which way you turned (committed to), and which way you are heading. Once your direction of travel is radioed, the cloud of assets can begin moving, out of your sight, to better surround you as you move.

A commit unit can be a car, a jogger, a guy sitting on his bicycle, a dog walker, a member of a road crew doing something with a sightline to the intersection, a phone company tech in his cherry picker, just about anything you can imagine. They will not generally be FBI-Agent looking guys in suits and sunglasses talking into their wrists as you pass unless you really pissed someone off, and it is purely harassment-surveillance.

Most likely you will be looking at soccer moms, and geriatrics, and even children, which are children of the surveillance people, at least in the United States.

If you approach the intersection while in the opposite lane of the main road, on another timeline, you can look across the intersection and see a dark car stationed at the end of the road we will take, parked catty-corner all the way down the road, off on the dirt:

If you took the turn down that road on that trip from the opposite far lane, that car would have begun moving as you entered the turn lane, and come at you, as if it just happened to be driving there just as you arrived, and the dance would have begun.

He may be a unit which is unrelated to your follow, and that position is where he remains staged for long periods of time, waiting for the radio to deliver orders to check something out in his sector. I have seen evidence most neighborhoods have at least one vehicular unit assigned almost all the time, and staged like this within the neighborhood, ready to check out anything interesting control sees happening on their telephone pole tech and other technical monitoring devices.

Such units will not remain in their staged position, static as you enter a side road, and pass them. In my experience, they usually pick up and begin moving toward you, and exit the neighborhood when you enter, as if they were already leaving. Most people will see them, and never think twice.

If you are under harassment surveillance, or you are aware of your surveillance, and they are not hiding, they may sit there and glare at you as you pass. In harassment surveillance I have even had multiple cars all break out the aviator sunglasses and glare as they drove by me, to heighten the intimidation, as if they are all government agents.

In that timeline above, you were driving by so fast, they called that you weren’t taking that road, so the unit just sat there, as you can see, waiting at the end of the road.

Notice again, a random overhead, shot around this time of day, showed no traffic back there, and as you will see, there really isn’t much back there for people to be traveling around to. And again, if you see this type of traffic, you have to take every possibility with a grain of salt. We know what you are seeing here is surveillance on this go-around because this is the Google car operating in Bulgaria. But in your real life, this could arguably be normal background noise.

However, this is the important thing – these Streetview drives are about showing you what real surveillance looks like as it tries to look normal. Once you see what it looks like here, and pick up on the nuances, you will begin to see it, and recognize it in your own community in America. It is everywhere in the US.

Now go back to how we began our approach to this intersection, so you may continue your right-hand turn, in to that side street as we were doing originally.

First thing, again, is you have two cars poised on the side street opposite you, ready to turn off in each direction:

We’re just generally noting traffic density and positioning at intersections here. That street (seen below in yellow) which the two cars (circled in red) are on, literally only serves the two buildings on the corners there, if you look at the overhead:

So you have to ask, how often are cars turning out of it? What are the chances that intersection is a bustle of activity on both sides just at the very moment when you happen there, to turn off?

Again, this is a Google car in Bulgaria, and that is surveillance. Understand what it looks like, because you will see it in your own life in the US.

As you will see in this drive, when you are under Stasi surveillance, wherever you are, is a bustle of activity. If in your real life, you find that is a pattern, especially when you go to places which should not be a bustle of activity, a local cell of the domestic Stasi in America, responsible for your neighborhood, may have concluded you are in some way interesting.

Now before going forward into this side street, lets back up and get in the lane on the highway to turn into this side street.

Look at the street, as far down as you can from there, before you hit the turn, for any vehicle that might be staged the way you saw a vehicle staged when you were traveling the other way on the highway., ie, at the end of the road, just sitting on the dirt, parked and waiting to pick up, if you turn on the street.

If you do that, you will see this:

That is some sort of delivery van set up there. Get used to seeing commercial vehicles being used in surveillance. There is a Johnsonville Brats commercial along those lines which is uproarious… because it is so real. It is located at:

It features a very realistic looking FBI surveillance van:

It is a joke, but it is not far off from real life. You will see a lot of vehicles like that when you ae under surveillance, only they will not have all of the satellite antennae.

Returning to our drive, now move to the side street and complete the turn onto it, and you have two vehicles at the end of the road facing you (in the back is the staged van still parked, which has allowed another car to pass it), as well as a third car which turned off just before you, and is driving just ahead of you.

Remember our Russian drive began with a pedestrian with a baby stroller on the corner and a car which turned off ahead of you. Here, pedestrian commit units are posted at the intersection, and a cheating command vehicle turns off ahead of you.

You will see the first car immediately coming at you.

Again, he doesn’t look at the google car, despite the big camera ball, and the incredibly intricate mounting system you can see in the reflection of his windows here:

I’ve seen the Google cars of this era several times with their massive camera balls, and today I would still be looking on with great interest. But not him.

One, he has been briefed on the fact he will be following a Google car, so for him it is no surprise to see it. Two, this may be the fiftieth or sixtieth follow of a Google car he has done in the last two months because the Google car has been mapping out his sector for that period, so it is nothing unusual. And three, he has been trained to ignore targets, so a suspicious target will not catch him glaring at them, and wonder if he might be surveillance.

So this is a behavior that is unusual in a normal context, but one which would make perfect sense if he is surveillance assigned to track the Google car’s travels.

Often in places like the US, where surveillance is very broadly deployed in every neighborhood, you will see at least one unit that is stationed in a neighborhood exit the neighborhood just as you enter it (or even as you pass by the entrance to a neighborhood which surveillance thought you might enter).

As they exit, these exiting units are probably looking in the front of your vehicle to confirm occupancy one last time before you potentially make contact with a residence in the neighborhood. If you are getting real, non-harassment surveillance, they will tend to want to leave you be in a neighborhood, in hopes you will do something interesting they can document. They prefer not to risk exposure with drivebys, or units you might see and notice.

If however, you begin to get harassment coverage, you may even get the same intersection treatment every time you leave or arrive home at your house, with vehicles suddenly appearing to drive toward you as you exit your driveway and begin your travels, to confirm occupancy at the beginning of your travels, and doing the same on your arrival home.

If you want to have fun, get a mannequin with a wig in your passenger seat, and periodically pull it up and push it down when no cars are around, as you drive along. You will initially see surveillance second guess themselves, wondering if they missed a pickup you made, or if they have inadvertently lost your car and picked up a lookalike at some point, which means somebody will have to come in for a closer look to confirm you are their target and get a look at your passenger. Disguises for yourself, like long blonde wigs, or old bald man latex masks, and jacket/shirt changes could also make for fun times.

Next up is the second car that was staged there as you turned off, a trade van. He opted to wait and create spacing with the next vehicle, both to appear unrelated to their movements, and to lengthen the period over which you will be observed. As he passes, he does look, as he talks on the phone, and from his expression, he appears to be having fun playing junior spy:

The looking would almost make me think he is innocent, even as I wonder who he is on the phone with. But I recognize he was staged, back when you first turned off, and waited until you came into view to pick up and move.

It is possible when they recruit tradesmen to use their occupations as cover, and to get access to the interior of residences and businesses which hire them, the recruits are not professional spies, but rather are more like civilian Stasi volunteers, and thus are less professional.

You can see the delivery truck sat motionless in the road for some time after you turned off, not moving and letting the first little SUV get ahead of it.

Here is a photo when you first turned off, and you can see the little SUV leading it was stacked right in front of it, to the point he was on its tailgate:


Here is what it looked like going the other way, just after you passed the delivery truck:

You can see how far ahead that first little SUV got. You can actually see that the delivery truck was sitting there from the two images before you took the turnoff from the highway, but you might not have noticed unless you knew to look for it specifically, from experiences like you now have with surveillance. Not even two chapters, and you are already an operator, who would see this without even thinking, and know what it meant:

Again, it’s a little thing which seems of no significance if you lived in the America we were told existed, where there was no domestic surveillance like the East German Stasi. But today America is vastly different from that noble image you were sold on, and it is worse if you are politically active, or overly successful in business.

If you organized for Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders, or your small business has found a niche and begun to really take off, or you got a sudden burst of followers on Twitter, that is what you look out for. Yet how many Americans, do you think, would scan their periphery for something like that? That is why the myth persists that there is privacy in America, and something like the American Stasi could not possibly exist. By the end of this book, you will know the truth.

If you look back on the turnoff now, a vehicle has turned off behind you from oncoming traffic on the highway and will now follow you to the next intersection. You are in the bubble, contained by the surveillance team:

Again, with a car in front of you, a car behind you, two cars driving opposite, and two cars at the opposite side of the intersection behind you, there is a lot of traffic here just as you arrive, and I would wonder to myself if this side street is always this busy, given how little there is back here on the overhead. Although we don’t know time-frames from the overhead traffic shot at the beginning, I am thinking probably not, but we will see as we continue to drive.

As we continue, you will see will see this next vehicle:

It is parked off the side of the dirt road that heads left at the end of the side street. Here it is as you approach the intersection:

Notice, there is nowhere for him to get out of the vehicle and go. This is an office supply delivery truck which pulled off the road, headed down a dirt road with no offices on it, for a fair way, and stopped in a spot where there is no building to enter. If I were that driver, and I wanted to pull off this main road to have lunch or make a phone call, I would pull just off it in a way so pulling back on it would be easier when I decided I wanted to continue on my way. And if I was going in that building he is parked in front of, I would have entered the parking lot thirty feet behind him, so I would not have to walk back and around that fence. But he’s just sitting, with nothing around, and nowhere to get out and walk to.

My guess is after you get out of sight, he will turn around and take up the staged position the last staged delivery truck just left. In the meantime, he is the static commit unit posted at this intersection, to radio whether you turn left toward him, or right and head away from him. He also can act as a commit unit for the next intersection if you turn right at this one, since he has a sightline to that intersection as well, from that position. Using that position is a good use of team resources, as a single vehicle, placed along your least likely direction of travel, guarantees the team will get your decision at this decision point, and the next likely decision point.

Notice also his positioning. Surveillance people are trained to maximize their sightlines to you, and minimize your sightlines to them, and they are trained to, when possible, use their vehicle’s mirrors. A car turned away from you at an angle that allows him to use that driver’s side rearview mirror to watch you, lets him see you without you seeing him. Now if they need a foot unit to follow you into a store, that guy can do it without any fear you will realize that you and he crossed paths before. They will also use such positioning to stay in the blindspot of your vehicle when possible.

Their ideal is to be in a car positioned like that, which as you turn, will be at your seven o’clock, in your left, driver’s side blind spot, as you head to the next intersection.

Also, when you are under coverage, a lot of your coverage will be specialty trucks like this. Most of them appear real. Either the surveillance people take on real jobs for those companies, or they recruit these people, who already have these jobs, into the Secret Society of Stasi surveillance people, under something like Operation TIPS.

If you get a vehicle like this following you, or posted outside your house, you might have problems, as the most notable case was the one videoed by John Lang, who we will discuss later. He posted a video to YouTube of a carpet cleaning truck like that which he said just delivered a hit team to the house next door, which was about to kill him. He was found stabbed in his burning house shortly thereafter. In America, this operation is shockingly criminal, and has nothing to do with national security or law enforcement. It’s only about who controls the United States.

When you get to the end of this first straightaway, if you take the dirt road off to the left by that van, you will shift time-frames, so we will do that later so as to maintain continuity of travel on this route. Down there is a dead end with nothing “operationally significant” to a surveillance operation, so it will be a good example of what you will see if you ever take such a path while under coverage.

Instead however, at the end of this street, where you can go either right or left, for now we will take a right, and continue on to the next intersection. There, at that intersection, we will be able to go straight, and follow a looped road counterclockwise back to that intersection, or we can turn left, catch the end of the looped road, and follow it clockwise.

Approaching the first decision point, to go left or right:

Behind you, another vehicle has turned onto the road, behind the vehicle behind you:

It is a regular traffic jam back here.

Go right. As we arrive at the second intersection another car is approaching from the oncoming lane as you approach it:

As you pass it, it will have a GPS mounted to the windshield.

Obviously, oncoming traffic at intersections can always be innocent. But I always register it as a weak indicator, since arriving at an intersection just as a target does, is a surveillance technique. If it happens at almost all intersections, even in areas like this (you are about to see the road this car is on has almost no traffic), then it can begin to give you an idea that those cars are not arriving at the intersections you arrive at, just at the very moment you arrive at them, entirely by chance, over and over. Again, you have to calculate the probability, on a road with no traffic, that just as you arrive at the intersection, another car is always just hitting the intersection too.

Also take a moment to consider how high-level this training is. You are, even now, more experienced at spotting surveillance than many elite government operatives. And from here, your skills will grow exponentially as you continue.

Also, in just observing the traffic levels back here, if you look back, as the car following you is turning off,  the other car has arrived at the previous intersection. The office supply truck is still sitting straight behind you, on the other side of the intersection:

At this intersection, we will go straight to maintain continuity of the Google car’s photographic timeline, since it went straight as well, as it was photographing.

The lack of side streets on this road is a problem for surveillance, because any following vehicle cannot turn off, and new vehicles cannot turn on. That raises the possibility of a target feeling as if they are being followed, as time goes on and a single car behind them stays behind them.

Surveillance knows this and tries to avoid that, so the car behind you will turn off to the left, and they will either post a vehicle here or send another vehicle to follow you, as far back as possible, to make sure you don’t double back on the team, but to prevent you from noticing it.

This team opted to have a vehicle follow you but it will stay so far back it will almost be invisible. If you were actually of interest, and not a mere Google car, I would have assumed they’d have called in one of the planes most security services, including America’s Stasi, keep in the air every day for just such occasions. I have actually gotten aviation – helicopters and planes – quite often.

As you start down the road, you will notice the oncoming car takes a right, which is the other side of this loop, which will take a path that parallels this road (and backtracks to where he just came from, if he follows the entire loop, driving opposite to you).

Also, the other car has just arrived at the intersection behind you, and will turn off and follow him:

They will now drive at high speed on the parallel street, to get to the far part of the loop ahead of you, and turn off it so they are ahead of you on the street which splits off from the far side of the loop, in case you head in that direction.

In the below image, the intersection behind you is circled in red, the path the surveillance vehicles are taking is in yellow, and your path is in blue. They will be speeding to where the blue and yellow paths meet, which is where a third green street splits off and heads to a different location. They will turn down that green street, head to the next series of intersections and begin to set up a follow which would pick you up and transmit your directions of travel, should you head in that direction:

You can see, they are heading where you are going, on a parallel street, to get control over the route you might use to try to escape their bubble, if you do not follow the loop.

So to recap traffic at the last intersection, light SUV behind you turns off, oncoming car turns off, second car behind you turns off, SUV turns off side street and heads back to the main drag away from you (you have to zoom as you drive away to see it), office supply truck maintains his position watching both intersections, and finally a light SUV/truck turns on behind you from the second intersection, back behind you, and maintains a set following distance behind you, literally as far back as he can be so you won’t see him, while maintaining sight of you from behind:

Notice he is only running one headlight in the image above. Surveillance vehicles are set up so you can shut off either headlight using a switch under the dashboard. It is often used as part of prearranged signals which teams have for non-radio communications, where it is thought a wary target might be signal sweeping to detect any potential surveillance team following him. It can also be used as a signal to local law enforcement that a vehicle is surveillance and is operational, and should be left alone, and that the Police assets in the area should withdraw so as to not spook a target. And in cases like this, it can be used to shift up the “silhouette” of a following vehicle, by making it appear this vehicle has a headlight out. If a target sees a similar vehicle later, but both headlights work, they will be likely to assume it is a different vehicle, and they are not, in fact, being followed by a surveillance team. Remember the one headlight thing. It will prove significant later in the book.

He is not really following you to make observations, he is just making sure you don’t double back. If you look back unzoomed, this is what you would see:

So long as you just drive through, he will just tail you from that far back, and most people would never even see him. But if you stopped and got out on foot, he would drive by as he radioed it in, and all of a sudden the traffic driving by would increase substantially, probably in both directions, and the passing vehicles would have offloaded foot surveillance just out of sight which would suddenly just happen through from each side, pushing baby carriages, riding bikes, and walking dogs, all looking completely innocent. All over the town, undercover surveillance peoples’ phone apps would begin going off, directing them to pass by you and send back observations. It is how it works.

Again, you can use that information to test whether you have coverage if you ever run a real-life countersurveillance detection route like this. Go somewhere you should be alone, get out and move off the road and hide, and see if suddenly the place heats up and gets active.

In the United States, if America was like they taught us, this would all be coincidence. Obviously, this being the Google car, in Bulgaria, which is noted for the aggression of its state security services, you pretty much know what you are looking at. It is just surprising to me to see an even more aggressive surveillance operation in America, and know what I am looking at there too. Things do not work in America the way they have told you.

In the US, along this route I would expect to encounter dog walkers, joggers, bikers, parked cars, and I would expect at least one observation post in at least one of the buildings, from which monitors inside would be watching hidden pole surveillance on the telephone poles, both microphones, and hidden cameras.

Looking at this trip, I am amazed Bulgaria has so little surveillance compared to what I see in the United States. I would also expect the pole surveillance all along the road would be wired into either an observation post on the road, hidden in a plain looking house or building, or it would be sent to a central control room over internet connections on the poles, from which a central command would be monitoring you along the route remotely, and issuing directives to the team on the ground following you as the operation unfolded. That sounds like hyperbole or fantasy in the US, but I have seen it with my own eyes. And I would bet, soon you will too.

In the US, any area which surveillance has found to be problematic for conducting follows unobserved (and they are doing this all the time, all over, to everyone, so they will have identified the areas where it is difficult to follow a target unobserved), that area will be altered to make it less problematic through the use of deployed technology. Very quickly utility trucks would roll into an area like this and install all kinds of microphones and cameras on the telephone poles, disguised as cable internet routers and electrical transformers.

I would also have expected ten or fifteen oncoming cars at least, over the course of this drive, and more if I was stopping and getting out on foot. I would expect, in my own life, probably five times the coverage you see here, and if I had just reached out to the Russians, or otherwise pissed my coverage off, it would be up to twenty times this, just as a show of force and intimidation.

With time, I’ll post a video of literally, a non-stop caravan of vehicles that lasted about fifteen minutes, bumper to bumper, driving slowly by me in a remote parking lot, just to show off the local unit’s vehicular manpower, with everything from delivery vehicles, to dirt bikes, to airstream-like towed campers. Knowing they were all helpless pussies who needed the group to feel safe, I was unimpressed.

But there is a reason I can see this all so clearly, and I came up with such a creative way to school you up on the finer points of surveillance operations, with actual real life scenes. I have been buried under the surveillance of the American Stasi for a long, long time.

Oddly enough, many, many of you have too, you have just never stopped to look and see it, or recognize what it was you were looking directly at. Returning to our drive, Bulgaria is obviously making sure nobody contacts that Google car without it being documented.

Which brings us to our first potential contacts on this trip, with whom, were we operational, we could exchange contraband, or sensitive intelligence, which would be of operational significance to our surveillance. Observe the roofers here on the right:

They do not appear to be surveillance, though that means nothing. Between the ladder and the bucket, it seems unlikely a surveillance operator would have that on hand in their car, and roll it out just as a cover/prop. But nothing is impossible.

In the US, they could be Operation TIPS informants in the Secret Society who are legitimately employed as roofers, and were recruited to do surveillance part time. Here, they would get a text/alert on their cell phone from the control room to watch you, as you passed the GPS location of their cell phone, at the jobsite they were already working at.

In America, it appears the central control running surveillance follows will have their target’s location up on a map on a big screen, as well as the nearby GPS locations of all the cell phones of the American Stasi’s civilian informants, who have installed the Stasi’s app on their phone, and can be called into duty. I wa in BJ’s, turned a corner, and a fat woman had her back to me. On her smart phone screen was a photo of me taken that day, in the clothes I was wearing. She turned around, saw me, saw I saw her phone, and took off out of there. Command had directed her to the BJ’s I had travelled to, and sent her a photo of me, and she was looking for me in the store, presumably to hover around me and text updates to whoever was running my follow. It is so obnoxious.

Go to the url above and zoom into the distance. You will notice that the white car parked on the right side of the road in the distance has a sightline to you, as you come in close proximity to the roofers. That will be significant in a moment:


Then there were these two guys:

Pointing to them being innocent is that it appears somebody was hosing down that vehicle to clean it off, so they’d have a reason for standing there. However good operators will grab a hose and do things like that to give themselves a cover for being there. As I will argue in a moment, these may not have been surveillance, but it does not mean they were not interesting.

Somewhat strange, is the guy who is standing with his back to the road, and who has no curiosity of what car is driving behind him or who is in it. If I was standing talking to that guy, I just see myself standing there facing him. And even if I had my back to the road, if I heard a car driving by, I’d give a glance to the road as the car passes.

Odd too is all the security cameras at that facility, one of which, right above them, appears to be pointed at the road, possibly to grab plates, as well as others on the other side, above the barbed wire:

Then again, it appears to be a heating oil company, and heating oil companies often offer service contracts. That means employees can get free access to the interior of homes and businesses from the owners to perform service. In the world of domestic intelligence, such employees will often be recruited by nosy security services, looking to bribe their employees to do illegal searches of customer’s properties, which the security services would be unable to do themselves.

Fall under FBI surveillance, and try to get some electrical or plumbing work done on your house, and you will find out what that means. It is not as easy as you would think to get clean service, without a free search of your house by an FBI informant, who would claim to be acting on his own initiative as a citizen, and thus not need a warrant as the FBI would, even though FBI was paying him to do it.

When the George W. Bush administration was attempting to set up an official domestic spying program modeled on the Stasi, called Operation TIPS (this link is a must-read, as it shows the government tried to create the America Stasi, out in the open), the mission statement said it would preferentially recruit civilian surveillance/informants from such service people, so the service people/informants, acting as independent citizens, independent of government, could conduct what would otherwise be illegal searches in homes, while given access to them by the homeowner to perform the repairs or maintenance their companies offered. These would be searches which law enforcement could not get warrants for, but which apparently they felt would be fine if they could bribe the right person to perform the search for the agency.

So if you are under surveillance, and the heat went out on a cold winter night, and you needed an oil burner service call, part of the deal in America would be you have to implicitly agree to give up your Fourth Amendment rights, and allow the service person/government-agent to poke around your home for the government, to make sure you were in full compliance with all government edicts, while he worked.

Maybe Bulgarian Secret Police might use a company like this fuel oil company as a cover for surveillance operations, and then tuck some secret facility away back in an area like this, as long as they are there.

It might even be why the Google car decided to run back here, to give CIA, or whoever is running it, a quick peek at the lay of the land in this area in the event they ever wanted to come back here operationally.

I am beginning to wonder if you could map out the locations of secret foreign intelligence operations centers in countries that the West is hostile to, by looking at where the Google car has chosen to run into one single area, while neglecting many other similar areas right nearby. If you zoom out and look at the maps, street view is quite spotty in a lot of these areas, choosing only to run into select, isolated spots, where I assume CIA, or the amorphous non-state intelligence operation behind the trans-national surveillance operations of the West, wanted to get some on-the-ground photography, under the cover of a simple Google car run.

Regardless, the two guys in the driveway of the oil supply place are not probative to any surveillance detection effort, even though one probably should show more interest.

There was a guy digging right after that, and a fork lift operator running a fork lift off the side of the road on the opposite side.

The digger is on the left in this shot below with his back to you, and the forklift is the small orange thing behind the fence on the right side of the road:

The digger’s hole has taken a while to dig, and he has a pickaxe laid out, which a surveillance guy jumping out of his car with a shovel for cover would probably not think to grab. Of course he has his back to you as you approach, to conceal his face, he is holding some sort of spade instead of the shovel, and he never actually moves or uses it during the entire time you approach, pass, and travel on (and if he was using it, it is not clear to me what he would be doing with it from that position).

It is possible he was a passing surveillance guy (maybe even the navigator of the car you are about to see), and saw the tools laid out, parked quickly, jumped out and grabbed them, and posed. In the US it would not surprise me to find he flashed a fake FBI badge at the real digger, told him to move to concealment, and picked up the spade himself to pose. A good surveillance guy would probably do exactly that. So when under coverage, never relax, or assume you know anything.

But here, I am not so sure. Likewise the forklift guy is on his way, and would appear to not be surveillance either.

I am struck by the plethora of people surrounding a facility with a plethora of modern, professionally installed surveillance cameras, which maintain good coverage of people both outside and about to enter the facility, as well as those already inside the gates. Especially since we have seen nobody else on this road, until we got to this facility, which has six people on foot symmetrically disbursed, two on one side of the entrance, two on the other, and two standing in the entrance. There is a lot of activity concentrated right here at this spot.

Either way, none of the people on foot are probative for surveillance detection purposes, and for the purposes of further exposition on surveillance procedures, we will assume they are all regular citizens going about their day.

In the eyes of the surveillance tracking the Google car, all of these people in this area would be a risk of contact and interaction. One of the primary objectives of surveillance is to control, or at least document, all of the interactions the target has with other individuals. If you were a CIA officer driving the Google car, you and any of these people could exchange contraband, or documents, or thumb drives, or other operationally significant materials. Surveillance has to be on top of that. So when you are under coverage, you will not get to have uncontrolled contacts without your surveillance right there.

Knowing this is obviously relevant to detection, since if you see what appear to be innocent people, that is when surveillance will move in close and make sure you are completely covered and could not even “brush pass” something off to them. And that is when the surveillance will be most obvious.

Enter the white car which you will pass next, that is parked by the side of the road, with the driver not getting out to go anywhere, or preparing to leave:

Driver’s window is open, and his elbow is resting in the opening. An open window is a surveillance procedure, which allows the vehicular surveillance agent to better experience the environment around his vehicle.

If your car starts making funny noises, or emitting funny smells, he will want to report to the team you may be about to have a breakdown, so they can work on inserting their tow truck driver to respond to it, when you call AAA. Plus it prevents someone from sneaking up on his car as he is staking something out, and taking him out.

Also, he is texting on his phone, and parked strangely in the oncoming lane to improve his sightline to the road near the roofers and the other people on the opposite side of the road. Moreover, there is literally nothing for him to get out of that car and go to. One side of the road is an empty dirt field, the other side is a wall with a chain-link fence on top of it, and there are no houses or businesses to walk to. He is there, just for you:

At this point, you should be beginning to think this material looks interesting, and that this Google car is actually under surveillance, and I just might know what I am talking about here. Moreover, if so, it’s possible I am correct that an operation like this exists in the United States and is embedded in every local neighborhood, and that it is targeting you, and your children.

If so, and there is a shadow intelligence operation embedded in your community, working against you and your children, controlling the path of your lives from your earliest days, then what I am showing you might be the most important information you will ever lay eyes on. Our country might actually be in the peril I claim, and everything might rest on you, and your ability to help spread this information.

Moreover, you should be asking how a biotech-geek with no official intelligence training, could have come up with all this, unless he has been buried under a massive hostile surveillance operation just like this, for the last ten years, in the United States, for nothing more than engaging in simple online political discussions. You should also realize, I must not be alone. Reams of your countrymen are also so afflicted. It is horrific, and it is growing, and coming for you, more aggressively, some day.

In this instance, the problem surveillance probably identified, and which this posted vehicular unit above is designed to address, was that the roofers were there right after a turn in the road which obstructed the sightline of that following vehicle who is still traveling way back behind you on the road.

In addition, these other people on the side of the road are also massive risks of contact. So if this white car were not here, there would have been a moment when you could have jumped out and thrown a satchel to the roofers, jumped back in your car, and been on your way. Or one of the people standing around could have feigned crossing the road as you passed, and you could have tried a driving brush-pass of a thumb drive, which could not be seen unless you had someone right there.

White car is likely there to make sure that didn’t happen. As I pointed out, surveillance will become most obvious when you are alone with other innocent people, and it has to draw close and loiter to observe everything in fine detail.

In real life, if you feel you should have coverage for political reasons, or you are operating as a spy overseas, or you have pissed off someone wealthy or powerful in the United States who could turn this machine on you, or if you just live in America and post political materials to Twitter, this is one of the stronger indicators you would see that surveillance is moving in on you.

Somebody sitting in a car with no reason to be there, near where you could possibly be making uncontrolled contacts.

It is always possible that guy just stopped there to answer a text from his wife. But his elbow on the window frame, as if he has been there a while and is in no rush, the use of the phone as you pass, and his being the only car you see, who just happens to be set up with a clear sightline to the people you just passed, while not near anything else which might explain his presence, is a pretty strong indication he is domestic surveillance.

Of course it is worth noting before we move on, that nobody you have just seen may have been who they were pretending to be, and surveillance itself may not have known what was going on. My impression is surveillance people are lower in the hierarchy of intelligence work, with it often even being used as a sort of entry-level position to vet prospective recruits for more important postings. Most of the work, while high-stress and an effective test of operational capability, is really not that important. They can put new recruits on it, and see how they do.

So surveillance would probably not have been read in on the presence of any secret facilities back here, or what the security situation around them was.

If there is a secret intelligence facility back here, then nobody you saw may have been as they appeared. All of the people we discounted as regular people going about their day, could have simply been covert security.

Covert facilities, hidden in civilian areas, and made to appear as civilian facilities will not use uniformed security personnel around them for obvious reasons. They are trying to be covert and blend in. But they will still need to deploy security personnel arrayed around their perimeter to offer resistance in the event of a hostile intrusion.

It is entirely possible that had a guy jumped out of the Google car with a submachine gun to launch an assault on the oil-supply facility‘s gate, the guy on the fork lift would have jumped off with an AK, the two roofers would have hopped out prone on the far side of the roof looking over the top and come up with a couple of SVK sniper rifles, and the two guys in the entrance to the oil place would have pulled out their own submachine guns to meet him, as the digger pulled an RPG out of the hole and punched his engine block to prevent him from fleeing.

I do find it odd that Google is back here, surveillance is almost as heavy as it is in suburban America, this facility has so many cameras, and there just happen to be so many blue collar workers using forklifts, doing roof repair, and digging holes, all at once, all in this single spot, on this fairly long road, all within sightlines, and firing lines to the entrance of this facility.

If my hypothesis, that Google streetview was being used by Western intelligence as a cover to “innocently” scout out intel facilities in unfriendly countries that have resisted being subverted by Western intelligence, then all these photographs of the Google car, could be much more interesting than they look. Because while the Google car can drive back here and claim it is motivated by some innocent hippie dream of photographing the world, CIA could never send a regular civilian in to photograph this place, without fearing they might get scooped up into a van by some angry Bulgarian spooks and never heard from again. Google Streetview is a great cover.

If I am right, these Streetviews will be a goldmine as a training tool, for making the general populace more surveillance-aware. Many of these trips may actually be dramatic intelligence battles between hostile intelligence services, being fought in the hidden, covert fashion intelligence agencies wage them, right in the open.

The truth is if you are a private sector entity, and you want to accumulate the trappings of a real intelligence agency without real intelligence agencies having cause to take you out, having something like Google would be a gold mine. It is no wonder it is one of the central nodes of whatever the non-state intelligence operation is, that is taking over the West, and destroying it.

Remember, one of the most important lessons in detecting surveillance and intelligence activity is to be aware of statistical probabilities, and their relation to patterns, when you are running detection for hostile activity.

This whole segment of the Streetview drive almost feels like the opening scene of a Burn Notice episode (See the first three minutes and forty five seconds of this: The guy who wrote that TV Show saw that the American Stasi was taking over the United States, and wrote that show as a subversive effort to educate the nation, trying to prepare people for what was coming by giving them the weapons this conspiracy didn’t want them to have – a knowledge of surveillance and intelligence.

If you love America and see Americans as your brothers, you will want to make everyone as strong as they can be. Whoever wrote Burn Notice was doing that. I strongly recommend everyone watch the first five seasons as a primer on how to spot the machine taking over the US, and on the power of deception and intelligence operations.

If you want every American weak and clueless, as the American Stasi does, then you can’t, by definition, view them as your brothers and equals. You view them as your serfs, and you will weaken them as best you can so you can dominate them as a dictator.

In my eyes, all of the talk of our “Constitution” that protects us, our checks and balances afforded by three branches of government that prevent corruption, the constantly repeated refrain that the CIA is not allowed to operate domestically, and our intelligence agencies would never target our citizens (even if the citizens were about to take over the government from them in a landslide election), the talk of how we elect our leaders, and thus control our government, even just public schools telling children they can be whatever they want to be, as well as the promulgation of the idea we have a free press which would expose corruption – that is all designed to weaken you. None of that is true. This operation has come in, and corrupted each of those entities, making it a conspirator which merely looks like it would fight the conspiracy, when in reality is is all working together to support it.

At the end of the day, you are the biggest threat to the intelligence operation which runs this country. They have been targeting you because of that since you were a child, in the public schools, using their own children as junior operatives, as we will reveal later, and feeding you lies about how everything worked. Sadly, there is no shortage of your “fellow Americans,” who are delighted to help them keep you deceived as they subvert our government and operate against you in your community, if only the conspiracy will line their pockets a little more than everyone else’s.

As you move on in our Bulgarian surveillance adventure, and leave behind all the action you just encountered, you will see why White Car set up back that far away from everything, and on the wrong side of the road. He wanted to maintain eyes on you as long as possible as the road you are following curves to the left and you head out of sight around the turn.

Notice, the forklift guy behind him, who is still not doing anything, took up an even superior position to keep eyes on that curve, which allows him both to watch you, as you follow the arc of the road, and to get eyes on anyone coming from that direction, beginning as soon as possible, as they approach from that side:

The amusing thing is, if you go back and look, forklift guy had nothing to forklift there. The only thing he possibly could have used his lift on was a large empty bin, but he was nowhere near it the whole time you were there, and there were no pallets nearby to hoist. Go and zoom in, and look for yourself:

Surveillance people have been doing these things a long time, and after a while these little considerations regarding where to position themselves, to extend their ability to observe moving targets for as long as possible, come to them as almost second nature.

You’ll notice as you continue, there is a dead dog by the side of the road.

It is a little thing, but since we are here and you can see the example, surveillance often produces a tremendous increase in roadkill in its areas of operations. Vehicular surveillance involves a lot of driving at high speeds just outside of the target’s sight in an effort to get ahead of them and keep them in the bubble. As you are driving here in the Google car, the vehicles you saw at the last intersection are driving as fast as they possibly can on the far leg of the road, to hit the far side of this loop ahead of you. Had you taken the far leg, vehicles on this side would have peeled through here at high speed, seeking to beat you to the upcoming intersection. Their only desire would be to head out on the road leading away from this loop ahead of you, and begin preparing a phase of your follow in that direction, in the event you took that other road. What they would not want is you reaching that intersection first, peeling out away from here, and getting outside of their bubble.

When I first came under extreme harassment surveillance, my neighborhood became littered with dead raccoons, and possums, and squirrels, lining the side of the road. My family had fed the raccoons, but with surveillance, it is not really something you can do, unless you want the front of your house littered with dead carcasses.

I even found myself on a day-long drive, noticing the same car appear 50 feet ahead of me five different times, immediately after which my car filled with the smell of skunk.

It was one vehicle in a group tracking me for the day, and the car had run over a skunk earlier, and was offgassing the smell, so every time it took a cheating command position on me, my car would fill with the smell of skunk.

The death of these innocent animals, for such a stupid, craven conspiracy, is all very irritating. I suspect if you got rid of surveillance, you would see a dramatic reduction in roadkill numbers across the nation. Surveillance is a menace in so many ways, from the undoubted increases in cancer cases from their wide use of through-wall radiant imaging technologies, to their stymieing of children in the schools who appear too moral, and too academically capable at the same time, to their promotion of degenerates to high positions in society, simply so they can control them. The day we rid our nation of it will be a day when pure goodness will have won, in many, many ways.

So while I have no idea how this dog died, I do know if there is a secret facility here, and surveillance operates more densely here, and a target was driving on the other street, his following coverage would have hit this road and driven as fast as humanly possible to get ahead of the target at the next intersection, and over time, dead animals would begin to line the road. It is one of the minor indices I would notice based on experience, and think to myself there was a heightened likelihood surveillance was operating more densely in an area.

The next driveway is gated and guarded by a guardhouse. After passing it you come to an open gate, and inside is a man, standing among pallets, looking out:

Travel on, and you will come to the next major business. As you get there, despite this place being so isolated, somebody has just parked their vehicle, exited it, and is at first standing, facing their car, before turning and going inside:

Timing his actions so he is walking in as you pass, allows him to both observe you as you pass from outside the business, and if you should stop and go in, observe you inside the building as well, while acting like just another customer. It allows one operative to cover you in two positions, should you go inside, and prevent you from having any unobserved contacts.

Go back to the earliest moment you saw this guy here, as you were turning, and you will notice he is standing by the gate facing his car:

It is possible he arrived at that business just as you arrived and decided to head in, after waffling on what he was doing while standing around his car outside. But again, this is a low traffic area selected as a detection route specifically because if you pass every business, it is unlikely there will be people at every business to watch you. And yet, every business we pass where you can see the front of it, there somebody is, either going in or coming out, or sitting in a guard shack, or walking into the building:

He has the ball cap pulled low. Or as I like to call it, the “Whitey Bulger.” I employ that look myself all the time, paired with video camera sunglasses, to limit photography of me by surveillance as I maximize my own video capture of my coverage.

Then as you drive past the next business, we have another walker who just happens to be coming out:

His movement is perfectly timed to put him in the street after you pass, and maximize his observance of you as you drive down the street, and make the turn:

Continue to drive on, to the intersection at the end of this road. Remember intersection decisions need to be called by a “commit” unit, which observes the turn and radios it to the team, so they can hustle just outside your sight at the margins to get ahead of you. Do you go right, and head to a new area, or do you go left, and continue the loop, back to where you started? That is important. Somebody needs to have eyes on you, and it will often be a static unit.

Look in front, and there is a guy in what appears to be a mask, standing with a few cows:

If this intersection is important, then there should be commit units in other timelines where the Google car traveled here. The only other timeline on Google was in March of 2023, and then, as the Google car passed this intersection, this car just happened to be present, to call which way you went:

Or you could go right in that timeline. During that timeline, the car above was not there, however if you look over your right shoulder, this guy was watching you intently:

These people are there predictably in such a remote area because they are surveillance, following procedures.

Returning to the March of 2012 timeline, you turn left. For amusement, after you have been driving a bit, check the white truck off in the distance of this shot. It is the little white dot on the horizon, which you probably cannot even see, in the fully zoomed Google image, which I blew up 300 percent more, below:

Fully zoomed out it is entirely invisible, it is so far back. I suspect it is the white truck that was following you at the beginning of this journey. When you exit this road it will have traversed the entire leg of the loop, probably at almost three times your speed. He is so far at the outside of this turn, because if you look at the frame-by-frame, he nearly rolled his truck on the turn:

When you turn toward the main drag, he will drive behind you at a normal, slow speed, maintaining a reasonable distance:

Again, these things can be innocent. That guy could just have been in a rush on that straightaway. That is why I chose the Google car, in a foreign country, combined with an overhead of the route you take to determine traffic levels beforehand.

Because it is the Google car, you know it is under surveillance. And because of the overhead, you know there is no traffic back here when there is no Google car driving there. So what you see here will be very similar to what you would see if you were under surveillance, in an area with little traffic.

This is really the best way I can see to give you the experience and mindset of being under coverage, and let you see how you play probabilities and recognize patterns, and see procedures of surveillance operations implemented, to try and tease out the likelihood you have coverage.

I am showing you this, because if you learn these things, you will very likely see this in your neighborhoods and towns, monitoring the population in America. You may see it tracking you specifically. Understanding the United States has this level of monitoring of you, of everyone, is the first step in understanding that there is something very big, and very evil lurking in the shadows of our nation, and that the country may not work the way you were told, and you may not be as free as you think. Because the Stasi doesn’t just watch, it controls. It intervenes covertly in ways designed to escape notice. The watching is just the tip of a very big iceberg of control ramming every citizen in our nation. You will find it is intervening covertly in everything from who succeeds in the small business environment, to the rigging of elections, to actual interventions among our children, to clip the wings of the high flyers with morals while they are in the schools, so they cannot one day pose any sort of threat to those who run this corrupt, treasonous machine when they grow up. I have seen that with my own eyes, even derailing the paths of innocent little girls who were just a little too gifted academically, before they even reached their teens.

By the end of this work, you will have the level of experience which normally only elite level spies get while serving overseas against hostile intelligence services, and you will have a much better idea of how surveillance coverage works, how intelligence works, and of how you were lied to about the United States, and the opportunities if offers each citizen and their children. It is my hope, spread through our society, this work will arm us with the training and insight we need, to fight this machine.

Returning to our Bulgarian roundabout, there isn’t much else back here, so we’ll continue back to the second intersection where we initially turned right, away from a dirt road to the left where the office supply truck was watching us.

We’ll go back the way we came now and take that little dirt side road we saw when we first started, where the office supply truck had been parked while watching both of the intersections here. Take a right and head straight back the way we came, and stay to the right at the next intersection, going straight onto the dirt road, rather than turning back toward the main drag.

You will switch time frames as you hit the dirt road. The photos are somewhat of a mish-mash, of when the Google car entered this dirt road, and when it was exiting.

One photo taken as the Google car entered this area will show you the little white truck which drove so fast behind you still on the road, exiting the area:

Believe it or not, that is what a lot of surveillance vehicles look like in the US, and the guy inside it in the US will likely actually do that job when he is not following people around for the American Stasi. So if it is a plumbing truck, there is a good chance if you called that plumber, and surveillance was interested in you, that guy would show up and happily go inside your house, and be happy to be left alone in your basement to poke around.

Before he went he would be briefed by the neighborhood crew on what he was supposed to do, where he was supposed to try to go in the house, and what was being sought. The neighborhood crew would likely would have some degree of familiarity with the inside of the home either from a surreptitious entry while you were out at work, from the application of thru-wall imaging technologies like microwave or X-ray, the use of thru-roof thermal or backscatter X-ray from overflying aviation or drones with that capability, or even the access of backdoored technology, like laptop cameras, cell phone cameras, home surveillance systems, and the like.

After gaining entry to your home, and poking around, he would then attend a debrief, to apprise the local team of his findings, and what he discovered. He might have taken pictures or video with his cell phone, maybe even stolen something. The more “dirty-cop” aspects of law enforcement in intelligence divisions love it because it is like hiring a criminal contractor who doesn’t have to obey the law, or adhere to the Constitution, or ask a judge for a warrant, and it gives them plausible deniability to break the law. It is like a half step away from being able to hire brownshirts to rough up suspects they don’t like, only without any risk of ever having to answer for the violations of citizen’s rights.

If they want some more overt involvement in your life, they can have him report anything he saw, like firearms or anything potentially illegal to the relevant authorities to gain a warrant, while acting like he was just a concerned citizen, acting on his own, unaffiliated with any government agency. He can in essence “parallel construct” a cover story for how something was discovered in your house, which was really found through illegal spying. But he will make it look like it had been “innocently” discovered by accident by some worker you hired and brought into your house, and reported to the authorities.

I would imagine depending on how desperate the operation performing such actions is, he could even plant things, like drugs, or bloody clothes, or murder weapons, and report he saw them.

When you deal with intelligence, there are not a lot of boundaries. It is why the CIA was never supposed to operate domestically in the US. All intelligence organizations, domestic, foreign, law enforcement, military, it is all criminals in them. And just because the government pays them, doesn’t mean they work for the government these days.

That was the entire point of Operation TIPS, a program the media characterized as creating a “Stasi-like” citizen informant/surveillance network in the United States. In its mission statement, it said it would preferentially recruit civilian informants from those types of service personnel and trades-people who had access to home interiors, specifically so they could perform searches the government could not perform due to the Fourth Amendment, all in the course of “servicing” your house.

Even today as I am followed around, I notice an inordinately large number of these service and trade vehicles following me, from electricians, to plumbers, to HVAC repairmen. The neighbor they moved in, whose child talked about following me, had another son who worked for Direct TV as an installer, before becoming a plumber.

Home security companies of course will be the gold mine. I would be surprised if there is even one which was not created by this thing. There, it is an agent of the operation which will one day break into your house, who is installing your security system, maybe with equipment given to him, and backdoored by the operation.

You will see this later in the case of Brandy Vaughn, a medical activist, who had a security system installed, never gave out the password to anyone, and yet had her house entered, using her password, within days.

Returning to Bulgaria, the dirt road you’re now taking is a dead end, with nothing operationally significant on it. You will not be closely followed into it, because when you turn around and head out, surveillance does not want to bump into you face to face, nor do they want you to see them coming in behind you, and then turn tail and run back out as you turn around to leave.

As you head in, judging by the shadow of the Google car, it appears you first bear right after the turn, at the small building in the middle of the road, and head up a small hill to the right:

Here, the Google car drives to the top of the little hill on the right above, reaching a gated area for what appears to be a Coca Cola bottling facility.

There it decided to not enter, turned around, and the stream of photos on this hill were taken as it left. If you position yourself looking at the gate, and hit the down arrow (moving down the hill) you’ll notice a van drives up to the gate and sits, watching you:

It sits there as you drive down. Again, you are the American Google car operating in Bulgaria, photographing isolated areas where Bulgarian security could try to hide some sort of ops center, off the beaten path.

As you will eventually figure out, the only American tech companies which succeeded and became big, were the ones who immediately capitulated to being controlled by the conspiracy behind the American Stasi. It is why you see Facebook and not Myspace, and Samsung, and not Blackberry. Many Big Tech companies, I suspect, were actual planned creations of the conspiracy from the start, their founders merely actors who were employed play the role of accidental billionaire, and sell “their” companies as innocent, organic creations.

Google will be shown to be no different, and clearly the Streetview concept, which has enormous cost for almost no profit, is merely a cover for creating a database with these photos, taken of areas in hostile countries, where if you tried this as a “tourist” you would be detained and expelled, if not disappeared.

You continue to back out, and then drive to the left of the building photographed above. As you enter the far lane, the vehicle which began to nose out as you backed down, and which waited for you to leave, now comes down the hill and departs:

You can get a better look at the truck here as it passes:

Again, it could be innocent and coincidental. But you have to ask what are the probabilities that back here, and especially up there, a truck happens to come tearing down at that moment, as you pull out. How many drive around back here per day? What are the chances that in that ten second window, a truck pulls out? If it happens once, it might not mean anything. But if those unlikely probabilities build up, over and over, you may be looking at surveillance.

It appears the google car drove up the dirt road ahead to the left, but was stopped when it ran into this payloader:

The pay-loader could be coincidence, and just been digging there. But it is very convenient for surveillance. If you hit the minus key a few times until Google zooms you out to an overhead, and look at the overhead, had the google car, at the yellow circle, been allowed to proceed, it would have hit a network of dirt roads, represented in red below, which would have made following the Google car difficult for the surveillance team:

The yellow circle is where you are at the end of the blue dirt road with the payloader, the red roads are the rough dirt roads, in some places almost just ground which has been driven on a couple of times, probably by farmers in tractors, and the blue roads are regular roadways.

On those rough dirt roads, the type of traffic you have just encountered would seem overly strange. You do not often go four wheeling and see a plumber’s van jump the hill in front of you heading the other way, as a UPS truck does donuts in a muddy field to the side and bunch of sedans hit an intersection of dirt paths just as you do. They can’t blend in back there. There would not even be a pretense of a cover.

So surveillance cannot track you back there without just fully exposing themselves, which they do not like to do. Which would mean the surveillance would need to immediately deploy static posted positions as watchers to every point where a red path would re-enter a normal blue roadway, and have a team at each point prepared to pick you up before you escape. That would be about twelve posted commit units, with twelve teams set up to perform a pickup on each exit point. And there are other similar dirt roads on the other sides of some of those roads, so if you jumped the main road and hit a similar network of dirt paths on the other side, you could prove to be a real headache to track.

I see this because I have been under 24/7 surveillance so long, and want to lose it so badly. If that were me in that google car I would get past the pay-loader at full speed no matter the cost, hit those roads, pop out on the other side, go pedal to the metal, and be three counties over in about two minutes, all on dirt roads, before surveillance knew what had happened.

So is the pay-loader surveillance? In America, it probably would be. I would suspect one of the surveillance people either just got on it, or went to the front desk when you entered this area, flashed a government law enforcement ID of some kind, maybe fake even, and told someone to go up there and make sure the Google car did not pass. It could even have been a surveillance person driving it. Even I can drive a payloader – it is basically a big tractor, with two controls for the bucket up front, and a clutch and manual gearbox.

In America, surveillance might even have one of the workers there as an asset in the hidden version of Operation TIPS. Surveillance could even have gotten him the job, and could just phone him or page him on his phone app. Here I have no idea, but would suspect it was there due to surveillance somehow, given how it is exactly what the surveillance team would have wanted there, to contain the Google car’s movements.

When you are confronted with intelligence enough, you come to learn that when chance favors your enemy, 99 times out of 100 it is not chance, and they arranged it.

On your way out you pick up another follower. As you reach the bottom of the hill, this next older car on the right, parked parallel to your direction of travel, is kind of just sitting, cooling his heels. As you pass, I will shift to a look behind, and you will see him pull out to follow you out to the intersection:

Here you have passed him on your way out, and are looking back, and he has pulled out to follow you:

I suspect he is a mobile unit, but if you look closer, I think there was a posted unit there too in front of him. Notice the car door on this white vehicle in front of him as you pass:

As you continue to drive out, looking back:

There were no cars on the paved areas on the overhead. Look at how active it is just on the dirt area here.

You really need to go to Google, and take the streetview tour of this area yourself, in 2012, as it is a much more immersive experience, almost like video, to be able to jump from one position, to ten feet away with the click of a mouse, drag the screen, and see all these characters chasing you. As a target of the domestic American Stasi in America, I can tell you, that is the experience, minus the intimidation factor, and the harassment of being hit by microwave beams while laying in bed at night.

Finally, when I first assembled this piece, I noted that as you exit, because they used some imagery from when you went in, and some from when you went out, the timeline of photos jumped around as you moved, between entering and exiting.

However as you exited, the following image captured your approach to the street:

Note that just as you approach the intersection to leave, two cars happen to pass in both directions. I took the above photo as a screenshot from this address:


However for some reason Google again deleted the image from its database since then. But it was an example of surveillance doing driveby’s of an intersection as you approach, in such a way one of their two cars will lead you to the next intersection, no matter which way you go. Again, there is nothing back here and the overhead showed almost no traffic. What are the chances, two cars, going in opposite directions, cross just as your car approaches the intersection?

You have just had the experience of being a trained spy in a foreign land, who was operating under the watchful eye of local domestic surveillance, as you made your coverage right and left.

You are now massively more surveillance-aware than you were when we started. You know what this looks like, and how it operates. You have seen it, watching you pass.

Understand that you will see this on the streets in America, operating against you. It is in your neighborhood, it is following you periodically, and most terrifyingly, it is in your child’s school, monitoring them, using its own children to infiltrate their social circles and infiltrate their minds, to build files on them for the machine which wil follow them throughout their lives.

Because in America, this operation is not concerned with national security, or protecting the nation from foreign threats. It is concerned with protecting its conspiracy from you and your children. And it can be quite ruthless in pursuit of that mission objective. You do not want to be too effective in your efforts to succeed in life, or raise your children too well, to be too successful themselves.

So now in Google Streetview, you have a tool to develop your own surveillance awareness, and practice counter-surveillance detection routes and surveillance detection. Many have done this on my website, and now see their own surveillance following them in their own neighborhoods in America. You will see your’s as well. It is everywhere.

We will do a few more of these routes here in this book, there may be a second book devoted to them in the offing, and you can stop by the website to see even more, and experience them in a more immersive internet format.

As we do them in different nations, you will begin to see, whether it is Vietnamese villages using logs with wheels on one side, bolted to some kind of modified rototiller on the other, which they use to drive around on, or the little half-motorbike, half cars of Sri Lanka, or Iranian motorbike surveillance, no matter what nation’s security service you encounter, there will be commonalities to the overall surveillance procedures, particularly around intersections and decision points, which will turn you into a machine of pure surveillance detection. And that is vital, because you need to see what is operating in America.

Once you see the massive, sprawling surveillance in America, actually see something which should not be able to exist, see it with your own eyes in your own neighborhood, around you in real life, you will begin to realize the enormity of the problem facing “Free” America.

Additionally you will then begin to realize where you are looking at other elements of the criminal conspiracy, from in the news media, to Hollywood, to education, to business, to the Big Tech firms, to Washington DC, to all the social media “influencers” and “personalities” online, to people in your own life, and your children’s.

You will realize the dangers our country and humanity face, as well as how close to home the threats lie. And that will be the first step to rescuing the nation.

Now, in our next chapter, lets travel to rural Montana, and see if we can discover any surveillance operations operative there, in the United States of America.

3 Responses to Chapter Four – Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience – The Bulgarian Roundabout

  1. Chief_Tuscaloosa says:

    MS Word grammar/spellcheck, but I skipped where your word choice was just preference for most part.

    American Stasi: Your neighbors (recommend colon for readability)
    Mind-blowing (hyphen or space suggestion from MS Word same reason above)
    esp missing “.”
    suveillance without r
    acquaintance of your’s (vs yours)
    ie should be i.e. (few times)
    black-eye’d should be eyed
    imagry should be imagery
    lets should be let’s (few times)
    fo rthat should be for that
    countersurveillance recommended hyphen or space
    url recommend URL
    wa in BJ’s should be was
    Untied States should be United
    reality is is should be it is
    ony desire should be only
    offgassing recommend hyphen or space
    roll should be role
    laying should be lying
    driveby’s should be drivebys (might consider hyphen or space)
    wil follow should be will follow
    your’s should be yours
    StasiProudly needs a space

    This is just me: Operation TIPS paragraph in Ch. 4 so critical that not only do I think you should bold-face it here in this chapter, I would consider first page of your book. It was staggering to me also when they tried to make Cabal legitimate at those numbers–I believe a newbie to reality should also consider those #s just in NYC and comparison to Stasi fits perfectly with intro to your book I would shove it in reader’s face. This is real, and they told us how many they wanted. Minimum.

  2. Chief_Tuscaloosa says:

    Another point you might consider making on TIPS before detractors to your book show up: failure of TIPS bill doesn’t mean Cabal surveillance doesn’t exist anyway, it just means Congress can’t make us pay for it with taxpayer funds.


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