Chapter One – What Is The Premise Of This Book?

I have seen something unimaginable in my own life, and if you will bear with me through this book, it is designed to open your eyes, to allow you to see it too.

I hope you will grant me the indulgence, because unless I can get all Americans to see what I have seen, our nation will be collapsed by a hidden foreign enemy, and our children will be raised in the wreckage, forced every day to fight for their lives against an enemy they will not be able to defeat.

In the shadows, likely over centuries, global elites, with more money and real power than we could imagine, have assembled a massive global, private-sector, CIA-like operation. It is essentially a complete intelligence agency, with professional intelligence operatives, and an extensive East German Stasi-like ground network of civilian informants, embedded in Western nations, all around you, made up of your neighbors. The only thing it does not have is a nation to serve and any kind of oversight body to reign in its excesses.

The intelligence operation is too complicated to expound upon full in this book. It permeates politics, business, culture, the news media, the intelligence community and the judiciary, and its purpose is exerting control over the population as it drains the national treasury.

What this book will do it train you to see the Stasi-like surveillance machine this intelligence operation has constructed in the US, made up of people all throughout your community, whose whole lives are devoted to spying on you for this machine.

We will do it in a creative fashion. We will go overseas, in Google streetview, in hostile nations which will view an American vehicle taking pictures as an intelligence threat, and we will show you what the surveillance deployed on the Google car looks like. We will explain how it operates, and why it does the unique things it does, using the pictures the Google car took, as it drove around those nations.

Then we will use Google Streetview to drive around the United States, and show you the same surveillance machinery tracking the Google car in the USA. As you see these images, it will program your brain to understand how surveillance works, to know what it looks like, and from there it will be a matter of time until you see this surveillance in your own community.

Those elites who created it have deployed this machine throughout numerous nations, infiltrating the nation’s governments, co-opting their intelligence agencies, and subverting their law enforcement, building the operation up to gargantuan proportions. Presently they are using it to infiltrate and take over America, so it may be collapsed, most likely for simple profit through some sort of investment positioning.

All around you, this Stasi-like intelligence service has been operating in America for decades – citizens who look just like you, embedded in every neighborhood, watching and reporting anything they think will get them credit with Management, acting as junior wannabe covert agents. Under certain circumstances, they will even intervene in those circumstances to alter life-paths of individuals as directed to by their command.

Even the children of the people who are in the informant network are trained as junior spies, and given to units assigned to local schools. Most likely organized as “training” operations, the files these children help the machine create, and the life interventions they perform on other children likely follow those they cross paths with for the rest of their lives. In investigating this network you will see the children post photos to social media from some sort of organized program they attend in Florida, where they are trained under instructors in wrap-around sunglasses wearing what look like placards with FBI logos, in some sort of weeks-long sleep-away camps devoted to surveillance training.

The entire purpose of this surveillance machine is to control regular Americans like you, and make sure you never rise too high, or can pose any sort of threat, in a system that is so corrupt and evil at the upper levels that no normal person would ever stand for it, if they rose high enough to see how it operated up there. From pedophile blackmail operations like Jeffrey Epstein’s to abuses of power to raid the national treasury, bad things happen at those upper levels, and the machine intends to keep that secret, and not allow anyone decent or honest to get too close to it.

It sounds ridiculous, given how the public schools always told you that you were in full control. I know, I was told the same lies, and I believed them too.

They tell you that you elect the government, which is filled with weak people too afraid to act out against you, for fear you will elect a different leader next time.

But look at the world. If we elected our politicians, they would look to please us, for if they did not, someone else would run against them who would please us, and we would vote for them.

Yet instead of striving for our approval, politicians today waltz into office, and flout low single digit approval ratings in our faces as they free criminals, import migrants, give away our tax dollars to anyone they can find – and they are rarely unseated. When they are unseated, even by a member of the opposition party, the new politician will end up doing the exact same thing.

They fight wars we have no care for, give everyone but hardworking Americans foreign aid – even our enemies like the Taliban – even as our nation goes bankrupt – and they openly accumulate what is to us unimaginable wealth that hardworking Americans could never dream of, through graft, theft, and insider trading.

If we elected our leaders, things would work differently. This government would be eager to please us. And if we do not elect our leaders, why on earth would our all powerful intelligence agencies, manned by a Deep State we will never even see named, fear us?

How did we end up not electing our leaders, and losing control of the government of the United States? It did not happen by chance. Rigging American elections would have been the product of an incredibly complex intelligence operation, which would have been capable of executing its plans while leaving nothing to chance. And such an intelligence operation would absolutely require an extensive surveillance network on the ground. Comprehensive surveillance is the foundation of all intelligence activity, as it is the only way to gain the extensive awareness of all possible variables necessary to control the course of events in such a complex operation.

Just the contempt shown by our supposedly elected individuals for the average American citizen indicates that there is something out there, controlling the system. Something massive, permeating all the parts of society. And to maintain control, it would need an intelligence service like the Stasi. Something capable of watching the human terrain at a granular level, assessing every single person and what they were up to at regular, not-infrequent intervals, and controlling those who threatened to become problematic before they could pose a threat.

To make you unable to see such a Stasi-like operation, it would need to feed everyone lies, beginning at a very early age, and it has.

The lies you were told made sense. We are all free.” Anyone can be anything they want to be.” “Nobody could spy on you in your house, as the East German Stasi used to – that would be ridiculous.” You elect your leaders, so you control them.” Did you believe them? Has it worked like they said? Do you feel in control?

I believed them, and so did you. It was the world you would want, and you assumed everyone else wanted it too, so why not? Our Constitution limits our government’s power.” You probably retold the lies to other Americans like yourself, while believing them. The three branches of government would constrain each other through Checks and Balances.” Other Americans like you recited the lies as well. “If there was a conspiracy, our intrepid news media would expose it, so as to become famous and rich.”

It made sense. You would expose it. But then you are not influential in the news media or politics. But still, we must elect our leaders. What kind of lunatic would not want to live in a country where we elect our leaders?

Well, in East Germany, there were apparently more than a few who actively worked to create the despotism which trapped everyone else behind the East German wall. Estimates vary, and there are no hard numbers, but according to one former Stasi colonel who served in the counterintelligence directorate, the Stasi likely employed somewhere in the area of 2 million citizen informants spying on the population, which at the time would have been about 29% of the East German population. Those 29% had no problem helping a dictatorial government wrangle the rest of the population, in return for a few more crumbs than the average East German was given.

Although we all want to believe Americans would never do that to fellow citizens, human nature is human nature, and that human nature is fairly consistent from population to population.

From what I have seen in my own community, and traveling in the US, it would appear the American Stasi has been able to recruit somewhere between 4% and 10% of the American population to spy on the rest of the nation, and when called upon, to torment them as well. It would comport with the one time this network almost became an official government agency, when Operation TIPS was briefly enacted, only to later be outlawed.

I can say for a fact, in America there is a massive group of citizens, apart from those of us who believe in the principles of liberty, freedom, and privacy, and they have kept themselves well-hidden as they have concealed a massive secret from us. I have seen these people with my own eyes. They want a government which knows all your secrets, and which can torture you physically, at will. They crave it.

I assume this machine has sought to identify these citizens while they were still children in school, with agents of the American Stasi using their own children, operating under the command of adults in the conspiracy, to find them, probe them, and mark them for induction into this conspiracy later in life.

The recruits do not want that world where anyone can be anything. I assume when this machine told them it could give them power, if they would join it and help suppress you, they jumped at the chance.

These people rebuilt the East German Stasi, entirely in secret, in America. I have seen it with my own eyes, and before you finish this book, you will have seen it with your eyes as well. You will have no doubt.

And it is not just watching. I have felt the effects of directed energy weapons, and recorded the changes in EM fields, all of which is available for your review at I have even found cases where other Americans who have complained of the same thing have recorded almost identical recordings. This thing has grown to be far more horrific than you would think possible.

And I am not alone. This book will show you that the former head of the technology division at the National Security Agency, the man who was fourth in command at the NSA on 9/11, legendary crypto-mathematician Bill Binney, joined numerous other intelligence officers at a website, (Archive here) (since shut down by American Intelligence), where they all attested to the fact that the US intelligence community is zapping Americans, on American soil, with Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), outside of any legal or judicially approved oversight or government mandate.

As we will show you, in an interview, Bill himself will describe installing steel shielding to try and diminish the power of the energy beams reaching him, only to have his government intelligence community harassment team literally blow two holes through the steel sheeting with some kind of energy-beam weapon. Bill, formerly the head of all technology development at NSA, who oversaw all of the agency’s most advanced prototype technology, will tell you he has never seen any device remotely like it.

This thing has acted, and is acting right now, criminally, to assault regular Americans, who would not casually abide by the creation of the East German Stasi in this great nation. It is happening, I have seen it myself. In this book you will be shown reams of evidence in support of it – enough that by the time you finish this book, you will have no doubts. You will know how the world really works. You will know what they have hidden from you.

Today, I would estimate the civilian informants number between 4% and 10% of the population, perhaps not quite as large as the East German Stasi’s civilian operation, but supported by technologies the East German Stasi could not imagine.

By the end of this book, I think you will understand that such a circumstance, unless rigorously guarded against by stalwart patriots, willing to do anything to protect freedom, will arise without fail, because these people will always lurk in the shadows, looking for the opportunity to seize full control. The moment they do not encounter resistance, the moment they catch us sleeping and the population assumes it could never happen and does not actively fight against it, they will advance, and create that East German Stasi, as quickly as they can, to clamp down control.

And sadly, for many decades, now, the stalwart patriots of America have slept, confident nobody could ever seek to corrupt our great nation.

Of course of late, due to the extent of the purposeful destruction of the nation, our patriots have begun to awaken. It is becoming increasingly difficult to not see what is happening, and not realize there are great hidden forces at work, seeking to destroy the nation.

I suspect that as we reach the climax of that awakening, a great civil war is in the offing, pitting patriots against genuine traitors in service of evil – the freedom-loving Americans against the quislings spying on them for the foreign powers who seek our destruction.

I have been investigating all of this for a decade, and from what I see, before all is said and done, in the very near future, Americans are going to have to choose between an all-powerful tyrannical shadow-dictatorship courtesy of our intelligence community, or the limited government of a free Constitutional republic that we were promised.

It has taken me a decade of seeing the American Stasi first hand, for the disbelief to give way to a depressed acceptance that there are Americans who are not even vaguely committed to all the principles of freedom and opportunity which we hold so dear, and who would so happily sell out the nation for their own personal gain.

From my observations, they view us as an enemy, since we would oppose their conspiracy. A hapless, stupid enemy, blind to what is right in front of us, probably even an amusingly incompetent enemy, but an enemy to be contained, none the less.

All of your life, you have believed you were looking at one America, where we were all a team, all on equal footing, and committed to the same cause. Meanwhile behind the scenes, this secret society of surveillance people was in the shadows in each of our communities, striving to control the lives of many, many Americans, maybe even almost all of us.

Their advantages lay in covert intelligence techniques they used to spy on us, advanced technologies to adversely impact our health, and the operation’s knowledge and expansiveness, which allows it to manipulate the people and events we encounter.

You will see that even its children were deployed to spy on our children in the schools, working as covert agents under the command of adult intelligence officers, building up extensive files on our children before they even left grade school, and even manipulating them through the provision of pornography, drugs, alcohol, and even sex.

All of this happened while we were told such a thing could never happen in America, anyone who said otherwise was bad and someone to be ostracized, and indeed, all such conspiracy theories were always wrong.

Our “thought leaders” have been denying it even as accounts began to bubble up, of “gangstalking,” where regular people reported being placed under aggressive domestic surveillance operations designed to harass and intimidate, which sounded exactly like the old Stasi “Zersetzung” (“decomposition”) gaslighting operations that were used to intimidate and harass East German citizens until they mentally broke down (decomposed).

We fell for the denials because we all assumed it was not possible. Americans would not do that to fellow countrymen. We are different.

As mass shooters, who were previously respected people, like Navy Veteran and IT specialist Aaron Alexis, or Assistant District Attorney Myron Mays, suddenly went on shooting sprees, leaving behind messages claiming to have been harassed by a domestic surveillance operation of unimaginable size, we ignored the cases as aberrations.

When they claimed they had been “beamed” through their walls with microwave weapons, which at the time sounded ridiculous, but which we now know from the reports of Havana syndrome actually exist, and present exactly as they described, we disregarded their testimonies as implausible. Of course as we will recount, you have to confront the fact that they described the finer nuances of something which could only have been so accurately described back then, had they actually experienced it.

We believed our government was constrained by the fact we elected our leaders, our intelligence agencies were under strict Congressional oversight and subservient to us, and our nation was ruled by a system of law and order which would punish criminality.

And of course conspiracies never form anyway, and groups never work together to break the law for personal gain, especially those in the intelligence field, because we are all too nice and people frown on that.

Finally, if all else failed, we had a free and intrepid news media, which was assiduously honest and committed to truth, uncontrolled by anyone, and not in any way attached to our intelligence services or compromised with controlled assets. It would immediately tell us if anything ever went wrong. To think anything else would be to become a dreaded conspiracy theorist, promulgating “misinformation.”

It all sounds incredibly stupid and retarded when you say it out loud now. But all along the way we could see ourselves in any of those roles of authority protecting freedom, from a government worker, to an FBI Agent, to a reporter, to a politician, to an intelligence officer. We would protect freedom. And most people were like us. Why wouldn’t it be like that?

The answer, in a word is “intelligence.” Or rather, “intelligence officers.” They are the psychopathic sharks of human society, absent all morals and decency, trained and conditioned to take power for themselves, deceive everyone, and destroy anything nice, replacing it with a controlled criminal dystopia run by them for their own personal gain.

At some point, intelligence entered the domestic American scene. It may have begun quite early in our nation’s history, as a wounded King sought to regain some control over his lost colony, and set about locating and reactivating his revolutionary war spy network in the newly formed America. Having found them it would be a small measure to simply promise them a fortune from the King’s treasury, and elevate them to high positions in society with power and control, so that one day they might be elected to high office, in return for their loyalty to the supposedly defeated Monarch, who would eventually rule a puppet government from the shadows.

From there, the network would grow, until our “leaders” were mostly under foreign control. Absent resistance, that is how it would go – and from what I see, there was no resistance.

Given it is estimated as much as 4% of the population is on the Antisocial (psychopathic/sociopathic) Personality Disorder spectrum, there was a ready pool of recruits from the start, for any intelligence operation which required individuals with no morals, and willing to do anything for their own advancement.

In addition, an intelligence operation could augment the American population of psychopaths by preferentially importing still more foreign psychopaths which they found overseas, eager to betray anyone around them for the most minor of gains, wherever they land in the country. All they would have to do is push the meme in society that America was not a nation of patriots, but rather a nation of immigrants.

And given there are numerous others within the country to be recruited, such as immigrants with citizenship issues, criminals facing lengthy prison sentences, people in financial distress, or merely the greedy and craven, it would appear this network has been easily able to build its civilian informant network up to unbelievable levels.

After decades, at least, of unfettered expansion, this network has extensively permeated through every facet of American society which has any ability to influence or educate the citizenry – politics, the judiciary, law enforcement, intelligence, arts and culture, the criminal underworld, the news media, book publishing, high finance, the public and private school systems, social clubs, the private sector business environment, real estate, and on and on – it is throughout it all.

The intelligence organization’s full operational structure and capability is beyond the scope of one book, and likely even several volumes. It would take a small library to do the full scale of all its operations, from graft, to murder, to blackmail, to narcotics importation, to human trafficking, and much more, justice. It appears to have taken most political offices, and is sustaining itself through outright graft from the national treasury, as well as several income sources in the private sector, both legitimate and criminal.

While detailing the entire operation in one book would be impossible, what the American Stasi series of books, beginning with this one, is intended to do is to expose the average citizen to the keystone of the conspiracy – the massive and sprawling domestic surveillance network made up of embedded civilians, and modeled on the East German Stasi, which this operation has constructed within the United States, and deployed in every neighborhood.

We will attempt to show you and explain each part of the exposed structural elements of the surveillance operation to monitor and observe you and your children, which you will encounter all throughout your life. You will see where its behaviors deviate from the norm, you will be shown why this happens, and you will eventually see these things in your own life, because this thing is surveilling us all.

It is our hope, once revealed, everyone will see this operation in their own neighborhoods, at which point, we as a nation can begin to figure out what needs to be done to free ourselves of this menace.

The surveillance is the most exposed portion of the conspiracy from what I see, the least professional, and the portion which you will have all around you. It will prove the most obvious piece of this conspiracy. Thus you will be able to most easily see it with your own eyes. Once you see it, you will instinctively infer the rest must exist.

If that does not make sense now, once you see the surveillance, it will. You will realize an operation that massive was created for something much bigger than any mere domestic security purpose.

This machine is a well-developed network of fellow citizens who have pledged to work for the conspiracy at the grassroots level against us, for some personal benefit. We are not entirely sure what they get, as none have yet broken ranks to explain what their motivations are, but it is probably the same as in East Germany.

First and foremost, they get some safety from the machine itself. Later they can get access to jobs, money, power, and influence which would otherwise elude them, since the machine has evolved itself to control access to it all.

To get that, they are spying on everyone they know, as well as reaching out and forming “friendships” with people the conspiracy sends them to meet and spy on, so they can report back to command, and accrue their benefits.

This surveillance machine is organized, and complex. It has broken the nation up into “neighborhood” sectors. It has planted one surveillance commander/file-archivist in command of each neighborhood sector, with several other surveillance people planted in houses which it appears the command chooses for them, to maximize the penetration and coverage of the neighborhood, as well as proximity to targets of interest.

Together they are tasked with the responsibility of using all of the assets in the neighborhood for the purpose of “knowing” everyone in the neighborhood, essentially on a personal level.

You probably have never met your archivist, but they will know you intimately. And if the machine ever needs it, they will be able to offer a profile of you as detailed as that which any loved one you know could produce, backed up with videos, audio recordings, transcripts (some incredibly private, from inside the most interior portions of your house), reports from “friends” and more.

The surveillance commander/archivist and his minions will draw upon CIA-level technologies which can backdoor your electronic devices, listen in your home, even watch you move around in your home from through the walls and ceilings. In addition they are given the ability to co-opt other government assets, from local Police officers, to civil service workers, as well as draw upon the resources of a fully functional domestic intelligence agency with capabilities ranging from diverting shipped packages and installing technology in devices you have ordered from Amazon so they can spy on you, to supplying access to the most sensitive databases in the nation, to supplying specialized teams capable of breaking into your home while you are out at work, to tasking loitering aviation assets overhead to your location which can “see” into your home through the roof, using advanced thermal imaging, radar, and other technologies.

And of course, they will draw upon the massive Stasi-like network of civilian informants, made up of four to ten percent of the population as of this writing, who they can direct to follow and surveil you in-person periodically. You may only receive the full surveillance treatment for a few days every few years, to fill out their files, but it will allow them to make sure they know you well enough that if you ever become an issue for the machine, the machine can call them up and they will know everything about you, from what brands of food you buy, to even intimate, personal details. In the interim, they will as part of their daily duties, periodically tune into your home as they “peek” in each house each night, just to see what your family is talking about, and what you are up to.

The file on you will be massive. Your file will begin with observations of you by children of surveillance people who you went to school with, beginning as early as kindergarten. The children will provide the observations as a sort of training program which prepares them for their Stasi-responsibilities in adulthood.

However even though performed under the rubric of training, the training observations will still end up in your file, rather than be thrown away.

There may even be records of interventions in your life. As we will discuss, it is believed now, by many who have seen the actual surveillance, that the ubiquitous “porn fairy,” is this operation, provisioning selected children with pornography to addict them to dopamine early in life to make them more controllable as adults. That is but one example we will go into later. As we will show, some interventions may become more ominous when the child’s file indicates abilities and psychological tendencies which could prove more problematic at adulthood. From alcohol, to drugs, to actual sex and molestation, this machine will use any tool necessary to control the life-paths of the children it chooses to target.

You file will also include material from files generated by the neighborhood surveillance of your parents, which caught material about you. Transcripts of conversations inside your childhood home, details gleaned from your family’s surveillance, reports from “family friendsyou bumped into at gatherings, who subtly pumped you for information and then gleefully delivered it to your handlers – it will all follow you for your entire life as this thing builds its picture of you.

As an adult, the files will contain transcripts of conversations from inside your house which were picked up when your surveillance was being periodically updated, reports from people they sent in periodically to observe you, interact with you, and see what your deal was, even reports from surveillance teams documenting what you purchased on some shopping outings you went out on, while they loitered nearby and got on the checkout line behind you to snap a photo of your purchases on the conveyor. And of course your file will have all the database stuff we already know they collect.

Of special focus will be any blackmailable information, in the event it is ever needed. Chances are, they have videos of most people in some sort of embarrassing situation, from sex in college, to illicit drug use, to documentation of affairs, just because it is probably a mission priority to acquire that on everyone at some point, just in case it is needed one day.

The male or female archivist in your neighborhood assigned to know everyone in it, will know stuff about you that you would not believe. It is just the way it works. We gave them more money and power than the Stasi had following 9/11, told them they could keep anything secret from us under the rubric of national security, never resisted this because we felt a dystopia such as they created could not possibly happen, and we trusted them to always be honest and upstanding.

This is what happens when you do that with intelligence officers, who are quite frankly, the scum of the earth. I am sure at times they have marveled at how foolish and naive the entire nation was. I have no doubt, they only viewed your trust of them as rank stupidity.

The sad fact is, the United States government was not special. The politicians running it were basically the same as the old East German politicians. The people manning our domestic intelligence machine were just as psychopathic and assiduous in their aspirations of dictatorial control as the old East German intelligence officers. None of that was different, and we were foolish enough to trust them.

The only differences today were that they have developed, and kept secret, technologies for spying on you which you would not believe possible, and the United States had a level of money to throw at all of this which the old East Germans had dared not even dream of.

If you know what to look for you will see this machine all around your neighborhood and town. There are a lot of people in the network, and it is now big enough it has people stationed at most shopping centers all of the time, waiting for priority targets to arrive to shop. I have already been showing people this material on my website for years, and now thousands have seen it, with many coming back to excitedly report they saw their neighborhood crews, and it was everything I have told them it would be.

From readers at my site:

I finally saw the neighborhood field surveillance teams!

Earlier this week I was out with a couple of my junior engineers doing preliminary field reconnaissance for a Corps of Engineers project on the Texas gulf coast. (Miles of seawall)

We were in a neighborhood approximately 1/2 mile from the bay, We all had our safety gear on and one of us had a survey rod, another had a camera and a white board, we are looking around taking pictures of culverts and channels etc. Neighborhood has really big lots, houses are really spread out (figure 1/4 acre) in lower economic class.

We weren’t parked more than 2 minutes than all of the sudden at the intersection east of us (about 50 yds) it turns into a parade. We couldn’t hardly talk to each other because of the amount of road noise, in a residential neighborhood! I would say in a 2 minute span there was 15 cars/motorcycles that traveled by us.

I just started laughing and said to one of my young’ins wow it’s like a parade! The engineer replied maybe it’s the neighborhood watch got word that we were in the neighborhood! Very blue pilled and we all had a laugh but wow you weren’t kidding on spooling up the assets when something ‘strange’ shows up in their area.

But it was your teaching that made me realize what was going on, not a single one of them slowed down and looked at us, even though we were stomping around with equipment and a camera with hi-viz vests. Everywhere else we stopped on that day people would look at us or stop and ask questions about what we were working on…

Fascinating to say the least.

Another reader pipes up:

I’ve read the stuff on surveillance including showing it through Google Streetview. But I live in suburban Melbourne Australia and have never seen it here (I do a lot of cycling, especially at the moment with the way our Dictator Daniel Andrews has us in lockdown). I like simple hypotheses to test so this morning I decided to try and prove it wrong in my allotted 2 hours of exercise.

One of the great things about cycling is that you’re in touch with the environment around you in a way that is difficult in a car – you don’t have the background noise of an engine when moving, you’re not travelling as fast, you can sit up and look around easily. All of your senses can work unhindered. It’s one of the things I’ve always liked about cycling but also lends itself to this sort of observation. Cars going as slowly as a bicycle will stand out easily and there’s all sorts of tricks you can use to justify going slowly or stopping, forcing cars to overtake you etc.

The method I used was to try and stick to back streets as much as possible (to avoid the normal traffic that is always there on main roads) and at every intersection or decision point where I could choose from multiple directions I’d record if there was someone in a position to observe that decision. In particular I was looking for people walking/jogging close to the intersection and cars. Note that I ignored streets that were dead-ends when counting the intersections – a lot of the housing estates I rode through had heaps of short courts that didn’t seem necessary to monitor since they didn’t lead anywhere. I took a pretty cruisy pace – usually only 15km/h so I could focus on my surroundings.

I rode a total of 38km and counted 208 decision points. Of those 208, I was able to detect there was someone who could observe my choice at 144 of them (69%). It was a Sunday morning so a lot of people are out walking/mowing the lawn etc and on its own this number doesn’t prove/disprove anything. I also probably made a few mistakes as I was keeping track in my head.

The thing that got me (and I noticed VERY quickly) was how few people I observed walking were on the long stretches between intersections – it appeared that almost everyone was walking within a short distance of intersections that were a decision point. I began to focus more on riding along streets that weren’t feeder streets to observe what was happening and it became quite clear that the location of people walking was strongly biased to within a short distance of intersections that were decision points.

I also observed a lot of cars exiting their driveways as I came along. Nothing out of the ordinary here… but possibly because that’s what I’ve always seen and it appears normal, even if statistically abnormal! One time I tried a mini experiment when I noticed a path running between two streets. I went down the path but stopped at a point where there was only one house that could observe my location and then sat there for about 2 minutes. No cars went down either street during that time. I then took a bet with myself what was the chance that there would be a car pulling out of a driveway/starting up as I came onto the street. Sure enough, someone backed out of their driveway as I pulled onto that street. Proves nothing on its own, but adds to my suspicions!

Another time I had a car coming behind me as I approached a T intersection. I pulled over so they would have to go first. They turned right and I slowly followed them, but stopped on the side of the road. They came to a halt in the middle of the road about 150-200m down the road and sat there for about half a minute. It was getting weird as they hadn’t even pulled to the side – just stopped in the middle of the road with no plausible reason. Eventually a car in the house they were stopped in front of started backing out and as it came in site, they left. Over the next little while I felt like this scene from The Truman Show with cars coming from everywhere. I’m only talking about 5 cars or so, but it seemed way out of proportion! In addition, a couple of ladies came along delivering junk mail and stood at the corner across the road from me for a minute or so discussion where to go next. They had come along the street I’d just come from and I didn’t notice them. I wish I had a video camera to go back and see if I had passed them earlier!

In the 5 minutes or so I sat at that spot, I saw about 4 cars pull into or out of houses in one short section (where that first car stopped in the middle of the road). It really makes we wonder if there’s something special about that location!

It would be really interesting to do a statistical analysis of where people are walking. When you regularly go along back streets that are 500-800m long and don’t see anyone walking along the sections away from the end intersections (or only rarely) and then consistently find people within 20-50m of the intersection, you have to wonder what the odds of it are as I’m pretty sure it’s way outside what you’d expect to see!

I’m probably doomed to always notice this now – thanks!

Another reader, another awakening:

I had never talked about your site to my wife before but after reading that post I mentioned it to her explaining what you had said. We regularly go for an evening walk on a bike path that parallels the main road into our neighborhood. On that evening as we started walking to the west a small Cessna airplane began flying a pattern. They’d fly toward the road, turn parallel to the road, then fly some distance to the northwest then west and loop back. Every time on the return leg, the plane reached the road at the point adjacent where we were on the bike path. This continued for several miles until we reached the end of the path. Normally we stop there and admire the sun setting behind the mountains. When we stopped this time the plane no longer continued moving to the west but looped so that when it reached the road it was consistently across from where we were standing. Then as we started back home the plane now flew the pattern to the east, again reaching the road at the point where we were walking. Finally, I said let’s stop and see what happens. We stood there for a good 10 minutes and the plane stayed in a pattern to always reach the road where we were standing. When we started walking again, the plane again tracked us until we reached the road to our house at which point it flew away. That experience made me a believer in what you say. I think the reason they did what they did is exactly what you’ve said many times. They do it because they can. Because they get bored and because they like to mess with people. I’m not important to any one in any way so it’s not about that. It’s because, as you’ve said, they can do it so they do it for whatever reason. In this particular instance I think they happened to be monitoring our home, heard what I said, and decided to have some fun. For context we’ve lived here for several years. I have never before or since seen any planes flying patterns around here. I’m outdoors a lot because I enjoy being outside, so I know I would have noticed if flying patterns around here was a regular occurrence.

There have been many more over the years. The American Stasi is everywhere, and if you are an independent thinker, they will be well acquainted with you, your file will be substantial, and you will have watchers. We were merely told it did not work this way because they wanted us to remain weak, vulnerable, and unaware.

Of course my website doesn’t spread online as well as it should. We are actively suppressed by the intelligence operations assigned to control the dialog online to a degree you would not believe.

Antivirus programs will try to divert readers away from the site, despite the fact I hired a professional service which scans my site regularly and would not allow any malware on it. Some readers have noted that while they can see my site, other parts of the internet are walled off from them, possibly to prevent them from spreading information outward. A reader once sat down with two other people, and found that their phone and computer would not display the social media pages of the people they sat down with, as if they did not exist. When I check Google, and do searches for specific topics I have covered, Google will not show those pages, but will instead return pages with completely unrelated material.

Still, we have amassed a core of independent thinkers, and those who see this material, eventually see the surveillance themselves, and realize how the world really works.

The book will begin by showing you what surveillance looks like in Russia. We will use Google Streetview, and as the Google car drives around Russia taking pictures, you will get to see a real Russian surveillance team track it, using all the techniques of surveillance. We will explain what you are seeing, as well as why they are utilizing each of their techniques.

Once you have seen one foreign surveillance team, and begun to familiarize yourself with how to spot elite-level covert surveillance, we will take you to Bulgaria, and show you how the Bulgarians do it. You will see all the same techniques, repeated slightly differently, but you will immediately see how they are being done for the same purposes.

From there, we will hit the Midwest of America. There you will see the same techniques, and realize, the Google car is being surveilled right here in America, by a machine made up of regular citizens from the town, so large it is nearly unbelievable. Then we will show it to you in Southern California, before heading up to the remote wilds of Alaska. Even there, you will see that the prying eyes of the American Stasi never blink.

Then we are going to take a moment to show you how the surveillance appears to be involved in some murders of innocent citizens, so you will process that what you are seeing is a criminal surveillance operation, and not regular national security or law enforcement.

From there, we will show you some videos of what the foot surveillance in America looks like, from the children employed as walkers to the adults who send you off from your home, and then swarm you in the department store.

At that point we will show you how esteemed individuals from all walks of society, from the intelligence community, to the government, have discussed this surveillance, and even been assaulted with directed energy weapons in their homes.

To emphasize the operation’s criminality, we will then review the cases of a sizable number of the law enforcement officers it has gotten killed, before we move on, and discuss what needs to be done to free our people and save our nation from this plague, and how to operate against it.

We will finish with a general look at what the future likely holds, and how beautiful this nation will be once we are rid of it, before finally asking you to help us spread this work by sending a few letters around, anonymously.

I have invested everything I have in this work. I have put my mind, body and soul into it, even as I was getting zapped in the head, in middle of the night to degrade my brain function. I have endured all these slings and arrows for my country, and the people in it who are my kind of American.

My only request in return is, if you find this work worthy, and if you too love this country and want it to be great again, make a few copies of a chain letter and send them around so we can make everyone aware of this horrific abomination, and we can begin the work we will need to do in order too be rid of it. I have tried spreading it online, that environment is too controlled. For this to spread, we must return to the way of the Founders, and use the good old fashioned pamphleteering of the first Revolution. For our purposes, the old tricks are the best tricks, even in the age of technology.

Now, on to your training, in Chapter Two, The Google Streetview Surveillance Course.

iKoehler, John O. (2000). Stasi: The Untold Story of the East German Secret Police. Westview Press.. p. 8-9. ISBN 978-0-8133-3744-9.

iiLenzenweger, Mark F.; Lane, Michael C.; Loranger, Armand W.; Kessler, Ronald C. (September 2007). “DSM-IV Personality Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication.” Biological Psychiatry. 62 (6): 553–564.

8 Responses to Chapter One – What Is The Premise Of This Book?

  1. Jimmy says:


    “We will explain how it operates, and wy it does the unique things it does”

    Also search text for “ae”

    Brilliantly written intro and first chapter. Unlike you warned at your other site, this is not boring in the slightest. Congrats as well on writing both style and content that is not only accessible to all but inviting to many.

  2. Chief_Tuscaloosa says:

    dangit, just saw: “Streeview Surveillance” on hyperlink to next chapter missing a T

  3. Huck says:

    AC, great work. A dedicated site focused on the Cabal’s neighborhood surveillance operation is an enormous contribution to our country and its patriots. You continue to inspire. Thank you.

    FWIW, I’d recommend breaking up this long intro with several section titles/headers – make it a little more readable, the better for new readers to fully comprehend the scale of this criminal enterprise we’re subject to.

  4. Anonymous says:

    You should include your investigations into the Gilgo Beach case and the Idaho college murders as case studies., they were groundbreaking.

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