Domestic Intelligence Is Spying On You And Your Children

The following video was recorded by a relative. As they tended to plants near their driveway entrance, two children-spies of the American Secret Police, the American Stasi, walked in front of their house on the public street, loudly proclaiming they had followed a resident of the house that day, in what was seen as an intimidation/irritation technique. A surveillance camera the kids had missed, caught the interaction:

No resident of the house had ever talked with or known anyone in either child’s family, nor should the children have known anyone at the home they were walking by.

Shortly before the video was made, a longtime neighbor moved out quietly in the middle of the night with no warning, and their family was replaced by the family of the second child in the video.

He was a child in what appeared to be a covert surveillance family, embedded in American society, that worked for the American Secret Police. His family had been moved into the house, as part of a broad surveillance operation watching all of my family and family-friends, in numerous residences, after I became active in politics.

The mother appeared to be some kind of local surveillance commander, and led many follows of everyone associated with me. I would be driving, while out, and see her in a convertible sports car, off at a distance, or parked in the middle of the oncoming lane of traffic in the road, just talking on her cellphone, or even driving right behind me at times.

Because the residence above was remote, many of the surveillance people in the town sent their children there for playdates with the surveillance kids of that family, often in large groups of twenty or thirty, and the children talked freely and loudly, given the remoteness of the locale.

It turns out the parent surveillance people of the American Stasi, who work as covert informers/surveillance people embedded in our society, spying on us for the Secret Police, raise their children in the conspiracy, teaching them surveillance techniques they will use as adults. Those thirty to forty children who had play-dates at that house, were not just following regular citizens around as they went shopping.

Their regular assignment was to work in the local school. There, they would spy on other students, under orders from adult intelligence officers who ran that school-unit – one of many, in a program with established operations at all schools, that assess all students and build files on all of them, while they are naive and trusting in their youth. They are especially interested in any compromising information the child-spies can locate. These surveillance-children will never speak of this operation, and the kids they spy on will most likely never know, unless this work becomes well known.

The purpose of the operation was to identify children who were rising too high, too fast, while having psychological traits which could cause trouble for the American Stasi once they reached adulthood, had they grown too rich or successful, or worse, political. If a child appeared on course to be a millionaire, and they had a particular disdain for corruption, or the victimization of the weak, the American Stasi would take measures to limit their rise, so they definitely would not become a problem later.

The methods of limiting their rise are varied, and you have probably heard of some of them. There is the infamous “porn fairy,” which you can look up on Google. Intelligence officers, noting where your child would play during surveillance, would leave a large stash of pornography for them, hoping to addict them to sex by overloading them with sexual stimuli while they were still in that psychological developmental-window at age ten to thirteen.

The internet is filled with accounts of the “Porn Fairy,” who somehow always knew where children played, and would leave them bags of pornography. We discuss this phenomenon later in great detail, with extensive documentation, examining the history of it as an intelligence tactic, where actual nation-state intelligence operations have taken over an area in war, and begun broadcasting pornography over the TV stations to weaken the will and energy of the enemy, whose land they are occupying. I will even describe my own experience as a child, in which I actually met the porn fairy.

I have also had people email me, to tell me of complete, fully-functional video game consoles left where particularly studious children would play in the woods, with small libraries of the most addicting video games. Again, as with pornography, a videogame console is a very powerful elicitor of dopamine in a very developmentally-vulnerable brain.

And there are darker techniques. I have had numerous lovely women relate to me being innocent children, whose “friends” guided them into a spot where they were left alone with a male surveillance-kid from this spy network, who violently raped them in as traumatic a way as possible. In retrospect, they realized it was not an organic, spur of the moment occurrence, but had involved several people to set it up. In other cases, Stasi child-agents have introduced kids to drugs, or gotten them wrapped up in criminality. Nobody tells you it, but if your child is highly intelligent, diligent, and highly moral, or empathetic, and likely on their own to rise to a leadership position, they are in real danger. The people running things cannot risk them rising in society freely, and maybe seeing what is going on near the top.

The American Stasi is a full fledged intelligence operation, running child spies. It is as ruthless as the worst of the CIA when operating overseas, and it is rubbing up against your child, all throughout the school system. Its children are embedding themselves around your child as their “peers,” as its adults are scrutinizing your child carefully, for too high a morality, and too much academic achievement, as they decide whether all of your parenting successes will need to be countered by your child’s “friends.” I met an adult who ran it too, and detail that experience later, as well. I am not just extrapolating this. I have seen it with my own eyes.

As far as I can tell, from accounts passed to me, every school has such a unit, with intelligence officers, often occupying roles called “security aides,” running the child assets of the surveillance people in the community against your children.

The groups of local children were sent to meet next door to this house seemingly as part of an organized socialization program, probably by parents worried that their child might suffer psychological harm from growing up only around regular children they could never reveal certain truths to, and with whom they would always have to be on guard. Being just around surveillance kids was a way to allow them to let their hair down and be kids, and have real relationships with peers who they did not need to lie to all the time.

It sounds incredible for there to be such a program, but those are the children above, talking about participating in a “follow.”

So who are their parents?

They look like regular people, but they perform the same function for the American Stasi in adult society. They live in your neighborhood, they have access to the latest surveillance tech, including backdoors in all your electronics, from Alexas to smart TV’s, and each cell is assigned a group of people to monitor.

They will look like regular people, with regular jobs. They will never speak of surveillance. And if you discover their secret and mention it, their eyes will go wide, and they will go unusually mute and look horrified.

But when control calls, they will all go where they are told, and they will suddenly look like this video, recorded by a young woman, who was being followed and harassed by the American Stasi. She will refer to this as “Gangstalking” however this is merely physical surveillance being carried out, ofttimes in hostile form, by the American Secret Police. Why she became a target will be difficult to find out, as she might merely have angered a local commander socially:

That is overt, mild harassment surveillance. The regular surveillance you almost certainly get from time to time in your own life, is much more covert. Highly harassing surveillance can even entail physical contact, such as walking into you, accidentally stepping on toes, even “accidentally” rear-ending your car at stoplights.

Here in this next video, a man enters a store, walks to the back corner, which is empty, begins examining a golf club, and within moments, his domestic surveillance floods in its covert civilian followers/harassers, to make sure he knows, he is surrounded, and they do not like him. He leaves the corner, which has become filled with people, and moves to exit the store, stops, heads back to the corner, and again, it is entirely empty:

I know, it is difficult to believe. But that is the American Stasi’s ground surveillance machine, harassing someone. It is easier to believe after years spent under it.

One of my family members sped to a BJ’s warehouse once, and they are a very fast walker. They made it in with their cart, and began shopping, and in the process, lost their surveillance followers. A BJ’s stockboy, walking past their aisle saw them, stopped walking at the end of the aisle, turned to the rest of the warehouse, and yelled, “They’re over here!” Then he turned and kept walking. Within moments, the aisle filled up with people, exactly like this video, many glaring at my older female relative menacingly.

It is worth noting however, the vast majority of follows are conducted covertly. I merely use this example to show you, these people are, in fact, out there.

Those are the hidden watchers of the American Stasi in that video. I estimate that roughly one in twenty, to as many as one in ten Americans in some areas, are such agents, officially recruited, and assigned duties like this, based on over a decade of my observations. That number of operatives is roughly consistent with George W. Bush’s Operation TIPS, a Stasi-like domestic surveillance/informant program which was funded and formed under the Bush administration. It actually, in its pilot program state, had more such civilian spies than the Communist East German Secret Police, the notorious Stasi had. New York City alone had recruited 340,000 citizens, operating as American Stasi Agents, spying on their fellow New Yorkers, in the program’s pilot stage – a number which would undoubtedly have increased dramatically had the program exited the pilot-program stage.

Eventually, word leaked out of the program’s existence, and it all was supposedly dismantled. In reality, from what I see, it was just moved into the shadows, because clearly it continues to operate today.

After the operatives of the American Stasi leave that store in the video above, they will return to homes in neighborhoods like your’s where they live seemingly normal lives, with normal jobs. However they are assigned to listen in the homes of the people around them for anything of interest to their command. They have undoubtedly listened in your home, by some means, at some point. They might do it quite frequently, if you are judged “interesting,” or even entertaining.

If they did not have the means to listen inside your home, such as through a laptop mic, smart phone, smart TV, Alexa, or similar backdoored tech device, they would establish some other means, even, in extreme cases, entering your home while you are out and followed (so they can be certain you will not return home unexpectedly and surprise them), and planting tech to listen and maybe even watch you.

I am sure you scoff at my assertion of this. I could not possibly be right, and even if I was, it could not possibly happen to you. Understand, that belief was inculcated in you by the system. Now that you are programmed to reject that possibility, this machine can do that freely with almost no risk.

Here, I tell you that they are doing this, and you reflexively reject my assertion, and yet, I will bet you accept JFK was probably killed by “something” ominous, our government is corrupt, our intelligence agencies both drove Biden from his reelection campaign, and tried to shoot Donald Trump, our President is a puppet of some greater machine that runs our government without him, and our elections are likely rigged in some way.

Do you really think your straight-A child, raised as a moral American Warrior, who loves his fellow Americans and would die for freedom, could just start a business, make billions like Elon Musk, rise to those levels, see whatever criminal enterprise took over America, and then go on TV and reveal it all? Do you think thousands of great American kids, on any day, across the country, could all do that, team up, and take down that criminal enterprise? Do you think it does not fear that? Do you think it would not take measures to prevent that? Do you think those criminals will let anyone rise freely? They will stop those children by any means, even using their own children, because they have to.

Is it really that much stranger there would be a local domestic intelligence unit, or that it might enter your house without a warrant to spy on you periodically? Especially given there is no risk to them for doing so, since you are physically incapable of thinking such a thing possible, let alone filing a police report over it. I could probably leave your house somewhat unkempt after searching it, and you would assume you must not have cleaned it, before you would accept the domestic intelligence cell searched it.

This is what intelligence-based shadow dictatorships do, and moreover, we have all seen it before, throughout history. It is exactly like the old East German Stasi, which had one apartment in each apartment building, and during the day, when people left for work, their local covert citizen-spies entered all of the apartments, and installed microphones, which were actually hard-wired into the Stasi’s monitoring apartment, and attached to tape recorders.

Although it sounds insane to us, within intelligence, I think it is like a rule. Everyone is observed in their most private moments, where they will be most open, due to their assumptions of privacy. To domestic surveillance, that is like surveillance 101. You listen to people most, when those people think you could not possibly be listening, because that is when they will be most open and honest, and reveal the most.

Unfortunately it also means these people assigned to your sector are listening to everything, from you going to the bathroom, to intimate moments late at night between spouses. And with tech today, they may even be watching, as for the agents of the American Stasi, their entire lives are about violating privacy for the conspiracy.

You can see this operation elsewhere in American society. In East Germany, where the original Stasi,  which this American operation is modeled on operated, they had operations they called Zersetzung operations, which translated to “Decomposition” operations. It described what would happen to a  target’s mind, when all of those people, who the target had never met, and did not know, emerged from the woodwork in their community, as an organized group, and began harassing them for seemingly no reason. As you can see in the videos above, the American Stasi is employing the exact same Zersetzung procedure in America, on select Americans, for reasons even those of us studying it do not fully understand.

Making it worse, when they would complain in East Germany, to police, or government, the officials would deride them as crazy, as part of the process. “You must have mental problems. Hey, Zach, look at this crazy person! They’re paranoid and think people are following them! There is some sort of big group, they think, which follows and harasses people! What a nutjob! You need professional psychiatric treatment!”

Of course, now, we can actually see in the records of the Stasi, this was not only a normal operational procedure, but the Stasi had actually created a name for it, “Zersetzung,” which described how it was designed to drive the victims crazy and break down their mind and spirit, “decomposing” them.

You can imagine how the lovely young lady in the second video above felt, when people derided her as crazy, while month after month, year after year, she was followed around, and her house broken into while she was out by an organized group of real lunatics she had never even met. Basically for those who see the truth, America’s domestic security services today are no different than the old communist East German Stasi. They even use exactly the same techniques.

As in East Germany, when it is discussed openly, as in the New York Times, the victims are portrayed as mentally ill. Regardless,  in a 2016 article the Old Gray Lady noted that 10,000 Americans had joined online communities which offered support to victims of such “gangstalking” harassment, and there were likely many more living quietly and enduring it alone. Still, the paper portrayed everyone who complained of it as being mentally ill an delusional, despite the fact you can see it in action in the videos above. But the machine will repeat over and over, there can be no such operation in America. Before we are done, you will know differently. You will see it with your own eyes.

Do you still think nobody has ever listened in your house, or entered it while you were out? Do you think there are not child spies building files on your children for adult intelligence officers assigned to the schools to create those files?

The Zersetzung harassment is significant, as where there are Zersetzung operations, there will be school operations building files on children, and people listening in everyone’s houses, and covert entries of homes, and operations to make sure nobody can challenge the hold on power of the rich and elite, as was the main mission of the Stasi, which was called “The sword and the shield of the Party.” These operations will all travel together, where the control they afford the overall machine reinforces itself in each phase.

In America, the Party is the elites, and the real targets of the operation will be you and your children. Once domestic surveillance commits even one of those crimes, it needs to commit them all to absolutely maintain the operation’s secrecy and control. It cannot allow any chance of all of this going public, so it must do it all. In for a penny, in for a pound.

And it gets worse than that. Here is a young woman it happened to, and her neighborhood crew, drunk on power, drugged her food during a covert entry of her home, and then entered her home and gang-raped her later that night, after she passed out from eating it. After the drugs wore off, she awoke, and realized what happened, and as the news story notes, she is only one woman of several in that area, who report that the local American Stasi cell has done that to them:

Those things will get worse, as this operation brings migrants here from its operations overseas, smooths over their citizenship issues, and puts them to work in cells assigned to your neighborhood. I would assume the cell which did that was primarily Americans, but as this thing brings over more and more of its third-world assets, already trained up and ready to operate in local neighborhood cells, and put them to work, they will be even less restrained.

If you wondered why, after we exited Mogadishu in the nineties, a bunch of “Christian charities” suddenly imported a flood of Somalians, it is because those were all ground surveillance assets CIA trained up to support operations over there through local, domestic surveillance. Once we exited Mogadishu, CIA no longer needed them there, and so it brought them here and smoothed out their citizenship issues, to operate against you in this thing. Ilhan Omar might not be what she seems, nor may she always “win” reelection for the reasons you think. These are deep waters.

As for the poor woman being repeatedly raped above, there is nothing she can do. If she went out and tried to race back to surprise the people in her house and catch them drugging her food, then as she turned back, her vehicular surveillance, which you see in the second video above following the other woman, simply radios the entry team the target is returning, while you are ten miles out, and they have plenty of time to leave and disappear. They will not enter her house until she is ten to twenty minutes away, and they will never be there when she returns.

If they need to pull out, they can try again when you next go out, and sooner or later you have to leave the house for long enough for them to do what they want to do, be it install cameras in your bathroom or bedroom, or put something in your food, or do any of a multitude of other things. I have faced this thing for close to a decade myself. It is very hard to combat, especially alone.

Now she can never store food in her house. Police are no help, and she is left basically facing an organization like the CIA (probably the CIA, under the rubric of “training operations”), on American soil, supported by US tax dollars, all alone. And they are gang-raping her if she makes a mistake and gives them an opening.

I have not spent all the time and effort you are about to see on this website for nothing. I am fighting the noble battle here for a very good reason, and holding loyalty with my fellow real Americans in the process. And if you do not know the material I present here, the consequences for you and your loved ones could be quite severe. America is a different place today, than it was just ten years ago. And it is getting worse rapidly.

Every neighborhood has a cell of the American Stasi assigned to it 24/7, monitoring it, usually squirreled away in at least one house, often using extensive pole surveillance on the telephone poles to monitor the streets and front yards, with one vehicle on standby for a drive-by to get a closer look at something on orders of the monitoring post. Meanwhile tech backdoors allow the monitors to listen inside the houses around them for anything interesting. Here, on this site, I am going to show you all of this.

As you will see on these pages, the American Secret Police of the American Stasi have brought that Zersetzung technique here, as they have begun building files on all of us, and seeking to control our lives, to close us out from wealth and success, so only their people can enjoy it. And they begin building these files, and controlling our lives, when we are still children.

The neighborhood cells these people are assigned to will have one archivist, who is assigned the responsibility of managing all the files for a set group of a few hundred people he is given to handle, in that area. Some people will get more attention than others.

Herb, who goes off to a cubicle job, and only comes home and feeds his seventeen cats, and who has no interest in politics or government, and no aspirations of changing his station, may only get followed once every two years or so. In the eyes of the Stasi, he is a good boy, and can be left to himself.

Someone political, on the left or right, will probably get an agent listening in their home, and they will get followed more often. Somebody prone to entrepreneurship, and enough ability to maybe become a millionaire, will get an even closer look, so this thing can thwart his efforts and stall his momentum.

If you have someone that abhors victimization of the weak, and has strong moral fiber, they may get full 24/7 coverage, to make sure they never get enough money to maybe run for office, or get involved in politics.

Nobody in America will tell you any of this. The official line is, anyone can get into politics, or become a multi-millionaire, or be President, or go to Hollywood and attend auditions and become an “A” list actor, or do whatever they want.

But I can tell you firsthand, if you try, you will find the American Stasi will show up, and make it known that it wants you right where you are, working 9 to 5, for five days a week, and never thinking you can rise to any higher level.

And it is not just politics. This thing controls who makes the big money in business, even local small businesses now. It controls who gets book contracts, managerial positions at companies, signed on to many Police forces, and it is increasingly infiltrating its people into HR departments, where they are deciding who gets hired where.

This site is a long read. This is my book, American Stasi, which will retail for about $50 once published in print form. Here, it is made available in web-format, complete with links to all the sources, entirely free, because I want America to return to the principles of its founding, and to get rid of this criminal operation that is seeking out weak fellow Americans to victimize. When you are done reading this book, you will be as well trained in surveillance detection and operations as any CIA Officer coming out of The Farm. You will be a full-fledged operator.

There is a lot to cover. But I promise you this book is worth the time it takes to read it. You cannot function in America today, and you cannot protect your children, if you do not read this work.

When you read this book, I am first going to train you in surveillance and surveillance detection. This will allow you to see the surveillance operating in your community. But it will also make you dangerous, in ways most people never will be.

I am a great shot, with pistol, shotgun, and carbine. I am a lightening fast draw, and a pretty quick reload. I have a long, misspent youth in the marital arts, grappling and striking. I have excellent situational awareness, and am pretty decent under stress recognizing cover and concealment, and figuring out the best use of either as I move and shoot.

But until I learned all this surveillance material, I was helpless. Everywhere I went, my surveillance would see me and laugh. I saw them laugh when they saw me, and thought it weird. I actually have looked in a mirror, wondering if there was something funny about my face. A Jimmy Durante nose, or an expression like Moe in the Three Stooges. It wasn’t that.

They knew I was training for all sorts of hours to be “dangerous,” and then I went out, and they were just all over me, in control, and I had no idea. I could not see them. I was helpless.

If you are like that, and most are now, you will never win any civil war. You are helpless to resist your leaders. They designed this thing to make everyone unable to rebel, and our leaders untouchable. That is why they are openly destroying America, and none of our leaders fears not getting re-elected, or even a lone patriot taking them out in retaliation.

This surveillance offers complete security to a vast fraudulent “election” rigging system which is just installing the conspiracy’s lackies no matter how we vote – and once installed, these lackies are untouchable due to its overwatch. This is how intelligence rolls. It does what it wants, and then tells you the system you respect and agreed to abide by, produced that outcome, so you will not resist it. It is all a scam, and it is able to persist, because of the surveillance.

However, once you learn all this material, you will see, you will be a real operator. You will understand how wars are really fought – through intelligence. You will see surveillance, you will know how it operates, and you will know how to get rid of it. If we can get every American to learn all this, we the people, will again have power.

The elites are terrified this information will spread. You have no idea the harassment I endure daily to bring it to you. All I ask, is if you look at the material, and see the utility, you help spread it to others. It is the one legal act you can take now, which will terrify and horrify the enemy, as it helps prepare our side for what is coming. Try telling others about it online, and most importantly in person, and see for yourself how terrified members of the conspiracy look when you mention it.

Although it is a long read, the book is going to be fun and interesting, all along the way. I am first going to take you in Google Streetview to Russia and Bulgaria, where the American Google car, taking all its pictures, is viewed as an intelligence threat, and is assigned surveillance by the Russian and Bulgarian governments.

We will drive the streets, and I will show you what real surveillance looks like from inside the Google car – a real target vehicle, in two countries. Then we will come back to America, and I will show you more surveillance here following the Google car, than in Russia or Bulgaria.

Then I will show you videos of people undergoing Zersetzung harassment, which will teach you what real foot surveillance operators look like.

Then I am going to blow your mind. We are going to look at some murder victims, and I am going to show you, that on Google Streetview, and in surveillance camera videos, there was more surveillance around the victims than you will have ever seen in your life. For some reason, these people, some just innocent girls, were buried under surveillance, starting months before their murders. Did surveillance kill them? I see no other viable hypothesis in a couple of cases.

Then the really crazy part. You are going to begin seeing surveillance around your own towns and neighborhoods. It is everywhere, and you will be amazed you never saw it before.

Along the way, you will meet NSA legend Bill Binney, who oversaw all technology development for NSA. He will reveal these neighborhood surveillance cells are beaming radiations through neighborhoods, usually to see through walls, and listen through walls. He will describe seeing the actual radiations on an rf Spectrum Analyzer in different neighborhoods, and he will tell you how every other person on his block got cancer from the radiations beaming there, including his wife, who passed away from the cancer.

Then you will see his website, where multiple members of our intelligence agencies were warning us of all of this, which the government wiped off the internet by force. Now you can only find an old archive of it. But we have it here.

Give the first surveillance detection courses in Russia and Bulgaria a try, and see if you don’t begin to feel more empowered to take this thing on, as you begin to see it watching everyone where you live.

You and I both know what is coming. Lets get our side trained up properly to operate in the intelligence-driven environments of the West, so we have a decent chance in the fun to come. Tell everyone you know, to check out

Now, on to the book.

Chapter One – What Is The Premise Of This Book?