Math And Physics Are Now National Security Secrets

An interesting revelation was made recently, and Tweeted about here:

This would be consistent with accounts of the antigravity research of Dr. Ning Li being forced into the DOD and hidden behind security clearances. The theme was present prior to the revelation above, in whispers on conspiracy sites about the death of antigravity researcher Amy Eskridge at 34 years old from a supposed suicide. She had just given a talk at a symposium about how all of the researchers in the field of anti-gravity tend to disappear into defense contractors, and their research, often quite promising, disappears with them, before she was found dead of a supposed suicide.

There is nothing as dangerous as allowing intelligence, which due to its innate secrecy tends to operate without oversight or legal constraint, to operate domestically within your society. It will inevitably devolve into a criminal conspiracy, which will hide itself from the public at all cost.

The problem with intelligence operations is they operate in secret. They don’t tell people when they do these things, and indeed, to hide that they did it they will not utilize the normal, legal measures which such a move would call for, such as requiring a national security clearance to study physics once it is deemed the field contains easily discovered classified materials.

Instead, what they will do is use the domestic surveillance, the American Stasi, from the shadows, to examine all children with high math and physics aptitudes, and then either allow them to proceed into the field, based off an assessment they can be intimidated or controlled, or they will deem the child uncontrollable and utilize the covert methods of intelligence agencies to block them from being able to pursue careers in the field.

If this is true, and I assume it is, then right now, children across the nation are being assessed for who could potentially be the next Richard Feynman or Albert Einstein. Where those brilliant children are found, the spy children will be sent in, and assessments by adult domestic intelligence officers assigned to their school will begin.

If they fail the assessment, they will not receive a letter. Nobody will tell them they need to go into accounting, and stay away from the big banks where the conspiracy is laundering its slush funds. Instead, they may be exposed to drugs, or sex by their “fellow students,” or a beaming device may be set up in their neighbor’s house, and begin beaming them each night while they sleep, so they will wake up exhausted every morning, and be unable to attain the grades to continue on to college. There is no risk to that, as you will never figure it out, and even if you did, could Police investigate it, if every time they come over the beam is shut off? I have felt that Beam. It exists, and they are already using it for that purpose.

This will sound insane, but you have seen the surveillance here, on this site. You have seen, and heard the spy kids with your own eyes and ears. It is not there for no reason. It is operational, and an operation that large is there for societal control. That begins with children.

This dovetails with another news item which just came out. From the article Documents Reveal Just How Crazy The CIA’s MKULTRA Mind-Control Program Really Was:

A new collection of over 1,200 documents detailing the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) infamous mind control program, MKULTRA, was published by the National Security Archive…

… most of the original records were destroyed by CIA director Richard Helms…

… DCI Allen Dulles and other officials discussed whether using Georgetown University Hospital for certain experiments was worth the cost,..

The document detailed various “materials and methods” the group was working on, such as “substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness.” Additionally, it included substances that would result in “physical disablement.” The document also mentioned the development of materials that create symptoms of diseases “in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering,” or the exploitation of a pretend or exaggerated disease for one’s personal benefit…

… One memo recorded a meeting, saying that Gottlieb and Helms argued in favor of continuing MKULTRA’s “unwitting testing” on American citizens…

… Gottlieb said there were “about 40” unwitting tests conducted by federal narcotics agent George White in CIA safehouses to “explore the full range of the operational use of LSD,” including for “interrogation” purposes and to “[provoke] erratic behavior,” according to the Archive…

… Legal documents were also released, including Gottlieb’s depositions by attorneys for Velma Orlikow. She was a patient of the Allan Memorial Institute, a Canadian facility where Dr. Ewen Cameron experimented on psychiatric patients in the 1950s and 60s…

That last case was a famous one. The Wikipedia link is here. They basically took over a little depression clinic in Canada where wives would check themselves in for a weekend stay after a fight with their husbands. They replaced all the doctors with researchers, who would tell the patients they had a new therapy they would like to try. They would then run the experiments on the unsuspecting patients.

One patient was rendered unable to control their bowels or bladder. Another was made unable to talk. Another was made to forget who they were as part of inducing full amnesia. Another was made to believe the researchers were her parents. All of that was done without any consent from patients, who thought they were dealing with regular therapists who would treat their depression.

All of it was done in the name of national security, and for intelligence, doing this to innocent people without telling them was just common sense.

And you can see, they wanted drugs which would take someone who was dynamic and capable, and make them look like a lazy malingerer. Somewhere, surveillance identified innocent regular Americans who were dynamic and capable, and going places in life, and for seemingly no reason, they suddenly were purposely afflicted with something akin to chronic fatigue syndrome. And surveillance, all along, was gathering the data on just how sick and screwed up they were, and how far off kilter their life-path was rendered.

And now your child, who is gifted in mathematics, has become a potential “national security threat” in the making, who is heading for a career surrounded by national security secrets, and they are surrounded by kid spies in the schools, and a raft of civilian informants who serve the program, in the houses around your home.

I am trying to make you stronger here, by revealing to you that for all of your life, intelligence has been running the show in the private lives of American civilians, and abiding by no rules. All of the rules they have imbued in you – the things which you would never do, like spy on neighbors, or target children, or restrict freedom, or break the law – they imbued you with those rules to weaken you, as they formed the East German Stasi in the shadows, began listening in your home with modern technology, sent their children into the schools to target your children, and began sabotaging the lives of regular Americans, so their operation would control all the money, power, and success in the nation, so nobody would ever have the resources to oppose them.

You see the surveillance on this site. In the news, you should be beginning to get the feel the game in our supposedly “capitalistic” society may be rigged. You should be beginning to wonder if we elect our politicians, or if the elections, on both the left and right, may be rigged. And you should be beginning to wonder if you ever had a chance to break out of the rat race treadmill it seems everyone not in the conspiracy is trapped on, as complete morons in the conspiracy sail into elected office, make money hand over fist, and just dominate our social order.

Because at the end of the day, neither you nor your child will ever have a chance, unless you help me reveal the American Stasi. Tell your friends, tell your relatives, have everyone at that PTA meeting check out this website or our book.

It is the only path to freedom.

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3 Responses to Math And Physics Are Now National Security Secrets

  1. Cheap Seats says:

    Surveillance = Jewish makes the problem easy enough to solve.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, as you delve into it, you are going to find that any social structure which involves loyalty of beliefs, this thing will have permeated it with agents. From Freemasonry, to religions, to chambers of commerce, you will find it throughout everything.

    • Slug says:

      My thoughts exactly.

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