How The American Stasi Uses Citizen Informants Like Bomb Disposal Robots

For those new to them, these articles are a further examination of the intelligence/surveillance operation which we first exposed in the book American Stasi – available free at

The book exposes a global non-state intelligence operation, funded by the world’s wealthiest elites, which has penetrated almost all of the governments of the West, and taken over their intelligence communities. It has then used that control to have each nations’ intelligence infrastructure assemble localized, sectorized, and incredibly intrusive surveillance operations in each neighborhood, using residents of the neighborhoods as surveillance operatives, and backdooring tech from smart TVs to laptop and cellphone microphones, to allow these watchers to listen inside houses nearby, as they build files on their neighbors, just like in the old East German Stasi.

The book takes you overseas to Russia and Bulgaria, as Google’s Streetview car drives around those nations, and the surveillance operatives of those nations track it. We show you what real surveillance looks like from inside a real target vehicle, using Google’s Streetview photography, before coming back to America and showing you more surveillance on the streets here than in either Russia or Bulgaria – and it is targeting all of us.

Once you are trained to see the surveillance on Google Streetview, you will see it in your neighborhoods and cities in your real life daily travels.

The purpose of the surveillance is control. They monitor everyone, even using the children of surveillance people in grade schools to build files on other children, with an eye to making sure nobody from outside the conspiracy can ever rise high enough to potentially expose it, or threaten its control.

In the course of these operations, some individuals who cannot be suppressed any other way, will encounter what the East Germans called Zersetzung – a harassing surveillance, where all of a sudden, one day, tons of random people from your community suddenly begin following you, cutting you off in traffic, giving you the finger, or otherwise making nuisances of themselves.

They will have loud conversations around targets in public, revealing things they could only know by listening inside the homes of the targets, and they will even often break into homes, sometimes just to rearrange furniture, leave the TV on, or open windows. The goal is to psychologically “decompose” the target, as the German translation of Zersetzung would indicate. They break these people down, in an effort to ruin them.

It sounds impossible in America, and if you have never seen it firsthand in overt form, you may doubt it, but we show video of it on the front page of – even children in the surveillance talking about taking part in a follow of a target.

Here, we document where the operations of the American Stasi have become so overt as to make it into the news. Bear in mind, we are using these overt cases to show you the operation that will exist in your neighborhood, which is certainly tracking you and your children, and maintaining your files – and sometimes even intervening in your lives covertly to make sure you stay at the level of influence they have assigned you. You will see the operation behind these cases here in these cases, but in most cases, as in your life, it does its work covertly, from the shadows.

Our ultimate goal is, that as time goes on, and you see case after case, you will realize this operation is out there. If we can apprise everyone of its existence, it is our hope we can more fully expose it, and get it eliminated, so our nations can once again exist in real freedom and opportunity. At the very least it will put freedom minded Americans on a more equal footing with the surveillance in the battle which is presently being lost, because our side does not even know there is a fight.

Today, we will look at a case where the local American Stasi ground assets went overt – they screwed around, and one found out:

According to the arrest affidavit, the video footage of the incident and interviews with acquaintances led detectives to identify Brooks.

A review of Brooks’ social media accounts revealed he had become irate at a vehicle that he believed was following him, and the vehicle matched the description of the victim’s car, the affidavit states.

“People want to f*** with people until they have their breaking point,” is part of what MNPD said Randy posted on an online social account. In the post, detectives noted observing a vehicle identical to the Miller’s Crown Victoria.

Now, having been followed myself overtly for over a decade, simply for getting involved in political activism, when I see people complain they are being followed, I know exactly what that is. Very rarely do I think such people are confused or delusional, because there is just so much surveillance, and so much following going on. In my opinion, it is much more likely than not that such a person was in fact being followed overtly by the secret police.

If so, he was getting a lot more pressure than one vehicle periodically following him around. Often, once things go this far, as with NSA whistleblower and former fourth in command of the NSA, and NSA Director of Technology, Bill Binney, the operations will even begin beaming targets through their walls with microwave energy beams.

But the news will not cover that, nor will Police be allowed to discuss it. They want the public thinking these cases are isolated cases of crazy people. They do not want people to see the American Stasi.

What this case is an excellent example of, is what I call “The Three Comedians Hypothesis.” The Three Comedians Hypothesis stipulates that these “gangstalking”/Zersetzung/harassment-surveillance follows are run from a central command center, within which are characters very much like the three comedians on the TV show Impractical Jokers.

In the show, an actor is sent in to deal with people while hidden cameras film, and he must do whatever his three comedian buddies tell him to do through a hidden earpiece. The show is basically the same scene over and over, as the three comedians first say into the microphone, to their friend, “Now do this zany, crazy thing so the person you are dealing with will not have a clue what is going on and freak out,” and the actor does it and the hidden cameras catch the hilarity which ensues, and the three comedians break up, grabbing each other and laughing at what they have done. Then they repeat the process.

Here, I strongly suspect in the control room are sworn agents of the American Stasi giving orders to the civilian informants they use for the harassment, with an express desire to get them harmed for amusement. I suspect the sworn agents may be normal people, with loyalty, just it is to their operation instead of America, and because of that they have no respect for the citizen informants they use, who betray their communities and neighbors, for the favor of the conspiracy.

It is probably very much as federal Law Enforcement negatively views the undercover agents it employs, who go into criminal groups, posing as criminals, build loyalty with the criminals, and then betray them in the end.

I was surprised in a documentary on such undercover agents, to find out official sworn federal agents do not like their own agency’s undercover cadre, because they view the act of betrayal as inherently despicable, even when performed on criminals. Their natural loyalty causes them to view the professional betrayers of the undercover cadres as no better than the criminals they pursue, on a personal-worth level.

I assume the controllers of the American Stasi view their civilian informants negatively because there have been many cases where it seems the controllers in the central control center have used their civilian assets like bomb-disposal robots – sending then into circumstances where they will undoubtedly die, without any care for them.

Here in this next case, a young German man who frequented the website 4Chan decided to launch an attack on a local synagogue, while filming it from a first-person perspective, using a Go-Pro camera, and livestreaming the attack.

Although he had shown incredible industriousness in his preparations, even manufacturing his own 9mm submachine guns and explosives from scratch, the attack became a comedy of errors as he pulled up to the synagogue, and found the doors locked, and was unable to get in.

As he was fumbling around, the local German wing of the Global Stasi, which oversees the American Stasi, sent a female walker in to observe closely what he was doing – despite the fact he was clearly disturbed and mentally unbalanced, under incredible stress, as well as armed with a loaded submachine gun, and he intended to kill someone.

The results were predictable, as seen in his video. She says to him, meekly in German, “Please do not shoot me,” as she walks by him, and he proceeds to dump a magazine in her back:

You will also notice the pass-by of a local vehicular unit just as the walker hit the target, both timed to his simultaneously. Surveillance will do that for redundancy, with each unit not only filming the target, but filming the other operative’s pass-by.

In situations such as this, it allows the central control center to view live video from both the perspective of the operative who was shot, as well as from a third-person perspective, which will allow them to witness exactly what damage their operative took and what condition they are in.

Circumstances like these have repeatedly cropped up, where it seemed the local control sent its civilian informers into circumstances they would not survive, possibly just for the amusement of the controllers.

I strongly suspect when the planes hit the towers on 9/11, onboard each plane were American Stasi ground surveillance agents, who were told to follow Mohammed Atta and his crews onto the planes, despite the surveillance knowing those were all one-way missions which the surveillance would not be coming back from.

In another case, seen here, two domestic surveillance operatives were assigned to hold a position on a bench, until the target, a mentally unbalanced man the surveillance was following, passed by, and then they were to follow him. If you open this video in a new tab and play it full screen, you can see they are both hiding their faces from the target as he approaches, so as to able to follow him again later without being recognized, and they are stalling and loitering until he passes. Once he passes, they uncover their faces and they begin their follow:

If you are a target, you see this all the time – people hiding their faces, and then beginning to move to follow you just after you pass. This kid knew what was up, and grew enraged.

There is a daily mail article here, which notes the victim was a political activist. My assumption, from my own experience would be, that was just his day job with the American Stasi, which controls most of the political activists you see, both on the right and the left, with the remainder, which are not under their control, getting the harassment I have been subjected to, in an attempt to run me out of politics. I would assume the kid in this video stabbed this activist after he had finally “decomposed” fully and broken down, due to an extended period of being followed and harassed.

You will notice an additional follower runs up at the end, fully aware of everything which has transpired. There is no, “Oh My God, what happened??!!!,” from her. The new girl has her cellphone in hand ready to receive orders, and the woman standing over her expiring friend, calmly tells the girl to go follow the target.

Who is this other girl who ran up, and why is she taking commands from the woman standing over a soon to be dead, Ryan Carson? Why does the woman standing over her dying friend approach things so casually, and begin barking orders to strangers who run up, while showing little sign of shock or surprise?

These are the ground surveillance operatives and informers of the secret society of the American Stasi, and they all know what they are doing. They also know, never to let you know about their conspiracy.

You have them in your neighborhood, they maintain your file, and if ever you start your own business, or try to enter politics, or become too popular on Twitter, or otherwise threaten to rise too high, it is their job to subtly intervene and make sure you can never rise high enough to threaten their organization’s control, and to do it without you knowing how it happened. If they cannot intervene subtly, they will intervene less subtly – I can tell you that without any doubt, and you can see it in the videos at

Along the way, this observation, of the Three Comedians back at the control center, produced the Three Comedian Hypothesis, and its associated memes, where the three comedians tell a surveillance person to do something which will get them killed, and break up laughing when the surveillance person is murdered:

In this latest case of the highway shooting on I-40, the control center which was monitoring the shooter’s social media posts would undoubtedly have seen his posts threatening the driver of a specific Ford Crown Victoria. They would also, through normal monitoring procedures at his home, have known he was going out armed with a loaded gun, and their psychological analysis would undoubtedly have pegged him as a potential shooter. So what do the Three Comedians do?

They tell the driver of the Crown Vic, through his earpiece, to pull up next to the guy, scowl at him, talk into his wrist, and then tailgate him, all while having the tractor trailer behind follow the Crown Vic with its video camera rolling – and probably being transmitted live to the central control center. It probably looked something like this:

Note how the case played out. There was video of the shooting which just happened to be filmed, there were anonymous tipsters which led the Police to him. Understand while you are out and about, how the surveillance is watching everything, and if it wants to see someone locked up, it can parallel construct anything.

So we have another dead ground surveillance operative of the American Stasi, another front page local news story about the most scandalous criminal operation our intelligence community is running in America, and we have a new meme of the Three Comedians of the American Stasi.

This operation is a menace, and as you can see, it is increasingly making it into the news, as it grows bolder, gains in size, and feels the need to overtly oppress ever more people in ever more overt fashions. It has come for Bill Binney, then it came for me, and it is working its way to you and your family. I suspect what it ultimately wants is to be known to all, and as with the Gestapo, for everyone to fear coming under its scrutiny.

We will see if it can get that far. I am hoping to expose it before it is ready, but for that I need your help, by having you tell everyone about At present the only way to resist legally, is to put as many people as possible through the training on surveillance detection which is there, so they will see the Stasi agents operating in their own neighborhoods.

Just because you have not seen it in your life yet does not mean you are free of it. It is watching you now, even if only cursorily, as part of your entire neighborhood sector, to make sure you are not approaching any position of influence, power, or financial independence.

If you have children, there will be children of the Stasi’s informants in their school, helping the adults who monitor the school build files on all the children, and decide which children are on course to rise too high, too fast, and which need some sort of wing-clipping, be it exposure to drugs, or pornography, sexual assault or molestation, or even exposure to video games. There are accounts of studious children now finding entire videogame consoles in the woods with the most addictive games, to draw them away from their studies.

If you ae trying to raise your child right, and you do too good of a job, the American Stasi will show up and counter your efforts to whatever degree necessary to make sure your child will never rise to a standout position where they could threaten the Stasi’s control.

And in select cases, where all those measures fail, it is harassing people to the point they even begin shooting at its agents.

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