Chapter Thirteen – Technical Harassment – Beware of “The Beam”

Once the American Stasi’s machine focuses on you, it will begin with intimidation operations, using its vast civilian network of volunteer spies/harassers. The message is clear – you need to acquiesce and recognize their control of the country, or else.

It is possible if you bend the knee in some fashion, they will officially pretend to ignore you while simply keeping covert surveillance on you, or maybe even recruit you to harass others. Some report their surveillance is continuous no matter what they do. In my case, I rebelled and resisted, and my conflict with them seems to only escalate day in and day out.

From following and intimidation, the operation will progress to electronic harassment, or technical harassment – the use of weapons which direct energetic emissions at you which strike you after they pass through the walls of your house. This allows them to physically assault you in your home, while leaving no trace.

Here we will detail a few of the most credible cases of electronic harassment, to establish in the public eye this is a real phenomenon. I should add, I have seen some of these technologies in my own harassment, and can attest they are real, and cannot be mistaken for something benign. I deem it most likely these individuals described here are all giving accurate accounts of their experiences, and I can attest beyond all shadow of a doubt that the American Stasi has put an inordinate amount of effort and resources into developing a rather extensive tool kit of energetic weapon technologies to attempt to both silence, and constrain the advancement of, regular Americans within our supposedly capitalist system. Meanwhile, they have implemented a covert dictatorial government, just below the surface of American society, with fascist control over the business environment and the economy.

Before we begin, we should reiterate that for a brief period, many of the most respected names in the American intelligence community, led by William Binney the former fourth in command at the National Security Agency, opened up a website, asserting that the intelligence community had begun operating domestically, and was fielding directed energy weapons against regular American civilians.

Together with a who’s who of former US intel community officials, Bill’s website said that it had come to their attention the United States intelligence community was fielding directed energy, electromagnetic weapons (DEWs), such as microwave weapons, operationally, on US soil, against innocent American civilians, without any judicial imprimatur or government oversight of their operations. It went on to note this rogue operation was unacceptable, and it called on Americans to act.

The website was located at the web address . 

You would think a legend as big as Bill Binney, combined with a who’s who of intelligence community personnel, all saying that Americans were being tortured, in America, by the intelligence agencies of the nation, would provoke some mention in the media, but no. The media is apparently infiltrated and controlled by the American Stasi, which forbade all mention of it.

The site disappeared sometime in 2019. All that remains of it are the screenshots on the Wayback Machine, reproduced here to show how many illustrious names supported the project. To read the archived site, visit the link in the note. I will blow up Bill’s biography, as in a moment we will delve deeper into his case. The other individuals are a melange of CIA officers, Military Intelligence Officers, a British MI-5 Intelligence Officer, private investigators, doctors, lawyers, a DARPA scientist, and others, all with similarly illustrious curriculum vitaes.

Here is the website:

Here is the page, resized and clipped just to show Bill Binney’s biography. The “Learn More” link at the end links to Bill’s Wikipedia page.

Bear in mind, that as the former head of all technology development at the National Security Agency, and the fourth in line in the chain of command of the entire agency on 9/11, Bill was trusted by the government, not only with the most elite operational technology used by all of our intelligence agencies, but also with all of the developing technologies which were so cutting edge they had not even been fielded yet.

Here, in a later interview done with his wife (starting at 04:43), Dr Katherine Horton, Bill and Katherine describe the attacks being launched against them in their own home, using directed energy weapons, after his falling afoul of the machine.

 Some choice quotes by Bill about the radio-frequency energy beamed into his home:

From my field, I wanted to see it in a spectrum, I wanted to try to detect where it was, so I could say, “Hey, here it is!” Well, if you know, the spectrum is allocated to different services by the federal communications commission, and they post their allocation, it goes up through 275 Gigahertz. So they had the entire spectrum allocated to different functions there. And a lot of it is military. and when you go through they define the certain frequency ranges which belong to the military. Now we only had spectrum analyzers which could give us all the frequencies up to 4 gigahertz. It is too expensive after that. Up to 4 Ghz we could see, there were two major signals which were ten to a hundred times stronger than anything else in the environment. And they were in the 1.7-1.8 Ghz and 2-9-3.1 Ghz range, and that turned out to be military allocated signals, line of site.

According to the FCC, this was in their notes, and we have that captured to post for everybody to look at, it says it is used in electronic warfare. Now we had these signals from our spectrum analyzer hitting us in Maryland, when we were up there, and we could see that it dropped off about 200 yards away. We drove away from our house and the signal went away at that point, so we are talking about a beam signal, or focused signal, that is fairly confined, not like it was blasting down on the earth from a satellite.

Also it is not a satellite because the FCC also defines what space to earth transmission frequency spectrum are permissible and at what power range. And this is far beyond that and not within the range assigned for space to earth by the FCC.

When we moved down here, we put our spectrum analyzers up and found the same signals down here. Now these are line of sight signals. And we sent notes into the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, and asked, why are you irradiating us with this line of sight energy as we move around in the United States? They never answered us. They never did. We don’t know the exact function of it because we cannot “diarize” the signal, break it down, and then start to analyze what is being transmitted in the signals. That takes a lot more money to do, and we simply do not have that resource to make that happen…

We are also discovering, we used Faraday cages to see what we could reduce in terms of the energy. Some of this stuff, through the bug detector, which goes up to 8 Ghz, some of that energy goes right through that, without being degraded, so there is something else going on. I just don’t know what is going on there. [Ed note – A Faraday cage is a conductive surface which completely encloses an observer, and shields them from an electromagnetic field, guiding rf energy around the observer. It is commonly used in the intelligence field in the construction of Secure Compartmentalized Intelligence Facilities, or SCIFs, where it is supposed to prevent all electronic transmissions into and out of the cage, maintaining all discussions and materials inside the SCIF secure. What Bill is saying is, he built a Faraday cage to try and shield himself from the EMF/rf radiation assailing his house, got inside, and found that somehow the radiation was penetrating right through the walls of the Faraday cage – something classical physics would say should be impossible. Bill continues:]

What you really need to do is have signals analysis go in and look at the signals, and break them down, see what their structure is, see what kind of information if any is being transmitted, or is it like a radar kind of transmission, looking for a return pulse, or some image, like thru-wall radar or is it some kind of other machine to machine transmission.

In Maryland, when I was living in Maryland, I didn’t know about all this radiation at the time. My particular cul-de-sac -court area where I lived, had a particularly high cancer rate. My first wife died of cancer, every other house at least, as well my son had cancer, the next door neighbors, at least four or five others in this culdesac, at least every other house had someone with cancer… They were in The Beam, was all I was saying.

Bill’s second wife, Dr Katherine Horton, who is an Oxford-trained PhD in particle physics who worked at CERN, picks up the story:

This is the second part of this which everyone needs to understand, in addition to this being everywhere. As far as I can tell, based on my PhD in particle physics and high energy physics, directed energy weapons appear to use a novel type of physics, as far as I can tell, and I can explain why I believe that. When you build any type of energy weapon, there are only really three different types of weapons you can use. You can use electromagnetic waves. You can use acoustic waves, so a shockwave for example – an explosion is a big old shock wave which blows you across the yard. And then the third thing is particle beams. Out of these, acoustic weapons and particle beams, have a longitudinal impact, so they can achieve longitudinally, both of them can shoot a hole into any object. But electromagnetic waves are such that the electric and magnetic field components of the electromagnetic waves are transverse, so if the photon is going that way, the electric field and the magnetic field are pointing transverse to the direction of travel. What that means in plain english is that no matter how powerful your laser beam, you can never, ever push something or kick something. And that is extremely important to keep in mind, because what we are being attacked with, these directed energy weapons – so typically we just hear a knock, so something is impacting, on the roof, on the ceiling, on the wall next to us.

And I had also a situation where by the drone actually shot a lamp and shattered glass. The attacks on us were so bad in Maryland, that we actually moved our bedroom into the basement and put a sheet metal on the ground floor, on the first floor. And there was an attack whereby the drone shot two holes, like “Bam, bam,” into the sheet metal. And these two holes were not there before. The shots made an awful impact sound, that we heard in the basement, even though the door was closed and locked. And then we found those holes. So how the hell can that be? Because there was no hole on the roof, there was no hole in the ceiling of the top floor, or the ground floor, yet there were two holes in the sheet metal. How can that be?… It didn’t burn, it was punched, punched through, so the metal was bent through where the shot went through… It was not evaporation, it was not heating, it was not melting. The holes were punched. And when these shots are impacting, at low level, it can be just a dull impact, and at high intensity, it can shoot holes through sheet metal, or break glass.

Because of these observations, that there was no hole in the ceiling, or in the roof, as a physicist, I do not think that can be particle beams, or acoustic beams, because they would have to deposit the same amount of energy, on the other surfaces as well.

And…I have done other experiments, where at my home in Switzerland, where to protect myself from the nightly gunning, I kept buying more and more pieces of large sheet metal, so one meter, by one and a-half meters, and I built a little bulk around my bed, and in the end, around my head area, I had 25 pieces of sheet metal… It even came through 25 layers of sheet metal, I could still measure these impact sounds, with an electromagnetic measuring device. Particle beams at high intensity can cause ionizing radiation, you can pick them up with a Geiger counter, acoustic devices can be picked up another way, But neither particles, nor acoustic weapons, should be depositing any signal on an electromagnetic measuring device.

So the bottom line of our research is that these new gizmos, which they are now selling around the world for close to $13 billion per year, they are not good old microwave weapons, they are this novel technology, which which you can just shoot holes through sheet metal, which means you can literally shoot a hole through somebody’s head or shoot a hole through their heart, or make one of the veins in their head explode, and make it look like a stroke, and not leave any traces, which I can detect anywhere else, in the wall.

Before Dr Horton and Bill Binney met and married, she, an Oxford-trained PhD particle physicist, who worked at CERN, recorded her own assault with the impulse/particle beam here.

I have personally experienced that weapon, and recorded its use on me. The page at American Stasi which documents the recordings is here.

In my experience, there are several different types of energy weapons developed and employed by this machine. I can personally vouch, I have felt myself bathed in a sensation of tingling electricity, while in bed in my home. I have awoken as I have felt my body vibrated aggressively in the middle of the night, by what feels like a beam of energy which sets up some kind of resonant vibrations in the body. I have experienced the impulse beam Dr Horton describes, which feels kind of like being shot by an invisible energy impulse in the head, and which seems to produce a much more powerful, loud impact when striking metal.

The impulse/impact beam Dr Horton describes, seems to me to involve two facets. The first is the generation of a sort of static charge in the room, which charges the materials around the target area with a static electric charge. I have actually heard and recorded static discharges from the materials in the room, as the charges on their surfaces exceeded what they could hold. The second facet of that weapon appears to be the skimming of some sort of beam off the targeted material, which applies an electric field which confers a force upon the now-charged particles, causing them to “jump” within the field, on an axis transverse to the direction of “The Beam.” I have recorded a thermal video of this beam hitting me, by placing a sheet of aluminum foil over me in a cool room, with paper towels beneath it to keep it cool, so the heat from the beam would become plainly visible on it in the thermal video. That video is also available at the previous link.

I have felt the degrading cognitive effects of a high-pitched sound-sensation, which is difficult to tell the degree to which it is a high pitched sound, or an ear-piercing sensation. I have been hit with what I would call, an irritation/electrical-tingling beam in the chest, which accelerates your heart-rate to ridiculously high levels. I have even walked, on several occasions, into rooms, and watched fluorescent light bulbs flash brightly, even though their switches were turned off, and there was no electricity going to them – a clear sign of radio-frequency energy.

A few times, my local surveillance crew used the impulse beam to simulate me being tapped, awakening me with taps by invisible fingers in my bed. This is likely the same effect which punched through Bill’s steel shielding.

In another instance, when I ignored the taps attempting to awake me, the impulse beam was dialed up to a higher power, and applied a force of about ten to twenty pounds downward to the thick shielding covering my face, driving my head into the pillow, an event I recorded the audio of, with a cellphone. I actually recorded these events with a microphone (which appears responsive to electromagnetic effects not audible to the ear). A written account, the audio file, as well as a separate thermal video showing the heat signature suddenly emerge on my chest on being “beamed” with a microwave beam from the neighbor’s house, are here. The microphone appeared to catch unusual electromagnetic effects prior to this, similar to an MRI warming up, which were not able to be heard with the ear.

There have actually been numerous mass shooters who said they were driven to the shootings they engaged in by these types of attacks. Many researchers believe that in a subset of cases, the operation seeks to drive targeted individuals to become mass shooters through the use of technology like this, possibly in an attempt to institute gun control to disarm the population, and further weaken it, rendering the average citizen more helpless when confronted with its intimidation.

Aaron Alexis was a Navy veteran who served his country before becoming an electronics contractor in the defense industry. He finally broke down after he was not allowed to sleep for three months, due to the vibration beam being applied to him every time he laid down, which prevented him from sleeping. From here:

Washington Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis left a note saying he was driven to kill by months of bombardment with extremely low-frequency radio waves, the FBI said Wednesday in a disclosure that explains the phrase he etched on his shotgun: “My ELF Weapon!”…

Ultra-low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last 3 months, and to be perfectly honest that is what has driven me to this,” read an electronic document agents recovered after the shooting.

The attack came one month after Alexis had complained to police in Rhode Island that people were talking to him through the walls and ceilings of his hotel room and sending microwave vibrations into his body to deprive him of sleep.”

I myself have felt the vibration beam, many, many times after my surveillance went overt and began harassing me. In its focused form, it creates a ball of vibration within the body, which moves, clearly under intelligent control, and can travel up your leg, to your abdomen, and even enter your head. Where it slips out of the body, it will redirect itself back in, before continuing its travel. It also comes in a more diffuse form, which can encompass the entire body. It produces a physical agitation, which raises the heart rate, and makes sleep impossible for hours after its application. It was during one such post-Beam period of sleeplessness I came up with the idea of using Google Streetview to reveal the surveillance to people.

The vibrations can range from a soft, subtle buzz, to quite strong reverberations. Imagine reaching into your abdomen, and shaking a sphere of your viscera one quarter inch, back and forth, at a rate of four times per second, and that is what you will feel from this weapon. Oddly enough, you will not feel the vibrations physically if you place your hand on the vibrating area.

When they moved up to my head a few times, they were clearly dulling to the brain, but I was also stuck by another feature. In striking arts, the first punch you are hit with in the face in a training session will create a specific sensation in the sinuses. Subsequent strikes that night will not produce the sensation for some reason. When the vibrations moved up to my head, I was struck by how that sensation, normally a sharp clear sensation which occurs suddenly, built up slowly in the sinuses over a period of twenty or thirty seconds.

I was reclining within sight of my surveillance camera system once when the vibrations began, and I was able to count the vibrations as they happened, and time out exactly one minute, using the timestamp on the surveillance camera image on the TV. I counted exactly 240 vibration pulses per minute, for an exact measurement of 4 cycles per second, or hertz. If the vibrations were a random neurological effect, or a hallucination, it seems unlikely they would precisely structure their timing to an arbitrary human measurement of time, such as a second. I would think it more likely I would have found they produced some random number, not divisible by 60 when counted for one minute. That they occur at a precise 4 Hertz would indicate to me they are being produced by some form of human technology.

There are numerous other accounts which were published online of targeted individuals describing being attacked with some sort of energetic weapon which caused them to feel vibrations. Several people describe feeling vibrations here, in the comments below the article, including Darren M:

My name is Darren M. and I believe I am being targeted with concentrated infrasonic sound waves while I attempt to sleep at night. I believe I am being targeted for D.E.W. (directed energy weapon) experimentation/harassment purposes by an entity within the U.S. government employing private contractors to carry out this experimentation/harassment.

I am awakened many times throughout my sleep periods to a feeling of vibrations traveling through my body in a straight line. The vibrations are focused in a narrow beam. It is impossible for me to stay asleep when I am targeted with these inaudible concentrated sound waves which increase my pulse rate as they travel through me. Different parts of my body are targeted at different times. When my head is targeted I will awake with moderate to severe headaches. I have also experienced head spins to the point that I had to lift my head up out of a lying down position to make them stop. When my chest area is targeted, I will awake with rapid or irregular heartbeats. In addition, I experience sleep deprivation on a nightly basis due to the repeated forced awakenings. The private contractors that target me hit me every 1-2 hours on average during the first part of my sleep period, and they increase the frequency of their targeting to every 15-30 minutes during the 2nd part of my sleep period. I fear that I will lose my job and become homeless due to the sleep deprivation that this experimentation/harassment has caused me. I also fear that my health will deteriorate.

I want to make sure that my story is told in the event this experimentation causes my premature death. I also want to make sure that potential future victims do not suffer the way I have from these silent sound wave weapons. I don’t believe anyone can help me because of my failed attempts to provide proof of this experimentation and the apparent disbelief and disinterest of the authorities in the U.S.

Darren M.

Email: dewtarget05 AT yahoo DOT com”

It is worth noting, from Aaron Alexis’ account, to Darren’s account above, to my own writings on my website at the time, about the vibrations I experienced, to still other accounts, those writings all preceded the public description of the Havana Syndrome as manifesting as vibrations. This is a vital point to make note of, since it reveals who is likely behind the Havana attacks.

Since I and other targets of the US domestic surveillance of the American Stasi have described our own targeting with a directed energy weapon which produced vibrations, the government has come forward and said that the directed energy attacks on our nation’s diplomats and intelligence personnel, first seen in Cuba, featured as one of its hallmarks, the onset of “vibrations.” From this piece which was released in 2022:

Scott Pelley: You must have thought that when you were home in America that you were safe?

Robyn Garfield: [Ed note: A Commerce Department official, hit by Havana Syndrome in China]: I’ll tell you, when I landed from China, I literally was kissing the ground.

Scott Pelley, voiceover: We met Robyn Garfield in 2019. He’s a Commerce Department official who told us that he, his wife and two children were repeatedly hit in China.

Scott Pelley: Your daughter was literally falling down?

Robyn Garfield: Yes, she fell down multiple times a day.

Scott Pelley, voiceover: They were evacuated and enrolled in a State Department treatment program at the University of Pennsylvania. Recently, Garfield told us his family was hit again during their year of treatment in Philadelphia.

Robyn Garfield: My wife catapulted out of bed and sprinted down the hallway to check the children without any word. And she came back, and she told me that an extremely loud, painful, sound had woken her up.

Scott Pelley, voiceover: So, they moved to a hotel where Garfield says it happened again.

Robyn Garfield: And we woke up around I believe 2:00 a.m. with strange vibrations in our bodies, and a sound.

Here is something I wrote in May of 2018, after prominent blogger Cleve Blakemore shut down his blog, saying he had been threatened with violence:

For the past several years…I would wake up in the night to an unusual sensation. Imagine yourself when you are really cold shivering. You look down at your arms, and they are visibly moving with the shiver. Now slow the shivering down, by about 30%. Imagine how that would feel, as you look down and your arms vibrated, almost seizure like, at that half-speed. Now take away the cold sensation, and imagine you felt that vibration, but when you looked at your arms they were not moving. There was no movement of the flesh, and not even any muscle contractions in response to the sensations. Now imagine that all over your body, and throughout your core.

It is possible all of these cases of American citizens who were being gangstalked and describing directed energy vibrations, instead of burnings, or electrical sensations, did so coincidentally. But I think it more likely these domestic cases, my own included, were the first beta-testing of the weapon which was ultimately rolled out against select CIA and State Department personnel, as well as White House staffers – the Havana Syndrome weapon.

That is highly significant, as it would indicate a decent likelihood that the individuals wielding the Havana weapon against our intelligence personnel, are in fact the same individuals performing the domestic surveillance – the American Stasi. It would indicate the deployment of that weapon on our government personnel may be a final purge of honest Americans from our intelligence and governmental structures, in a sort of covert, technology-based coup of our government by the American Stasi.

This conclusion would also be bolstered by the fact that individuals have been struck by the Havana weapon while on White House grounds. From the 60 Minutes piece at the link, which details the cases of multiple people struck at the White House, which sits within Washington DC, one of the most heavily surveilled and monitored pieces of real estate in the world:

Since 2016, U.S. government officials overseas and their families have reported sudden, unexplained, brain injuries with symptoms of vertigo, confusion and memory loss. The CIA, FBI and State Department are investigating a theory that some of these officials were injured by an unseen weapon. Who might be targeting Americans and why are unknown. Incidents have been reported in Europe, Asia, and Latin America, but, as we first told you in February, our reporting has found senior national security officials who say they were stricken in Washington and on the grounds of the White House. The former officials you are about to meet are revealing their experiences for the first time. They were responsible for helping to manage threats to national security.”

That news piece included the fact that a Cabinet-level official in the Trump administration was hit with Havana syndrome in his home, in DC:

Taylor says he became alarmed by that threat in 2018 after he heard of another case like his in the Washington area.

Miles Taylor: I became aware of a U.S. government official more senior than me who’d experienced similar episodes at their place of residence.

Scott Pelley: You say more senior than you. Are you talking about a cabinet level secretary?

Miles Taylor: This was an individual that, yes, was roughly at the cabinet level in the Trump administration who had similar episodes occur. That to me, as a homeland security professional, was a big blinking red light. I mean, to me this said, “five-alarm fire.” We may have ongoing activity targeting U.S. government officials here in our country.

Others have been struck very close to White House grounds, and elsewhere on US soil. From the article:

Several US officials have reportedly been targeted by sonic attacks on American soil over the last three years…

The symptoms became known as Havana Syndrome, due to where they were first reported, but in the years since several more US officials have claimed to have experienced the mysterious illness on US soil.

An unnamed American diplomat and his family said that they heard mysterious sounds and fell ill while working in Philadelphia in 2018, according to the Daily Mail.

The diplomat and his wife both claimed that they felt a pressure in their heads and found their children moving “in unison” in their sleep.

In November 2019, an unnamed White House employee said that she experienced similar symptoms when she was allegedly targeted by a man while walking her dog in Arlington, Virginia.

She said she felt a tingling in her face and experienced an intense headache, while her dog seized up.

A third incident has not been described in detail as of yet, but the Mail reported that it took place on US soil, and that the American official experienced similar symptoms.”

As we have shown you, domestic surveillance in the United States by the American Stasi is far too thorough to allow a foreign actor to enter a sector and operate in any form, especially in the Capitol region. This would imply this intelligence/surveillance operation is in the midst of some sort of shadow coup of our government – a coup launched against the official, elected US government using violent directed energy weapons which are leaving victims with crippling injuries.

I can personally attest to the criminality of the American Stasi, and the fact it is entirely capable of attempting such an act. The question is, is it an operation being deployed by a foreign actor, which is attempting to take over the United States? I suspect so, given how freely it operates on foreign soil.

In addition, wounded State Department and CIA officials who were struck by the Havana Syndrome overseas have reported that on returning to the United States, they observed hostile surveillance activity targeting them, breaking into their houses and rearranging furniture, as well as following them overtly as they traveled in their home neighborhoods. From the article above:

Even in the United States, not all evacuated from Cuba and China are convinced they’re safe.

At least six of the evacuated Americans have reported suspected harassment or surveillance in the U.S. to the FBI, four U.S. officials and others familiar with the investigation said. They include evacuees from both China and Cuba, including some who have never met…

Some reported suspected break-ins at their homes or temporary housing, after finding items moved or tampered with, or lights and televisions turned on that had been left off. Some handed over potential evidence to the FBI, including surveillance footage and a laptop suspected to have been tampered with.

Others reported being conspicuously followed — including from their doctors’ offices in Philadelphia — and suspicious activity on cellphones. At one point, patients whose treatment was transferred from Penn to Washington’s MedStar National Rehabilitation Network were told all of their MedStar appointments were canceled indefinitely due to safety concerns, four people familiar with the cancellations said.”

As with civilian targets of the American Stasi, these officials have reported that the FBI has proven powerless to help them, or identify and arrest the perpetrators. That is the American Stasi that you just saw all over Google Steetview, and which you have seen perform the exact same harassment in the United States against innocent Americans. Here it is harassing Americans who were wounded while serving their nation overseas. It is consistent with the hypothesis it was the foreign conspiracy behind the American Stasi which injured them in the first place while they were overseas.

Take a moment to contemplate the facts, if that is correct. An intelligence operation, acting to injure American officials, did so overseas, even in China (which itself has extensive, neighborhood by neighborhood surveillance), and it continued the harassment in the United States. There are three possibilities. Chinese government intelligence assaulted the officials in China, and then continued the harassment in the US, and the US government was helpless to stop them, even on White House grounds. Or, US government intelligence assaulted its own nation’s officials in China, and continued the harassment in the US. Or the most likely possibility – there is some kind of a non-state intelligence operation, separate from both the Chinese and United States government, which has infiltrated and penetrated both nations enough that it can operate freely within them, injuring who it wishes to, and it is in the process of removing certain people from the US government through both the use of technological weaponry, and harassment using its physical surveillance network.

It is also worth noting, among the potential victims of Havana Syndrome is US Senator Ron Johnson, who now has no hearing in one ear and has balance troubles, after being struck. From the article:

CIA employees around the world, including in Wisconsin and U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, are among the latest possible targets of Havana Syndrome.

I don’t publicize this much, but I have certainly been evaluated for possible exposure myself,” Johnson said during an interview with the Wisconsin Law Journal on Wednesday.

I lost my hearing and my balance simultaneously,” Johnson said, noting that the 2018 hearing loss has been permanent.

Johnson said he experienced significant neurological symptoms consistent with Havana Syndrome following a 2018 trip to Moscow, which resulted in permanent hearing loss in one ear, balance issues and evaluation at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Walter Reed Hospital for Havana Syndrome.

I had blood loss to my cranial nerve … I am basically deaf in my right ear. My balance has come back to a certain extent, but it’s still impaired,” Johnson said, noting he wasn’t given a definitive Havana Syndrome diagnosis, but that was what was being evaluated.”

Returning to Aaron Alexis, deprived of the ability to sleep for months, one day he took a shotgun to the Washington DC Navy Yard, where he felt some of the people who had developed the tech worked, and he was shot by responding officers while committing a mass shooting there.

Myron Mays was, by all accounts, a young, very nice, peaceful, gifted Assistant District Attorney, when for some reason, this machine decided to target him, to prevent his rise in society. In videos he left behind, you see a polite, kind man, unable to fathom why he is being tortured by directed energy weapons. He ultimately went on a mass shooting at Florida State University, after leaving behind a video explaining in a calm, rational tone, what had been happening to him, and his hope that his death would help others by drawing attention to the American Stasi. Watch the video here, and understand, I have seen what he is describing, and he is not crazy. That heartbreaking video is a gifted young man with honor and decency, who should have risen effortlessly in society, who was wantonly broken by this machine for no reason other than to make sure their criminal conspiracy maintains full control of the government.

I could go on further. When the truth comes out you will find there were tens of thousands, and maybe hundreds of thousands of your fellow Americans, being assailed this way. It will include the victims of the Havana Syndrome, who were all assaulted by this tech, as well as a plethora of people who never even knew they were assaulted, but who simply endured poor health and perpetual exhaustion, as they struggled to get ahead in life, to no avail.

I am convinced these weapons are being used against broad swaths of the population, in levels not high enough to trigger full awareness of what is happening, but at levels high enough to negatively impact health and vitality, to prevent people in the population more generally, from attaining their full potential. I will discuss the evidence for this later.

What people need to understand is, individuals like Bill, and Myron, and myself, we are the pilot program for this thing.

This civilian network, of supposed Americans who are so eager to betray their fellow countrymen, as well as everything their nation stands for, for personal advantage – it is here now. The tech they are deploying to assault people in their homes and weaken them absent any cost or consequence, is now a thing. It exists. There are multiple different devices, which work different ways. There are blueprints, and probably tooled factories, and assembly lines hidden in the shadows, turning these machines out.

They are making the devices and distributing them to the local surveillance crews for testing on guys like Bill, and Myron, and me. Worst of all, these machines are now advanced enough, and proven enough, the conspiracy of the American Stasi feels confident it can roll them out against active, operational members of the CIA and FBI, even at locations secured by the executive protective detail of the Secret Service, and there will not be enough evidence left behind to generate any consequences.

Our intelligence agencies, and the people above who have seized control of them for the American Stasi, are not made up of fiercely libertarian Constitutional individualists. They do not believe in everyone being free and happy. They do not want you free to do whatever you want to do. They want control, at all costs. They want to turn you into a slave, and everyone is expendable in that pursuit.

Understand the magnitude of what you just read, if the premise of this book is correct. For decades, maybe longer, throughout the West, some sort of private sector, non-state intelligence service has penetrated our government, seized control of federal agencies, subverted our elections on all sides of the political spectrum, infiltrated the schools with its children, and recruited between 4 and 10 percent of the civilian population into organized, distributed, surveillance/intelligence units, modeled on the East German Stasi secret police, embedded in and tasked to learn everything about everyone in their neighborhoods.

They are assigned to know and control everyone in them, including the children, who are not to rise too high or develop too much capability while in school.

And this thing is now attempting to assault the remaining elements of government it does not control, physically injuring them, and forcing them into some form of submission.

I know that sounds incredible. Ten years ago, I was just like you. There are things you will see as you grow surveillance-aware, which will show you it is out there. Keep your eyes open, and understand, in a Darwinian world, where the citizens sleep, it is inevitable the craven and corrupted, and most especially the most evil, will rise and seize control.

If I am correct, now these units, embedded in every neighborhood, and increasingly being told to wrangle ever-greater control of the individualists and iconoclasts in their communities, as well as the high-flying children, have access to a myriad of directed energy weapons, which can degrade health, exhaust energy, trigger heart attacks, inflict physical pain, and even launch physical-impact assaults on innocent citizens. And those citizens, once attacked, cannot appeal to the law, or seek any form of redress from any authority, because the weapons leave no evidence. They are completely helpless to resist within the “law.”

Bill was fourth in command at the NSA when the planes hit the towers. He has been featured on TV Shows from 60 Minutes to Frontline, and NSA Executive Thomas Drake called him one of the best crypt-mathmatician code-breakers the NSA ever had. He had the highest security clearance in the nation as one of the highest ranking national security officials, and he is now forced to hide in his basement under steel sheeting as impacts from some directed energy weapon rain down on him and his wife, even blowing holes in the steel sheeting. And there is nobody he can turn to. No law enforcement agency which will even take his calls or acknowledge he exists. The media refuses to even mention his name now. Nobody is willing to pitch in to a GoFundMe.

30 years of committed service to the national defense, he sacrificed his career because he felt Americans were being victimized illegally by the intelligence community, and now in his senior years, he is all alone, facing a Goliath which assaults him at will. And on this path, one day you may find yourself in that predicament too. I already am there, and I am far less notable than Bill. It is working its way down to you – and your children.

America has big problems. And they will only increase until such time as a unified mass of real average Americans step up to rid the nation of this menace. And sadly, I doubt that will happen at the voting booth. Things have gone on too long, the enemy has developed too much control over all of those mundane processes.

Unfortunately it is going to be hard, and average Americans will have to decide soon, before it is too late, to do things which they presently would view as extreme.

However, soon it will be clear, it will be those extreme measures, or it will be America as a slave state, with every citizen cowering in their basements like Bill, living in perpetual fear of The BeamTM.

Up next, Chapter Fourteen, Your Child Is A Target – Surveillance In The Schools