Epilogue – What Do I Do Now?

So you have made it this far, and want to help rid America of the American Stasi. Following will be the first phase of steps to follow.

At the end of the book will be five copies of our chain letter, asking Americans to visit our website or check out the book, and learn to spot the surveillance. We then ask that they help us to warn other Americans about it, and the risk to our health and freedom it presents. The letter is also available in 8×10 format in two images at the bottom of every page on our website, or at the archives we will list in it.

However if you have a printed book, it would be best not to pull the online files, or visit the website, as your neighborhood archivist, who loosely skims everyone’s internet activity in their sector, will see you visited the web address, which is flagged, and they will assign surveillance to take a closer look at you. If you are reading the book, do not visit the website until after you finish the covert phase of spreading the work.

If you are working from the book, you need to make copies of the letter, either scanning it, making photocopies, or taking pictures of it with your phone, and printing them out. I would try to use a USB cable for the printer, as any WiFi signals from a print spooler floating in the air will be grabbed and reviewed by your neighborhood monitor. Alternately you can make copies at work or at the library.

Now you have copies of the letter. Our first phase of spread is a covert phase. You are going to visit any mapping site online like Google Maps, or any online directory where you could procure mailing addresses, or even an old phone book and map, or even in your drives around, note mailing addresses on mail-boxes. You are going to select houses not located close to intersections (with higher likelihoods of being surveillance people), and you will mail the chain letters out to them. Do not dedicate a trip to finding addresses, or stop to write them down every 200 feet. Do this covertly, as you do other things.

For now, I would focus on areas which tend to be politically rightward-leaning. The right has an inherent distrust of government and natural paranoia with respect to government over-reach, which will be more open to these ideas, and be more likely to see the surveillance. They already accept our elections are likely rigged. A Stasi-like surveillance operation is not that much farther a reach.

Due to the nature of the political left’s foundational concepts, and its inherent trust of government and authorities, it may take much longer for the grassroots political left to grasp it could face an enemy outside of the political right, let alone share a common enemy with the political right – let alone that such an enemy could be so dangerous and such a threat that it would be worthwhile to unite with the political right to eliminate it. They will eventually arrive there, but it will take time, so to speed the spread of this, it may be best for now to focus on dissemination in areas which are more rightward-leaning.

Address the envelopes by hand, use stamps, and do not include your real return address on them, to stymie any tracking of where these letters are coming from. Use real return addresses for other people and businesses, as fakes will be flagged in the database as they travel through the system, and allow the letters to be grabbed out. Like Mao’s revolutionaries, we want these letters to move through the mail system like fish through water, making no waves.

You will drop them, in groups of two to five, in random postal drop boxes while you are out on other business, to avoid having a mailman (who very well could be surveillance) notice fifty identical letters in the box when he empties it, and grow curious about what they say, and maybe crack one open. I would only drop such a group of three once per day, to avoid having any surveillance following you see you make multiple stops to different drop boxes. For that reason you also do not want to drive out just to visit drop boxes, and then return home. Your neighborhood monitor is watching who comes and goes at all hours from the neighborhood, and they will get curious and look into where such frequent and repetitive trips are going.

When you use a drop box, you want to look like a regular person dropping normal mail. You may want to take measures to not leave fingerprints on the letters or envelopes, but do so in such a way it will not be obvious to any surveillance posted at the Post Office or watching the mail drop box. I would not lick any glue on any envelopes to avoid leaving DNA, which is used much more widely by surveillance than you would think.

They may send foot surveillance to do a close approach as you mail it, probably someone who comes up behind you, feigning waiting to mail their own letters. Act normal, and do not worry. A watcher assigned to the drop box to watch it will do that a lot, just to gauge reactions of people using the drop box, in the event you are mailing something in an effort to avoid scrutiny or commit a crime. If you looked surprised or fearful they might investigate your letters later, but if you act normal, and it is just letters, it should not be an issue.

If you know people who would be receptive to this, you can send a letter to them during the covert phase, but do not tell them you sent them the letter. As well as you think you know them, they may be surveillance, and they will then be forced to alert their command, and you will no longer be able to spread this covertly.

Surveillance is designed to be everywhere, and just by being the type of person to act in this situation, they have probably noticed you, and assigned extra coverage to you, including several “friends,” who are in reality keeping an eye on you for the machine. If so, those friends who you “click” the most with will be the agents they sent in, with specific orders to “click” with you at all costs, as much as possible. Be aware, they may approach you and ask directly, looking to get you to admit you sent the letter, on orders of their command, which may suspect you. Admit nothing, deny everything, and then ask for the web address, saying you overheard somebody talking about that while you were out, and are curious to read the site.

I would try to only spread this covertly, and continue to send letters until such time as the movement goes public. Covert spread through the mailing of chain letters will be the most effective means of spread, the most difficult for the machine to thwart, and the least likely to endure any adverse consequences from the American Stasi.

Unfortunately we really need those willing to send letters to send a lot of them. Initially it will be slow going building the chain of sent letters, since simply to keep letters being mailed, even without exponential growth, would require every person who sends letters to find one more person who will first read the site and then learn how to spot surveillance, apply that knowledge, see their surveillance, and then mail enough letters themselves to find another such person.

Doing work is not as common as you would think, even when the risks involve theoretically getting cancer from some radiation beam which nobody can see when it is being used, or someone’s children being hooked on drugs or molested for having ability and morality.

I would estimate initially it will take each person sending between twenty and fifty letters to find that one person, especially since in many cases, people trying to send letters will be under surveillance they did not know about, and it will see what is happening and intercept the letters before any are delivered. Those letters will simply be lost in the mail, and the sender will never know.

If we can ignite growth however, and get to the point letters are flying all over in every direction, once a person receives two or three letters from different people, it may be easier to motivate them to look into this. Our goal is to have masses of random people, who the machine does not know to watch, sending surges of letters which will lead to those who are unaware receiving five or six letters, which will both make them wonder what the fuss is about, and lend social proof to the idea this operation exists, and is targeting everyone. But it will be slow going at first. Do what you can – every letter, even just a single mailed copy counts.

Once you have sent as many random letters as you intend to, you should then progress to the overt spreading phase. Here you will begin telling people you know and trust that the website at AmericanStasi.com is interesting, and they should check it out, or they should check the book out of the library.

We would also appreciate any other forms of spreading these ideas you can think of, from telling your church about it, to spreading it at your book club, to putting up flyers on telephone poles, to taping chain letters to front doors of homes, to stickers placed around while you are out, to wearing our T-shirts, to putting bumper stickers on your car, to handing out chain letters at political rallies, concerts, or other gatherings. If you wanted to purchase a billboard and had the resources, or invested in a print ad somewhere, we would not argue.

We do not presently accept donations, and while we make some small amount from book purchases, due to the cost structure of printing 800 some-odd pages, we cannot make much and keep the book affordable enough to further the spread. We will make some small amount from merchandise like T-shirts and bumper stickers. However some of that may need to first be spent on countermeasures to the beaming, which has been growing more powerful and which I expect will have serious adverse health consequences, if I cannot, at some point, find a way to deal with it. Nevertheless, we are committed to the spread of this and will spend whatever resources we can on the promotion of this work, and revealing this conspiracy to our fellow Americans.

This is the first step to being rid of this abomination, and we would like to go as quickly as possible. We need every American to know this is out there, operating against them. A revolutionary like yourself, when spreading the knowledge of this, is both helping to strengthen your social circles, and helping to free the nation from a force which increasingly appears bent on destroying the entire country.

Presently this conspiracy is crashing the West, including the United States. Most likely they have positioned investments to profit off the collapse, and the bigger the collapse, the bigger the profits. In a decade or so those profits will probably then get invested in the rebuilding, so they can profit again. However by then, there is no telling what will be left to rebuild, or if we will even be alive to see it happen.

As we speak, a half million Ukrainian refugees are being given Social Security benefits they have no right to, to crash that program. Immigrants from the third world are being given hundreds of billions we do not have, in everything from free food and housing, to medical care, to educations for their kids, and even debit cards loaded with taxpayer dollars, so they can have spending money around town. Fentanyl is pouring into our communities as part of this organized plan to destroy the nation, homelessness is skyrocketing, crime is exploding as criminals are freed over and over, and it is all heading to a debt collapse which will crush our nation, and our entire way of life. Some even think they plan a world war with Russia, to further decimate the population of principled patriots who would oppose them by sending them off to die.

Your family, your loved ones, your children, your entire community, your very way of life is, right now, on track for total destruction, if you do not attempt to stop it – and this is the only way which stands a chance to expose, and ultimately destroy this conspiracy.

Until the nation grasps that we have been infiltrated by a hostile intelligence operation, that none of what is happening is misguided empathy, that all of it is malicious, hostile action, by a well trained and organized enemy, and until the nation sees the scope of the surveillance overwatch this conspiracy has deployed on all of us, we have zero chance of stopping this. Nobody even recognizes that all of our political leaders, on the right and left, are enemies of the entire United States, installed by the conspiracy in rigged elections – let alone do they see the surveillance tracking them, making any moves toward resistance to what is coming, futile.

If you are reading this, the entire fate of the nation, your life, and your loved one’s lives, rest on your shoulders now.

I would gladly do all of this myself, but I am now known, and watched closely. All of my neighbors were suddenly gone over a period of a week when I began this path, and literally every neighbor is now surveillance. I get beamed nightly to degrade me, with steadily increasing force. I am followed everywhere, and any letters I try to send will be noticed and get “lost in the mail,” or “misdelivered” to surveillance personnel.

I am now burned as an operative in the information warfare phase of this war. This book, and my hope you are one of my kind, and are ready and willing to finally stand up and fight for your own way of life and your freedom, is the only path forward I see in this war. If I can find enough hidden lone wolves like you to spread this knowledge, simply mailing chain letters, we will get a revolution, and we will win. Americans will allow no less, if we can open their eyes and show them the truth.

Thank you for your time and effort in examining this material, as well as any help you might offer.

Now, the letter. Click the images to bring up the full-page versions:

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