Surveillance Detection – Suicidal Judges Edition

NY Judge shoots himself in front of FBI when they come to arrest him over charges of bribery. From the article: “In a statement to The New York Post, his son said: “The only thing I feel compelled to point out is that the local news headlines are reporting that my father fatally shot himself while also reporting in the same article that the FBI field office issued a statement calling it an agent involved shooting.'” American Stasi hit team?

I wanted to do a driveby of the judge’s house on Google Streetview, to see what you see, but it appears he presently lived in a condominium complex along Route 416 in Campbell Hall, according to this article. There is no surveillance detection ability there, as it is a main drag with decent traffic, almost no side streets, and no real decision points, except in front of the complex. There, you have cars driving behind you, but once case of a car behind you is not a decisive reading on your surveillance situation.

I went on Google and searched his name, and address, and came up with this listing, which I suspect is most likely the residence he just moved from, about nine months ago:

The address which is pinned on Google is actually 62 Ulster Ave, and it is clearly pinned with his full name with middle initial. The house was sold on 1/11/2023 to the current owner.

The images are from two full years ago, in September of 2022, months prior to the incidents which supposedly triggered the FBI investigation. It is interesting, as the house shows clear signs of American Stasi surveillance activity, despite there being no reason for it, at the time. We will begin our approach to the house here, and head south toward it:

Three intersections north of the Judge’s house heading south towards it, dog walker, and oncoming car which will hit the intersection as you do:

If you go to the intersection, there are no other pedestrians looking north, south, east, or west, and the car hits the corner just as you commit to a decision, and pass through:

Next intersection, no pedestrian, but the next car hits just as you do, perfect timing to call your decision:

Next intersection, just four houses north of the judge right up ahead, and you have a car which hit the intersection, as well as the resident of the corner house who came out and is just standing there:

Rather than look at the Google car, which is interesting to look at, the house resident turns away as you pass;

He hasn’t noticed you, and he definitely is not standing there for you.

Each time you come to an important decision point significant to the surveillance, there is a car there, and so far it has only been at intersections. But look where the first car we encounter away from an intersection is:

That is the judge’s house on the right, according to Google. The car will be opposite you when you reach the little staircase going up to the judge’s house, so this car, if it is surveillance, is there to call if you interact with the target residence in any way. He even opened up his driver’s side window, to make sure he would hear if you yelled:

Here is the resident of the house directly across the street, who is also out, just sitting with a strangely stiff posture, looking at the Google car pass:

You can cruise up and down the street, and you will notice that not another house has its residents outside, save for this house, and the house at the last corner.

Another anomaly this house exhibits is an open upper window, facing the target house. I do not see that in any other houses on the street, and I have actually had a surveillance house open such a window facing a target house I visited:

Next intersection:

There is no car at the next intersection, because you completed your pass-by of the target residence, and now it is no longer a question if you are going to stop at it, so the car you just passed in the last intersection picked you up and will follow you out.

They care less now if you feel like you are followed, because you already answered the question of whether you were there to visit the judge. You were not, so one car can just tail you as you drive away. They did not handle you like this on the way in, because if you were going to the judge’s, they wanted to know, 100%, you would not feel like maybe you were being followed, and abort the visit. On your way in it was vital to their mission you feel unfollowed.

My guess is if the judge is frequently visited by members of the Army’s Delta Force, that is important operational info they would want to include in the intel package for any hitters they decide to use.

Some articles say he committed suicide when the FBI arrived (although the FBI seems to be treating it as if they shot him), but you never know if he was suicided before FBI arrived, the body posed, and the hitter just set off a firecracker when the FBI arrived, they entered, and assumed the gunshot would had just happened when they heard the bang.

So another surveillance target, and another dead body a few months later. What is going on? I have no idea. I just know I will not be making any long term plans or getting a dog until you can visit my house without it looking like this.

This is kind of what you would expect it to look like in the gray area between a free Republic, and a completely despotic dictatorship ruled by a vicious secret police. Nobody would really know what is going on, there would be rumors the intelligence community was rigging elections and targeting political rivals, there would be indications the people you were electing were not actually wielding any power but rather served as puppet regimes as some hidden organization ruled from behind the scenes, and often when you looked at mysterious murders you would see the secret police’s surveillance was staking out the victim’s home going month’s back. You can see what is happening in America.

Why are they so obvious? Again, I have no idea. For some reason, they have no fear of anyone noticing them. If I were visiting that judge’s house, I would have seen this a mile away. My best guess would be we have passed a point where they think anyone can do anything, and they get off on being seen,

Tell everyone you know about the surveillance, and do not waste time listening to any influencer who will not talk about it. Because if they will not talk about this, it is because they are an agent of it and they are trying to trick you and everyone else, to help this thing steal your freedom.

Tell people about this site. It is the only hope you will ever have of being free.