NSA claims it intercepted communications which give it a low confidence there is a foreign actor behind Havana Syndrome. It is a low confidence conclusion, and six other members of the Intelligence Community say they do not think there is evidence for a foreign adversary, though one member says they think such a weapon has probably been developed, but not used.
I was probably around 21 when I awoke one morning to my legs vibrating, and that was decades ago. I had no idea what that was, but my health was severely degraded during that period as I battled my way through college.
Now, having seen them in much more blatant form, I recognize what those vibrations are. I am getting hit all the time – and so is Bill Binney. Aaron Alexis reported the vibrations in 2012, and there have been many others, as detailed in the book American Stasi.
All available evidence would indicate that the Havana Syndrome is being done by a clique within the American intelligence community which is subverting our government for the elites of the world. The people doing it to CIA officers in Havana report to the same boss as the local neighborhood surveillance crew listening to you in your home, building the files on your children, and assigning people to follow you through the grocery store.
It is the same criminals, and you will not get the straight scoop on them from either our “intelligence community” or the news media they would report to you through. All of them are compromised by the same enemy.
The only possibility is there is a competing clique opposing them, which is the only explanation I see for why it is even being discussed, instead of covered up. If the old guard doing it were in power, I suspect we would never have heard of it, and those CIA and State Department workers would have been quietly medically retired.
However, I would not rely on their being any resistance to the old guard. If we want freedom, everybody has to preach to everyone they meet, about the American Stasi website and book. That is the only pathway forward for us. We need everyone to see the surveillance.
That is our starting point.