Surveillance Detection – Physical Foot Surveillance On Ballot Box Stuffers

For those encountering one for the first time, these surveillance detection pieces require one first read the book American Stasi: The Domestic Surveillance Targeting You And Your Children. The book costs either $60 r $40, depending on whether you purchase the hard or softcover, or you can read it entirely for free, in even more convenient HTML format, with direct links to all sources at .

The book takes you, in Google Streetview, to Russia and Bulgaria, shows you the photos Google took of the Russian and Bulgarian surveillance teams tracking the Google Streetview car, and then it takes you to America, and shows you, using Google Streetview, and private surveillance camera footage, that there is an even bigger domestic surveillance operation, modeled on the East German Stasi, on the streets of America, patrolling all the time, and watching everyone, to build files on all of us, and limit our opportunities in life, so we can never rise high enough to challenge the criminals who control our government for power.

Here in these pieces, we show additional cases where this surveillance has been caught on camera, to hone the surveillance-awareness of our readers. These pieces may seem fanciful to you, but after taking the courses in the book American Stasi, and learning surveillance detection in the courses it contains, you will see what we are showing you here – and the world, and America, will never look the same to you again.

Now, the piece:

Here are two video examples of domestic surveillance tracking ballot box stuffers in the 2020 election. Note, this surveillance operation has been around for decades at least, and freely allowed our nation’s elections to be fully rigged, and offered no pushback for all of that time. So this is not a criminal investigation to prevent election-rigging. In my opinion, having seen this from the time I was a child, and especially since I began this foray into politics, this is merely the intelligence operation which rigs our elections, monitoring its peons as they go about carrying out its criminal orders.

Video one:

Notice in the top video above, there is no activity at the site immediately prior to the arrival of the ballot stuffer. You have 17 seconds of activity, until the moment he reaches the drop box, and at that exact moment an SUV backs out of a parking space in a perfect position to observe and covertly record his act. Simultaneously, a woman just happens to turn the corner, right next to him. At 22 seconds, as he was supposed to be dropping the ballots (had he not been flummoxed by the dropbox’s design, another couple appears at the bottom of the screen, again covering his act from the other side, as the SUV pauses to slowly turn around on the far side of him, loitering during his act, and the lone female walker is positioned right behind him. Notice he has three surveillance units covering all three exposed sides at the critical moment he is dropping the ballots. This will be significant in the next video.

Timing and coincidence is the only way to spot modern surveillance operations. There are too many surveillance people now recruited in the local civilian population as junior surveilllants/informants to spot faces or vehicles over Time/Environment/Distance as was previously taught. This operation is mammoth, and you can only spot it by the perfect coincidences in timing that it will choreograph with target movements.

The white SUV pauses as long as it credibly can, before slowly driving away, and at 35 seconds you will see the driver’s window is open, a feature of vehicular surveillance procedure that wee have long noted on our website, and which I personally see all the time. It allows the surveillance driver to listen as well as observe, and thus provide a fuller record of what was noted in the target vicinity. Just as that SUV is forced to leave, yet another vehicle rolls into the scene to capture the remainder of the act, as yet one more pedestrian shows up.

Note, there was absolutely no activity at that site prior to the target’s arrival. But within moments of his arrival suddenly that ballot box was a hive of activity, all perfectly timed and positioned to record and document his act. That is what surveillance looks like.

And yet it is obviously not surveillance being run by any sort of law enforcement organization as we still ended up saddled with Joe Biden in a fully rigged election, and our nation is still being bled dry and destroyed, almost certainly by the very intelligence operation running that surveillance.

Notice also, the second video above features no such surveillance. My guess is if you knew who the second ballot-stuffer is, he is a higher-ranking member of the organization, who had proven himself in the past. Whereas the first guy was flummoxed by the ballot-dropbox, because this was his first time doing this, the second guy had no such problems, and even knew already he could not put all the ballots in at once. I would assume the surveillance is working to confirm its new hires are committing the crimes they have promised to commit, and they are not promising crimes, claiming to have done them, but in reality shirking the actual crimes and risks inherent to them.

Video Two:

In the beginning of the video, the woman in the upper left, walking diagonally is likely foot surveillance. She is part of the team tracking the black woman approaching the curb, who will go on to be the focus of the video as she stuffs the ballot-box.

At seven seconds, just as the black woman approaches the ropes around the drop box, a new woman is walking along the bottom of the screen, she turns, and continues to walk a perimeter line around the target, reaching perfectly behind her as she is about to drop the ballots.

At that exact moment, at 14 seconds, as she begins dropping ballots, again, a vehicle has backed out of the exact same parking spot as above, once again perfectly positioned to record the act on hidden video cameras installed in vehicular surveillance units to record out all four sides of the car, and probably transmit the video to a central control center.

At 16 seconds, two more foot surveillance emerge at the bottom of the screen, with ballots, to drop them in the dropbox themselves, giving them a perfect cover for approaching the box and loitering through the duration of this woman’s ballot-stuffing. Note how they purposely walk on the wrong side of the ropeline, so as to be positioned to the woman’s right, and not be stuck behind her. It even gives them a cover for loitering to her right, as they realize they accidently walked on thee wrong side of the rope, and need to wait there. Again, perfect timing, and positioning, so that at the very moment she is about to drop her ballots, at 18 seconds, there is one surveillance unit to her left, one to her right, and one directly behind her. In the video it appears there was no such activity around this box in the moments leading up to her approach, or after she left.

I would also highlight the second couple in line, and specifically the older man in the ball cap. At two seconds, he glances back just as the black woman steps up on the curb. At 19 seconds, just as she is opening the dropbox, he again looks over his shoulder at her. He looks back again at 29 seconds as she is finishing, and then puts his hand up to his face as he tilts his chin down into his chest, either as a signal, or more likely to mask any movement of his lips under his mask as he says something into a chest mic. He looks back again at 42 seconds as she begins to depart, and gives her one more look at 49 seconds just as she is about to step off the curb onto the blacktop. He was the static unit posted in the line, as a backup to all the mobile units moving around the target. I assume he had a hidden sub-aural earpiece, and was hearing the woman’s progress called out in his head by the central control center, which was how he knew just when to look back at each critical moment.

Again, surveillance tries to look like normal activity. So even when you see it, it is nearly impossible to tease out of the background activity simply by its appearance. Any one of these actors could have happened to do all of these things at the exact right moment. But the chances of them all doing all of these things, so precisely, is very small unless they were a coordinated unit. And of course the chance becomes even smaller when you notice it appears there was no such activity just prior to her arrival, and no such activity immediately after. There was not a steady chain of such coincidences common to that spot, but rather they began just as she arrived, and ended after she left.

I think this is what is behind the “Red Shirt” phenomenon in gangstalking. Those who fall victim to this domestic surveillance operation often note it creates obvious coincidences, like everyone involved wearing a red shirt, or driving a blue car. One theory is they want to traumatize victims, and cause them to be triggered by the color red, or some sound the “gangstalkers” make. In reality, gangstalking is just the local surveillance operation, and I think those coincidences are distractions. they are designed to prevent the target from noting these more subtle coincidences which are the only real way to perform surveillance detection these days.

A target focused on the coincidence that all his followers wore red shirts and hats, is a target who cannot focus on these smaller coincidences, or educate others to observe them, as a way of making our society more surveillance aware, and hastening the exposure and destruction of this grossly unconstitutional and unamerican operation. If you are a victim of this, don’t fall for that trick.

I will close by noting I never received any formal training in this subject. I recognize all of this because I began a political website, and now this stuff follows me everywhere I go. This is the leading edge of the criminal conspiracy which has subverted our government, and which is trying to destroy our nation. It is the shark’s fin above the water, the tip of the iceberg.

But it is also the secret that the conspirators will not and cannot talk about. Anybody who claims to want to fight this conspiracy, from political corruption to lection-rigging, and who9 claims to want to restore a Constitutionalist government to this country, who will not at least mention the possibility of this surveillance, is a part of the conspiracy. It is the one thing conspirators are outright forbidden to talk about.

As a result, discussion of this subject is the single best way to separate the controlled opposition that wants to lead our movement astray, from the real Americans who are fighting for right.

I recommend everyone use this subject and discussion of it to separate friend from foe. You may be surprised how many who you think are on our side, will know what you are talking about, and outright refuse to discuss it, or even ridicule anyone who does.

They are the enemy.

For more on the global surveillance/informant network the elites have set up, how it operates, and where its operations have made it into the news, stop by our surveillance expose here.