Chapter Eighteen – Where Do We Go From Here?

First, take a moment to reflect on some of the more shocking touchstones of truth – immutable, undeniable facts – which have been revealed to you, and which, if you followed our links, you will see were reported independently by reputable, responsible news agencies.

The fourth in command at the National Security Agency on 9/11, the head of its technology division, has publicly stated there is a criminal, off-the-books intelligence operation that has taken over the United States government and is operating on American soil, utilizing directed energy weapons on innocent civilians. He has said publicly that because of directed energy attacks on himself, in his home, he cannot leave his own basement, and this operation blasted two holes through steel shielding he installed to try and blunt the effect of its directed energy weapons. He has said he has tried to turn to official government agencies, through official channels, and they have refused to help, despite knowing what is going on.

This operation is hostile to your elected government. It has hit high ranking White House officials, with directed energy weapons, both in their homes, and on White House grounds, where the Secret Service, our nation’s premier protective service agency, with unlimited access to the most advanced technologies we have, is helpless to secure its protectees from injury. It has hit CIA Officers, and then entered their homes in the US to rearrange their furniture after following them on the streets to harass them, and CIA can do nothing, nor can FBI or local Police. Nobody is coming to protect them, just as nobody is coming to protect you. We are all on our own with this thing. Nobody else will be coming to save us.

FBI Agents in Miami have this operation set up on their homes, hitting them with directed energy weapons, and doubtless hitting their loved ones with splash back from those weapons. FBI is helpless to stop it, because the infiltration of our government agencies is so deep, and everything’s so compromised. Each night, FBI Agents retire to their beds knowing they and their families are about to be assaulted, and they can do nothing but take it.

This operation’s agents are so prolific, you can see the surveillance, even in areas as remote as Montana and Alaska, following the Google Streetview car. There, you see no traffic, except at every intersection when you hit it. And I will guarantee you, the American Stasi was expansive enough on 9/11 that there is no way it failed to foresee those attacks. In the most innocent scenario, this operation knew those attacks were coming and allowed them. And there are less innocent possibilities, especially given intelligence operations like this tend to take measures to see that they know for certain what will happen before it happens, and chance cannot derail events accidentally, leaving them unprepared.

Given how intelligence agencies operate, between the fact the American Stasi had to have known, and the fact the attacks were not stopped, I tend to think they took measures to see that the hijackers would succeed, rather than sit back, and not know what was going to happen. I suspect this surveillance operation functioned more as support for the 9/11 hijackings, than opposition, because the attacks succeeded. When in control, intelligence controls what happens, and this thing is in control, and 9/11 happened. I think it helped do it, and I think everyone in it, even the grandmother following you through the grocery store, knew.

In my own opinion, this operation wanted 9/11, to allow for a legal expansion of surveillance powers it would be able to exploit. I suspect this operation took measures to make sure the attacks of 9/11 could not be stopped, and even had the 9/11 hijackers failed, it had backup plans to make sure the attacks happened and could be blamed on them. That is how intelligence operates, where a common phrase it uses is, “The best way to predict the future, is to make it happen.” It is why you do not want it in your nation, operating against the citizenry. It is evil to the core.

And I think deep down, every soccer mom and grandma following me through grocery stores knows the operation it serves allowed 9/11, and that their command is that big of an enemy of “Real America” proper. As bad as Al Qaida was, this is an even worse enemy of America, because this adds a dimension of betrayal to the equation. And its secrecy makes it far more dangerous a threat.

Notice, neither the media, nor the “influencers” online are highlighting any of this, even as our nation is being attacked, the enemy is well within our gates, in control of our elections, and throughout our government. Its intelligence apparatus is even in the first phases of setting the stage for a full civil war and national collapse, but nobody will say a word.

I will guarantee you all of them – influencers, reporters, commentators, media personalities, ideological figures – they have all seen the surveillance I have shown you. I am in that world, it is rife throughout it. As you rise, it shows itself to you, to make sure you will bow in subservience. All of those people are being allowed to continue, even seeing their careers advanced, because they are hiding the conspiracy from you. They are all enemies, as well.

The media has been infiltrated and subverted, and will be of no use. If you rely on the media, or the “influencers” online with the big names, who everybody knows and follows, you are giving the enemy the power to dictate what you see and pay attention to. You are giving them the power to deceive you and misdirect you.

To all that, I will add a Tweet, posted on the site X, formerly known as Twitter, by former US Army Special Forces operator and journalist Michael Yon, who has devoted himself to covering the migrant crisis:

Pigeon Forge, Tennessee – 03 March, 2024 – Mind-dump, sans edit.

The drone footage below has never been seen and was made yesterday. This is a United Nations Camp in Darien, Panama, after “migrant” attack two days ago.

This is China Camp in Darien, Panama. Locally called San Vicente. Notice this camp is the header on my X page. Same camp. I have been here dozens of times including two weeks ago.

Secretary @SecMayorkas came here on 18 April 2022 to expand the camp. I was there that day. @ganaha_masako, and @rangerholton, and I first went together shortly after Biden was installed several years ago. Chuck Holton had been to Darien many times over the years. We watched the United States grow this terrorist camp.

Realizing Darien Gap likely would become a main invasion route to USA, I have spent about six months in and around this area since Biden was installed.

Over the past three years I have taken only a small number of select people to this camp and into Darien. These include @annvandersteel, @EpochTimes, @LauraLoomer, @Matt_Bracken48, @RepTiffany, @BenBergquam, @Oscarelblue, @realmuckraker, @MaraMacie, @BretWeinstein, @chrismartenson and a few more.

There is no doubt in my mind that people who pass through this camp will become responsible for the deaths of countless Americans. You have never seen a more serious terrorist camp in your life.

This camp is funded by @DHSgov and others through front organizations such as @UNmigration, and @HIASrefugees.

@HIASrefugees has an office about 50 yards from this fire damage.

The Government of Panama wants to close this camp but @wef, Chinese Communist Party, and @USEmbPAN and others work to keep this open. This is a war camp. Panama could shut the camp with snap of a finger but do not. This camp and others will be instrumental in the coming revolution in Panama. At this rate, Panama will be taken from Panamanians due to allowing this to grow within their bellies.

Again, @HIASrefugees has an office about 50 yards from the fire damage that destroyed the “migrant” records two days ago.

@SecMayorkas was a board-member at @HIASrefugees before being installed as an operative at @DHSgov.

Two days ago, a riot occurred in this camp. Several courageous @senafrontpanama men [Panamaniam Border Guards] were seriously hurt trying to save the camp and stop the attack.

Arson was committed including an attack on vital records of invaders who pass through this camp. According to @senafrontpanama, computers and vital records were burned and destroyed.

The attack is said to have started from an internal dispute between “migrants”. The records were attacked during the violence. 44 “migrants” reportedly have been arrested so far. Others vanished into the night. Vanished with what? The records?

Records that include CCP operatives, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others who have passed through were said to have been burned. It is unknown if backups are intact. It is unknown to me if the records were actually burned or maybe just vanished into the night.

Powerful forces are at play. This is a multiplayer game.

This drone footage was made yesterday afternoon on 02 March 2024. On the right side of the camp notice the fire damage to @senafrontpanama offices. This is exactly were @LauraLoomer interviewed the Somali, the Iranian, the the Chinaman about two weeks ago. I was there beside her with @ganaha_masako, @annvandersteel, @MaraMacie and others. We know this camp.

China Camp is a terrorist bus station to United States funded by United States.

The surveillance we highlight here is the most visible part of a multifaceted, full-featured non-state intelligence agency/organization, funded by unknown foreign interests, which now is seeking to destroy the United States.

Everything you see, from George Soros installing District Attorneys who will release criminals to continue to prey on citizens, to legislatures and state governments enacting no-bail laws to see criminals released to maximize the chaos and carnage, to attacks on local policing to dissuade local law enforcement from opposing it, to the wasting of the economic resources of the United States on overseas adventures and causes in which we have no interests, to the migrant crisis – this is a covert attack on our nation, waged by an enemy embedded in our society and government, and modeled on the former East German Stasi.

Worst of all, because it controls our media on both the left and right, the vast, vast majority of the nation, on both sides of the political divide, will be blind to this battle, and none of us are resisting it. Do not get bogged down in ideology, left or right, Republican or Democrat. This war pits citizen-agents of the American Stasi on both the left and right, who are serving foreign, enemy interests, vs regular citizens on both the left and right. Seeing this battle may be the one force which could reunite our ideologically fractured nation, against a common enemy.

There are Americans, both Republicans and Democrats, who have sold us out, and are helping this thing, destroying our nation for handfuls of trinkets and a promise The Beam will pass them over while it is being meted out to us. There numbers are not at all insignificant, and they will have to be dealt with first.

I strongly suspect many, and maybe most of the migrants being brought here were ground surveillance in their own countries working at the behest of this trans-national, foreign intelligence organization, and they are being brought here to serve as operational assets, in events yet to be initiated.

What will happen is going to be far more controlled than you would believe. This should terrify you, and make you understand, these times are unlike any other in our history. You and I have never known such times, nor has our history ever involved such an evil enemy. Our psychologies, our expectations of how we should act, they will all be malformed.

What is to come will be men’s work, and it will require the brutality and ruthlessness men have shown in the past. We will all need to become those men of old, who carelessly rendered dangerous species entirely extinct, and viewed it as a good day’s work, because it protected our own. From here on out, protecting our own will need to be paramount. If it is not, you might as well enslave your own children yourself and hand them to the conspiracy, for that will certainly be their fate.

I am highlighting the surveillance because it is the most exposed part of this operation. You can see it yourself, in your own neighborhood, and it highlights that fellow Americans, who live right down the street from you, are a part of an enemy organization trying to destroy the country for their own personal gain. The coming war will be a civil war, pitting neighbor against neighbor.

You are going to have to deal with those neighbors, most likely violently, either on your timetable, or on their’s. What is coming is a tsunami which cannot be avoided, in my estimation, and for all their mealy mouthed smiles, and protestations of horror at events like 9/11, they intend to see you ground under the boot of their operation, so their operation can take what you have, and throw them some scraps from it. They prefer you not resist in the process.

This is the point where American patriots are going to have to begin to stand up, and understand what it is to commit to something so entirely you will die for it, let alone endure privations. This is a period which will make the heroes which Americans a hundred years from now, will read about with reverence and awe.

Now, here is the plan. It begins most gently, and requires almost no sacrifice from you. But you must commit to it. I cannot wage this war without you, and without you, all is lost.

If you wish to be one of the chosen few fighting for this nation, the very first step is, you are going to have to look for the surveillance in your neighborhood. Watch your own approach to intersections. Travel to isolated parks to go for a walk and get away from everyone and see if you have trouble getting alone, without walkers happening by, or park maintenance showing up to clean garbage cans out, or planes or helicopters flying overhead.

Go out early one morning to your telephone pole, outside your house with a ladder and a tool belt on, and climb up to inspect the lower level of non-electrified communications wires. Bang on the wood of the pole below them with a hammer a few times loudly, and see if your neighborhood monitor panics, and dog-walkers pop up out of nowhere, a bicyclist just happens by, or cars begin driving by out of the blue to see what you are doing, because the people watching the neighborhood 24/7 began to get antsy and sent coverage by for a closer look at what you are doing near their pole-tech monitoring the neighborhood.

I guarantee you the surveillance is in your neighborhood to some degree, no matter where you are in the United States, and probably throughout the Western world.

Once you see it, the second step you must follow is, spread this work. To do that, I am supplying a chain letter which I am asking you to copy, and send to as many people as possible, both friends, and random individuals, using the delivery service of your choice, be it USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL or private courier.

The first stage of this coming civil war is not a violent uprising. You will not have to die for the cause here. What is needed is a marshaling of our troops in the information warfare space, by informing them of this work. You need to spread this information, and help me to get everyone to see the surveillance. And you cannot do it online.

The online environment is controlled, and I cannot explain to you in this work how bad it is, but as with the surveillance, it is worse than you think. I have worked that space for the last ten years. They have identified and seized control of all of the nodes where information could have spread freely. The censorship mechanisms on the internet are mind-boggling.

I have prepared a chain letter, which will alert others to this work, and solicit their help in spreading it. There is a copy at the end of this book. If we can get people to send enough chain letters that each sent chain letter averages just two fellow compatriots, who will in turn send enough letters to find two people like themselves, who will themselves send enough to find two more compatriots, we can send this book viral exponentially.

If you can print 50 copies of this letter, or even 100 copies of this letter, and send it according to my instructions, and we can find just two of those people in that group of letters to continue the process, in a few months, the whole nation will know about the surveillance, and the political force driving the government to do something to reduce or eliminate it will be immense.

To send the letter, take a picture of it with your phone, and print it from the picture. Photocopy it at the library, Do not type the text, or enter the text into your computer. Print off the copies, remove them while wearing gloves, place them in unmarked, stamped envelopes, each with a different fake return address, and mail them to people you know who will be receptive to the information, as well as random addresses you pick online by dropping a pointer on a random house, not near an intersection (and likely to be surveillance), and pulling up the address.

Do not mail them all at once, or from your mailbox. Take two or three with you when you go shopping, and drop them in a Postal Service drop box while you are out, or send them UPS or FedEx, even in boxes so they look like packages, paid in cash.

Do not discuss this work anywhere out loud, even with trusted loved ones. Not in your home, or your car, both of which are listened to at least periodically, and maybe more if you are a known independent thinker and patriot who cares about the nation. You may be able to write notes in your home to communicate with loved ones, though if you are deemed an important enough target, even that is a risk which they have adapted measures to deal with.

I would recommend, you do not write about it online, post any urls to Twitter, or send any messages with the name American Stasi on Facebook, at least at the start, until you have mailed the letters. These online comments will be detected by AI, the comments will be shadowbanned, and you will immediately go on a list for more aggressive surveillance and suppression.

Do not tell anyone you sent the letter to, that you sent it to them. Some of them, even decades-long friends, will be assets of the operation, and will report you to their command as a problem. Do not let anyone know where the letters are coming from. We want the conspiracy to identify as few of the sources of letters as possible. This attack is best launched from within a thick fog, which obscures everything from our enemy.

The more letters you can send, the better. I have no idea how many Americans still care about this country enough to actually spend money on stamps and send letters to try and save it. We need to find those who do, and it may take a lot of letters to find them and continue the chain, let alone to get it to expand.

You can also post flyers and stickers, or even promote the work overtly at your social gatherings, bars, churches, gun clubs, and so on, but be aware you may get some additional overt attention from your local surveillance. That will be the conspiracy, telling you to stop. You are now facing the East German Stasi in America. Things are not like you were raised to believe. If you do not care, and are willing to take some slings and arrows, as I am, drop them on front lawns, tape them to front doors, hand them out at political rallies, post them on bulletin boards at universities. We do need all the help we can get.

As you spread this information, you will need to process that you are a target, and begin adapting to that reality. You have always been a target, but before you were weak, and ignorant, and the conspiracy liked that and felt safe. Now you know and are dangerous, and what we are doing here will lead to the destruction of the conspiracy.

That means you are being listened to in your home. Friends who you have known for some time may be sent in to pull information out of you. You will have at least one “friend” reporting to the surveillance, and maybe more. Workers you bring in your house may be assets of the conspiracy, waiting for you to leave them alone so they can poke around in your house, and maybe even plant something. You may want to leave things like threads on door knobs around your house to see if anyone entered while you were out and disturbed them. This thing does that. This is the real deal, and not a game. I live it now, every day.

Begin molding your brain to make you an effective operator in an intelligence-driven environment in which you are a dissident target of a mature intelligence operation. Recognize what comprises sensitive intelligence in your life and protect it. Do not send it by email, don’t talk about it on the phone, and do not ever mention it out loud in your home or your car. You are a target by virtue of being a patriot who knows how things work, and is capable. Act like it now and begin developing that tradecraft.

This operation will ultimately get most, if not all of your secrets. Your goal is not to necessarily keep them in the dark, at least not now. I am not sure you can keep secrets with their tech.

Your goal is to make them work, and drain their resources, as you condition yourself to be an operator against the less capable operation we will face, once we expose the domestic network and degrade it through political action. Don’t let them just have intelligence or get on top of you easily, and do not condition yourself to give up, and not hide your secrets from them.

Also recognize your victories. Whenever I get Beamed now, I take solace in the fact this operation has wasted that Beam on me, and I have not broken. In addition, they are then likely short one Beaming device elsewhere, and unable to break someone else who might otherwise have broken. Our side is then two up against the enemy, and the true civil war has not even begun.

In addition, I have developed a constant awareness of the surveillance procedures around me, and conditioned behaviors to counter them which, though of limited effect now, will make me a genuinely dangerous operator in what is to come, after we get surveillance weakened through exposure, and get the ground network disassembled. If you get used to operating against the current ever-present sectorized phase-coverage surveillance, the simple small-team surveillance the conspiracy should be forced to use after its exposure will appear as a joke to you.

I would also begin to mold my brain to understand, your reads of people in the intelligence-driven environment are meaningless. As harmless as the grandmother following you through the grocery store appears, as nice and loyal as the parents of your son’s friend seem at a soccer game, if they are intelligence operators serving this thing, and I estimate as many as one in ten Americans could be now, you do not know them, and they have shown, by their choice, they are as deadly an enemy as any street gang member who breaks into your house in the dark of night to do you harm. Their operation is destroying America, and they apparently will get something out of that, and they are fine with that deal. You do not know them.

By their fruits ye shall know them. I have been dealing with these people for decades. They are not what they seem and the nation will not miss them when they are gone. Grow accustomed to the idea they are enemies, and you will have to deal with them as such on a battlefield to come. I assure you, in the civil war to come, they will deal with you that way.

They know they are in deep, and they have no intention of suffering the consequences which will come if the nation is not destroyed. They have crossed their Rubicon, and burned the bridge behind them. In their perfect world, everything you know of freedom in America will be gone and you and your children will simply spend your life cowering in fear of The Beam, as they are given stuff taken from you by the conspiracy. In that perfect world, you dare not complain.

In searching for allies, there is only one reliable litmus test I have found – that is, who will talk about the surveillance to everyone they know. The ground network is under absolute orders to never discuss operations. Mention surveillance around one, and they will go wide-eyed, and mute. The more committed will try to cow you with ridicule for thinking it possible, usually by denigrating you as “paranoid.” Those who read this book, and pooh-pooh the premise, will be revealing themselves as the enemy.

You have read this book, and seen the evidence. It is at the very least, intriguing, if not concerning, and should be approached by all real Americans as such, with at least cautious curiosity, if not outright concern. No real American should shy from the discussion of it.

The former fourth in command of NSA, a respected and beloved legend in the intelligence community, saying a covert intelligence operation is beaming him in his house, and the government is complicit, is a problem. An out of hand dismissal – an ardent refusal to consider the premise, or even broach the issue, and especially an attack on you, will be abnormal, and indicative of an ulterior motive by everyone who displays such, from public commentator, to neighbor, to leader of your congregation.

Those in the public eye who hold themselves out as authorities, or influencers, who will not discuss the ground surveillance, or this book, will reveal themselves as the conspiracy’s propagandists, and enemies of the people.

Every public face you see on the news, on Twitter, or the Sunday shows, has seen the surveillance. It shows itself to them at the outsets of their careers as a test, and demands their fealty – and silence. Many will have taken part in surveillance of fellow Americans for the conspiracy in their own lives, before being handed their fame as a reward for being a loyal agent willing to betray America. Every blogger, every news-site, every voice on Twitter who refuses to extol the dangers we face, or acknowledge the evidence in this work – they will all be revealing themselves as traitors, enemies, and agents of the conspiracy. Look for those who highlight the threat, and only entertain the possibility of trusting people who first will warn you, that you are being watched.

To that end, I hope one day to see our political scene dominated by the Targeted Individuals of this age, who labored under the surveillance, and who know firsthand it does not belong in our nation. They were targeted specifically because they would be loyal to you and the nation. President William Binney has an unusually nice ring to it. The American Stasi would tremble at the thought, and that alone would be reason enough, even if Bill had not suffered mightily, holding loyalty with you.

Aside from the coming civil war, just in living your normal life, with the degree to which the American Stasi has been diffused throughout communities, in a directed, planned fashion, you have to assume there is penetration into your personal life now, even if only to passively monitor you, to make sure you are not about to make some big, unforeseen move which could rocket you up the social ladder.

In your regular life, recognize that in any business environment, you are in direct competition with those at the top, even when just starting out. Recognize they are aware of this, and recognize their position is so precarious up there, they have taken extreme measures to make sure you can never get near them. Know this machine is watching you, and will be used against you.

As they say, strive to keep your plans as dark as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. Strive to keep your plans from them until you execute, whether forming a business, or planning to hit your local neighborhood observation post, to neutralize it and seize its intelligence, in whatever it is which is coming.

If you are truly committed to American freedom, and do not want to live under a totalitarian dictatorship, I would also pick up a battle rifle and handgun, as well as spare magazines, ammo, and a holster and sling, and perhaps body armor, ideally Level IV plates and a carrier, for what it appears to me, inevitably, is to come now.

Go to Palmetto State Armory and pick up a cheap AR-15 in 5.56 NATO with a flat top upper, have it shipped to your local gun store, pick it up, then get a Holosun 510C, and back up iron sights, maybe at Optics Planet online. Get a streamlight flashlight and mount, and mount it on the side. Get ten to twenty 30 round mags, and a large black dufflebag capable of concealing the rifle and holding your spare magazines and plate armor, and as much ammo for it as you can afford, and then go online to youtube, look up basic AR-15 handling drills for the rifle, and follow the videos to gain basic proficiency with it, practicing as often as possible, until handling it safely is second nature.

Then take it to the range, sight it in, and practice hitting targets at various ranges. I would try to make sure everyone in my household was armed up and ready – unless any of them seemed likely to be surveillance, in which case I would not arm them, and would actually try to lull them into complacency.

For a handgun, Smith and Wesson M&P 2.0 compact is a cheap option, and probably the best 9mm out there to boot, though even striker fired Berettas can be found now for as little as $250 in this oversaturated environment. You can get the Smith with a safety. Get a holster for concealed carry, and spare magazines and mag carriers for concealed carry. You will want to be able to carry everything, while looking like a regular civilian. If possible, spend the extra money for an optics-ready version of your handgun, and mount a cheap Riton or Crimson Trace red dot sight from Palmetto State Armory on it. For aiming and shooting fast, it is like cheating.

I do not think we will be rolling around decked out like US Marine infantry on deployment to Iraq, in full battle rattle. We will want that level of protection and lethality, but you will want to appear harmless, in plain civilian clothes. The civil war I think is coming will be a covert guerilla war, fought in quick hit and runs, as citizen vs surveillance in the beginning.

Now between your kit and your knowledge of the surveillance, you are dangerous, our leaders will fear you, and in enough numbers, that alone will change how they act.

None of these measures, adapting your thinking to the intelligence-driven wartime environment, or preparing in the event things get hotter, or spreading the word about the surveillance is illegal to take now. You do not need toi make sacrifices at this stage. All are prudent actions to take, and advance our position. I suspect the time is coming when you will want your brain adapted, and the tools required, to be able to operate in such an environment, and when that time comes, we will need everyone aware of the surveillance. Things are not decelerating. The trajectory now is clear. Either America falls, or we expose the surveillance and deal with it.

Surveillance is going to be exposed at some point, and America will either be ground beneath its boot, or it will eradicate it completely. When it is revealed, those will be the two choices.

Those in the surveillance will face ruin within a nation which will hate them with a passion, or their conspiracy will seize total control. In our ideal outcome, surveillance does not come out of the other side of whatever is coming. Adapt your brain to that reality, but know it will intend to avoid that outcome, by forcing you under its boot.

For decades we have espoused platitudes like freedom isn’t free, or the tree of liberty needs to be watered with the blood of tyrants. And then we sat back and did nothing as politicians imported millions of third world savages, sank our nation into debt, announced criminals were going to be let free after committing crimes, and Police would be prosecuted for doing anything to stop crime. Now patriots like Bill Binney, and just regular citizens like myself, who have never transgressed against any fellow citizen, and who have held faith and loyalty with the nation we love, are prisoners in our own homes, assaulted freely with The Beam, by an enemy we cannot yet engage in any way in response.

We have been running up the tab for our expensive freedom as we sat back complacent, and now that bill is coming due. It will be paid by all of us in what is to come, in one way or another. Either Americans will step up and do incredibly unpleasant things, and allow others to do the even worse which will be necessary, or we will no longer have any freedom.

I have seen what awaits, if Americans prove unworthy. Bill Binney speaks openly about a criminal intelligence operation which is zapping people with energy beams to torture them in their own homes. He himself now cannot leave his basement, as energy beams rain down on him, blasting holes through steel sheeting he installed to try and keep from getting killed. The government is no help, and just ignores his pleas.

I have seen this with my own eyes, and felt The Beam wake me at night. Even I am getting hit by The Beam. You would not believe what I have to do just to remain vaguely functional while facing the American Stasi. I am not even sure I will make it to see the revolution that frees America from this thing, and I am so worn down, I really don’t even care. If I do, it will be solely through God’s will.

And it is getting worse. My being hit by The Beam is a progression, which began with the titan which is Bill, made its way to regular me, and now is working its way down toward you and your children. You and your children will one day know The Beam too, unless we take affirmative action now to see that does not happen.

While a recognition of the threats posed by this operation is vital to your own competitiveness, it is even more vital to that of your children. As much as the American Stasi is stalking the adults of your community, it is even more aggressive in monitoring and intervening in the lives of children.

Among children, in the eyes of this conspiracy, an ounce of prevention when a child is 12 or 13 can yield a lifetime of protection from the e

I have seen this myself with my own eyes, in my own childhood, and I have witnessed them derail other honors program kids around me. They are out there, in the schools, with a dedicated unit assigned to each school, and they are operational, and aggressive. They can simply surround your disciplined child with children who are undisciplined and nonacademic, or they can introduce them to alcohol, drugs, pornography, sex, or criminal behavior. Al the good you try to do as a parent, if successful, will cause trained intelligence officers and your child’s friends to begin working in tandem to undo your efforts.

None of these operations are their first time trying something. They are a sophisticated, mature intelligence operation with the support of psychological professionals and decades of experience, at least. As a parent, it is very difficult to meet them head to head and compete, especially when they surround your child with “peers” who are executing plans crafted by psychological professionals trained in intelligence operations and designed to manipulate your child’s own reward circuitry to weaken them.

It is difficult to say what a parent should do. If you tell your child the full scope of the problem, that they are being watched and stalked, their online activity tracked, their social circles infiltrated, their neighborhood and even fellow students targeting them, you rob them of their childhood.

I was a bold kid who liked fighting evil. Had I known the extent of the evil surrounding me, I might have decided to fall on my sword as a kid, just to take out as many of those traitors as possible. The world of intelligence is inherently toxic. I hate to expose children to it at an early age, before their minds have developed, and rob them of their innocence.

But if your child is empathetic and moral, as well as high functioning, and you do not warn them this operation is stalking them, you leave them at the mercy of some real psychopaths, who will strive to tear them down mercilessly, while they are at their most trusting, vulnerable, and naive. They will stand no chance.

I have seen, firsthand, kids who were raised in exemplary fashion by capable parents, who were straight “A” students, derailed by an ingratiating social circle which espoused a more undisciplined, non-academic, norm of behavior. I have even seen the introduction of a “bad boy” boyfriend who took a lovely girl off her academic path to drugs and alcohol. I actually saw that “bad boy” boyfriend taking part in surveillance of me at one point prior to that, in retrospect, before we had ever even officially crossed paths. As a parent it is tough to deal with that, without being completely honest with your child.

The bottom line is you are raising your child in a wartime environment, under incredibly adverse conditions, because we failed to rigorously keep our house clean, and we partook of the propaganda that those who wanted to keep our house clean were somehow “extremist.”

The propaganda even established a mindset in the populace where we all assumed everything was fine, nobody would attempt to seize any sort of undue advantage corruptly, and we dismissed, even denigrated, anyone who implied there was any sort of organized conspiracy, or that anyone might take extreme measures to seize or hold on to power. Not only would doing something to secure freedom be wrong, even thinking anything could ever be wrong would be wrong. It is incredible anybody fell for it, let alone a whole nation. The results were the wartime conditions we now face, even in our grade schools.

Under these wartime conditions, extremism, is just common sense, and anything less is the mindset of a loser who will spend the remainder of their days under a totalitarian dictatorship, living every moment in fear of The Beam.

Adapting our children now to that more extreme mentally may be the only proper course of action. I wish I had known what was targeting me, though I also must concede, I probably was not mentally ready back then. But perhaps I would have risen to the challenge. Without the opportunity, it can never be known.

Home schooling is obviously the ideal. In such a case I would place my child in other socializing environments where surveillance would not be likely to be, such as rougher marital arts clubs, and I would keep track of any new students which showed up to subsequent classes, as they would have a high likelihood of being “surveillance kids,” sent in by their parents as infiltrators to gather intelligence on your child for their file. I actually think that kid whose leg I broke, way back as a child, was a surveillance kid, sent to the club right after I began attending it. God works in mysterious ways.

Finally, for those who might one day plan a more kinetic, direct-action oriented revolution against this criminal conspiracy, it is vital to first be aware of the degree to which you are already observed, and the degree to which your monitoring will increase if you begin to look “interesting,” through the people you associate with, the purchases you make, even the thoughts you begin voicing in the workplace or writing online.

You are already being watched, and if you become interesting, you will be watched even closer. Strive to be the grayman now in every facet of your existence if you want to play in the games to come.

Nothing you do will be unobserved, unless you take extreme measures – or you eliminate the surveillance through political means first.

I would not waste time organizing into groups, either. Almost none of the people who read this will be sophisticated enough in intelligence operations to cope with the process of infiltration. Any groups will rapidly be targeted, infiltrated, and subverted and controlled by this conspiracy. It is too good and has been doing this too long.

In the civil war I foresee, if it is ever to succeed, it will begin as a tsunami of lone wolves, who all activate when the moment is right, and deal with the surveillance operatives in their own communities first, putting surveillance on its heels, forcing it to move out of its assigned sectors, and eliminating it wherever it is not willing to be put in flight. This will not be a war of massed enemies in uniforms, especially at first. It will be a vigilante, civil war of guerrilla tactics, pitting freedom-loving neighbor against surveillance neighbor, emphasizing high-gain-low-risk hit-and-run engagements, designed to move the surveillance, and prevent it from remaining in the communities in which it has been embedded.

You will have to get rid of the surveillance first. It is the only Achilles heel in this operation I see. So long as it is in place, our side will simply be Beamed to death each night if we offer any other form of resistance.

Your elections are rigged, your news media compromised, your means of communicating online controlled and censored, and the politicians and political leaders you see are just easily replaced puppets. The people really running this operation from the top, are still unknown to us, and unable to be identified so long as the local surveillance is in play. There will be only one first step to take, and it will need to be taken aggressively, all at once, in overwhelming fashion. Take down the surveillance.

This operation’s compromisation of the government is near complete. Even among many Police departments, the conspiracy has now provoked a shift away from the older Civil Service exams which tested mathematics and reading/writing ability, as well as Policing skills like observation and reasoning. In those older tests, there were objectively clear right and wrong answers on the tests.

Now the conspiracy is driving departments to adopt the newer “psychology/personality” tests, which have no right or wrong answers, and which are simply graded within a black box, in secret by a company, selected by agents of the American Stasi in government, using criteria which the company labels proprietary and will not reveal.

Under this new scheme, the list of Civil Service applicants seeking to join the Police force is sent to the company along with their tests, the company claims it “grades” the tests in a way nobody can ever confirm or corroborate, using unknown proprietary criteria on questions with no right or wrong answer, and it simply returns a list of applicants to be hired by the municipality, with no oversight or questioning.

Here are some quotes from this article, (archive here), describing the process in two Police Departments which were forced by the compromised Justice Department, using “consent decrees,” to adopt these new personality tests to ameliorate “racial disparities” in hiring, which the Justice Department claimed were present in the Departments:

“With the approval of the U.S. Justice Department, Nassau and Suffolk counties issued no-bid contracts to testing companies that developed and scored written exams… for candidates trying to land one of Long Island’s most coveted government jobs.

A primary focus of these tests is that they are not discriminatory toward any race or ethnic group, a mandate of the federal consent decrees that have guided police hiring in both counties since the 1980s…

… Nassau Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder and former Suffolk Police Commissioner Geraldine Hart said that the testing firms control how exams are prepared and scored. Hart called the process “a frustration” and said the department is “just kind of left to a very arbitrary process.”

The companies closely guard the types of questions faced by would-be officers…

… Candidates were asked to agree or disagree with statements such as:

“I prefer to read short articles or summaries rather than lengthy documents,” and, “People say that I’m flexible and open to change.”

What’s the right answer about a candidate’s reading habits? Testing experts interviewed by Newsday disagreed.

Hough chose short stories because the response “likely reflects a preference for being more active rather than sedate, more practical than theoretical.” She said that “police work is more active than passive, with quick decision making rather than slow and deliberate.”

McKay saw the question as trying to pinpoint candidates who exhibited an “openness to experience” and would be less likely to be biased. He said preferring long stories revealed a more curious, open-minded candidate.”

So the federal government forces these departments to issue no-bid contracts to a testing company, set up by the American Stasi, which supplies tests with no right or wrong answer, it never tells anyone what the right or wrong answers are on the test, so nobody can study for the test, or argue their grade. Once the tests are issued, the company simply takes back the tests and gives the departments lists of candidates it says must be hired, and lists of names which did not pass and are not to be hired.

In an intelligence-driven environment, you can see how in ten to twenty years, the local Police forces will all be filled with American Stasi agents, dedicated to subverting the Constitution on behalf of the dictatorial conspiracy. All of them will be running cover for the local surveillance teams, as they assault innocent citizens within their homes, for resisting this coup of our government, or perform other criminal activities.

Obviously being a dissident in any form, opposed to anything your Stasi masters are doing will be frowned upon. You, and your children, will get The Beam, and there will be no governmental agency to which you will be able to turn. You will be entirely on your own.

As I have said, we do not have long to resist the takeover of the government by the American Stasi. Very soon there will be no choice but to endure under the rule of an all-powerful hybrid of the Italian mafia and the CIA – a fully criminal conspiracy – which will control every facet of government, as well as your life, and the lives of your children. You can see by Bill Binney, and the ever-increasing numbers of “Targeted Individuals,” we are already well on the path there. They are working their way to you, and your children.

Making matters more complicated, is the fact that this operation’s technology is beyond belief. I will delve into this more later, however it is important to understand for the last sixty to eighty years, the American Stasi, through our intelligence services, has been classifying select technologies which it officially deemed of national security interest, but which it has really retained to secure its own power in the world.

As Bill Binney described, and as I have seen with my own eyes, these technologies allow the application of energy and force to amazingly precise, highly focused positions in space, over incredible distances, from highly obscured origins, through mechanisms which are difficult to detect, discern, and shield against or counter.

The Havana Syndrome, where intelligence agencies and the highest levels of federal law enforcement, have proven unable to discover exactly how individuals have had damage inflicted on specific neural structures, is but one technology of likely several this conspiracy possesses.

Of the specific details surrounding the Havana cases, a panel of 16 scientists from the Cuban Academy of Sciences, which the Cuban government assembled to examine the evidence in the cases, wrote, “No known form of energy can selectively cause brain damage (with laser-like spatial accuracy) under the conditions described for the alleged incidents in Havana.”

I can attest to the laser like accuracy of the impulse weapon the American Stasi employs. I cannot explain how it works either. I have scanned EMF field readings, Electric Field readings, spectral analysis of radio frequency emissions from zero to 12 GHz, employed a Geiger counter to look for ionizing radiations, and even measured ultrasound and infrasound readings. Only one meter showed energetic enough readings in the rf space to possibly be responsible, while another superior meter disagreed, and did not see such energies.

Understand, this conspiracy knows how the brain works. It knows what brain structures produce what functions. And it has a weapon capable of damaging specific brain structures, with “laser-like precision,” from concealed positions in other residences which cannot be directionally located.

I suspect that is in some way related to the old MK Ultra research projects on mind control, and now the conspiracy is probably working toward a spot where it may be able to change your personality – change who you are, by altering your brain structure physically from a distance.


In theory, the day may come when it could cause your sex drive to overwhelm you, or damage your moral centers, lower your IQ or ability, even destroy your ability to remember what you are fighting for, or selectively wipe out memories, abilities, or motivational factors in your personality. It could eliminate your empathy, imbue an anger, even make you a psychopath. It could even make you compliant psychologically by changing who you are, to make you a better, more willing slave. “You will have nothing, and be happy.”

As bad as this book has presented things so far, I have downplayed my own assumptions of how bad it will get, for fear they would never be believed. We are in a bad spot.

For a primer on the subject of this conspiracy’s technological advancement, I have found one excellent book to read, despite the fact it is written in almost comical style, would be the book Chameleo: A Strange but True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and Homeland Security, by Robert Guffre.

Guffre was a professor of English, whose childhood friend, through a series of seemingly random misfortunes, became a sort of test subject which the American Stasi used to develop its tech, and train its agents.

In a rather comedic style, Guffre relates the stories he was told, as his friend, besieged by the Stasi, purchased a van and fled across the country, pursued by the conspiracy and assailed with its most advanced technologies at every turn, some of which almost mimicked the supernatural. From items in his house jumping as if impacted by some force, to a high-pitched sonic weapon, to operatives donning suits made of flexible, fabric-like LED TV screens which projected the image behind them over their body, so seamlessly they became almost invisible (something also reported by radio host Tom Bauerle), I have seen many of the technologies he described. I believe his account, and assume the technologies he describes which I have not seen, exist as well.

It is a bad spot we are in. The criminal conspiracy already controls most facets of our government, rigging our elections to place its agents in power. It is taking over local law enforcement and it is very advanced technologically. However the surveillance is a key element in all of that. The conspiracy needs that ground surveillance network, to see what everyone is up to, run cover and overwatch for its election rigging and other criminal operations, and to deploy its directed energy technology to punish recalcitrant patriots like us.

That ground network, of overweight couch potatoes, limping geriatrics, and Paris-Hilton-princess-types, as well as other misfits and troglodytes – who so feared competition they jumped at a chance to overthrow the Constitution, and see a rigid mechanism of complete control substituted in its place – is the weak link. Too weak to compete on it own in freedom, and from what I see mostly unarmed and violence-averse, it will offer no resistance to any attack.

Eliminate the ground surveillance, and The Beam will disappear with it, for almost all cases. Suddenly, the public-facing agents of the conspiracy in government will once again fear the American people’s ire, because they will become vulnerable, absent the Stasi’s constant, all-seeing, protective overwatch. Even worse for the enemy, they will cease to know what all of us are up to. That will terrify them. Under conditions of fear, errors increase.

It is then you will begin to gain leverage over the machine, through legitimate government mechanisms. You could get the ground surveillance outlawed, get law enforcement allowed to investigate claims of wrong doing. You might even be able to begin electing your leaders again.

These strategies are all temporary strategies, to cope with an operation, the scale and scope of which, and ruthlessness of, is unimaginable to normal Americans.

However ultimately there is only one path which can lead to where we need to go right now, and that is the broader exposure of this domestic surveillance operation to every single American, and its total destruction, at all costs, at the hands of real Americans who are not for sale.

I hope you will join me in this noble effort.

Next: Chapter Nineteen – Civil Wars Will Not Be Like You Think