What this book alleges is too far outside of what the average American is taught as normal, for me to just lay out to you what I have seen with my own eyes, or even to show it to you.
But you still need to understand, the surveillance you have just seen, which is undoubtedly tracking you and your children, making sure you are all limited in your ability to rise, is one small part of this massive machine, designed to control everything. In addition, you may doubt your own eyes, as the idea of the East German Stasi existing in America is so far outside what you have been raised to believe would be possible in our nation.
So to support our assertions further, and give you a better idea of the scale of this conspiracy, we will now begin citing instances of people who you will respect and believe, asserting the premise of this book is correct, so you will see, it is not just me asserting that there exists an American Stasi.
Hopefully we will begin to establish in your mind, that in a nation of good trusting people who let psychopaths run their intelligence agencies unobserved, it was inevitable such a system as described in this book would arise.
You are also going to have to confront that even as I show you rock-solid substantiation for the shocking accounts to come, the media will not have shared any of these shocking revelations with you. That is because the American Stasi is an intelligence operation, and as such, it ruthlessly wargames against itself, looking for how an enemy could defeat it, or how it could come to ruin. When it identifies such a mechanism, it will take proactive measures to defuse the threat it perceives, long before the danger can manifest.
To that end, it would appear it long ago realized that the biggest risk it would face would be individuals in the news media, or even the online social media sphere, one day presenting this material to you. To defuse that threat, it began infiltrating its people into the news media, until it had a robust enough network that in order to ever hope to work in the media, you would need the approval of one of its agents, and by extension it.
It then controlled hiring, and now, after decades of control, at a minimum, things are at the point that, as you will see, there are astonishing stories out there, of real luminaries running into this machine and experiencing unimaginable things, and yet the media will never even broach the stories, because their masters in the American Stasi control them, and will not allow it. The fact you will never have seen some of the more shocking stories we are about to present, anywhere, should give you an idea of just how total the control the American Stasi wields over the news media is.
It is one lesson I hope you will take from this work. You cannot trust any talking mouthpiece they present to you, unless they will tell you about the surveillance. All of them, like me, have had it show up to intimidate them as they were starting out. Those who caved, and agreed to keep the secret from you, and lie to you for the machine, reciting to you its daily narratives, are the famous faces you see on radio, TV, and social media. They work for the conspiracy you see here, and they are hiding it from you to keep you weak and vulnerable – and under control.
Those who, like me, told the surveillance to get lost, are the names you do not see promoted all over, and who you have likely not heard of. We are suppressed and kept isolated online, because in the machine’s wargaming, we were the threat. It is the isolated voices who will tell you the truth. We want to make all of our kind strong, because all of us strong, will foster freedom. In contrast, the conspiracy needs you to be weak and helpless, and it does that by having its agents misinform you, misdirect you, and keep you in the dark about how things really work.
If you ever find yourself wondering if somebody is in the conspiracy, and cannot be trusted, just ask them about this work, and the surveillance. It is the one thing conspiracy members are not allowed to even broach.
We will move quickly here, as I want the bulk of this book to be training for you in detecting the surveillance in your neighborhood, as well as documenting the dangerous nature of this program’s ruthlessness. I intend to simply give you a name, and a link to where you can see it online yourself, and a relevant quote showing that someone respectable, who you know and trust, said there is a massive surveillance operation illegally targeting American citizens within the borders of the United States.
I will try to include a couple of links to access the relevant material, as it has been my experience the US domestic surveillance apparatus has extraordinary technical control over the internet, and it is possible, and maybe even likely, that if this work becomes popular, they will seek to disconnect the links on the internet to prevent you from accessing the pages.
I have actually seen tinyurls which pointed to one site changed inside tinyrurl’s server to point to another site, entire websites have been made unavailable to some IP addresses and not others, while the website BiggerThanSnowden.com, where a raft of prominent US intelligence officers detailed a program to target Americans with directed energy weapons within America, was mysteriously taken offline entirely somehow, and nobody knows what happened to it, or why everyone associated with it has suddenly gone silent about it.
At my other website, I have been told repeatedly people who visit it get a 404 page, telling them the site does not exist. After persevering, the site shows up, and the source of the 404 is a mystery. But if they were potential new readers who just accepted there was no site there and left, they would be gone for good, as would my ability to find new readers.
We will try to correct any such changes at the website AmericanStasi.com, so if these links cease working, please visit the site and see if we have found a workaround to access the pages for you.
Many of these people we document will have assumed the surveillance is unique to them, it is a single unique incident, or it is some small, local law enforcement thing. As you see the number of cases however, you should realize these are people all over the country, all describing the same national organization, and the program is bigger than just them.
The first account in America I can find of this operation would be the Pulitzer Prize-winning author John Kennedy Toole, who won his prize posthumously for his novel A Confederacy of Dunces.
“In the following years [Editor’s note: the late 1960’s], Toole developed symptoms typical of paranoid schizophrenia. Initially, he started worrying about his students stalking him and people driving past his house at night. In his graduate class, he stood up and declared ‘There’s a plot against me here’. Finally, while discussing his concerns about stalkers with one of his colleagues, he raised the possibility that the government had implanted a device in his brain.”
It is tempting to conclude he must have been crazy from the last part. However having seen this operation firsthand, I know not to trust any account I am provided with about a surveillance target.
The operation will move its agents into close proximity to targets at the outset of targeting them, befriending them even before designating them overt targets. All of us know American Stasi citizen-agents – they are that prolific. Those real Americans who believe in freedom, or who are prone to high levels of success, who are deemed potentially problematic, will not only meet agents, but have close “friends” who are actually American Stasi agents, sent in by the conspiracy to befriend them. The operation can also seek to drive away real friends from a target, leaving them entirely within a bubble of Stasi-agent “friends.”
When I was 18, “Danny” showed up at my martial arts club. When I first saw him, it was his first night and we were rotating through ground work. When the call came to rotate partners, he came off another guy I knew, to me. As we briefly shook hands and exchanged names before rolling, I noticed what I thought was a hunk of bloody flesh hanging out of his nose. My first impression was respect, as he wasn’t blinking, and though I wasn’t sure exactly how that would happen, it looked pretty nasty.
I motioned to my nose, and said, “You have a little thing going on there…” He said, “Oh, I got a bloody nose and had to jam some tissue in there,” and he pushed it back up in. Soaked in blood, the tissue had looked like flesh. Though I had not in fact been looking at his sinus flesh, that first impression stuck, and we ended up friends.
Unfortunately he was American Stasi, sent in by his command to get close, and he ended up asking for help when I was short of time, and it now appears his purpose was just to saddle me with extra work and tie me up as he reported back to his superiors everything he could learn about me. I was happy to help a friend, and probably burned more of my scarce time back then than his command had hoped would be possible.
It is what it is, but if someone had wanted to get an insight about me from one of my best friends at the time, they would have been asking him to explain to everyone else who I was, and he could have said anything. I had bestowed upon him the imprimatur of authority in defining me to everyone else, just by being close friends with him.
It is tough to not be friends with these characters when they have read your file, they know how to have all the same interests as you, they know what traits you value or respect in friends, and they show up actively using all that intelligence, soliciting friendship. There will be a lot of freedom-loving Americans with friends like that. If you are a freedom-loving American, I think it almost certain you will have at least one such friend, as that is how it works. The conspiracy does this, specifically so should the need arise, they can define the target to observers, using the imprimatur of their agent’s friendship with the target.
The American Stasi wants to do this because once you become a target, you also become a threat of exposure. You could tell others about this criminal surveillance/intelligence operation targeting regular Americans. So the operation will take measures to be able to discredit you later on, if the need arises.
The best friend infiltrator, just like the neighbor they plant next door, is an excellent method by which to do this, since nobody is thinking your best friend, who you approved of, was sent in by the conspiracy to gain that friend-status, or that your neighbor was actually planted next door by a Stasi-like intel operation specifically to exert this type of control, and they did not just come to be your neighbor by chance.
This is not a group of amateurs in the execution of intelligence operations, nor do they shy away from taking active steps to gain control over the flow of information. These are trained intelligence professionals, drawing on possibly centuries of experience in the field of intelligence operations, who constantly wargame against their own positions, and develop techniques and measures to address any weaknesses in their positions based on what they find.
Given no other source claiming Toole complained of a brain implant is apparent, I would question if Toole ever said that, just based on my own experience, and the fact that my family has “family friends” who we believe were sent in to befriend us long before I became an overt target.
Were you to one day see a description of me, given by “old family friends” who had known me for years, or any of my neighbors for that matter, that description would very likely have been written by this operation, and delivered through the agents it infiltrated into my social world. It would likely have been designed to make you see me as however the operation would have wanted me to be seen, such as irrational, or untrustworthy, or even mentally ill. The intelligence world is the hall of mirrors.
From here, Toole had an experience common to targets of the American Stasi:
“Toole told Byrne that people were passing his home late in the night and honking their car horns at him, that students whispered about him behind his back, and that people were plotting against him. Byrne had a talk with him, which he felt, for the time being, calmed him down.”
The car-horn thing was actually profiled on ABC News more recently:
“Long-time Hubbard, Ohio, residents Rick and Cindy Krlich told ABC News’ “20/20? that everyone in their town has turned against them.
Over the past seven years, they said, horns have been honked 5,000 times by people driving past their house.”
I have had the car horn thing, as well as the revving of engines as cars pass, and the extra-loud reverberating bass of an enhanced sound system. Those are all procedures today. Anything to get the target’s attention, and remind them they are always being watched and controlled, even while in the privacy of their home, and the world outside their door is entirely against them.
Toole’s account however shows, this thing has been infiltrating America for some time now. It is not surprising it is this big, or is looking to overtly take over the nation now.
The next instance of support I would like to cite is difficult to cite, and that itself is noteworthy. On September 11th, when the planes hit the towers, William “Bill” Binney was the fourth in command of the National Security Agency. It was the Director, the Deputy Director, the Director of Operations, and the Director of Technology, who was Bill.
William “Bill” Binney
From that position, Bill oversaw all of the technology development at the NSA. That means Bill had been found by the NSA to be trustworthy enough that he was given full access to all of the most sensitive technologies and secrets at the most technologically sophisticated intelligence agency in the world.
Bill subsequently approached the ICIG, the Intelligence Community Inspector General, which is the oversight agency responsible for making the intelligence community obey the law.
He was concerned about the adoption of a program at the agency which he felt would be used against American citizens illegally. You can see him describe this to the New York Times in an interview here. He was even played by the actor Nicholas Cage in the movie Snowden, who related his story to the protagonist, to communicate to the audience how seminal Bill’s experience was to Edward Snowden’s decision-making. Though beloved and respected by the rank and file in the intelligence community, he was ultimately removed from NSA, and the secret American Stasi was turned upon him by whoever controls it.
Bill was subsequently assaulted regularly in his home by directed energy weapons. He discovered he was not the first person that happened to, and that there were many more victims nationally. As a result, this rogue abuse of American intelligence resources to criminally assault civilians became a life-cause for him.
Now, with that background out of the way, we will present the support for this book’s premise which we would like to cite – For a brief time Bill helmed the website, BiggerThanSnowden.com, which featured a raft of highly decorated intelligence officers from the NSA, the CIA, Military Intelligence, private intelligence companies, and prominent citizens who all asserted there was a program in the United States government which was using directed energy weapons to assault Americans in their homes for falling afoul of something operating in the US government.
Although Bill was featured on the TV show 60 Minutes, and he was renowned and beloved throughout the intelligence community and the media, not one media outlet ever covered this blockbuster story. You have the fourth in command of the National Security Agency saying there was a covert American intelligence community operation which was not only operating domestically within the United States, not only that it was operating against American citizens on US soil, but that it was assaulting American citizens with covert directed energy weapons, sometimes even burning them with microwave beams, in their own homes. He went on to allege this entity was doing this arbitrarily and without any form of due process, absent any legal authority, and absent any oversight by any other governmental structure – and the media ignored him, and to this day most Americans have no idea this website ever existed.
From the website archive of BiggerThanSnowden.com:
“William Binney’s career with the NSA spanned more than 30 years, and in that time, he acquired the title of Technical Leader for intelligence. After September 11, 2001, he was astounded that the agency didn’t stop the attacks. He started exposing waste and corruption, through proper legal channels, and faced illegal retaliation as a result. However, he maintained his integrity and was vindicated. Now many refer to him as the original Snowden. In recent years, Binney has engaged in activism in support of the countless victims being tortured with electromagnetic weapons. He began supporting these targeted individuals when he gave a speech at the 2015 Covert Harassment Conference. More recently, in late-2016, Binney along with his former NSA colleague J. Kirk Wiebe, announced on the Triumph Over Targeting webcast that they were launching scientific surveys to supplement the overwhelming evidence related to these crimes against humanity. He helps targeted individuals understand the bigger picture behind the subjugation of at least tens of thousands of Americans with electromagnetic weapons. He states that it’s about subverting democracy to expand the budgets & power of criminal cliques within the military-industrial complex a.k.a. the Deep State.”
From here, things went downhill for Bill. The American Stasi amped up its harassment and has been assaulting him with directed energy weapons in his house, forcing him to retreat into his basement, under steel shielding he installed over his living quarters, to try and attenuate the intensity of the beams hitting him.
One night, Bill awakened to the sounds of explosions, as the operation actually turned up the power on their weapon, and blew two holes through the steel shielding he had installed to try and diminish the weapon’s energy bursts, which he feels are being deployed from some form of aerial platform.
From X, formerly known as Twitter, Bill confirms the attack to another poster:
We will discuss Bill’s case in greater detail later in a chapter touching on directed energy attacks by the American Stasi. For now, our first piece of evidence that others of respectable reputations have supported the assertions of this work, would be found at the archive of BiggerthanSnowden.com at the url in the previous endnote, where Bill leads a who’s who of highly respected intelligence officers from the NSA, CIA, and military intelligence, as well as doctors, lawyers, and others who have met this machine, who will tell you it not only exists, it is operating against regular Americans, and wielding lethal weaponry in doing so.
In another global story which supports the assertions of this book, it would appear that the directed energy weapons aspect of the American Stasi’s operations, is most likely related to the widely publicized Havana Syndrome. (Based upon the anecdotal reports of victims, the “Havana Syndrome” may actually consist of several different types of directed energy weapons, which have all been lumped together by the oddity of any directed energy weapon being fielded against American government officials.)
The Havana episode would appear to show there is some conflict between official segments of the United States government, (such as the State Department, CIA, and Secret Service), and the American Stasi, which is wielding such highly advanced technology that they were able to assault White House staffers, on White House grounds, and Secret Service was helpless to stop them, or even punish them following the attacks. If there were no conflict, the conspiracy as I see it would simply have exerted influence over both the agencies involved, as well as the news media, and never have allowed the reporting of the attacks to the people.
Regardless, William Binney, as well as the intelligence officers on BiggerThanSnowden.com, all will testify there is some sort of highly matured, criminal conspiracy afoot in the intelligence community in America. While the covert use, by a hidden hand, of thru-wall directed energy to attack and degrade Americans is an incredibly important issue, and we will touch on it to demonstrate the incredibly criminal, and evil nature of what this nation faces, we will not focus on it here. Our purpose here is simply to show you we are not the only voices asserting there is a criminal intelligence operation operative in the United States.
In the 1970’s, sci-fi author of such classics as Blade Runner, Total Recall, and Minority Report, Phillip K. Dick found out the FBI and CIA had been spying on him, even installing agents as neighbors to record license plates of all his visitors, despite him not being associated with any criminal activity. Here, he says:
“It was march of ’74 that CIA’s operation chaos, which was to harass, disrupt, and keep surveillance on American dissidents, was officially abandoned. So the kind of paranoia which Michael Demuth noted, was based on the fact we were harassed, we were under surveillance, we really were. There was no doubt about it whatsoever. I have seen my CIA file, I have seen my FBI file. The CIA opened my mail, the FBI had a file on me. I’ve seen both… My house was being watched, the license plate numbers of every car which stopped in front of my house were taken… Anyone who visited me, their license plate number was written down by the people next door… I was told the house was being watched, and that eventually the house would be hit, my files would be opened, my papers would be taken, and so it came to pass… When I came home and found my house consisting of nothing but rubble, ruined, chaos, broken windows, smashed door knobs, blown open files, I said, thank God I am not crazy, I have real enemies.”
As we will explain, after extensive study, it would appear the CIA and FBI are partitioned, into two divisions. I have referred to the first division of each agency, which fulfills the agency’s stated purpose, (in the case of the FBI, official federal law enforcement activities, and in the case of CIA, actual national security (NatSec) intelligence gathering), as either law enforcement fantasy camp, or national security fantasy camp.
Those fantasy camps, are where they send idealistic patriots, who might otherwise be problematic, to keep them occupied fighting some form of dragon which is not related to the greater conspiracy behind the American Stasi.
Meanwhile, the other, non-fantasy-camp side of the agencies, do the real intelligence work, domestic and foreign, to protect the hold on power of the conspiracy, as described above by Phillip Dick.
It creates the amusing circumstance where, as fantasy camp agents in the law enforcement or national security agencies are often trying to unravel some criminal conspiracy, or stop some terrorist attack, there will be, right down the hall, the real, non-fantasy-camp agents in the very same agency who are actually perpetrating the criminal conspiracies and terrorist attacks, for the benefit of the conspiracy.

Ted Gunderson, Legendary FBI Law Enforcement Fantasy Camp Attendee
Ted Gunderson was a legendary FBI Agent whose nearly 30 year career took him through everything from the investigation into the murder of JFK, to overseeing the organized crime investigations of 26 field offices out of DC, to leading the entire Los Angeles field office.
Approached for a supporting affidavit by a litigant named Keith Labella, who was suing the FBI over its failure to produce any files in response to a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) for documents related to a massive illegal spying operation he referred to as gangstalking, the retired FBI legend wrote the following in his sworn affidavit:
I have read the complaint in the current action of Mr. Keith Labella against F.B.I. and D.O.J. It is my professional opinion, based on information, knowledge and belief, that the information sought by Mr. Labella in this F.O.I.A. suit regarding “gang stalking,” “gang stalking groups,” and “gang stalking methods,” reasonably describes an ongoing, active, covert nationwide program that is in effect today, and, based on my investigations and experience, has been operational since at least the early 1980’s. Since the 1980’s gang stalking has increased in scope, intensity and sophistication by adapting to new communications and surveillance technology… These programs are negatively impacting thousands of Americans and severely abusing their civil rights on a daily basis.
Based on my investigative work, which includes intelligence from sources such as active and former members of the Intelligence Services (including the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the N.S.A. and Military Intelligence), information from informants active in criminal enterprises, and, victim testimonies, I have come to the conclusion that thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day within the U.S. This conspiracy is far too active to be controlled or operated by private enterprise, whose goals are achieving financial gain. These operations require extensive financing with no return on the investment. This program’s operations are financed by illegal black operations, i.e., narcotics, prostitution, child kidnapping (children sell at covert auctions for up to $50,000 per child), human trafficking, gambling and other rackets.
I have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating 24 hours-a-day and 7 days-a-week, there is a Central Command, located within the U.S., with multiple satellite offices, whose administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps, and harassment against any individual in the country. They have the technology, financing and manpower to dispense illegal surveillance and harassment against anyone at any time, day or night, I have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of Americans. This makes the F.B.I.’s former COINTELPRO program, which I worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday school program by comparison.
I firmly believe that most individuals working in the F.B.I, other intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law-abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue operatives has secretly infiltrated the F.B.I., other intelligence agencies, including the C.I.A., and other key government positions. This rogue element seeks personal power and wealth and considers themselves above the law and the Constitution. They are carrying out the aforementioned surveillance and harassment activities in conjunction with organized crime, the cult movement in America, including Satanic cults, other commercial and political interests, and even misguided civic organizations and neighborhood groups. This illegal surveillance and harassment program is being called gang stalking and organized stalking by the victims targeted by it. The victims are targeted for a variety of reasons including government and corporate whistleblowers, parties to financial and employment disputes, parties to marital disputes (usually divorced women), and even jilted paramours. Journalists covering controversial issues, and, even attorneys and private investigators representing unpopular clients or interests, have been targeted by this program.
Individuals targeted by this program have been subjected to illegal and unconstitutional phone taps, illegal re-routing of business and private phone calls for purposes of harassment, illegal audio “bugging,” surreptitious entry into home, office, and vehicle, visual surveillance in the home conducted by illegal placement of miniature remote, wireless cameras (often accessible via internet), illegal internet spyware, illegal GPS tracking (often through their own mobile phones), regular fixed and mobile surveillance, mail misdirection, mail theft and tampering, financial and employment sabotage, slander campaigns and community ostracizing, internet disinformation and smear campaigns, poisoning, assaults and murder, illegal set-ups on drug charges and other felony charges, amongst many other civil rights abuses.
In addition to high-ranking members of the F.B.I., other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program to harass enemies. They can get a targeted individual harassed for the rest of that individual’s life (individual cases of gang stalking lasting for over a decade are common). The higher status members of the gang stalking conspiracy initiate the gang stalking and coordinate logistics and funding. Lower echelon government rogue operatives, lower ranking members of the military (in violation of Posse Comitatus), petty criminals and street thugs perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of individuals targeted by the program.
Based on my professional experience, extensive intelligence information and belief, it is my professional opinion that the F.B.I. is involved in, and has investigative files on, the subject of gang stalking, related gang stalking methods, and gang stalking groups in the F.B.I.’s vast intelligence files, that are responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.I.A. Complaint. Furthermore, I have personally referred numerous victims of gang stalking to the appropriate agents at the F.B.I. for investigation of their cases. I have also furnished the F.B.I. with documentation of an active, international child kidnapping ring probably operated by rogue C.I.A. agents. The F.B.I. has ignored my requests to investigate even though it is their responsibility to investigate kidnappings. I have a contact in Germany who advises me that the C.I.A. has set up secret operations on U.S. military bases for the kidnapping, sale and trafficking of children worldwide. The FBI may be using a unique codename and nomenclature for the gang stalking phenomenon in its records. However, this is a semantic difference, and, in no way changes my professional opinion that the F.B.I. has investigative files on the nationwide phenomenon of gang stalking described in reasonable and specific detail in Mr. Labella’s F.O.I.A. Complaint. These F.B.I. files contain information responsive to Mr. Labella’s F.O.I.A. Complaint regarding the subject of gang stalking. The F.B.I. and other intelligence agencies are administering and covering up the rogue, covert, government criminal enterprise of gang stalking. The gang stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and the N.S.A. in their records pertaining to the Echelon Program, Carnivore System, and Tempest Systems. In addition, the gang stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and the N.S.A. in their records pertaining to information collected by Narus systems. Narus is a wholly owned subsidiary of defense contractor Boeing that produces sophisticated, mass surveillance computer systems currently being used by both the F.B.I. and the N.S.A.
Ted was among the most respected legends of the FBI. You can view his curriculum vitae, and see all the cases he was at the center of during his career, at the link for the affidavit.
His assertions are quite extraordinary, and many, such as his reference to the CIA-related Finder’s Cult, are beyond the scope of this text. The Finder’s Cult was briefly uncovered by a local law enforcement agency, before being covered back up by the CIA.
Before it was covered up, it appeared the CIA and intelligence community were running a private sector cult in the US. The leader of the cult was the husband of a former CIA Officer, and himself a veteran of military intelligence who still maintained some connection to the community.
The CIA had reportedly intervened in the investigation to kill it as “a CIA internal matter,” according to official government documents. It was reminiscent of US Attorney Alex Acosta being told Jeffrey Epstein “belonged to intelligence,” before quelling his objections and signing off on Epstein’s sweetheart plea deal.
The cult was attempting to procure children which were never registered in any government files, so they could presumably “disappear” without attracting attention. It is believed by many observers, myself included, they were procuring children to present to pedophiles in an Epstein-esque blackmail operation, before the conspiracy would promote the pedophiles to high positions in government, where they would then be fully controlled by the blackmail.
Those running the operation appeared to not expect the children to reliably survive the operations, and were looking for ways to minimize any operational exposure from that, by procuring “paperless” children the system would not miss. Though cases such as that are undoubtedly this intelligence operation, in this text we are focusing solely on the ground surveillance operation which you will be able to see with your own eyes. We need you to see this thing yourself, and know it is targeting you, and your children, before delving into the massive scale the operation has grown to, over the decades, and maybe centuries, that the operation has been growing, expanding, and infiltrating everything, from government agencies, to criminal operations, such as street gangs and the drug cartels.
Once you see the surveillance, you will realize such a massive surveillance operation must support a similarly massive intelligence operation in other areas, and that will make the unbelievable aspects of the conspiracy easier to process and understand.
Regardless, Ted Gunderson is one more respected leader in law enforcement who is on record having asserted that he had seen evidence of an American Stasi surveillance operation, extending back at least to the 1980s.
Here in this next link, (archived here) former New York Governor David Paterson says he was approached by ten New York Legislators, and they all said they felt they were under illegal surveillance by an intelligence type-organization – an organization which he himself feared enough, that he held a press conference to air all the dirty laundry he could possibly be blackmailed over, based upon its threat. Here, Paterson says:
“There was obviously an element in the police force — and it wasn’t Republican or Democrat — it was just out-of-control people who had power that were clearly monitoring a lot of the elected officials. And I was kind of afraid of leaks of inaccurate information about myself.” So, besides the pre-emptive admissions of infidelity and youthful indiscretions, he asked Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to investigate the state police.
After the radio interview, Paterson gave a press conference and later told the NY Post, “I just thought it was unusual that over 10 legislators would approach a new governor asking him to take action on the situation, and the individuals were Republicans and Democrats from upstate and downstate.”
At the time, there was a story which circulated, which said that he held the press conference where he discussed his affairs, after being threatened by two men, following his swearing-in ceremony. They told him they were government surveillance agents, he had been under illegal surveillance for decades, and they had documented compromising material, and he would work for them or they would reveal it.
Although Paterson was adamant he would run for reelection, in the run-up to the next election he suddenly and inexplicably dropped out of the race.
Another New York politician spoke of the surveillance from another angle. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman reportedly told the woman he was beating and raping, as he forced her to perform slave fantasies, that he would ruin her life with surveillance, and then kill her if she resisted.
“Selvaratnam says that Schneiderman warned her he could have her followed and her phones tapped, and both say that he threatened to kill them if they broke up with him.”
Judge Andrew Napolitano said Chief Justice Antonin Scalia told him he believed the entire Supreme Court was under illegal surveillance by some organization, and Senator Rand Paul said he felt he and another Senator were being illegally surveilled (Archive here) :x
“Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Fox Business Monday that the late Justice Antonin Scalia told him “that he often thought that the court was being surveilled” roughly four or five years ago.
Napolitano appeared on the program to discuss the claim made by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing the Obama administration of spying on him and another senator.
“It’s about your own government spying on the opposition party,” Paul said on “America’s News HQ” last week. “That would be enormous if it’s true.””
Rolling Stone Reporter Michael Hastings died in a mysterious car crash, and afterward an investigation of the days preceding his death showed he felt he was being targeted for surveillance by an operation which was following him with aviation and had tampered with his car (Archive here):
“By the middle of June, though, Hastings, then 33, had become openly afraid. Helicopters are a common sight in the Hollywood Hills, but he had told Jordanna Thigpen, a neighbor he’d become close to, that there were more of them in the sky than usual, and he was certain they were tracking him. On Saturday the 15th, he called Matt Farwell, his writing partner, and said Farwell might be interviewed by the FBI. Farwell was unsettled. “He was being really cagey over the phone, which was odd, very odd,” Farwell says. On the 17th, Hastings e-mailed colleagues at BuzzFeed to warn them that “the Feds are interviewing my ‘close friends and associates,” he was, “onto a big story,” and needed to go, “off the rada[r] for a bit … hope to see you all soon.”
“He was deeply agitated,” says The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur…
He had told his neighbor Thigpen that he thought his car had been tampered with, and back at the apartment, he asked his brother to look under it with him. That night, shortly after midnight, he asked Thigpen if he could borrow her Volvo; he needed to “get away.””
“His Mercedes reportedly hit a tree at high speed, causing the car to burst into flames. But there are some eyewitness accounts which suggest his car exploded before impact.”
Also strange was the ejection of the engine from the vehicle, causing it to travel 150 to 180 feet in the opposite direction to his direction of travel. Some have implied that could be consistent with an explosive charge under the engine detonating:
“Witnesses described the car’s engine being ejected 50 to 60 yards from the scene.”
“Former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism Richard Clarke told The Huffington Post that what is known about the single-vehicle crash is “consistent with a car cyber attack.”
Clarke said, “There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers” — including the United States — know how to remotely seize control of a car.
“What has been revealed as a result of some research at universities is that it’s relatively easy to hack your way into the control system of a car, and to do such things as cause acceleration when the driver doesn’t want acceleration, to throw on the brakes when the driver doesn’t want the brakes on, to launch an air bag,” Clarke told The Huffington Post. “You can do some really highly destructive things now, through hacking a car, and it’s not that hard.”
“So if there were a cyber attack on the car — and I’m not saying there was,” Clarke added, “I think whoever did it would probably get away with it.””
Clinton mistress Sally Miller describes what every target of the American Stasi sees, famous or not (Archive here):
“The signs are evident – I’m being followed. I’m being inundated with facebook requests from young, handsome men in search of an older woman, and my phone rings with numbers listed as “unknown.” No messages, only more “unknown” phone calls. For no reason, a writer and neighbor who never so much as waved in the 8 years I’ve lived here wants to be my friend, visit me, come into my house and share her writing tips. Now on my early morning visits to the doggie park, men driving trucks with dark windows stop to ask directions. Recently I watched two men videotaping the area and they laughingly pointed the camera in my direction. Today, looking out my window, I noted two cars driving slowly by my house. In a few minutes they returned to drive past again. The drivers were hidden behind dark windows… In my neighborhood, two cars driving past my house at the same time constitutes a traffic jam.”
More aggressively, she describes being threatened and almost run over in the parking lot of the FBI field office (Archive here):
“Miller later found the back window of her jeep shot out from the inside with a handful of shot gun cartridges left strewn across the back seat.
When she reported it to the FBI she says she was nearly knocked down outside their office by a car with no plates.”
The talk radio industry website “Talkers,” rated Radio Host Tom Bauerle as one of the top 100 Radio Talk Show hosts in America. He ran into the American Stasi here (Archive here):
“The kind of surveillance straight shooter WBEN Buffalo radio talk show host Tom Bauerle was under right in his own backyard would, in the telling, make anyone, even the CIA sound crazy….
In Fall 2013, the observant Bauerle noticed a marked increase in vehicular and pedestrian traffic in his quiet neighborhood in Williamsville, NY.
“I purchased my home in 2003, and you get to know the patterns of neighborhood ebb and flow, and the faces of those who walk, exercise their dogs or jog regularly. But in October 2013, I started thinking ‘something is out of the ordinary’ here. My home was equipped with a basic security camera system, and I began to track and note the vehicles regularly circling the block or an adjacent side street, and what I noticed was somewhat disconcerting. The same vehicles would not just make frequent ‘passes’ by my home, they would slow down in front of it and people inside the vehicles would all be looking at my place. I’m a logical guy. So my first thought was that someone was trying to gather ‘dirt” on my personal life. I also saw pedestrians I did not recognize walking past my home at intervals, but changing clothes between “walk byes.” That is just classic surveillance 101 stuff.”
“In mid-October, I saw and recorded an event that really raised my eyebrows. As I entered my home in broad daylight with a lady friend, someone emerged from an across the street neighbor’s side entrance and walked down the driveway to take a photo of us entering my home. When we were leaving, a couple of guys darted behind a tree to photograph the two of us driving away. When I later showed my neighbor the video, he turned ashen and said ‘My wife would have been alone in the shower then.’ He immediately called Amherst Police and filed a trespass report….
“I figured the surveillance would be short-term, and passing, but it continued and even intensified. On my video, I saw that when I left my home for work, there was a flurry of traffic in my ordinarily docile neighborhood. When I left my home to see friends, the same pattern. There’d be no traffic for an extended period, but when I drove off, suddenly 10 vehicles would be in motion. Repeatedly. Freaky.””
The article ends with Bauerle scoring a legal settlement with who he thought were the perpetrators, however later articles gave the impression he was allowed to gain the evidence he had, so that he would enter into the settlement, and sign non-disclosure agreements as part of it. At that point other parties resumed his surveillance and harassment, and the non-disclosures he had signed constrained his legal options, leaving him forced to endure the harassment in silence.
Brian Mancini, US Army, Ret.
Brian Mancini was an Army Veteran grievously injured in a roadside bombing in Iraq. He was featured on the TV Show 60 Minutes for his work through his charity Honor House, which he founded after his recovery. It was devoted to helping wounded veterans recover from traumatic injuries.
Brian encountered the American Stasi, which proceeded to harass him until he supposedly committed suicide.
Since nobody could believe America would ever have such a domestic intelligence/surveillance operation, or that it could build a civilian informant network which would be willing to harass a selfless and purely good hero-veteran like Brian, none of his family believed him when he tried to explain what was going on.
When 6o Minutes revisited his suicide, they acted as if he must have been crazy:
But as he reached his peak in 2015, Mancini suddenly began to suffer delusions. He imagined the government was spying on him, that members of the Honor House board were with the CIA. And he thought he was being tracked with cell phones.
Michael Mancini: It was delusional, it was irrational, it was like, a progression.
Nichole Mancini: He wouldn’t let us have our cell phones around him.
Michael Mancini: Very paranoid.
Nichole Mancini: His mind had started to almost turn against him. And people that—
Scott Pelley: His mind had turned against him?
Nichole Mancini: Yeah. Brian would often say, “I don’t know if this is real or if I had if I dreamt it.”
The Honor House board took control of the charity from Mancini. He had been depressed before, but not insane. Last year, Mancini donated his life savings to his church, drove to this remote canal, and shot himself in the head. The betrayal of his mind had been so sudden, so shocking, that his family was certain there must be a cause that no one understood.
There was some speculation online at the time, that the operation targeting Brian might have focused on him as a result of covert research being done on wounded veterans with Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) to see how different forms of TBI might affect the ability to influence or even control them mentally.
The speculation was Brian had found himself near an outgrowth of the infamous CIA MK-Ultra mind-control research program, this one targeting wounded vets. Some think Brian just got too close to something they could not have a regular person aware of, and his harassment was designed to remove him from Honor House.
From what I have seen with my own eyes, it is not impossible. However all it would really require to receive that level of targeting would be to become highly successful in a field, and especially highly successful in a way such as Brian did, where you would threaten to become famous, or maybe even be able to run for political office.
People do not know that following such a course in life is not allowed, since most never even try to explore such a path. If you did, and threatened to be successful, you would quickly be introduced to the American Stasi, who would look to put you in your place.
At this point, I want you to think about the story of Brian, a wounded vet who served his country, who fought his way back from horrific injuries, back into a life in society where he was devoted to helping other wounded vets. Imagine him suddenly one day noticing that everywhere he went, groups of people were following him, targeting him, harassing him. He tells his family, and they tell him he is crazy, and in America such a thing is unimaginable. Yet, he knows what he sees.
A man who was devoted to serving others, from his military service defending the nation, to helping wounded vets, was out there, all alone, told he was crazy, as it seemed the entire community turned on him, until he gave up and committed suicide.
Understand, Brian was loyal to us, and we failed him. Every American reading this has a responsibility to make up for that by examining this material, and if you find it credible, helping to spread it, in the ways we will detail later. Do not allow his killers to win. As an American, you have a duty to not let evil win.
To get a flavor for what Brian experienced, go to the video at one of the following addresses, either here, or here, where a random young woman, who encountered the same thing, recorded her own local surveillance as she left her house to go out.
I have been under this my whole life, with overt harassment for over ten years now. That was five minutes of what that young lady experiences 24 hours per day. She never steps out of her house they are not ready to harass her, because they are somehow monitoring her inside her house, most likely from a house right on her street. Don’t ask me where they get all the weirdos who get off on doing it, but they do.
24 hours per day, they are watching, to see when she is about to leave, so they can set up outside and be ready for her. I know, it seems impossible. And yet I see it with my own eyes in my own life, as do others.
Brian Mancini was certainly seeing the exact same thing. He rose too high, could have ended up a Congressman or Senator, and was marked as a potential threat, at which point hordes of evil people came out of the woodwork to drive him mad, exploiting the very brain injury and weakness he endured due to his service to us.
And when he, the man who served everyone else selflessly, needed us the most, none of us were there for him because none of us could imagine this would be in America. But I can tell you firsthand it is, and it is bigger than the Stasi ever was, and just as evil. We need to all, as Americans – Republican, Democrat, Independent, all ideologies, all races, all religions, all ethnicities, unite together as one and destroy this, for Brian. We all failed him before. We will not fail him this time.
I could go on, and cover the use of the CIA and FBI to spy on the Trump campaign. That is a documented use of the full weight of our intelligence machinery in the United States to control an election outcome for the benefit of those in power, and then, having failed, to neutralize a duly elected President of the United States.
They have attempted through the media to make that interlude ideological, to further the divide in the nation and prevent any unification of the population against them, but it would have occurred were Trump a conservative Republican or a progressive Democrat. What mattered to them was, he was not under their control. This thing, and everyone in it, are the enemy of every real American, regardless of race, religion, ideology, or social status.
The Trump campaign-spying operation featured every intelligence technique, from infiltrators sent in to perform human intelligence gathering and manipulation of everyone from Carter Page to George Papadapoulos, to honeypots, to surveillance teams wiring super-sensitive vibration sensors into the superstructure of Trump tower, so they could triangulate waveform arrival times to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign’s headquarters, as well as Donald Trump’s residence itself.
We could go back in time to discuss the FBI’s attempt to use blackmail it gathered through illegal surveillance to coerce Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to commit suicide. We could cover the assassinations of JFK or RFK, or the fact “billionaire” Jeffrey Epstein appears to have been merely an actor, with little or no financial acumen or intellect, hired by an intelligence operation and used to lure any influential person he could into a recorded sexual encounter with an underaged girl or a child. We could look at how the FBI was forced to abandon any investigation of him early on, and it was only the dogged detective work of a lone local Police detective which brought him down. We could look at how all it took was someone telling US Attorney Alex Acosta that Epstein “belonged to intelligence,” after he began to say Epstein should get a more severe punishment, and Acosta immediately shut up and signed off on a sweetheart plea deal which involved no prison time for Epstein.
But instead I will just tell you that fifteen years ago, I could not have believed something like an American Stasi could exist. Then it entered into my own life, and after five or six years, I was forced to acknowledge, it exists.
It is monitoring every American and maintaining incredibly detailed files on them, with cells embedded in every neighborhood. It is bigger than I would ever have imagined possible, and all of these people had been telling the truth all along, but nobody would believe them.
The goal of this work is to make everyone believe it, by showing you how to see the ground surveillance portion of it in your own neighborhood. From what I see, this thing has matured to the point it is looking to perform an overt takeover of the United States government in the near future, most likely after collapsing the present government. Which means it is coming for all of us, openly, soon, and we do not have much time.
Up next, Chapter Twelve – A Hidden Conspiracy In The Public Eye