Chapter Five – Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience – Montana Boogaloo

A commenter on 4Chan wrote the following:

“I traveled quite a bit in the military over 14 years, and decided to move to Montana back in the mid-2000’s. On paper, it looked perfect. Low cost of living, beautiful scenery, and lots of landmarks to discover. What I didn’t take into account were the swarms of feral, inbred, backstabbing meth heads that make up the majority of the state population. I urge anyone considering a move to just about anywhere to spend some time in your potential location before you make the commitment. We stayed in Montana for a few years, but when we had enough money to break out, we did so. While Virginia is an Orwellian police state shithole, and apparently getting worse, it is nowhere near as fucking depressing and soul-crushing as living in the open air lunatic asylum known as Kalispell. For those that doubt, please, go watch the documentary “American Meth” (2008). When you are done watching it, you will have a good idea of what kind of people make up not just a small minority, but the *majority* of the population in Big Sky Country. I would imagine Alaska would be even worse than Montana, and have heard jokes about Alaska being the place where degenerate filth go to escape the rest of civilized society….”

“…I originally intended to open a small PC repair business in Montana, but after having my tires shivved, my windshield gouged with rocks, trash dumped in my driveway whenever I left town, and people bringing their dogs to shit in my yard in the middle of the night, I decided against putting down any roots. Grew up in and around Philadelphia, but the white trash in Montana were worse than any West Philly ni**er I ever met….”

“…when we first moved to Cut Bank, MT. Sat at my PC and watched the white trash across the street pull off the interior panels of their truck and cram the entire door with bags of meth. Broad daylight, in the middle of the street, too. Faggot townies knew every minute detail of our lives, and would repeat our private conversations back to us when we went shopping, but nobody saw the strung out punks shoveling 20 pounds of crank into their rusty old hooptie”

Notice the townies knew every detail of what went on in their lives, and could repeat private conversations they had in their homes back to them. He was the new guy in town, and the local surveillance crew put heavy coverage on him to figure out his deal. For some reason, they either decided they didn’t like him, or they decided to expose him to harassment to make sure he would be suitably cowed by the conspiracy, before they allowed him to stay.

Those people were domestic surveillance, and that was them flexing their muscles on this guy. They were listening in his home with covert surveillance devices, they were talking about it within their secret society, and they were so brazen, so sure nobody could touch them, they would actually repeat his conversations back to him, to let him know they were listening in to everything he said.

That is the American Stasi, and it is in every neighborhood. It may be more subtle in some neighborhoods compared to others, but it is everywhere, and monitoring everything that closely.

In America, you are either listening in the houses of your neighbor’s, searching for things to report to command for brownie points, or you are the one being listened to, at least sometimes, and maybe all the time. You just don’t know, because in most of America, these people hide, assiduously, from the majority of the population. And for reasons not yet fully understood, they do seem to select some people, almost randomly, for an increased level of monitoring, which strips them of nearly all privacy, even in their homes.

So lets hit Kalispell, Montana, where this 4Chan poster was clearly describing the American Stasi’s operations in both the surveillance, and organized criminal realm. We will take a little tour, in Google Streetview, and see if we see surveillance on the ground similar to what we have now seen in Russia and Bulgaria. If what this poster described was real, we should see an even more brazen ground surveillance operation in this small, rural, American town.

This is Kalispell, Montana:

We will use the September 2008 timeline, as that was all that was available when this piece was done. Here is a small area which looks promising for some surveillance detection:

Again, when selecting a spot to do a surveillance detection route, you want to look for several things. First it has to be away from the center of heavily trafficked areas. If the place you go is swarming with regular people on foot and a ton of regular people driving around, they are all camouflage for the surveillance.

You want a place which is not too trafficked, and which is not a good connecting route between populated areas, so it is sparsely populated normally, and surveillance stands out. You also want to have some long roads without turnoffs to drive on, to see what the vehicular traffic is like in a place where surveillance will not swarm you. Then you will want periodic intersections between the long stretches, where surveillance will always place a commit unit to radio which way you go, so you can compare the traffic levels between the two.

Finally, you want to pick a place where there should be some nooks where you can go and be alone in a stopped car, and maybe meet a contact, or have someone run up and throw a little bit of contraband into your car. Because then surveillance will not want to leave you alone, to have an uncontrolled and undocumented contact. They will want to make it so you always have watchers in those areas. That will force them to expose themselves, even when there is no camouflage to hide behind.

Industrial parks seem great for this. But little neighborhoods on the outskirts of town can work too. So find a spot with lots of little spots where you could expect to be alone and you could meet a contact, and see if you can get alone there. If you cannot be alone, and despite reasonably expecting to be alone you always have people ambling by, then you likely have surveillance coverage.

Let’s start this detection piece at the bottom of the map above, heading north on that north-south road in the middle, heading to the first intersection on the left:

Notice the white box truck just sitting on the right, way off in the distance. Despite all the space in front of you, it will not pull out until after you drive by it. As you pass, the driver is just sitting in it, watching you go by as you pass:

As we approach the next intersection, a car just happens to be pulling out of the neighborhood, and is sitting poised at the intersection as we drive by:

You have seen this type of thing before. As before, once can be a statistical anomaly, but if we continue to see this type of thing, over and over, it may point to something ominous, unthinkable even, operative within our great nation. A traitorous American Stasi.

Turn around in the Google car and you will notice there is almost no traffic, and yet the car at the intersection has been sitting in that spot since before you even pulled up to the box truck. Here it is below on the left, in a zoomed-in, blown up image, long before you came up on it, with no traffic to stop it from pulling out. It was sitting there, as if waiting for you, opposite the box truck:

There is another timeline at this intersection in Sept of 2019, however it was taken during a rush hour, making the myriad of people there into camouflage for any surveillance. Still, you have a truck approaching the intersection:

We will pull in that street, past the car sitting there, and drive all the way in, until we almost can’t see back, even zoomed. You will notice, that car has not moved. The operator in it is watching his rear view mirror to radio where your car is going. Looking back, zoomed in and enlarged, they’re still waiting:

As you enter, to the left, a neighbor just happens to be home in the middle of the day, behind the wall of their house, where they can watch you pass. Notice they doubled over to hide their face:

If you have never been under coverage, the probability of this would feel like 5% or less. But if you have been under, and you have seen the astonishing number of civilian homes set up as observation posts, and you know how many seemingly normal citizens have volunteered for this thing, and know this is the Google car, I would say it is about a 70-80% likelihood or more this house was an observation post that was manned 24/7 to monitor the neighborhood. At least it was in 2008 when these photos were taken. This person was contacted as the Google car was heading this way, likely by a cell phone app, and hustled out, and got in the yard just prior to its approach. Their purpose is to observe it on this stretch of road, and call what it does at the intersections on the right, as a redundant commit unit, backing the vehicle sitting at the intersection, and not pulling out.

As I have said, US domestic surveillance is based on the old East German Stasi, which sought to create an ever-present awareness of everything by sectorizing its surveillance ops, and assigning one monitor/commander to perform broad overwatch on a manageable sector. In East Germany the most famous forms of sectors were apartment buildings, where microphones were covertly installed in each apartment while people were at work, with each microphone wired into a single monitoring apartment, littered with tape recorders attached to each microphone, to create recordings of anything deemed particularly interesting.

Living there as if a normal citizen themselves, a monitoring agent or officer was arranged to always be on duty, moving from microphone to microphone, looking for anything interesting going on. Here, in America, this has been adapted to the neighborhood sector model, where one house, with a specially selected surveillance family, often including children who will work the local school, is assigned to perform that duty for the entire neighborhood.

Their tools for eavesdropping will vary, from back-doored technology in each house they are given access to, such as cell phone mics and cameras and laptop mics and cameras, to Alexas, to home surveillance camera feeds. In the case of technological luddites in the neighborhood, who do not use such back-doorable technologies, there are specially installed geophone and telephone pole-mounted microphone arrays, which, similar to shot-spotter, are capable of triangulating sound source locations based on wave-form arrival times, and using computer filtering to amplify noise from the target location, while digitally filtering all noise not originating at the target location.

When the feeds from multiple microphones and geophones are overlaid in a computer program, each feed positioned relative to the others precisely, by the time it takes a corresponding waveform from the targeted point to arrive at each mic, it will overlay the chosen target waveforms, and amplify the sound from the targeted-point.

Meanwhile, non-temporally-corresponding waveforms from outside the targeted point, arriving in disorganized times, are detected and canceled out, microphone by microphone within the computer, using corresponding inverse waveforms introduced by the computer. That will “erase” all sound within the feeds which did not originate at the targeted point, leaving behind multiple microphone and geophone feeds which only contain pure samples of the sound at the target point from multiple positions, that can be overlaid and amplified.

Once those functions are performed within the computer, and the multiple “pure” feeds are overlaid over each other, you can produce an incredibly loud, pure feed of sound from any point inside a house, devoid of all other extraneous environmental noise. Through the triangulation factor, it even allows you to know exactly where in the house the sound is coming from, and to program that point into the computer, similar to a preset radio station channel, so you can flip through common points of interest, even within houses, as if they were preset radio stations on a car radio. The computer will perform all filtering and modifications on the fly to produce the pure sound from those points. Yes, surveillance technology has advanced, and they’ve failed to apprise you of this. You can see why. They’re using it to spy on you.

The position of surveillance is that this is not eavesdropping since the initial waveforms are captured from outside the residence, and thus they need no court order or warrant to listen to it. Though such an argument would never hold up in court, they have never even revealed the technology exists, let alone allowed a product of it to be entered as evidence in any court proceeding. So there has never been a ruling on it, and they continue to maintain the pretense as they listen in your home and build your file.

Even if there had been a ruling outlawing the use of the technology, Congress has already expressly outlawed a civilian-informant domestic surveillance machine such as they created, and the other backdooring technologies they use are clearly illegal anyway, so the operation is already fully criminal in structure and nature. No mere court ruling or legal concern would stop them from doing anything, so long as the system is under their control.

Returning to Montana, as you travel on to the intersection of the next little side street, you think you are alone, and there will be nobody here to call which way you turn. But in the world of neighborhood surveillance, that does not necessarily mean you are not being watched:

Lets go over and peek into the garage:

That is somebody in a pair of white pants who was standing just inside the garage, either peeking around the corner as you approached, or more likely, watching you in the reflection off the pickup’s window. They would pick you up if you turned down this street and the last observer lost you as you turned the corner. It could be the landscaper. As I have said, the American Stasi recruits heavily from tradespeople, However it could also be the homeowner. In my experience, you will often find that civilian informants/surveillance-operatives have been purposely moved into specific houses with sightlines to corners, by the conspiracy, for just this reason. Corner houses are very commonly outposts.

It seems weird. I know. I only realized this was the reality after years and years of seeing it, as it exposed itself to me in an effort to intimidate me with its numbers and size. And in the course of that, I saw things much weirder. I have spoken insultingly of this surveillance operation to a family member in a private residence, at least 80 feet through woods, from other residences and the street, where there is no possibility anyone would have heard it, only to then hear, within seconds, a number of cars drive back and forth in front of my house revving their engines loudly as they passed, as if to let me know they heard it.

Once you see that, you realize there is no Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, there is no privacy in America, and the American Stasi is always listening. Even in the privacy of the most secure areas of the most secure homes.

In truth, it is not surprising, given the amount of money the United States blows through each year, both taxed and borrowed, that we would have a much larger domestic surveillance operation than could have been afforded by the dinky little economy of the old communist East Germany. Add in the advancements in technology, and the lack of any morals, honor, or decency within our intelligence agencies, and obviously we would have less privacy than the old East Germans.

To them, this is normal, as I am sure it was viewed as normal by the intelligence officers of the old East German Secret Police. It is how domestic intelligence works, and every nation in the West, has domestic intelligence like it. Within their secret society of surveillance people, you are either a listener currying favor with the elites of the intelligence community, or you are being listened to. I am sure they feel lucky to have been inducted into the secret society of surveillance-people-listeners in America.

So we will turn at this intersection, and take this little loop. The next intersection you hit will be on the other side of this loop, seen in the yellow circle in the next image:

Here you are exiting that little side loop back onto the first street you pulled in on, a little ways down the first street. The arrow above will correspond to the arrow in the next picture, which is where the picture after that was taken:

It turns out, even though this is the crappy 2008 resolution of the Google-camera, you can just see below that somebody (red arrow) just happens to be behind those bushes with a garden hose (yellow arrow) as you exit this intersection:

If you look closely, you can see legs, and a skirt.

You can never say anything with certainty in surveillance detection. The goal of surveillance is to appear normal. But you are seeing people in all the right places around intersections and they are all positioned consistent with a trained usage of concealment to make themselves less obvious, and a purposeful positioning of resident/informants at intersections, as would have been seen with the East German Stasi.

The other interesting thing is, since I published this piece online, and took the screenshot above, Google appears to have altered the imagery, for solely the pictures in front of this house, to wash it out. Below, are the images of this house from five photos in order as you drive down the street, captured on February 15th, 2024, simply to show the clarity of the images. The two shots which show this front door and person most clearly, have been altered to degrade the images since I took the screenshot above. The second image in which the stairs were obscured by a bush, and the final image from far enough away it is unclear, were not altered, nor were any others on the street. Looking up there were no clouds, the angle did not change, nor did the light exposure, so the images should all be of the same clarity, and apparently were when I took the screenshot above. Since then, the key images were changed to reduce clarity. Five images, side by side:

This conspiracy and I have been battling for a while, and they are quite concerned about my attempts to expose the existence of the American Stasi. This imagery should not have changed, unless there was something here to hide. Clearly there was.

Another good indicator for surveillance on Streetview is that operators, being trained to avoid letting their faces be seen by a target so they will not be recognized later, will shield their faces, and turn their backs, to avoid being photographed. Here, a couple of people who were out at intersections, specifically turned their backs on the Google car, rather than look at this strange vehicle with a giant camera ball on it, and wires coming out all over:

And then there was here:

We can continue through the neighborhood, and you will see a lot of people, but inside the neighborhood is only good for seeing if there are more people than you would expect to see out and about, and if they are in the right places. You will not see your coverage at every intersection in a neighborhood, since some will watch from inside houses.

Additionally, once you are dealing with established observation posts in a neighborhood, actual physical surveillance is not as necessary, given there will be hidden cameras and mics on telephone poles, as well as maybe other tech deployed tracking you, and the smarter residents can just peek out a window.

One thing which does seem to be highly common is direct eyes on just as you pull up to an intersection of a main street that meets a neighborhood street you may turn on. So lets go back out and just check the intersections around the neighborhood leading into it, where its streets feed out onto the main streets, and see if we approach a neighborhood entrance intersection, and are ever alone. Remember, the first intersection featured the car that didn’t pull out, as well as the box truck opposite it.

Here is the second intersection heading north on the first street we started on, where you have lawnmower dude and a line truck. Because of the way these photos were taken, you were actually heading south here, looking back behind you in this photo. So the line truck would have met the intersection exactly as you did, you both passed through the intersection, and then you took this photo, looking back, which captured both redundant commit units just after you encountered them:

Lawn mower guy never seems to actually do anything as you pass either. He just stands there, next to the mower.

At this point, you are saying to yourself, this guy is seeing coincidences, and ascribing relevance to them wrongly, due to paranoia. What I would say, is, keep reading. You’ll see this so often, so consistently, you’ll realize something strange is going on.

And once you do, all of these images will appear significant to you. I have had many readers read these analyses, and critique them, only to, several episodes later, say in the comments, “I see what you are getting at,” and then come back later and say they have seen their own local surveillance operating all around town.

Here we are at the next intersection north:

Look around there at how few cars are around, except for right there as you arrive. So all three intersections have eyes on just as you arrive, and two of three had cars come out just as you arrived at them. The third had lawnmower guy loitering there.

Just for kicks, the above intersection during one pass-by in September of 2019:

Here was another pass-by in 2019, this car’s driver’s side window was open:

The reason these cars are always there is that you are looking at a surveillance procedure being executed by trained domestic surveillance as they track a target vehicle.

There is one more bottlenecked entrance to that neighborhood, located below, in the red circle:

We’ll hit that intersection from each timeline as the google car hit it while driving back and forth. I will just put the pictures below with the observer circled and the url in the endnote. At some point you should be at that intersection alone, given how deep in the neighborhood it is, and the time of day, with everyone at work.

Timeline one, exiting the neighborhood heading north, there is an oncoming pickup truck. Continue forward and he will pass you:

Seen here from the side as he passes:

Next up, a different series of images, heading north, toward the intersection, before turning east, and there is a person standing at the mailboxes:

Heading west toward the intersection this next car passes you just before you reach it and is watching in his rear view mirror as you decide what turn to take, and go straight west:

Every time you hit that intersection, which was a bottleneck into that neighborhood, somebody was there. I have lived under this machine’s overt harassment for years. That is domestic surveillance, and a quite mild, covert variant of it.

This is the mathematics of surveillance detection. How many cars exit that neighborhood in the middle of the day? How many pedestrians pass the intersection? How long in seconds does each car sit at the intersection, on average, before turning out? How long do the pedestrians loiter in the vicinity of an intersection? How many seconds, timed, in total, would one of those cars be parked in an exiting street like that each day? How often will there be somebody standing next to an intersection? How many seconds are there in a day? Even if every ten seconds, a car pulls up to the intersection, and sits there five seconds before pulling out, then half the intersections you approach should be empty, statistically. But they were not. Every time you went to enter that neighborhood, somebody was there.

Just to have a 2/3 chance of running into a car, then for every minute of the day, there should be a car parked there, waiting to pull out for 40 full seconds per minute. If each car took eight seconds to pull out, that is five cars per minute exiting every minute. It is 300 per hour exiting, non-stop all day. Did you see that much traffic in the neighborhood? And notice the one time there was no car, there was a line truck, and a dude who should have been mowing a lawn, but who was just cooling his heels, or somebody standing next to a mailbox. That is how you mathematically calculate something may be off.

I could keep going, but this manuscript is over 200 pages already, and I need to get to suburban California and deep in the wilderness of Alaska, as well as cover some of the American Stasi’s crimes.

Before we go, lets take a quick run over to Cut Bank Montana, since the online commenter at the beginning of this chapter, who put us here, describes a major American Stasi Meth operation there. Lets see what the intersections look like. If the intel op is doing a Walter White there, it should be loaded with coverage. We will use the August 2008 timeline of photos, as that was all there was when I wrote this.

We will begin heading west into town, and then exit on the other side heading out of town to reduce traffic:

Coming into town, here is behind us:

Nobody is there, and that is a lot of open road behind us.

Here is in front of us, again, no cars:

You can see how if every time we hit an intersection, cars just happen to be pulling up, but the road looks this completely empty normally, it will seem strange.

First intersection, heading into town, oncoming car hits it:

If I take that left, it jumps to another timeline, when the Google car turned off that street, so lets do that. It would be weird if the Google car hit that intersection later, and a car just happened to be hitting it just as it pulled up, wouldn’t it?

That is what I saw when I did the piece, but Google has inexplicably deleted that image from the database. The above image had been at this address:,-112.3095207,3a,75y,145.11h,63.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLszPckyR7NmpRl_swEko8Q!2e0!7i3328!8i1664

You can still see the car after it passed, here:

Just for kicks, we will look at the intersection in 2023, and see if anything has changed. Heading northwest, car behind you:

Approaching from the south, two cars:

Heading Southeast, truck approaches from the left:

Back to the 2008 timeline, next intersection here:

2023 actually looks exactly the same:

These are procedures, with operators who are incredibly practiced in timing, so it is unsurprising to me. It could even be the same driver.

The next intersection has a mish-mash of timelines. There is one photo heading in this direction, in which the Google car is being led to the intersection ahead by what looks like a minivan. There is also a guy getting gas on the side, but you are getting into a more crowded area, which makes teasing out the surveillance signal from the regular activity signal difficult.

In another set of 2008 photos, , the 2008 timeline of photos was taken traveling in the opposite direction for this part of the road, in that array, you were being led by this guy who pulls off ahead of you to get gas:

But again, you are getting by the main street in town, there is a gas station, there is traffic, it is tough to tell. So here we will jump off on the side street to catch another timeline. This timeline of photos was taken by the Google car as it exited the side street, and surprisingly there is a car in front of the Google car, also exiting the side street:

Again, factor in how often cars are exiting that side street, here you have one exactly in front of the Google car at precisely the moment it is exiting, and add in the fact surveillance procedure when following a car is to not follow the car, but to use a cheating command position, leading the car, so the target will not think you are following him. It is curious. I have done this long enough to tell you, that car is local surveillance. But it may take you a few years of seeing it yourself to understand, that is what it looks like. Still, it is a bad intersection, as there is too much normal traffic.

So we will blow through town. US-2 is now covered with a set of photos from 2023, so we will take the long lonesome road out of town, and see what we see.

The initial photos were actually taken by the Google car on driving into town, so we will be going backward in photographic time, as we head out of town. It is still interesting. The first car on your way out which is weird is this dude, who is just sitting in the exit lane of the gas station. He never pulls out, he just sits there the whole time. You can go all the way down the street, he never moves, as he blocks the exit from the parking lot:

Opposite side of the street is this pickup, who also never pulls out. And there is no traffic light there or traffic. They could pull out any time they want, but neither do:

Just for kicks, we will take the intersection just to the east of this, heading into town. The Google car seems to have taken this turn impulsively, and surveillance was not prepared. Immediately after turning off, it must not have been clear there would be a commit unit at the next intersection in here, so a black truck immediately takes the turn behind you, coming from the opposite direction. As it does, control decides to have it turn off, judging the quick turn too obvious, and has another car move to come in behind you to perform the commit function at the next intersection from some distance behind you, so as to avoid giving you the impression you are being followed:

What are the chances these cars are turning just as you do?

Next parking lot exit heading West, out of town, another car:

You see a couple more on your way out. I won’t bother with the endnotes or links.

So what is this? Why do these cars pull up to the exit, and you see them there from way back, there is no traffic so they could pull out, but they don’t? They let you pass, and then in most cases, they still don’t pull out, even as you drive off?

Where I am, they station a car or two in nearly every parking lot of every major shopping center. This is how extensive the operation is. Those surveillance people will spend hours sitting in that lot, waiting to get a call that a target has entered, and then they will exit their cars, and follow the target through the store.

When my harassment first started, I thought it must be a team of private eyes hired to follow me. So I would race to the stores, to try and get in and get out fast, before they could follow me in.

I got caught at a red light once back then, after speeding wildly to the store I wanted to go to. As I sat trapped at the light, I did have a sightline to the only entrance/exit of the parking lot of the store I wanted to go to. I worried the team would figure out where I was going, and some of them would get in the lot before I got up to it. Nobody pulled in or out. There were two more lights between me and the lot, and I ended up getting caught at both due to the traffic. So I had to sit through all three lights. It must have been four minutes of massive irritation. Finally, I got up to the lot, pulled in, parked, and in all that time, nobody pulled in or out of the lot, or even followed me in, so I assumed I must have been ahead of my team.

I got out of the car, and simultaneously, three cars all opened up, the drivers got out like they had just pulled into the lot, they shut their car doors, and they followed me into the store. Those were the local Stasi civilian informants/surveillance-people, and they had been stationed in that lot. And not just for me.

Since then, I have seen them all over, in lots of stores I never go in. On hot summer days, they prop open their car doors, get half of their behind out of the car and off the car seat, with a outer leg propped up on the car door, as the sun beats down on their car, and they wait for command to tell them to follow somebody who enters the lot. They look exactly like the girl in the beginning of the Bulgarian chapter. It is a big operation, and I assume they must be following a lot of people, probably the vast majority covertly, without the harassment upgrade in service.

So the cars you see here are stationed in those lots. I assume they are not pulling out because after you pass, they pull back into the lot and resume their wait for orders from command.

First intersection on your way out (actually the Google car was driving in), and you are being led by a white SUV, which could function as your commit unit.

Being led is not dispositive, but detection never is. The question is, are you accompanied at intersections to a greater degree than on straightaways, and do the timings seem unusual?

Here, you can jump to the other side of the highway where the Google car was driving out as it took pictures. When you hit the same intersection there, you have a pickup which perfectly hit the intersection as you did:

And again, I cannot tell you every single one of these is a domestic surveillance vehicle, especially closer to town. But you have an awful lot of cars, precisely at intersections, just as you pass, even on roads which have no traffic.

Since the white pickup is leading you when you look at the other lane’s timeline, we will now drive just in this lane, heading out. That way, there is no vehicle constantly present, and intersections will be unobserved, unless other vehicles arrive, timed to our arrival.

Next intersection, the car ahead of you pulls off:

Now you are more or less alone, and the traffic is thinning out as you pass these last few businesses at the outskirts of town. If you are going to hit an intersection and be alone, the next one could be it. But it isn’t:

You can keep driving, and see how long it takes him to pull out. He is another one of these cars which just sits there watching you. Below is the photo of him slowly crossing the road to the other side, after you have traveled a quarter mile down the road:

We can actually turn off on that side street to get another timeline of photos. Maybe if we do that, and look back at the intersection, we will see there were no cars around the Google car then, and it was all alone on this desolate stretch of road. When you do it, it takes you back to 2008, when the Google car last drove that street, and as you can see, there was a white pickup there to call the turn:

You finally get alone, but only on a straightaway. It shows you, this area doesn’t have a lot of traffic, so you would think sooner or later, you’d get alone at an intersection. Below is your view in front as you leave, with no cars as far as you can see:

Here is the view out the back. These are unzoomed to show distance, but I zoomed in and confirmed there are no cars present, all the way out to the horizon:

Unfortunately it ceases to be productive as Google shifts you into the other lane, and for the rest of the drive you are led by the white SUV, which acts as a commit unit, negating the need for timed arrivals at intersections. But you get the idea here. You are in America, and on both sides of town, for miles out, you are seeing the same vehicular surveillance techniques you saw employed against hostile state actors in Bulgaria and Russia.

Only here it is the American “government” running a Stasi-like security/surveillance machine on US soil, designed for use against American citizens. The questions are, is it just in Montana, and is it just on the Google car?

It is important to note, those cars were not scrambled. They did not pull out of an underground parking lot in DC, drive in a convoy to the airport and take a C-130 to the local airstrip, offload, and head to this location to follow the Google car.

That is the normal embedded vehicular and foot coverage loitering around in a Podunk meth-town in Montana, probably all excited they finally have something to do beyond watching the boring residents live boring lives. These are embedded watchers of the American Stasi, recruited from the civilian populace, just as the Stasi recruited regular East Germans, and they are in every neighborhood throughout America. Some more than others.

I have seen this same surveillance tracking the US Marshals on the TV show Manhunter as they pursued fugitives, and the Marshals mostly seem clueless. When the surveillance began to obviously freak out was in an episode where they were hunting a fugitive who worked in a maraschino cherry bottling facility in New York City. For a brief interlude, the Marshals were asking each other why an American Stasi vehicular unit was pulling right in front of their vehicle, backing up close to them, and parking there (it was to orient a mic hidden in the surveillance vehicle, to listen to the Marshals in their vehicle and figure out exactly why they were sitting on the facility they were sitting on – (the maraschino cherry bottling factory).

My guess is the conspiracy was packing something extra into some maraschino cherry bottles, ala Gus Fring’s packing meth in his buckets of chicken ingredients. The local American Stasi surveillance was assigned to perform overwatch for the operation, and immediately noticed the Marshals were poking around, and it had to deal with them.

Now try to picture all the silly “boogaloo” Civil-War fantasies people have about how a Civil War would go. Imagine as people are prepping raids on the government, this Stasi- modeled surveillance force, which is run by the real conspiracy of elites which has subverted our nation and taken over the government, is tracking all the people who might be problematic during its many downtimes, when the Google car is not driving around.

Understand that the local Stasi units know exactly who the problem children are right now in each of their sectors. Those neighborhood units are listening in their homes from other homes on their street, maybe even next door. They are following their internet searches, reading their emails, listening to their phone calls, following them in person on grocery store runs, and the neighborhood crews will even have “friends” infiltrated into their social circles. It has clocked everything they have bought on every trip to a store, taken reports on their children from the children the American Stasi runs in the schools, and even befriended them, acting as if they are fellow patriots too, and are looking forward to the uprising. The Stasi has probably even broken into their homes and been through them, while they were out at work, And they may even have installed tech in there, to better watch their targets at all times in their homes.

This is why the conspiracy taking over our nation has gone so far, and why they felt they could form pedophile blackmail networks, steal trillions from the treasury, assassinate JFK, hijack the national security apparatus, rig our elections, and even (at least) allow 9/11 to happen (if they did not set it up).


Every one of the agents of this conspiracy, from Soros, to the lowliest election rigger, was protected by this thing. Nobody could ever possibly even get near them, let alone touch them, and almost no citizen had any idea that beneath the thin veneer of freedom and privacy of this nation, this thing was watching everything, controlling everything, even where our children in the schools could go in life, using their own children as infiltrator spies, to get the best intel, and control it all.

Now in our next chapter, on to the first of the two questions. Is this only in Montana? Lets see if we see it anywhere else in the US…