This will be a very subtle examination, and many of you may not see it without watching the video many times as we move through the piece. But I think I can guarantee, if you read this up to the startling part at the end, you will suddenly be able to go back and see what I see. This is another of those pieces God created for me to produce, complete with the unusual coincidences which highlight what I am saying. And for the amateur surveillance-awareness fan, this will be a masterclass in foot surveillance detection.
This analysis will reveal there is a good chance at least two of the four students who were murdered at the University of Idahoiwere under priority surveillance by the domestic surveillance machine I have written so much about, known as the American Stasi. I will explain a version of the events below consistent with surveillance activity, and leave it to the reader to decide if the explanation could fit the video evidence.
On the night of the Idaho murders, Kaylee Goncalves, and Madison Mogen, two of the students murdered, visited a food truck to pick up some food, and were captured on its internet livestream.
What you are going to see is a surveillance team made up of embedded college students who were tracking the girls the night they were murdered. I have been under close harassment surveillance for a very long time now, and I can tell you this is exactly what close physical surveillance looks like.
Surveillance shows extreme interest in what targets buy. If you have surveillance, it will be particularly aggressive when you are shopping. If she was under surveillance, it would have been prominent when she was shopping in stores.
We will begin at 9:25 in this video.
This is several minutes before the girls arrive. If the girls were under surveillance, the operators would arrive and set up the scene before the girls arrived. That is procedure. Surveillance will always try to get there before you, so you will not see someone following you.
When you are under coverage, operators will always be lurking nearby, wherever you go, the control center will most likely have opened the mics on any cellphones you have, mobile units will have highly directional listening devices pointed at your car, and it is highly likely every word you utter is being listened to.
Wherever the girls were on campus before coming to the food truck, their coverage there would have heard them say they wanted to head to the food truck to grab a bite before going home. That would be radioed/texted to the central Control, and Control would look at who was in the area of the food truck.
Most likely I would assume that given it is a locus of activity, today’s American Stasi would keep at least one operative present at the food truck, just monitoring it for anything of interest going on, regardless of whether a target was present or not.
Meanwhile Control would look for a fresh team to deliver to the site, ahead of the girls, and message them to make their way to the food truck, so they would be there, fresh and ready, when the girls arrived. There is no way for the girls to think they are being followed, if their surveillance is already there waiting, when they arrive, and they walk into it. It is a basic surveillance technique.
You may read the descriptions of what happened below, look at the still shots from the video, and then go back and look at the video to see these things, in real time. Seeing the close physical surveillance in real time, the way the people are looking at the girls without looking at them, the way they look to shield their faces when the girls draw near, the way they surround the girls and hold a conversation over them, so they can observe them without twisting their neck to deviate from their natural sightline, is crucial to your training. This type of surveillance activity is rife throughout American society.
Now to the videotape. Beginning at 9:25, you will notice this individual, who we will call Tank Top, while engaging in intermittent conversation, suddenly reach in his pocket, denoted by the red arrow:
He will extract a cell phone and look at it intently:
He will then rapidly snap his head and look to his left as he puts the phone away:
In the scenario of surveillance this could be consistent with, he would be the regular posted surveillance assigned to the food truck area to spy on everyone that night. One guy, just hanging out, watching a bunch of people, looking and listening for anything interesting to report to his superiors.
He received a text, which told him two priority targets were on their way, and Control was moving him out, to move four fresh, more-capable surveillance personnel into the area for this monitoring operation.
He says goodbye in a rush and he speed-walks in the opposite direction of the way he just looked. If surveillance, he seems less skilled at hiding his agitation. I would think a highly experienced member of surveillance would have left more calmly. It may be why he was moved out and other operators were brought in.
The first two people who look like his replacements (and they might not be surveillance, but they have the appearance you will see if you encounter surveillance) will arrive from the top of the screen, as seen below. We will call them Hippy Boy and Girl. You can make out Tank Top, on the left, has turned and is about to peel out of there, just as Hippy Boy and Girl arrive to take the scene. When Tank Top’s head snapped after reading the text, he was looking at these two approaching:
Hippy Boy would be a pro, if he was surveillance. He is unremarkable and non-threatening, and would be very hard to spot. He has the perfect demeanor, and even clothes you would never remember. Which would make me think the girls would have been important targets for some reason to the Command if he is surveillance. If they were not important, Tank Top would just have been left in place and sent their pictures on his phone and told to watch them. If this is surveillance, those two girls were priority targets for some reason.
The two newcomers proceed to examine Hippy-Boy’s phone intensely. If this were surveillance they were just roving a moment ago before getting tasked here. Now they would have been sent imagery of the targets, and they would have a minute or so to commit the faces, clothes, and data to memory, so they will recognize them when they arrive.
Notice, there is nobody ordering food on the right at the cashier who would be in their way of getting food, and they are not interested in food or socializing. They have a job to do:
At this point in the lower left camera, a rather large individual comes around the corner of the food truck in the left of the frame, and does not stop to survey the scene, or see who he knows, or look for anyone, but rather walks decisively through the crowd directly to the couple above, on the other side of the food truck and behind the crowd. We will call him Big Boy, and he knew where he was going before he arrived:
Hippy Boy and the girl do not seem to greet Big Boy. It is as if his arrival was expected, and he just joins them. At 11:19 below, Hippy Boy looks up from his phone and points in the direction the targets will come from, which would be consistent with saying to the others, “They will come from there”:
At this point, surveillance will examine the scene and see if there are blind spots or blocked sightlines, and look at where they want to set up, so that wherever the targets go, they will not need to move around chasing after them to get a sightline, and risk the targets noticing. None of the three make any effort to get on the line and order food yet. So they did not arrive here to eat, primarily, or they would have advanced directly to the truck. Nor did they arrive looking for anyone to socialize with.
If you look at the rest of the kids in this, they are all noticeably different at this point. The kids are all goofing off, bantering, posturing, in the moment. These three are almost surrounded by an aura, and appear focused on something they have to get out of the way. It is a feel you pick up, when people are at work, doing something and controlling, vs on their own wavelength, and flowing with the circumstances.
Hippy boy dives back into his phone, and Big Boy turns and notices there is a food truck, and eating food would make an excellent cover for action:
12:33, and they are now ordering food, and doing so before the possible targets, and future murder victims, arrive:
They order, and Hippy Boy meets a girl he knows. At 11:11, targets arrive, and Hippy Boy just happened to break from his social group about 7 seconds prior to turn around and look behind him, to be looking casually, right at them the instant they round the corner:
Instantly after looking at them, Hippy Boy spins around, and waves his arm, making a big scene about how he was engaged in interaction with the girl he was talking to a minute ago, saying goodbye:
Either he is not surveillance, or he is a pro, constantly thinking about what the target is seeing, even as he is looking at them.
Immediately after the waving arm, he spins back around to look at the two targets, who as you expect go immediately to order their food. Notice the two targets are ordering their food after the three watchers. It will be significant later:
Again, they are cute, bubbly blondes, out for a good time, so it is not dispositive if men look at them:
Just as the targets arrived, another individual will arrive, almost walking between them, and he will never order food. He arrived with them at 3:43:02, and took up a rearward position alone. He also likely notices the cameras on the truck which are livestreaming, and immediately takes off his hat which was backward, puts it on frontward and pulls the brim down, and then pulls up his hoodie as he turns away from the truck to move farther back. He will keep his hoodie up and his brim down while in the vicinity of the food truck’s surveillance cameras. Later, you will see he knows the cameras are there, when he points them out to Big Boy. Remember him, he will shock you later, and make you realize I was not making this up:
One of the two targets is about to be hailed by a male who knows her off to the left in the picture above. As they indicate they know each other and are about to move to each other, Big Boy puts his hand to his mouth and holds it there. When surveillance communicates, they whisper into chest microphones, and cover their mouths so others will not see. Sometimes they will place a microphone in a shirt cuff, and talk into it. Regardless, the hand to the mouth is seen surprisingly often with surveillance:
You’ll recall the man outside Irah Sok’s photography studio in the last chapter:
As the target girl walks over, she passes Hippy Boy and Girl, who both noticeably try to shield their faces from her, something surveillance will reflexively try to do, to preserve their ability to not be recognized, so they can surveil a target again in the future:
Here the target, marked with a red arrow, has walked over to say hi, made her greetings, and is now beginning to walk away. Hippy Boy appears to be looking at the guy she was talking to, and not the girl. A target contact is a significant event in surveillance. A surveillance operator would want to remember that face. Also look at the postures of the three subjects, all upright, facing the same way:
The target botches their plans, as targets are wont to do, and she decides to walk through their group. If they were surveillance, this would be bothersome to them, because surveillance does not want a target to get a good look at their face, or they are burned for future surveillance on the target. Look at how in a microsecond, she moves a foot and a half, to walk in between them, and all of their postures change, and they all try to shield their faces and turn them away from her:
Now Hippy Boy holds this position for six seconds, covering his mouth, a common move when surveillance wants to communicate, and not have people see they are whispering, usually into a microphone taped to the chest. The girls are ordering, and that data is actually important to surveillance, just like what you buy in a grocery store. He will be relaying what they are buying. The records they keep are astonishingly complete:
He is sort of a smidge sheepish, and non-confrontational, but social, and easy-going. He is a perfect demeanor for the work:
Tank Top from Scene One returns, and Big Boy notices:
There is no reason to think Big Boy would know Tank Top. But obviously they know each other:
One of the things which would puzzle me in high school was finding out kids who assiduously ignored each other in school, would suddenly be revealed to have been together, like at a train station miles away. And it would be multiple kids from different grades and different neighborhoods, and different social groups, who in school ignored each other like they had never met. But suddenly it would pop out they were all at some train station miles away, and saw something notable which happened to one of them. I did not understand how they knew each other, but I do now. They literally were in the secret society, running surveillance together when not in school. And they could not let anyone know.
Here, Hippy Boy is looking directly at one of the targets:
But he turns sheepish when she looks at him. She noticed him looking and locks eyes on him for a bit. That can be natural with a pretty girl like that, or not.
She now has begun to expect her food a few times, as other people came up and got their food. So she is preparing to depart. He pulls out his cell phone again, and is showing Girl something on it. Nobody notices:
As the targets look like they might be about to get their food and depart, notice the position he immediately takes. He’s pointing his camera at them. Notice, his thumb is on the screen, not the edge of the phone
It is a slightly more subtle version of the posture struck by Rap Epps, holding his cell phone by conservative internet personality “Baked Alaska” while at a demonstration, before he quickly turned away:
It turns out yet again it is someone else’s food however, and the girl is forced to wait. He continues to hold that position, but pulls the phone up immediately as these two guys walk into his sightline and block his shot, seen below from two angles, the first of which you can see the targets departing. Notice Big Boy is also focused:
If this was surveillance, it was very good surveillance. It would have been subtle, and you could have attributed many of the idiosyncrasies to innocent behavior.
What we will show now, is the part of this which would have been bad surveillance, if it was surveillance.
When we last left hoodie, he was lurking in the background, and had not ordered food, as the targeted girls were ordering. Look at these pictures, and then go and watch the video, from his arrival, at 11:11, to his departure at 21:49.
Here he is observing, as the targets/girls order their food. He is facing the camera:
One target-girl has begun to depart, and he brings his wrist to his mouth to communicate an update to Control. He actually looks like he may have placed the mic in his jacket cuff, which is unusual:
She continues to depart, he continues to talk:
He finishes communicating, and prepares for second target to depart the counter after placing her order:
Second target begins moving:
Hoodie begins paralleling them, on the far side of the crowd:
Head down, he continues to move:
Moving in concert with the target, while remaining away from them:
From the other camera:
He sets up right behind the girls, who are waiting for their food, containing them with the other team. Why did he move exactly as the second girl moved, only to stop here? What is he doing? He isn’t getting food. He isn’t socializing. Here he notes the camera which is filming him, so he is surveillance aware:
Big Boy shoots a knowing smile at Hoodie. These girls don’t have a clue. They are so stupid:
Notice the girls are now surrounded by the surveillance team handling this phase of their phased coverage for the night. On one side is the food truck, Tank Top has a side, Hoodie has a side, and Hippie Boy and his crew square it off. If you are looking for surveillance hiding at a distance, peeking around a corner, that is not how it works. This is how it works. They can hear every word, see every detail, and the girls never had a clue. Watch Hoodie in the video. You will understand:
At 14:13, Tank Top and Hoodie have some words, and laugh. They know each other. Hoodie will later make a joking bowing motion to Tank Top, as if to say, “I am not worthy”:
More talking, so Hoodie and Tank Top know each other:
Now a little round about conversation pops up, between Hoodie, Big Boy, Hippie Boy, and Tank Top is smiling as if he is in the group, and ironically the girls are in the center, unaware their immediate death is approaching:
Big Boy moves over and chats it up with Hoodie, who still has not ordered any food. The targets are on the left:
That is Hoodie’s left hand under his neck, pointing at the camera filming, as he tells Big Boy they are live on the internet.
Now Big Boy says, “You’re telling me that is a camera and it is filming us? What kind of food truck has a camera?” Hoodie’s crossed arms signify his discomfort and displeasure. Domestic surveillance does not like being watched, ironically:
The girls have gotten their food and are about to depart:
Big Boy goes up and gives the guy his ticket, likely saying he never heard he was called (remember he ordered before the girls, by some time, but by doing this he had a cover to loiter). Hoodie meanwhile is back on the move after the girls, and gone, never having ordered any food. Big Boy does not wonder where he went:
Bear in mind, those girls were not just followed by those five operators. Those five operators were the phase of coverage assigned to that venue. All along their route, they were followed by differing groups of operators just like that who they walked into. Vehicles doing driveby’s, walkers, bicyclists, dog walkers, people sitting on park benches, a group waiting for them at a bar, a married couple at a donut shop, a group of grade school kids waiting at a bus stop, some sorority sisters at a party, a bunch of male football fans buying beer at the liquor store. Those two girls may have had as many as three hundred or four hundred followers involved in their follow that day and night, if they made enough stops, and traversed a wide enough distance. And those followers were probably mostly college students, children of the surveillance people, sent to those schools and assigned to run surveillance on all the other kids, gathering blackmail, identifying threats, and building files for the machine. You can see how big the machine is.
That is why when a spy wants to see if he is followed, he will do what is called “running errands,” making a large number of stops in a short period of time, requiring many phases of coverage to force his surveillance to use all its operatives to surveil him, and hopefully recycle some, allowing him to recognize faces at two or more venues, and confirm he is being watched.
And if these girls had that in-person physical coverage, and I would assume they did, their neighborhood was locked down tight, and surveillance would have tried to plant at least one of its people actually in their housing arrangement, living with them. You do not get mobile coverage while out, and not get the neighborhood observation post, and the tech, and the vehicular, and the infiltration, and the phone and internet monitoring, and even aviation when needed. Surveillance rolls out as a complete package.
So for that neighborhood the girls lived in, nobody would get in or out, even on foot, without being noted, tracked, and documented. I’ve done a Google car analysis and will put it down in a post one day. It is more or less what you would expect, except they pull the surveillance as you get back to their house, on that dead end. Of course these girls were not living there when the Google-car went by, so there was no need to station the Postal Service Truck of DeathTM back there. Had Google done a more recent Streetview drive I would bet even that would have been included. Judging from this, these girls, for some reason, were high priority targets of the American Stasi.
There is probably pole tech listening for foot falls in the neighborhood, and a neighbor who is one of the watchers – and maybe two or three neighbors. I have six residences occupied by surveillance immediately around me, which appear to be devoted to me.
I would bet they had ears in the house too, as that is just procedure. Given the priority of the girls, they could have cameras in their house as well, even in their bathrooms and bedrooms. As you will see, there was something unusual about the house.
And later that night those girls were murdered. Did the surveillance kill them? Was it operating here, as operational support for the hitters? Did it offer overwatch of their neighborhood, to make sure there were no surprises, and the hit went off as planned? I have no idea. But it was there, watching and listening as they were killed.
Surveillance is somehow controlling the future, as well as the day to day conspiracy. It isn’t law enforcement. Law enforcement would not follow the Google car everywhere, as a procedure. It isn’t national security. It let 9/11 happen (at best – there is one other darker possibility), it probably killed Irah Sok, and it is out there, figuring out how to control some people, stifle others, remove still others, identify fellow travelers that they can recruit, and mold the human terrain that its conspiracy will build its future foundations on some day. It did not get this big, or operate this long, by just living in the moment.
It could have killed one of those girls. Or it could have gotten wind they were going to be killed, and it just decided it wanted to watch, maybe document it so it could use the blackmail to turn the killer into an MK Ultra windup toy for their operation.
Or it could just have been following one of those girls for unrelated reasons, like they wanted to marry her to somebody in the conspiracy because she had impressive genes, and when the action started, they were not going to get involved. Whatever the circumstances, it was watching, or at least listening inside the house, as they were murdered, one by one.
Other disturbing aspects of this case have come to light. Some others noted Hoodie’s proximity to the girls immediately prior to their murders. He was located and claimed that although he did not know the girls, he decided to walk with them from the bar they were coming from, to get them home safe, before the two girls ran from him and jumped in a car, “ditching” him at the food truck.
It would imply he knew them better than he asserted, since he addressed one by her name. The girls did not know him as well as he knew them apparently though, as an enhancement of the food truck video showed Madison arguing with him, at one point saying, “Fuck you mister!” She did not know his name, and viewed him as a stranger who would not share his name.
Additionally, in one clip from the food truck video, available below, Kaylee Goncalves can be seen absent-mindedly turning until she sees Hoodie, at which point she violently recoils and turns away. They were not friends, and she did not want to deal with him.
Also suspicious is that at the food truck, in the presence of a camera, he stayed back, and his immediate response was to turn his back to the camera and twist his ballcap forward and pull up his hood, to make himself less identifiable. Although a Police spokesperson said they had investigated and cleared him, in the world of the American Stasi, where ATF can be moved like a chess piece to tie up the brother of a woman it wants to murder, that may not mean anything at all with respect to what really happened. Many, many individuals who have gone to the Police to report their interactions with the American Stasi, report that local Police are unable to do anything to curtail the Stasi’s harassment. In my own experience, officers evince a clear empathy, and sheepishness, as well as some fear, as they feign ignorance and confusion.
The most bothersome aspect of the case to me however is the fate of the residence where the murders occurred. In a rather inexplicable turn of events, the owner of the rental home decided to simply donate the home to the University, relieving himself of both a major source of his income, and a multi-hundred thousand dollar investment, for no recompense.
The university then asked the families of the victims what they wanted done with the house. The victim’s families said they wanted it preserved until after the trial of the criminology student who has been arrested for the murders, Brian Kohberger. The University then announced it would demolish the house as quickly as possible, before the legal proceedings of Mr Kohberger had begun. And until then, 24 hr/day security was placed on the boarded up house, to include a small portable guard shack wired into security cameras surrounding the house, to prevent anyone from getting inside.
The house was subsequently demolished, and then the University took the additional step of having the materials the house was made from transported to a special processing facility, and buried deep underground, reportedly to stymie “souvenir hunters.”
It makes no sense the homeowner, who had a property next to the University, which was producing six rent checks every month, and which was worth $488,000 according to a Zillow Estimate at the time of its demolition, would just relieve himself of that property, when there was no pressure on him to do so, and insurance would not recompense him for the loss.
It makes no sense the University would destroy an asset worth almost half a million dollars, when the family asked them not to, and it might endanger future legal proceedings against the killer. And it is odd it would feel it needed to hire 24/7 security, and station a special guard shack and camera system on the property, when the house was empty, it had nothing to steal in it, and they were going to demolish it anyway. Of course burying the remains of the house, at even more cost, is also strange.
It almost feels like there might have been evidence in the house which might have pointed at the real killer, and the American Stasi put pressure where it needed to, however it needed to, in order to make sure the real killers were never exposed.
Now, regardless of whether Mr Kohberger is convicted or acquitted, there will never be any further investigation of this case.
It should also be mentioned that one of the girls, Kaylee Goncalves, reported that she was stalked at night, as well as at a store. From this news article at the Daily Mail:
There have been several reports Goncalves was scared of a stalker in the weeks leading up to the quadruple homicide…
Goncalves reportedly told him that the stalker would follow her ‘at night’ when she was going to or from bars, either by the ‘campus or down on Main Street.’
…the Moscow Police Department said…. “In mid-October, two males were seen inside a local business; they parted ways, and one male appeared to follow Kaylee inside the business and as she exited to walk toward her car. The male turned away, and it did not appear he made any contact with her.”
Police said they investigated the incident, and believed the males were just trying to date women, however no member of the American Stasi gangstalking someone would admit to such if questioned by Police.
It is particularly disturbing if Kaylee was being gangstalked, or otherwise harassed by the American Stasi, as according to reports, her injuries were much more severe than those of the other victims, indicating she might have been the primary target in the killings. If she had a hostile relationship with the American Stasi, that might be a natural place to suspect the attack came from.
If you have kids, it is important to understand, this is why the local high school did not extend their schooling three years, hire more teachers, and give your kids a Bachelors degree. College is about making your kids vulnerable. Getting them away from you, alone, in a place with alcohol, and drugs, and sex, and parties, as well as an organized operation manned by hundreds or thousands of college-aged Stasi agents posing as fellow college students, as they get their own degrees – and likely, a plethora of cameras and mics in the dorm rooms and frat houses of many kids, to get blackmail on them.
Because the future that this thing wants to control – it is your children. If you have a daughter, she needs to be aware, if she is not in the conspiracy, she is at risk, even in grade school, where the kids around her may not be what they seem. In college, from the accounts of people who have emailed me, if she is judged problematic, and has not been neutered, the risk of a violent sexual assault by a male acquaintance, or other event designed to derail her, will increase dramatically. And the more amazing she is, the more the risk.
America has a problem, and it is going to have to deal with it at some point. Until then, you need to educate your children on how intelligence-driven environments operate, and how they need to protect themselves, and take the game they are playing seriously.
The American Stasi certainly does.