Chapter Nineteen – Civil Wars Will Not Be Like You Think

Before we finish, I want to prepare you for any potential hot conflict with the conspiracy which may arise, and look at where we will want to guide events, should the opportunity present itself. First, I want to demonstrate to you how the presence of a surveillance operation such as this, in a theater of operations, would dramatically change the nature of any potential civil war, and how it would need to be fought by the citizenry, if we were to have a chance of prevailing.

Then we will discuss some of the more exotic weaponry I have seen wielded by the conspiracy, and how you should alter your strategy to confront this new form of warfare.

First, how would the presence of surveillance affect a civil war battlefield? In its essence, waging war against the conspiracy which has subverted our government would be similar to committing a criminal act in America today. While surveillance appears to not care about crimes, it still monitors them aggressively, probably looking for blackmail, and other citizens it can turn into its agents within our society.

So if we examine the performance of a criminal act, and how surveillance would operate around it, we can get an idea of how surveillance will be operative around any attempts by our kind to unseat the conspiracy, and reestablish a proper, Constitutional government, which we elect.

So lets examine a real criminal act. We are going to look at someone who murdered three people in the privacy of their home.

You and I now know how that would work. Long before the crime began, in a house nearby, which looked like any other house, but which served as the local neighborhood observation post, a surveillance monitor sat at a computer, looking bored, holding one headphone to an ear, like the sonar tech of a nuclear sub. They flipped through the various mechanisms in place to listen in houses nearby as if flipping through radio stations.

On the computer, they selected the Johnson’s house, kitchen Alexa microphone. They had the soap opera General Hospital on, and you could hear the sounds of sizzling bacon in the background at two in the afternoon. Not a surprise the wife weighs 220lbs.

On the computer screen, he clicked a drop down menu, and selected the Schwartz house, downstairs, Smart TV mic. A rhythmic sound, soft subtle, almost inaudible. He opened the drop down menu again, and clicked the upstairs, bedroom Ooma phone mic, and heard the sounds of a flexing bed frame, and a couple having sex. He listened for a bit, the couple finished, the wife got up, trotted away, and the bathroom door closed. He can hear the local postal worker yell to her he needed to finish his rounds. Nothing more there, but both files will get annotations and attached recordings.

He goes to the drop down, and opens up the O’Brian house, downstairs webcam mic. Keyboard keys clack and the there’s the clicking of a mouse. He opens up his mirroring program in another window. He selects the O’Brian’s husband’s home desktop computer screen. Nothing. He flips the mirroring program to the husband’s work laptop. Looking at what the husband is looking at on the computer screen, he is reading something about accounting practices for small businesses. That could be a problem, and will need to be investigated. He may be forming some kind of small business.

The monitor opens up O’Brian’s file, adds a flag, and attaches a file with a screen mirroring video of what he has been looking at on the computer this morning, and then sends in on to analysis.

If he is thinking about forming a small business, command will need to see if it’s allowed. Another asset might already have the same type of business, there may be important intelligence about something flowing from that which the conspiracy needs, and the conspiracy cannot be allowed to lose it. Or somebody important may already occupy that space, and have the pull to use the conspiracy to maintain their control of the market. Whether his fledgling business will need to be sabotaged is above the monitor’s paygrade, so he sends the file off to analysis and selects the Haskell house.

Immediately he hears the arguing. Sam Haskell, the son of a big LA agent is cursing out his wife’s parents, calling them deadbeats, sucking away his money. His wife chimes in, calling him a loser, and then there is the sound of something thrown, hitting a wall.

The fighting escalates for five or six minutes, before there is the sound of forks and knives all clanging together, as if a drawer were thrown open quickly, and then there is the first scream, which sounded like it was the mother-in-law. Footsteps suddenly fall like raindrops as people yell, and there is the sound of a struggle. It sounds like multiple people are trying to wrestle with each other, before there is a male voice groaning, and the wife screams, “No! How could you?” She then says, “No, No,” before a groan is heard and everything goes silent. The surveillance monitor is motionless, and riveted.

Haskell is the son of a prominent LA celebrity agent. If there was just a murder, as it sounded like, this was big. City command would need to be immediately notified. The monitor immediately sends them word over an encrypted messaging system. They message back in a few moments they are taking over control remotely, and the monitor is released to continue to scan through the different houses in the neighborhood for anything else of interest, as all feeds from the Haskell house are rerouted to city central monitoring and control.

City command reviews what was just heard, and immediately tasks two aviation units which had been circling over LA in a holding pattern to the house. Flying at 20,000 feet, the planes are nearly silent and invisible, as they bank toward the target residence and begin to circle it. City surveillance command also has all communications, phone, internet, email, and text messaging from Haskell mirrored and routed to their big screen in the control room they have just assigned to this event. Meanwhile, the tech division taps into all webcams, nanny cams, surveillance cams, cell phone cameras, and any other imagery devices at the home’s IP address, using the backdoors installed in all of those technologies by domestic surveillance agents which were employed by the companies which made them. Those employees really worked for domestic surveillance, and were sent to those companies specifically to covertly insert those backdoors in the products. A monitor in City command is assigned to review them and put any feeds of significance up on the big screen in the control room assigned to this event.

City also commandeers thirty vehicular surveillance units which had just been roaming LA and sends them all text alerts on their surveillance apps, moving them to box positions around the residence, stashing some in parking lots and others off side streets with sightlines to exit paths from the target residence. All are sent pictures of Haskell and the family members who live at the residence, and their cars. Fifteen units are instructed to pick up foot surveillance units who had been roaming the city, as they drive toward their staging points around the house, and keep them on standby, waiting to be dropped off and guided to the target.

Looking up who in the neighborhood is surveillance, City sees the house across the street is owned by an electrician who was raised in surveillance, and is still a member today. He was given free residence in the house, but part of the deal was surveillance command got priority usage of it, if they needed it. The electrician was out at work anyway, so surveillance sends a technical team to the house to open it up. They will try to get additional data feeds out of the target house, seeing if WiFi clutter can be resolved to offer any sort of imagery showing the interior of the house, deploying a thru-wall microwave system, scanning the rf spectrum for any interesting signals, and setting up better camera feeds of the outside of the target residence. It is not clear if they will get set up in time, but they will go as fast as they can.

In addition, two other houses, farther away, but with sightlines to sides of the house, are similarly commandeered from their surveillance-owners, and techs are sent to set up imagery feeds and boom microphones pointing at the target residence.

By now, an hour after the initial flagging of an event, the operation has mobilized under sixty-five people in total from the three to four thousand active operators on call at any time, and the 300,000 total pool of civilians who could be called to set their lives aside and join operations, if the need arose. (Under the pilot program of Operation TIPS, which was created, before being supposedly disbanded, the surveillance network of available assets it was budgeted to recruit, just for the pilot program in New York City alone, amounted to 330,000 citizen-agents, monitoring everyone else – all for a pilot program (1 in 24 out of 8 million citizens equals 333,000, bigger than the real Stasi). And the program had gotten up and running, so most, if not all of those agents were recruited before it was supposedly shut down. At maturity, it probably would have had 800,000-900,000 people on call, just for one city.).

City control now has rough thru-wall imagery from inside the house, and visuals from all three front sides. Vehicular units are all staged around the house, but drivebys are being held back to not spook Haskell, in case he looks outside. It sounds extreme, but all of these assets would just have been loitering, doing nothing, had this event not occurred.

After a few minutes the control room fills with the sounds of groaning with physical exertion and dragging, then there is a clomping noise as something large and heavy seemingly drops into something, and then a bathtub faucet turns on. Shortly afterward, the sounds of a Sawzall, or similar reciprocating saw begins to be heard, followed by items being dropped in a plastic bag, maybe a garbage bag, which sounds like it might be being tied off immediately after. Thru-wall microwave imagery shows Haskell kneeling next to the tub, apparently dismembering bodies.

Fast forward, and one of the houses radios that Haskell is outside, bringing his Tesla back, closer toward the house. He is exiting with a large, heavy, black plastic bag, which appears to contain something solid, perhaps more likely a torso, than an array of loose limbs.

Immediately control over the vehicular units is handed to one of the aviation teams overhead, who will guide all pass-bys, and all of the surveillance cars get ready to begin a high priority follow.

Haskell exits his driveway in the Tesla and begins to head for a dumpster he knows of, near his house. Surveillance immediately begins a complex dance around him, designed to record everything of significance, without him noticing, or being spooked. As you have seen with the Google car, as he reaches every intersection, there will be someone to call his direction of travel, as he is tracked to the dumpster.

This is what you should know, or after reading this book, at the very least suspect, is out there. Haskell, however has no idea. He is still among the clueless plebes, who thinks he is entirely alone, and nobody is paying any attention to him, or has any idea what he is up to.

Now we are going to show you what Haskell saw as he dumped the torso of his wife in the dumpster near his home. This is actually a real story, and we have the real surveillance video of the body dumping, which will show you the surveillance swarming around him at the critical moment. This is what preceded that, and how they had him buried under coverage as he went to dump the torso. Notice, regular law enforcement did not close on him to catch him in the act, with the torso. What you will see here, is the domestic surveillance of the American Stasi, gathering blackmail after discovering a crime through their own typically criminal means. This is not law enforcement, or even really US intelligence. For most purposes, this is best characterized as an off-the-books, foreign-controlled, non-state intelligence operation manned by Americans it has recruited to work against our nation, funded by the elites of the world and tasked with maintaining their control of the West.

Were you to identify any of these people involved in the surveillance here, they would not be official government agents, but rather would likely have regular office jobs somewhere, and they would live seemingly nondescript lives in a regular homes in a neighborhood just like your’s, where they would help fill out the files on their neighbors for the conspiracy. All of us have those files, and you would be shocked at the details in your’s.

They live essentially in their own little secret society, patronizing conspiracy-member’s businesses preferentially on orders of command, to help the businesses survive the competition with businesses owned by people who are not in the secret society.S their people will own most, if not all of the local small businesses, and have access to the intelligence from them. The see each other around town on follows, and nod and wave, as they gather intelligence on all of those of us who are not in the conspiracy.

Their children would go to school with your’s and report everything they observed about your children, as they are operating under some type of command authority that is actually assigned to the school your children attend, building the files on your children, and attempting to mold the human terrain the conspiracy will  operate on in ten to fifteen years by stifling some children who seem too promising and moral while elevating others who they think will appreciate their corrupt, criminal, and arbitrary system, and fight to protect it to preserve their own benefits from it when the time comes.

These people will never admit to anyone that they are involved in anything like surveillance. They will pretend to be horrified by things like 9/11. They will pretend to respect and love the American Constitution and the free, democratic republic it governs, as well as the supposedly honest meritocracy its freedom generates. However every night they spy on everyone else to line their own pockets, they revel in the fact the conspiracy elevated them and suppressed anyone in society who they might have been in competition with, and it is essentially a certainty they have gangstalked and gaslit regular innocent citizens, even assaulted them with directed energy weapons, just because the machine decided it did not like them for some reason or other.

I assume if you went up their chain of command, at some point  you would discover a CIA-linkage, and this would be officially identifiable as some sort of “training” operation just in the unlikely event it got exposed, though the intelligence it gathers is very real, and used operationally to control the course of events in the nation, as well as who succeeds and who fails.

From what I have seen, the account so far is as close to the reality in our country as you are going to see discussed. Only actual surveillance operators could give you a better account. But if anything, I think their’s would show even more penetration, and the assignment of far more manpower, and more shocking technology. I scaled back what I think was really called into play here, simply because I think to the newcomer, the reality would be entirely unbelievable. I will bet while reading my toned-down account you were thinking, “No way, this guy is nuts, it could not possibly be that bad…” It is, sadly. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

I have been under this for over a decade overtly. I am afraid this is normal to domestic surveillance. It is now normal to me, and I am repulsed by it. It is how it would have gone down in an East German apartment, where one apartment was run by the Stasi to watch all the others nearby, and it is how it works in America, where they imported that Stasi model, and adapted it to our suburban neighborhood residence structure, with one house monitoring all the others nearby.

In truth it is easier here, where people buy Alexas that hear and record everything and wireless nanny-cams the neighbors could catch the signals from and watch freely with the right equipment, and smart TVs with microphones right in the TV remote in your hand, and cameras on the TV pointing at you and the rest of the room, and computers and cellphones with microphones and cameras, and Ring doorbell cameras, all connected to the internet and monitoring everything inside your house. None of this is unusual to exploit, to intelligence people. It is only you who were deceived about the world you lived in. You were lied to and deceived, to make you weak and helpless.

Now here are some photos from the actual surveillance video of the body-dump, or rather, torso-dump (the full video of which is located here), showing how surveillance documented the body dump, with captions explaining what was going on. Look at the stills below, to see what is significant, and then cruise over and check out the video.

Understand the advanced training you are receiving here. There are Tier One Special Forces operatives, who will not be as operationally capable as you will be when you finish this book.

Now the analysis.

Target vehicle enters the parking lot, aviation has all vehicular units fall back outside the target’s visual perimeter to not spook him. One foot operator (out of view behind cars), is at the other side of the lot, out of sight of this camera, feigning distraction, looking in a backpack. You will see him when we examine the second angle of video which captured this event.

25 seconds into the video, no vehicles, no pedestrians, target feels secure, aviation has all ground assets on standby to swoop the moment the target commits to action. Count to 25 and look at how long that is. That is how long this place was deserted.

39 seconds in, no cars, no pedestrians in view, target has committed to action, aviation issues “Swoop” command, all assets move to target scene as rapidly as possible, and execute a skit to explain why they had to loiter there. Count to 39, and imagine that for that entire period, there was nobody there. And then this happened:

Two seconds after target commits to action, carrying the torso to the dumpster, a contractor van swoops into the scene at the top of the screen, and drives close to the target vehicle.

Simultaneously, an SUV with an open driver’s side window enters the scene from the bottom. Despite both vehicles entering a parking lot, neither simply heads to a spot and parks, but rather they meet in the middle, create a traffic jam, and loiter.

One minute, two seconds in, White Van is trapped by SUV, which is itself trapped off to the left side by another pickup which you will see in the second angle of video presented shortly, which forces White Van to keep the hidden video camera pointing out his back window pointed at the target, videoing what is happening.

Even after SUV moves, White Van sits, until the target vehicle backs up to leave, at which point White Van begins rolling.

The moment the target vehicle finishes backing up, White Van clears the scene rapidly, so the target will not see him as he exits. It is better for a paranoid target, about to exit their crime scene, to look around and feel like they are alone, so they will think nobody noticed them. Clearly Haskell thinks he just dumped that torso, and nobody has any idea.

Just as the target vehicle gets to the exit to depart the scene, the surveillance SUV from the beginning drives right in front of it, hidden camera capturing a final frontal shot of the driver and documenting the occupancy of the vehicle as he leaves.

You can get a better look at the little traffic jam in the second angle of the video, which shows you a different view.

Target vehicle just parked.

A single walker enters the picture, and is sure to elaborately pantomime his distraction to ease target suspicion, digging through his backpack as he walks. Remember, dedicated foot surveillance frequently carries backpacks to house their costume kit, clothes change, comm gear, cameras, binoculars, audio gear, and other surveillance equipment.

At the crucial moment, surveillance walker stops looking in his bag and observes closely as the target commits to picking up the torso on his shoulder to carry it. Something this important almost certainly had aviation, however it’s possible the walker made the primary call to the vehicular units to swoop in.

Surveillance walker returns to digging through his bag, completely engrossed, and not looking as if he is noticing the target offload a torso in the dumpster, as the target fully commits.

White Van and SUV both enter the parking lot at exactly the same moment, from opposite sides.

Just to enhance your capabilities, notice the SUV is being driven by a woman. In the United States, surveillance appears to be a matriarchal organization. Women are the least suspected as threats, and thus appear to be used in the most sensitive operations, and get promoted to the most powerful positions as a result. This appears to lead to the organization as a whole being organized around a matriarchy, both in work-hierarchy, and in family life, where it appears surveillance females preferentially select mates using the op’s surveillance files and then aggressively pursue a relationship commitment from them using inside information around to arrange “chance” meetings, arrange to have similar interests, disrupt other potential suitors, etc. This leads to couples consisting of a bossy alpha female and a more passive beta male. That is a dynamic which is probably only exacerbated should the female involve her husband in her surveillance duties.

When you are being followed regularly while shopping, you will notice an inordinate number of couples where the female is charging forward through the store as a dominating force, while a man follows meekly behind, seemingly unsure of what they will be doing next, as he assiduously follows his wife’s lead.

Enter White Pickup, which has entered the third entrance to the parking lot simultaneously with White Van and SUV. It is the simultaneous confluence of all three cars on the same point which initially causes a traffic jam, and allows White Van to loiter, taking video of the target out of the back of his van. The little traffic jam was planned, and indeed it is probably a rehearsed technique. Remember, for 39 seconds there was nothing here, then three cars, simultaneously swooped in, one each for each entrance to the lot.

SUV begins to drive in front of White Van, and then gets confused and hits his brakes, rather than continue, and White Van gets to loiter longer, with his back window pointed at the target.

SUV began to drive, but now a new pedestrian has inexplicably exited the building on the left, and walked in front of SUV, forcing it to hit its brakes and stop again, further delaying White Van. The pedestrian walks in front of SUV as if about to cross in front, but then stops, and walks back to the building. Notice close foot position of the pedestrian, as if walking slowly.

At 2:38, pedestrian has turned and is now walking in a totally different direction. Exactly as SUV begins to move, the target vehicle begins to back up. Both vehicles move at the exact same moment. The target has completed his operational activity, and now surveillance can clear the scene.

Target vehicle on the right has turned around, SUV is heading for the exit, where he will pass in front of the target vehicle and get final imagery, pedestrian has increased his walking pace as judged by his stride, and White Van is exiting the scene.

Your final scene, SUV exits in front of the target, and then another car comes through to lead him out in a cheating command position. SUV did not enter the parking lot to park, just as White Van and White Pickup did not enter the lot to park. All three, simultaneously, entered the lot, one from each entrance, drove through, paused in the critical spot, at the critical moment, and then exited by another entrance and drove off.

The final car will now lead the target vehicle out, probably to the next intersection, where it and SUV will take paths heading away from where they think the target is heading, call the target’s decision at that intersection while driving off, and other cars will head to the next intersection to call the decision there.

Understand, the video taken there by the white van, of him dumping the body, will never see the light of day in a court. It is not evidence. Those are not Police, and they have no care of whether he is convicted or not. Every car there knew he was dumping his wife’s torso, and none ever even thought to call the Police so they could catch him in the act, because what they are a part of is a death-penalty-level, treasonous operation, contrary to every tenet of our Constitutional republic, that entirely violates the Fourth Amendment, and which the entire nation would fight to the death, if it is revealed.

That is purely the American Stasi, making sure it knows everything, and gets everyone’s dirty little secrets for blackmail. It has that many assets on standby everywhere, at all times, and it is monitoring inside houses, just as the Stasi monitored inside apartments. You saw them following the Google car of all things, and I guarantee you here, they were listening in Haskell’s house when the murder happened, and a recording of it exists in some archive. You can tell yourself they were listening by chance, but I know this thing is designed to catch everything, and it is professional – it doesn’t do “chance.” They made it this way, and this thorough, just like the Stasi in East Germany.

I have been in my house, with relatives, speaking disparagingly of surveillance, only to have surveillance respond by having cars which were assigned to my neighborhood immediately begin driving back and forth in front of my house revving their engines, to register their displeasure with my lack of respect for their organization. My family has also had several other experiences, going back long before my harassment began, where people said things and knew things they could only have known if they were listening in my house, and I am not a criminal, nor could there be a reason for them to have legal justification to be listening inside my house.

Even you are being listened to, in the privacy of your home, by somebody right in your neighborhood, whose job it is to perk up if anything interesting happens, or is discussed. It is even in the schools, targeting kids.

This all sounds quite ridiculous. However I have come to conclude, this is how power works, and it only sounds ridiculous because you have been so lied to and deceived all your life that you cannot imagine how things really work in the world, when dealing with intelligence agencies. The powers that be tell you that in America, you are their boss, you are free, you can be anything you want, do anything you want, and nobody spies on anyone else, and intelligence cannot operate domestically. Most comically, it is one of domestic intelligence’s psyops agents who tells you that, on orders from the powers that be, to try and blind you to your own surveillance, and discourage you from running any surveillance yourself, keeping you entirely helpless and under control.

Now, imagine if what I say is true, and this is a foreign intelligence operation, funded by elites so wealthy and powerful they are entirely unknown to us. Suppose it has subverted our beautiful Constitutional Republic, turning it into a shadow dictatorship run by this intelligence op, on orders from foreign elites.

It is OK, we have been told. There is one final safeguard. The Second Amendment means when all else fails, we can reinstall our Constitutional Republic, by taking up arms and overthrowing the tyrannical government.

Imagine, as a former Army Ranger, you are up to the task. You’ve hooked up with some of your Ranger buddies, and have been scraping the rust off on weekends, training out in the woods, and you have a killer plan. You have been using online databases to track a bunch of George Soros-like elites who run the criminal intelligence operation subverting the American government. You have discovered they have a little pow-wow this weekend at a resort a hundred miles away.

You pulled the blueprints from a website. It is a fairly hardened building, one of those massive 1900’s brick and concrete block jobs, and they will have security, but you know what you are doing.

The building is powered by a small power station thirty miles away. One of your guys is going to head out there with a Barrett 82A1 50 caliber semi-auto and pop the transformers, killing power to the whole region. At the same time, you will chainsaw down a telephone pole and cut the communication lines, killing the internet connectivity and any landlines. One of your other guys already got a job at the resort, where he has planted a signal jammer, to block all radio-comms out of the building. He has also planted explosives all around the grounds, focusing on places where he has noted the elite’s private security tends to post, so one click of a detonator, and most of the security will be reduced to pink mist. In addition he has located the assigned rooms of the elites, and where all the elites will be on the floor plan, at the assigned hour. One of your other guys has a job at a local concrete company. He is going to fill a concrete truck up with concrete ten hours before the hit, and he will let it harden.

That truck will get a brick on the gas pedal and handle the breach of the side of the building through which you will make entry, while two guys in front and two in the rear, each with FN M249S belt fed rifles you have converted to fully automatic, tear up the front and the back with full-auto fire. You did this a hundred times in the Rangers in Iraq, it is a great plan. You are guaranteed to take out all of the leadership of the Cabal which took over America.

Or are you? You are a trained former Ranger, who dislikes the Cabal which took over our government. Do you think your neighborhood archivist doesn’t know that? Do you think he hadn’t already flagged you for closer analysis years ago? Do you think he doesn’t make it a priority to look at all your communications, everything, in and out? You think every first degree contact of your’s isn’t getting similar coverage from their neighborhood surveillance units? You are interesting – far more so than your CPA and high-school-math-teacher neighbors. You archivist will keep a closer eye on you.

How did you reach out to your Ranger buddies? Email? Encrypted app? Either they penetrated the app and already have seen all your messages, or they saw they could not, and now you are REALLY interesting to them, because you are hiding something. They know you are up to something, and they are going to find out what. You are Navy SEAL Thomas Mixon, about to rob your first bank. You have no idea what is just out of sight, and entirely on top of you.

Ever talk about your plan in a house? A car? I have been in a car on a highway, mentioned I wanted to take an exit to stop off somewhere unexpected, and seen two vehicular units in the passing lane up ahead both cut across three lanes of traffic to catch the exit ahead of me. No kidding. They are listening in your car. And that was an older car, without all the tech, and I use an archaic Samsung Galaxy 4 specifically because I can take the battery out. They were not using my tech to eavesdrop.

They have a device, which I think they install in the front of some surveillance cars, which can hear in your car from inside the car behind you, even while driving at highway speeds. And they use it.

It is not surprising. The rolling meet was an age-old way operators would try to overcome the surveillance and eavesdropping of meetings, since unlike in a building, surveillance could not predict where you would be. They would have to follow you.

So you could sweep the vehicle and then hold the meeting while your driver conducted countersurveillance detection routes, to expose if you had people trying to follow you. With techniques like that, intelligence will have rafts of highly intelligent technicians work night and day, seeking a technical solution to overcome it. It was inevitable they would come up with one.

When you went shooting, were you followed? Was somebody already out there, hiding in the woods in a Ghillie suit when you got there? Did you arrange the shooting trip over the internet, the phone, or in person inside your house? If so, surveillance heard what you were doing, and was there before you got there, and hid. And now they know you have four illegally converted belt-fed squad autos, and you are REALLY, REALLY interesting. Now they are really going to find out what you are up to.

How did you get the floor plan of the resort’s main building? How were you tracking the elites? Did you ever look anything up online, which if someone were mirroring your computer screen in their monitoring post, they might have seen you were up to something? How do you communicate with your Ranger buddies? Ever use a phone? Email? In person in one of your houses? In a car? In a public place, with other people around, like a bar? Your op would probably be comped. This operation is professional, and does not screw around – it has procedures in place to make sure it can monitor communications via all of those methods.

Speaking from firsthand experience, it becomes very difficult to communicate once the local surveillance decides to flood the coverage in to cover you. You almost have to use a trusted courier, giving him the message from within a SCIF and having him deliver it inside a SCIF at the destination.

Did any of your Ranger buddies meet a new girl he might have mentioned something to? Maybe a hard-core anti-government girl who constantly says she hates the Cabal which took over America, and who dragged him into bed on the first date, she was so in love with him?

That girl will be an agent. In surveillance culture, I think a girl who will not sleep with someone for the job is judged somehow weak and disloyal to the group. And from what I have seen, any girl who will drag a target into the sack and then utterly betray him later, is seen as a goddess of surveillance.

If you ever want to research it, simple Police infiltrators have actually married, and had children with targets in numerous cases. And that is Police intelligence. What I have seen here is a level of intelligence operation which is orders of magnitude worse in terms of morals and mores.

You see what I’m trying to show you. Yes, you have an AR and Level IV plate, and NODs, and an IR laser/illuminator, and Thermal, and two platoons of former Rangers, and explosives, and Squad Autos, and 50 cals, and armored vehicles, and training, and practice, and experience overseas, and planning, and target intelligence, and everything you would have needed in the military to pull off this op.

However, you are like elite DEVGRU/Red Cell/Navy SEAL veteran and bank robber Thomas Mixon. Your entire op is being torn apart before you even launch it by some 95lb millennial hipster girl, with blue hair and a nose ring, drinking soy lattes, who has never shot a gun, would defecate in her pants in a fistfight, and who is a total coward, completely incapable of violence. She probably still has nightmares about being hung from the lockers by her underwear in elementary school by the pretty girls.

She is a coward, with no morals, or mores, or anything she would die for, and no impressive capabilities to speak of. Despite all of that, she has completely tooled your op because the “government” (whatever that is, or has become, in the United States) has her watching your internet, reading your encrypted text messages, and assigning physical surveillance to put an eavesdropping car behind you when you tried to hold rolling meetings on the highway to discuss your plans.

She knows everything, and the dude you sent to the power station with the 50 cal was already killed in an ambush 20 miles out when he stopped in front of a staged five car pile-up on the way, and FBI HRT took him out on orders of this thing.

I absolutely do not want to demoralize you. You can defeat this surveillance, easily, but you have to take it on directly, first of all, beginning in the information warfare space where striking is higher gain and lower risk, and probably kinetically in some way only later on once it is weakened. You cannot reinstall a Constitutional Republic if this one gets subverted by foreign powers, so long as that surveillance is still rolling. You have to get rid of it first.

I will explain what we need to do, but understand, as of now, you must assume you are totally owned by the surveillance. You cannot operate against it indirectly, by trying to avoid it while launching another op against another wing of this conspiracy. I have been playing this game for a decade, and have probed their capabilities extensively in that time. Their tech is to die for, their numbers are astonishing, and you will not succeed targeting something else while the surveillance is on top of you.

You will need to play this the way I will explain, and tackle the war targeting the surveillance directly, in the informational warspace first, if you want to take down the surveillance, defeat the conspiracy, and have a chance.

Now, I will need to stretch my credibility with you, by explaining what I have seen. This conspiracy and I have gone back and forth for some time now, as they have sought to prevent me from publicizing this material, and as I have ignored them and pressed forward regardless.

In the course of that, they have exposed me to some of their most advanced technologies, as they used them on me freely. As you can see from this book, from their perspective I am quite a pain in the ass, and they have expended quite some effort trying to wrangle me.

I remember what it was like to be unaware any of this was even possible, as you most likely are presently. I was told over and over things like I have seen are impossible, and people who claim to have seen such must be mentally ill.

I believed it myself, so I know how outlandish what I have experienced will sound to you. Still, I have no choice but to recount my experiences, as what I have seen must be known to our side, if we are to prevail in the battles to come. You need to know the enemy’s capabilities.

All I can say is, for decades this thing has been studying the science, and developing technologies for use in these control and harassment operations. Where it has made technological advances, it has immediately hidden them, and kept them from the public. Decade after decade, advance after advance, its capabilities have progressed to a degree which will defy the belief of regular Americans today.

I have watched the needle on a compass in my house make a full 180 degree rotation, as I was bathed in some weird electrical sensation. I have awoken at night, in my house, a hundred feet from the nearest house, bathed in a different sensation of pulsating electricity, as my heart rate has exceeded 160 beats per minute, and I have felt myself breathing as if I were running a 100 yard sprint.

I have laid in bed, a hundred feet from the nearest house, and felt a vibrating ball floating in space, six inches in diameter enter my legs and move up them to my abdomen, feeling as if it were shaking everything inside me within that sphere, only to continue to my head, where I felt the unmistakable sensation slowly grow in my sinuses which in full form, you get when punched in the face the first time during a sparring session. I have seen a clear degradation in my cognition from the vibration ball passing through my brain.

I have laid under a lead dental apron, which shielded me from the vibrations of my body, and listened as a spatter of what sounded like particles rained down on the apron. I believe now, they were a spatter of force-impulses, where point after point on the blanket experienced a point-force suddenly which caused it to jump, as if impacted.

I laid a sheet of aluminum foil over me, assuming the “impacts” would confer thermal energy on the foil, as their kinetic energy was halted, and I recorded a video of this using a thermal camera. You can see it at, where I am laying out, and after eight minutes in the video of nothing, suddenly the beam turns on and a spot on the foil rapidly heated and became white hot on the thermal video.

I began being “tapped,” on the lead apron, while laying in bed, as if by an invisible finger tapping the lead apron to awaken me, demonstrating the ability, most likely from another residence a hundred feet away, to create a disturbing vectored force, on a point on a piece of matter in another house, through the walls.

I recorded audio of the tapping, also available on Interestingly the audio also captured an inaudible humming, similar to the charging of an MRI machine. Also available on the site is a recording of some kind of static electric discharging, which occurs on surfaces of materials in the room, at the outset of these episodes. It is as if they have some way of charging surfaces in the room, and these charges are being struck with an electric field which causes the charged material to jump.

My working theory is the humming is an effect on the microphone of some sort of broad swath of energy beam, which charges materials in the target location with electrical energy, like static. The force is then generated by applying some kind of focused electrical-field “beam” or point of constructive interference of some sort, which when it passes over the charged materials, creates a transversely-vectored inductive force in them by pushing the charges.

Alternatively, the humming is a massive electric field, applied to the whole area, and the beam is designed to somehow create an elecric charge, as if a static charge, on one point, which then immediately experiences a force-effect and jumps.

The effect on the target surface of the combination of a charge and an electric field is similar to what would occur if the charged molecules and atoms were impacted by an object traveling along that line. In one case the force causing the point to jump is field generated, while in the case of an impact, it is conservation of momentum-generated.

I have had a force of about 20 pounds, I would estimate, applied as a push, to a large metal frying pan I had placed over me to block what I had back then assumed were some kind of particles from a particle beam. In the audio recording, you can hear the frying pan hit the ground, after the push, which itself is preceded by a crescendo of the humming.

More disturbingly, I have felt the tapping within my body, and most disturbingly felt it inside my head, where they attempted to apply it for hours on a single point on my brain as I slept. I awoke to the sensation of vibrations throughout my skull, and a decided grogginess, along with a dull ache through the backs of my eye sockets. On moving my head on the pillow, I moved the point being tapped near my ear drum, and could hear the tapping in my head on my ear drum, with the same irregular cadence as the “spatter” of particles/impulses.

Unfortunately, over time, after moving around to different spots to sleep, I found no area within my home which was shielded from this head vibration.

In an effort to prevent the targeting of a specific point in my skull, and based off the observation they only applied it as I slept, implying I needed to be immobile, I purchased a motorized swinging hammock. I felt they could not focus the tapping as you would think, if I remained moving all night.

I laid in it, with my head as close as possible to the center of the hammock to maximize its movement as the automatic swinging mechanism swung it. My head was moving back and forth somewhere between 24 and 30 inches, on the arc of the hammocks’ swing, at a rate of about one cycle per second.

Even as the hammock swung, I awoke to the buzzing sensation, indicating a point in my head was being “tapped,” and as I slid my head forward on the pillow to try to get my head out of the bubble of vibration surrounding it, (as the hammock continued to swing), the point being targeted passed into my ear canal, and I could “hear” the “tapping.” It sounded like the sound of fingers, drumming irregularly on a tympani drum, inside my head.

Judging by the movement of my head, prior to my moving it, that point would have been roughly on my Inferior Temporal Gyrus, a structure in the brain a few inches in front of the ear canal, which when damaged, will produce an inability to differentiate between reality and fantasy, such as in schizophrenia.

I think this thing is advanced enough technologically that it attempted to induce schizophrenia in me by damaging that brain structure, so as I presented this material, I would present other material which would clearly not be based in reality. That inability to differentiate reality from fantasy, would then discredit all of my work here. They may even have hoped to produce a diagnosed schizophrenia which would have rendered me unable to continue on this path, and perhaps even allowed me to be committed.

So you face an enemy capable of creating physical damage on a precise point within the brain within a skull, with, as the Cuban experts noted, a “laser-like precision” which presently is not possible with known technology, and I have found that even when that head is moving back and forth 24-30 inches, at a rate of about one cycle per second, on an arc, they can precisely target a moving spot in the brain. This enemy can even precisely target a specific brain structure within that moving skull with an eye to producing a specific mental dysfunction. And they have the technology to do that from within another house, hundreds of feet away.

They are incredibly advanced technologically, and obviously as purely evil as any despot in history. The despots of old merely declared dissidents mentally ill and forcibly committed them to mental institutions. The despots today actually have developed the technology to engender the actual mental illness by damaging specific brain structures.

Of course I think back to dissidents like Mohammed Ali, who opposed the Vietnam War, refused the draft, spent his time in jail, and then suffered a deterioration of what was, in his youth, a flawless brain structure of incredible ability. We are told it was due to boxing, even though he had an above-average ability to avoid being hit, and other boxers with less intelligence and less evasiveness, suffered no such malady. With this, there is no telling where it was involved. From Ronald Reagan to Margret Thatcher, it seems we lose a lot of our best to dementia.

Although I assume my experiences are probably somewhat unique, and their present ability to roll out such technology to such a degree is limited, there is evidence they are rolling some sort of beaming technology out more widely. Part of the strategy of this conspiracy is to degrade those who are not members of it, to reduce their ability to rise in society. I suspect to that end, this thing is broadly targeting the entire population with some sort of degrading technology.

Studies have recently found there is a measurable correlation between the overflights of aircraft, and heart attacks. From one article summarizing a study here:

Late night and early hour aircraft sound may disturb sleep in locals, which could temporarily increase blood pressure and activate the sympathetic nervous system—responsible for adrenaline and the ‘fight or flight’ response—potentially leading to increased risk of cardiovascular issues. Longer term studies have found much larger risks associated with airplane noise.”

Do you believe the noise from an airplane flying overhead would give you a heart attack?

After being beamed in the night myself, and awaking numerous times with a heartbeat as high as 160 beats per minute, I could see a beam, being widely applied to a population to degrade them, from an aircraft flying overhead, causing an increase in heart attacks across the population, as it occasionally hit people with compromised cardiac function, which could not handle the added stress.

It surprises me the signal would be so large as to still be measurable when diluted by all of the other normal air traffic in the nation, but given this is late night when flights are reduced in number, it is plausible a small number of “Beaming” aircraft would produce a statistical signal which was still detectable when diluted by all the other innocent aircraft each night.

Another summary of the findings of another study here:

For the first time, a study led by researchers at Swiss TPH found that acute noise from airplanes during the night can trigger cardiovascular deaths within two hours of aircraft noise exposure. The study published today in the peer-reviewed European Heart Journal found that the risk of a cardiovascular death increases by 33% for night-time noise levels between 40 and 50 decibels and 44% for levels above 55 decibels.”

Again, it could be that you are sleeping and a plane flies over and you have a heart attack from the noise, and the louder the noise, the greater the risk. Or it could be they are beaming something out of planes, into broad swaths of the populace, and it is causing racing hearts – and in some with weaker hearts, those hearts cannot take the extra stress. The louder the noise, the closer The Beam, and the more powerful the stimulus.

Possibly supporting this would be the phenomenon of people all waking up at around the same time in the middle of the night, every night, inexplicably, as described here:

But what’s behind this collective wee-hours waking? If you regularly find yourself staring at the ceiling at 3 or 4 am, you’re in good company: it’s a phenomenon reported by around one in three of us, and probably more since the pandemic started.”

It could be random chance those people are all waking at the same time each night. Or their neighborhood coverage could be activating a Beam at the same time each night. I awake when they hit me with the Beam.

Remember Bill Binney’s neighborhood where every other house had at least one case of cancer? The same monitoring unit operating on his street has an analogous unit present in every moderately populated neighborhood in the US, and all are technologically equipped with the latest thru-wall monitoring and harassment tech.

So the enemy you face is immensely technologically sophisticated. However it appears this enemy has not been able to recruit the high fliers of our population into its grassroots ranks, as most high fliers would prefer freedom, and standing on their own two feet in a meritocratic society.

It appears it has recruited lower performing individuals, probably using some assertion that the presence of ability is an unfair means of allocating tangible success. thus joining this conspiracy, which seeks to undo the natural meritocracy of freedom, is somehow a morally acceptable method of competing in an unfair world.

So despite its technological advancement, I believe it is fully defeatable. However you will need to follow specific steps to do so.

Presently you are in the first, crucial phase of the war. This is the information warfare stage. To take part in this stage, you will need to apply your powers of observance to witness the ground surveillance of the American Stasi in your town and neighborhood.

Once having seen it, your job will be to make others aware of its existence. At the end of this book will be a chain letter guiding people to the website, as well as this book, should the website be shut down. You will take a photo of the letter with a camera or cell phone, print out as many copies as you can, ideally twenty to one hundred, and you will drop them in random postal mail drop-boxes while out in your travels, in groups of two or three.

The goal is to not have the text of the letters enter your computer, and to mail the letter anonymously, using random local return addresses on the envelope, to make the tracking of the spread of the idea as difficult as possible. You only mail two or three to not appear unusual to the postal worker who empties the mail dropbox. 50 letters all mailed at once in one dropbox might spark suspicion,  as the potential spread of an idea by a motivated individual, and trigger further investigation of what they say.

The US Postal Service maintains a massive database with photographs of all mailed letters, which includes a text entry for the destination address as well as the return address. By randomizing the return addresses, it should make tracking the idea’s origin of spread using conventional tools as difficult as possible.

My hope is the letter will persuade those who receive it to visit the site, and then continue the process, sending the letters to others, themselves. It is my hope we can spread this material offline, in real life.

I have tried spreading these ideas online, however the mechanisms of control are too formidable. The conspiracy discovered very quickly that the internet, by allowing free communication between individuals, was the most dangerous technology it had ever encountered.

I do not know exactly how it is done, but I have had reports at my website of people who cannot find me online through various means, as well as reports from people who discovered that they, and other people they encountered, were somehow quarantined in different “silos” of online individuals. In those cases, one person’s computer cannot see another person’s facebook account, even when that person is sitting right next to them, and is trying to find their own facebook page, using the other person’s home computer.

Through some mechanism, those people were quarantined away from each other on the internet into isolated cells – isolated so they could not share information with each other. I suspect that is more common than we think, though expertly hidden from us, and I know trying to spread an idea which the conspiracy wants suppressed is nigh impossible online.

So for now, we are back to the old ways of our forefathers – pamphleteering in real life. It would be fitting if the Second Revolutionary War began that way. I cannot help but think wherever they are, the Founders would laugh.

Once sufficient awareness has been built of the American Stasi, the war will need to enter a new phase. The problem is the conspiracy has taken over our government. This is why politicians refuse to put the interests of their constituencies first anymore. They are almost all carefully selected, compromised and controlled members of this conspiracy, serving its interests, and being rewarded with electoral successes which have nothing to do with the sentiments of their electorates.

If we elected them, they would serve us, and would seek to please all Americans. Instead the traitorous vipers nest which is our Congress and Executive branch cannot give our money away fast enough, as they free criminals to prey upon us, start forever wars we don’t care for, and flood our nation with illegal alien criminals we neither asked for, nor want to support financially.

There are curious indications something may be changing on that front. Mainly, information the conspiracy would never want to become public has become more widely known, and power structures the conspiracy would not want weakened have been degraded in some instances, and destroyed in others.

One of the most important facets of the conspiracy’s control, and the most illegal, was the control of elections. It would never have wanted even a vague public assertion the elections might not have been 100% legitimate, for fear it might trigger suspicion in the populace.

However in the 2020 election, Joe Biden, the most anemic of candidates, barely campaigned with among the most unimpressive of vice-presidential nominees, and yet supposedly they won more votes than Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, following a number of anomalies, including the complete cessation of vote counting in several jurisdictions on election night. In response Donald Trump and numerous surrogates have asserted the election was rigged, and many of his followers see no other way Biden could get more votes than Obama. That being said publicly is unusual, and a state of affairs the conspiracy would never have allowed, if it held the control it held twenty years ago under George W. Bush’s administration.

The news media, which has been given the moniker the “mainstream news,” lest anyone think it represented less than the well established beliefs of everyone, saw its legitimacy destroyed under the first Trump campaign. The conspiracy, were it in full control, would never have allowed its chief propaganda mouthpiece to lose its legitimacy in the eyes of the public. And yet nobody takes the professional news media seriously anymore.

The intelligence agencies, which we were always told were forbidden from operating on American soil, were shown to have not only spied on the Trump campaign, but to have initiated a full fledged, multi-national intelligence operation to first control the outcome of a US national election, and then, having failed to do that, delegitimize the administration once it took office.

The Jeffrey Epstein saga showed not only that there were intelligence agencies running underaged/pedophile sex-trafficking/blackmail operations targeting our elites and politicians, and that they were being protected by the US government (When US Attorney Alex Acosta was undergoing screening for the position of Labor Secretary, he told the Trump administration he cut the deal with Epstein when he was a US Attorney because he was told Epstein “belonged to [US] intelligence,” and that the issue was above his “pay grade.”). The Epstein case even demonstrated that it was possible the conspiracy behind it could assassinate the ring leader, even in the most secure prison facility in the country, while he was under the closest level of monitoring. The conspiracy wants everyone lulled into complacency, thinking conspiracies are impossible. This being revealed, also, is a change.

In short, the conspiracy penetrating America requires absolute secrecy, and yet over the past seven years, one revelation after another has peeled away its secrecy and destroyed the influence of structures it needs to be influential. Even today, if you look on dissident websites, the presence of the American Stasi on the streets of our nation, harassing people for political beliefs, under the rubric of “gangstalking,” is well accepted as a fact of life. None of these things should be so exposed.

There are a few theories among observers. One is there is some American intelligence counter-conspiracy seeking to thwart the takeover of America, perhaps utilizing the Donald Trump phenomenon as a tool to expose the conspiracy.

Another theory is there is some sort of power struggle occurring between different factions of elites. The weaker faction, which does not control these elements, is exposing these things to weaken the dominant faction, with an eye to seizing power from them at some point.

Others think the conspiracy accidentally grew too large, and has decided to stage a mock execution of itself, shedding most of its machinery in a fake exposure and elimination, while the key elements remain in position, hidden, allowing it to continue to wield power from the shadows.

The fact that thus far, the surveillance seems to have escaped exposure could be consistent with that, given it is the most important element of the conspiracy, which it would want to protect above all else, and certainly it is the element I would have destroyed before all else, as I sought to lay waste to everything.

Regardless, there is some unknown event taking place in the nation, and where the battle goes after exposure of the surveillance, would depend on whether or not America is honestly electing its leaders.

If it is not, then the leaders will surely never deal with the surveillance, and worse, I suspect you will be firmly on a path to a place where, after suitable expansion of the technology’s rollout, every American will live in fear of being hit by The Beam at night, should they say or do anything which displeases their masters.

At that point the only path to freedom would lie in rebellion. However I would caution any would-be rebels, familiarize yourself as much as possible with the operating procedures of the surveillance, and its capabilities, both in observation, and infiltration of social/operational groups.

It vastly complicates any potential revolutionary strategy, when there is no room in anyone’s private residence where the machine is not actively listening, and maybe watching through cameras installed during a prior break-in. I have even seen indications that when targeted to a sufficient degree, it may be able to “read” written notes in a residence, possibly through passive imaging using some form of through-wall radiation imaging.

Any revolution would absolutely have to begin with a swift elimination of the entirety of the local surveillance operations, by any means necessary. Either eliminate it entirely, or make it so it can not remain in place and will have to flee. You can leave no part of it operational before beginning to oppose the greater conspiracy. It is simultaneously the conspiracy’s weakest link, and its most vital element.

To that end, it is worth noting much of its technology relies on the power grid, and thus eliminating power to a sector would disable some of its technology, and make any remaining functional technology locatable through the sound produced by backup power generation at the undercover observation posts established in residences.

On the bright side, from what I see, the neighborhood Gollums who conduct the ground surveillance tend to be individuals who joined due to a desire to not engage in the open competitions of freedom, and thus they have little in the way of combat capability, a lack competitive spirit, and are often unarmed and incapable of combat.

If something does change, and suddenly you are electing your leaders, the nature of the battle to be fought would change. It would also mean other governmental functions which are likely presently controlled by the conspiracy, such as the selection of jury pools, would become influenced by citizen participation. At that point, a two-part strategy might be more appropriate.

First, regular Americans would need to unite in agreement to deny the conspiracy members any facet of government service or protection. If there is a trial, criminal or civil, regardless of the facts or merits of the case, the conspiracy members would need to be voted against by any jury. Technically called outlawry, this is a process which has been used throughout history, where those who held themselves outside and beyond the law of the land were then denied any protections afforded by the laws they rejected.

In addition, regular citizens would need to identify businesses run by conspiracy members, and refuse to do business with them. Employers would need to be convinced through boycotts to not employ conspiracy members. In short, what the conspiracy is presently doing to regular Americans from the shadows as part of the “gangstalking” phenomenon, would need to be done openly to them, in an effort to encourage them to leave the country.

The problem is for the last fifty to eighty years, at least, the conspiracy’s entire schtick has been to tell every American it would never betray them, so they will let down their guard – as the conspiracy betrayed everyone at every turn as much as possible. The idea you will allow it to remain, with a belief that it will not betray anyone going forward from now is laughable. It is akin to Charlie Brown believing Lucy will not pull away the football if he tries to kick it. This organization’s entire culture is based around the principle of betraying the rest of the nation for personal gain, and it always has been.

As long as they remain in the nation, they will seek to re-establish the conspiracy. You will not be rid of this cancer until you are rid of those who sought to create it, and betray all of their fellow Americans.

The second element of the revolution in this case would be a more forceful stimulus. Elect former Targeted Individuals to political offices, both governorships and the Presidency, with an agreement they will offer full and immediate pardons to anyone who commits any crime against any member of the conspiracy, pardoning them for all state and federal laws which were broken. Again, that is outlawry.

Targeted Individuals, or TI’s, as they call themselves, will have dealt with the conspiracy for some time, and will understand its ruthless nature, as well the necessity to make sure it never reinfects the nation. By electing them to office with such a mandate, the conspiracy would likely be forced to move overseas, leaving the nation to be united in freedom, absent any internal strife or betrayals, or governmental skulldugery, in a way this nation has not been free  of such negativity in some time.

To do this however, you will need a roster of members of the conspiracy. The most obvious source of such a roster would be the National Security Agency. It clearly could identify anyone so involved through its analysis of electronic communications, which are used extensively during harassment and surveillance operations. To continue to classify the membership of the American Stasi, as it actively operates in violation of the US Constitution, the supreme law of our land, would simply be using the classification system to hide evidence of crimes.

The Russian government could potentially be a second source of intelligence. It has doubtless flown satellites over the United States. If it has acquired video of traffic patterns. It is highly likely an AI analysis of the traffic could identify vehicles involved in surveillance movements, and track them to their residences, from where identities could be extracted.

To that end cell phone geolocation data likely could similarly be used. It would not surprise me if the Russians have already purchased it from advertising companies, and used it to gather the identities of US domestic surveillance personnel, by identifying individuals whose movements were coordinated with others, as they were part of a team involved in surveillance of a target.

Donald Trump has proposed creating a “reconciliation commission,” which would absolve those who engaged in illegal surveillance of any liability, in return for acknowledging what they did for the historical record.

You can expect a push toward something like this if we get close to exposing the network. That is what they did in East Germany when the Stasi security service’s spying on the citizens of East Germany was exposed. All of the citizens who had betrayed their fellow citizens, even torturing them with “Zersetzung” operations designed to drive them crazy or get them to commit suicide, were given immunity for their crimes in return for simply admitting to them.

The real goal of “reconciliation commissions” is to make having been involved in such a conspiracy free of any cost. The reason the powers that be wish to make it free of any cost is so they can rebuild the network at a later date.

Presently in the United States, the network has recruited nearly every citizen with the lack of moral fiber and absence of loyalty to their fellow citizens required to engage in this type of operation. If these citizens were to refuse to rejoin such an operation in the future, or even be taken out of circulation now, there would be no pool of potential recruits, and the United States would not be able to form another American Stasi to spy on and harass its citizens.

If the perpetrators are subject to the full civil and criminal penalties which the law would normally apply to a citizen such as us, the next time domestic intelligence approaches these people about forming a criminal conspiracy to spy on everyone and illegally harass or assault innocent citizens, with an eye to subverting the lawful United States government, potential recruits will be hesitant to join, fearing a future exposure might ruin their lives again.

If, however, the political leadership can institute a “reconciliation commission,” then there will have been no cost to having taken part in this conspiracy, and these people will jump at the chance to pick up operations where they were left off, once enough time has elapsed, and domestic intelligence believes it can begin to reassemble the network.

Having been assaulted in my house through the use of The Beam by this thing, I can understand the perception that those who engaged in such treasonous crimes against American freedom should pay a price. I would prefer they did. It is patently clear to me, that every member of domestic surveillance is fully aware that the 9/11 hijackers were fully covered by surveillance, surveillance knew the details of the 9/11 plot, and yet it, at the least, allowed the hijackings to occur, likely to gain greater surveillance power over the country. “Americans” who willingly joined a group which allowed 9/11 really do not belong in the country, nor are they really Americans.

In addition, I have seen them operating against me. Every one of them knows their harassment operations are criminal, and they still continue to engage in them. This thing does not belong in a nation as beautiful as America, to say nothing of the deployment of directed energy weapons against citizens, to physically assault them in the sanctity of their own homes.

However the first step in ridding us of this plague would be getting the roster of those involved. The reconciliation commission idea would be an excellent means of acquiring a full roster of everyone involved, confirmed by their own admission of involvement.

Even if they were absolved of all civil and criminal penalties, it would not shield them from a future electorate electing TI’s to governorships and the Presidency, who would pardon anyone who acted, violently or otherwise, to remove them from our society.

There are people who would immediately set about hunting them in retaliation for what happened before the conspiracy lost its power. They would have to leave the country.

The end goal of every real American must be to remove those who would engage in these actions from the country. So long as they remain, there will be a very potent enemy within America’s gates, and we will never escape this hell of partisan acrimony, and politicians who refuse to carry out their duties, or serve the people who elected them. The United States could be a utopia of harmony and blinding success – but you will have to get rid of the domestic surveillance first.

I cannot emphasize enough, I have seen this thing operate. Its people take sadistic pleasure in gaslighting targets, and trying to put them in fear and spin them up into a frenzy. There is something really wrong with these people on a deep, psychological level. I believe either they must not view regular Americans as fellow human beings, or they have some strange sadistic aspect to their psychologies.

You will have to remove it, or it will reform spontaneously. Whoever has sold Trump on the reconciliation commission idea, is already thinking in those terms. The people involved want to see this dictatorial shadow conspiracy of despots running the nation with an iron fist again, and parceling out a few extra crumbs to them in return for their eager betrayal of everyone else, and Beaming of their neighbors.

You will never be able to have a nation united in freedom, living in peace and harmony, where every American is blindly loyal to every other American, and where things just make sense in the nation, with the remnants of this conspiracy contained within its borders. It will always be seeking to foment strife, and Beam anyone seeking to strive, and spy on everyone to make sure nobody has any visions of accomplishing anything impressive.

And given its training and experience in these fields, as well as its established willingness to engage in these actions, it is dangerous, in a way which can not be easily addressed within the boundaries of a Constitutional government. Ridding our nation of it is the only way forward and would constitute the great noble war of our time.

The election of TIs would have the additional benefit of confirming if the public was actually electing its leaders, as the conspiracy would never allow the election of a TI Governor or President who was pledging to offer any such pardons to citizens for acting against the former members of the conspiracy. If the public proved unable to elect a former TI to office under such conditions, it would be a strong indication the conspiracy remained in the shadows, and merely tried to feign its own elimination, to buy time to regroup and rebuild.

You have a long road ahead, and in truth I do not know exactly what path it will follow, or even if I will be there to see where it leads myself. Obviously I am out on a ledge in issuing this warning to the populace. Still, I hope to be a part of whatever will come. If at all possible, I will be there with you in rebellion, at the very least, in spirit.

Whatever happens, have no illusions. You face a highly technologically advanced enemy, which will be ruthless in its attempts to hold onto power. It presently controls the government, the news media, the entertainment industry as well as much of the business sector in the United States, and there is good evidence it crosses numerous national boundaries. Your only advantage will be every citizen who is not in the conspiracy rising up to destroy the surveillance at the grass roots.

This conspiracy is acting with such impunity it has launched directed energy attacks against FBI Agents in their homes, as well as against White House Cabinet-level officials in their homes, and other White House officials on White House grounds, while they were under the protection of Secret Service. It has even struck a sitting US Senator. To say nothing of what it has been doing below that level to regular American citizens for decades, neighborhood by neighborhood.

I suspect when you finally rid the nation of it, one of the most dramatic measures will be the fall in cancer rates, once energy beams are no longer freely flying through neighborhoods. But from the reduced car pollution and traffic that will come from shutting down the vehicular surveillance units, to just the reduction in animals killed from being hit by cars, there will be no facet of this operation anyone will miss.

In your favor, it has not recruited the cream of the crop to its ranks, you vastly outnumber its ground forces, and from what I have seen, its ground surveillance forces have little to no real combat capability and would be no match for the warriors within the American citizenry if a real, hot war were to begin. We have something worth dying for. They have crumbs, dropped from a table they are not even allowed to dream of sitting at.

Just understand, you will need to be as ruthless as this conspiracy has been, and settle for nothing short of a complete eradication and removal of the conspiracy from American society, executed as swiftly and completely as possible. You will get no second chance, if you even get a first. Do not be fooled by the protestations of the guilty that they thought they were serving the country, or that they didn’t know. They all know.

Whatever happens, if you are up for the battle, do whatever you must to be rid of this thing. And if you are not up for the battle, stay out of the way of those who are, and let them do what they must. Because America cannot go on with this thing continuing to advance technologically, developing its tools against the citizenry, and deploying them with ever more frequency and ruthlessness.

You must be rid of it, whatever it takes.

Godspeed, and God Bless Real America and the patriots within her who believe in the noble ideals of our Constitution and our free republic.

The road ahead is long and difficult, but it leads to a true utopia – an America where we all are free, united, and able to do whatever we want in peace. I look forward to one day exploring that utopia with you.