Chapter Seventeen – End of Watch, Rest In Peace

Here we will detail the cases of Police Officers who were struck down by individuals this operation seemed to gaslight and spin up into a murderous frenzy, before allowing, or arranging for them, to encounter and kill the Officers.

It is unknown why they do this. It may fulfill specific mission objectives, or it’s possible some of these officers discovered the conspiracy, and needed to be eliminated. We record their cases here for posterity, and in the hopes their families will see justice.

NYPD Detective Miosotis Familia.

From here, about her killer:

In new surveillance video, the man who police say is 34-year-old Alexander John Bonds can be seen going up to the passenger side of the vehicle before firing a single shot at Officer Familia, then ducking out and running across 183rd Street, CBS2’s Janelle Burrell reported…

“We believe that he fired once killing the officer, and then fired again on Morris Avenue at police officers. We have a witness who says he fired at the two officers who stopped him, who then returned fire,” NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said…

“He was paranoid the police were following him and he felt EMS was also following [him],” Boyce said.

LA Sheriff’s Dept Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer

From here, about the killer:

Salazar said her son was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic about five years ago. He’d say he was hearing voices in his head, she said, and sometimes came home telling his parents or siblings that cars or people were following him in the streets.

At times, she said, he’d grow so upset that he would cover his ears with his hands, yell or stick his head in a trash can to try to drown out the voices.

One of the technologies some targets report encountering from the American Stasi is a microwave-based, focused sound weapon, which projects voices inside their head utilizing the microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey-effect. Oddly enough, a metal garbage can would fucntion as a rudimentary Faraday cage, offering some relief from such a weapon.

Davis, California Police Officer Natalie Corona

From here, regarding her killer:

The gunman who killed an officer in Northern California left behind a letter accusing the Davis police department of hitting him with “ultra sonic waves.”Limbaugh left behind a letter, according to Davis police spokesman Lt. Paul Doroshov, who read the letter on camera to CNN affiliate KMAX.

“The Davis police department has been hitting me with ultrasonic waves meant to keep dogs from barking. I notified the press, internal affairs, and even the FBI about it. I am highly sensitive to its affect [sic] on my inner ear,” the letter reads. “I did my best to appease them, but they have continued for years and I can’t live this way anymore.”

The letter is signed “Citizen Kevin Limbaugh.”

Capitol Police Officer Billy Evans

From here, about his killer:

In online posts since removed, Green described being under government thought control and said he was being watched.

Some have speculated these people may have been subjects in some kind of social experimentation, designed to develop techniques to break people’s wills, or make them subservient, or even manipulate them to kill. It is thought the techniques being tested may be an outgrowth of the CIA’s old MK Ultra program, which examined how to brainwash people to change their personality and thought patterns. The MK Ultra program is a good topic of research to understand the type of inhumanity intelligence operations, even those run by the American government, can exhibit.

Of one researcher’s experiments, which he conducted for the CIA, covertly, on innocent non-consenting patients who were seeking established treatments for such disorders as minor depression, it was documented:

His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions. His treatments resulted in victims’ incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.

Lafayette Police Corporal Michael Paul Middlebrook

From an article on his killer:

Howard told officers the FBI wanted to kill him, and that white vans had been following him.

Police Officers Brad Garafola, Matthew Gerald, and Montrell Jackson

From a New York Times article about the killer:

Many labels for Gavin Long have emerged from the rich digital footprint that he left behind — former Marine, antigovernment radical, alpha male, life coach. But one has stood out for its peculiarity, that of “targeted individual.”

Louisiana investigators have yet to describe a motive for Mr. Long’s carefully planned ambush that left three law enforcement officers dead and three others injured on Sunday in Baton Rouge, La.

But Mr. Long, who was killed in the shootout, said in online posts and videos that he was a victim of a vast government conspiracy that watches and harasses everyday Americans.

Numbering in the thousands, the self-described targeted individuals, or T.I.s, say that they are being tortured with mind-control weapons and put under surveillance by armies of covert agents known as gang stalkers.

Colorado Police Officer Eric Talley

From here, about his killer:

A lawyer for Mr. Alissa said in court that Mr. Alissa had an unspecified mental illness, echoing public statements his older brother Ali had made asserting that Mr. Alissa was paranoid and had delusions of being watched and followed.

Police Officer Talley was a staunch, pro-gun, Second Amendment activist, who believed in individual liberty and freedom. Whatever your political leanings, he supported other citizens having freedoms a despotic government would not want them to have, despite those freedoms making his job potentially more difficult, and even personally dangerous. He was clearly a man who believed in the freedom of others to do what they wanted, even if it endangered his own life, and I cannot help but think it is not a coincidence he was one of our kind, and he was killed.

Officer Talley’s case is interesting in another way. A bystander happened upon the scene in progress, and recorded video of the shooter’s initial takeover of the supermarket where Officer Talley would be shot. The video, to the nuanced eye, shows surveillance operatives very clearly setting up a perimeter around the building to contain the shooter, curiously with very little worry that the shooter might shoot them.

The video shows the following scenes. After each scene I will offer analysis. If you watch the video, despite everyone’s knowledge a man is inside the supermarket with an AR-15, and occasional audible gunshots, you will see very out-of-shape, apparently non-combat-capable individuals show no fear as they loiter in positions which I think you or I would flee from, in search of cover, or at least concealment, if we were not pushing forward with weapons to engage. But they do nothing, other than observe and text message.


Despite there being obvious bodies laying in the streets, these two vehicles drive up and stop at 90 degree angles to each other, simultaneously. The drivers do not get out of their cars to check on the bodies, as you would if you thought someone had innocently suffered a cardiac event and needed aid, but they do not flee the scene as if they think there is a shooting ongoing.

Both cars pause, at 90 degree angles, which, if they have cameras out the front and back of their vehicles will offer a central control center excellent video coverage of what is going on.


The videographer says, “Oh my God, is there a shooter? Does anyone know where he went?” Chubby, on the right, above, nonchalantly pauses his texting and says, “Oh, yeah, he is right in there,” motioning behind him, inside the doorway, before he resumes text-messaging away.

It is a guy with an AR-15, mind you, and he saw him run in there after leaving a trail of bodies outside. But Chubby just holds his station updating central control, as Numnuts on the left stands there, a carbuncle on the ass of heroism.

Those people are not behaving as you or I would. This is what they do, when Americans, who are not of their own, are in peril. They set up a perimeter, and begin updating central command.

Chubby is still going. He is not bold enough to go inside and begin filling up a shopping cart, but he isn’t heading back out to his car either.

That is a dead body he is pointing at, as he says, “Yeah he’s right in there!” But he is still not running, and his texting app is still at the ready. Who is he texting, do you think? Officer Talley has not yet arrived on scene. But you can see, more is going on here than meets the eye.


Gunshots have just gone off, from a 5.56, which is not known as a quiet round, and you have two cars holding position outside, at 90 degrees, as somebody checks on one body, which has been shot to death, but again, nobody is fleeing. Now we follow the videographer, as he runs around the building.


The videographer sees these people standing right outside, after they have clearly all heard gunshots. He says, “Guys, there is an active shooter!” Their response as they stand there? “Yeah we know, we were just inside the store.” Then they continue to stand there, even though the shooter could come out and begin clearing the parking lot any moment now.

The videographer runs around the back of the store, and these two people are just standing there at one corner, one literally with their hands in their pockets, watching the back door. Notice, two people posted on the other rear corner, looking this way


The videographer asks, “Are you guys OK?” Their response? “Yeah, we are OK.” And they keep standing there, hands in their pockets, even though the shooter could exit the back of the building, and kill anyone there, at any moment.

As the videographer approaches the other corner, these two begin walking away. They must be camera-shy.

Wild Afro is standing watching the front corner, as if covering the 3-O’Clock of the two who had been watching the back.


As the videographer approaches, wild Afro turns and follow the wall of the building to the back corner, where the two who just left had been posting. There are no vehicles which might belong to this character back there, however.

Two vehicular units, most likely. When something like this happens, central control will flood vehicular units to it. I suspect most have cameras pointing front and back, and maybe out the sides, broadcasting wirelessly to central control, which is watching all of it up on the big screen in a control room.


The videographer has made a full circuit, walking all the way around the building, stopping periodically to warn people and offer assistance, after hearing a barrage of 5.56 NATO going off at the start of the video. As he has been doing that outside, Chubby here has just been standing in the front doorway like a tool, gleefully texting away, not ten feet from a dead body, and just around the corner from the active shooter who killed it, who is still popping off rounds. Just now at this moment, he has begun to meander away from the sounds of active gunshots.

The man is a text messaging machine. I stop and stand, and my sausage finger still hits a wrong letter every other tap and I have to go back and delete it. But Granpa here, he isn’t even a poker. He is double-thumbing it rapid-fire, while he’s walking, no less. Could he be debating with his granddaughter over who is hotter, Justin Bieber or Usher?

These idiots look like the exact same boobs, in the same numbers, who follow me on every grocery store outing. Just here they are standing outside, and in my case, they follow me through the store. Probably if I popped and began shooting, this is what they would do – move to a perimeter, and update control on the bodycount.

Understand, all of these shooters would have been under the type of surveillance I am under. The cars you saw following the Google car? When they were not following the Google car, they were tasked to these characters, because those cars are rarely idle. And when these shooters went home, the surveillance obeservation/monitoring post in their neighborhood would know they were a priority target, and would pile the surveillance on there, watching all internet activity, reading all emails, even listening to conversations in their homes.

That would mean these shooters were watched, to a degree most people would not think possible, every moment. Their facebook posts, their internet search histories, their purchases, their phone calls, their private conversations in their homes would all have been monitored by an operation which is designed to catch everything and predict target behavior.

In the vast majority of cases, the surveillance would have seen weapons, ammunition, and body armor purchases, seen inflammatory posts online, followed specific search histories, grasped the fact the target blamed local officers, and understood what was coming when they began to make an atypical trip with their weapons and body armor.

In every case, after spinning up their wind-up toy, they let him go and then sat back and passively observed, allowing a Police Officer to approach, or otherwise end up in contact with the shooter while offering them no warning of what was happening, or the danger they were in.

Even worse, in some cases, it has appeared the target was guided to the officer, while they were unawares and vulnerable, as in the case of Detective Miosotis Familia.

This is a dangerous intelligence operation, which it will be shown thinks in ways we would never think, and does things we would never have thought possible.

Up next, Chapter Eighteen – Where Do We Go From Here?


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