Chapter Twelve – A Hidden Conspiracy In The Public Eye


Now we will examine where this operation has bubbled up into people’s awareness, to give you an idea of its scale and nature.

Here I will go through various places online where you can see this covert surveillance machine briefly emerging from the shadows, from news stories, to youtube videos posted by victims of it. Where feasible, I will put the website link in an endnote, and then quote the relevant portion of the page here in italics, so you do not have to seek out the link. If you wish to research further, you can follow the link, and see the source material.

Where there are videos, I will quote the dialog, however some videos will need to be watched, usually to see the operation in action with your own eyes. I will make note of those.

We will begin with a video you have likely already seen, as we mentioned it earlier. However if you did not watch it earlier, you must watch it now, as it is one of the best representations of this operation in action against an innocent American citizen.

This video, which we showed earlier, shot by an innocent young woman leaving her house, shows exactly how the surveillance will operate as you leave your residence, and how obvious it is once you see it. It will leave no doubt in your mind that at least in some spots, there is a hostile surveillance operation in America targeting random, innocent people. I will guarantee you, unless you live in the most remote, rural area, you have similar operatives in your neighborhood, watching you. You may find the video at: or

If it has been deleted from those locations, visit, where we will locate the most recent upload.

Notice at 18:21, the guy pushing the baby carriage, holding his phone in a position with the camera pointing at her:

You have seen Ray Epps do it, you have seen Hippie Boy do it, and you have seen a driver in a car do it, in southern California. You have even seen a picture of a guy in a car, doing it to my house. Again, I see that type of surveillance, even a much more aggressive form of it, everywhere I go. We will link to more of these types of videos at

This is just a massive domestic intelligence/informant network, created in the model of the East German Stasi – which was noted for similar “Zersetzung” harassment operations on regular citizens. It is probably run in the nation under the guise of training operations, I assume under auspices of CIA. You thought CIA isn’t allowed to operate domestically? Overstock CEO Patrick Bryne’s friends at the FBI said to him, things have changed:

They explained that in 2008 a law was passed that gave authority to the Director of the CIA to sign a piece of paper and, in a sense, “take the steering wheel” of the FBI…”)

Although from an evidentiary perspective this next video is not overly impressive, this video is an excellent example of the way these domestic surveillance teams perform the tactic of “mobbing” in a store, to try and intimidate a targeted individual. This is what the young girl in the first video would have seen at the store she was driving to – a completely new set of people, different from those who sent her off from her home, surrounding her. I have seen this myself personally. These people are swarming this guy in the store in an effort to intimidate him:

That corner was empty when he walked into it, in a mostly empty store, those people above all flooded into the corner, glaring at him, he left, he came back quickly just to see how many people were there, and the corner was empty again, with nobody there:

I actually have a relative, also under surveillance, who walked into a Costco, and lost their followers. They were in an aisle, when a Costco stock boy came to the end of the aisle, saw them, and turned and yelled at the rest of the store, “They’re over here!,” and walked off. Within moments, the mob materialized around them as followers rushed to the aisle.

These people are the people in your neighborhood who follow people around, spy on their neighbors, and run their children as assets against your’s in the schools. East Germany had them, and so do we. Much like Jan 6th rioter Ray Epps, they have regular jobs, regular homes, regular families, and to all outward appearances, are just regular citizens. You cannot connect them to this thing. But clearly they are a part of something, we just cannot pin down yet exactly what it is. They have doubtless amassed a mind-blowing file on you, just as we all have mind-blowing files, even though you have never laid eyes on them.

I would estimate it is presently between 4 and 10% of the population nationally, with that percentage being higher in some places and lower in others. Their informants may have befriended you, and gathered data on you for your local neighborhood archivist. You will know at least a couple of them, as they want their people to have first degree connections to everyone. Had you not known any, your local archivist would have noted that, and some would have drifted into your circles and befriended you.

The most common surveillance they will perform is shopping surveillance, ie following members of their community through stores to catalog what they buy. Most towns, for this reason will have operatives arrayed through parking lots of shopping centers, waiting for orders to follow targets. They most often perform their shopping surveillance in a low-key fashion, following you through stores covertly, handing you off from one to another, aisle to aisle, cataloging what you purchase by standing behind you on the checkout line, often covertly photographing your haul on the conveyor belt with their cell phone as it is being rung up, while pretending to text someone, or check messages.

Everyone gets such a follow at least every few years, to polish their file. Mobbing is fairly rare, and reserved for recalcitrant targets, and people who have made the wrong surveillance person angry somehow.

Here, for whatever reason, their operation is attempting to intimidate this guy, and so they all flooded around him in an overt display. Note, they were toning it down because they knew he was filming. Had he not been filming, they would have been much more overt and openly hostile. Sometimes they will even loudly comment to each other disparagingly about the target. If confronted about that, they will deny it, and allege the target is crazy or paranoid. They are impressively good gaslighters, and the tactic is meant to irritate and frustrate.

Next up, John Lang was a small business owner who fell afoul of this machine when he complained to the local newspaper about license plate readers deployed in his town. The machine began flooding cars and pedestrians by his house, and he began videotaping. He stored his videos on his youtube channel, at the following address: .

Here is a still from one video which he filmed, of somebody pointing some piece of high technology at his house from across the street, as the driver talks on his cell phone:

John was convinced it was the Fresno PD harassing him, however I am not so sure, since I would assume Fresno PD cannot operate across the nation, and what we see is country-wide. What John documents here parading in front of his house, I have seen over a thousand miles away, and other targets have documented it across the country.

Elements of Fresno PD would have been told by this conspiracy to show up in some places, and act intimidating. However it is unclear how much local Police know about the criminal nature of this operation. Whether they knew it was a criminal harassment operation by a criminal conspiracy, or whether they were told FBI Agents needed help with a show of force at a domestic terrorist’s house, is unknown. It may prove locality-dependent, with some departments taken over by the conspiracy and filled with dirty cops, and others entirely clueless.

Regardless, I would assume what really targeted him was this national conspiracy, which is not law enforcement, though it seems to have acquired some sort of federal law enforcement authority. Whether it is based out of an official federal agency or organization, or not, is yet to be determined.

John’s story ended with him contacting a reporter on Twitter:

He said the van pictured below had delivered some men to the empty house next door, and he felt he was about to be killed:

Shortly thereafter his house was seen on fire, and a Police Lieutenant which surveyed the immediate aftermath once the fire was put out, told the media John had been stabbed in the back and was dead on his kitchen floor. Later authorities said the autopsy found John had stabbed himself to death, and set his own house on fire:

The Fresno County coroner has ruled the death of a man found in a burning central Fresno home in January as a suicide. Fresno police originally reported that John Lang, 51, had been stabbed in his abdomen and upper back on Jan. 20… Tony Botti, a spokesman for the Fresno County sheriff and coroner, said Thursday that Lang had “three superficial, self-inflicted stab wounds” to his chest and no cuts on his back, despite initial reports by law enforcement… Botti said investigators believed Lang started the fire himself. Fresno police Lt. Burke Farrah, head of the department’s homicide unit, said the confusion about the wounds was the result of incorrect information released at the scene by Lt. Joe Gomez, the department’s public information officer… “Joe made a mistake,” Farrah said. “This is an aberration. Typically, we are very careful.”… Five days before he died, Lang left ABC30 reporter Corin Hoggard a Facebook comment saying: “Corrupt Fresno cops are going to try and kill me this weekend, possibly tonight. This is no joke.”

The next video is a local Texas TV news station segment which documents the experiences of a young Texas woman, who was one of several young women who are apparently being drugged and raped by their local domestic surveillance unit.

From the segment:

Cynthia Verbeth is moving. Her home, she says has become a house of horrors. She says, “I feel that I’ve lost my mind. I’ve lost my life.”

Incident reports from law enforcement tell the tale numerous break-ins at the address, vandalism to her car, her motorcycle, her computer.

Verbeth believes she’s being targeted “Everything, they just went through everything!” But sheriff’s detectives had little to go on because the vandals though often destructive, stole nothing, even from her portable safe, drilled into and torn apart, the contents, the jewelry, remained untouched.

Verbeth… suffered months of oddness, “…coming into the front door and I touched the doorknob and it just falls into pieces.” Lights left on, doors open, furniture moved, her clothes dryer disassembled, her friends say they noticed the strange happenings. They tell the I-team they even witnessed a gas oven left turned on, “As soon as you walk in the house you’d smell gas in the house so the whole house smelled from gas so I immediately turned it off and opened up the doors but I mean I think it doesn’t just turn on by itself they’d been running for a good length of time…”

Verbeth says all these happenings culminated in an assault. The 39 year old believes someone drugged the food in her home and returned later to rape her. “I know something happened to me because a woman knows.” She filed a Police report and was briefly hospitalized with signs of sexual assault….

Verbeth is not alone. Others in San Antonio have contacted the I-team and described similar types of occurrences. Linda Johnson says somebody poisoned her water supply with heavy metals in Northwest San Antionio. Then there is her story about the bracelet which went missing and then reappeared. Police, she says have stopped listening to her, and like Verbeth, she too believes she has been sexually assaulted, though she never filed a Police report. “I’ve gone to doctors many times, and I have been to the rape crisis center for counseling.”

The report briefly touches on other rapes in the area which appear related to Verbeth’s, but which local Police have been completely unable to stop.

It also notes, her troubles began when she began dating a high profile target of the domestic surveillance machine, Dr John Hall, a practicing physician who was actually one of the members of Bill Binney’s website, mentioned earlier, He himself became a target after dating, and attempting to help a local woman who was being assaulted with directed energy weapons by the local surveillance team. They took offense, and now he is targeted too.

In a normal nation, these types of things would be front page news, however in America, the American Stasi has heavily penetrated and subverted the news media, and it suppresses any mention of these cases, leaving the victims to suffer alone, without the support of either the local law enforcement machinery, or the news media.

In this case, the local surveillance operation in San Antonio appears to be using their overwatch capabilities in the neighborhood to facilitate their entry into the houses of young women they pick, while the women are out at work. Once inside the houses, they drug the women’s food.

They most likely then observe the women in their houses, either on cameras left behind or using thru-wall tech, to confirm they eat the food. When they observe the women go unconscious, they re-enter the houses and rape them. The women discover this the next morning, after the drugs wear off. With the backing of the local surveillance infrastructure, it is a zero-risk crime which will never catch up with them.

Local Police claim to be unable to solve the crimes, but even if they could, the Stasi would pull rank, as with Epstein, and shut any case down. Meanwhile, the surveillance operators continue to break into the women’s houses, and leave indications they were there, as a form of intimidation and continuing torture.

Unfortunately this is the power the American Stasi holds. It appears to have secured some sort of authority within the law enforcement community which allows it to simply order local law enforcement to abandon criminal investigations. You have seen what happened to Police Chief James Burke, who refused to back down in the face of this operation as he attempted to unravel a serial killer case, which may have been some sort of local surveillance commander killing prostitutes.

Burke ended up serving four years on trumped-up federal charges, was nearly charged with possessing narcotics inside the prison, almost lost his pension, and then nearly had to repay $1.5 million to the county. In addition, he cannot even walk in a park without being arrested, and charged with soliciting sex and indecent exposure, and he, a former Chief of Police, is powerless.

Another case where the local surveillance was devoted to harassment would have been the case of Bryce LaLiberte.

Bryce was a well-known young writer looking to break into online political and cultural commentary. He disappeared for a while, and then re-emerged to publish a piece in an online publication called The American Sun, explaining his absence. He subsequently asked them to pull the article, however an archived file of the article exists.

In it, he writes:

I am aware of the likelihood organizations such as Masons were conscripted into my torture, employing tactics of paranoia-inducing sabotage and surveillance originally founded in regimes such as East Germany.

For the past five years, probably longer, I have been stalked and surveilled by numerous organizations at various times, I have been made to feel perpetually unsafe even in my own home, without respite to the law or law enforcement for actions that perpetually bordered on the illegal but which are, or precisely because they were enforced by law enforcement officials under various “official” guises, impossible for a poor individual such as myself to fight against. How is an ordinary American citizen to fight against forces called down upon him by the highest office in the land?

My encounters with various facets of the rulers that be, particularly with what might be popularly called “The Illuminati,” have involved Masons, homegrown internet hackers acting (unwittingly, I believe) on behalf of higher ups, Anonymous, “Industry,” FBI, Thelemites, encounters with UFOlogists, demonologists, various zealots of innumerable doctrines produces a strange tale that is mostly unbelievable and designed, for the most part, to be unbelievable.

Whenever you encounter those who have been exposed to this machine, understand they will sound deranged to you. You have been lied to your entire life. Told conspiracies are bunk, and those who peddle them deranged and to be shunned. Powerful groups never work in concert to advance their position, everyone abides by Marquis de Queensbury rules, there is no surveillance in your neighborhood right now watching you, you could produce a hot idea and turn it into a multi-billion dollar fortune, and run for President and then expose the corruption in DC.

You are told nobody in power is actively, right now, taking any active measure to protect their hold on power, and keep you contained, such as by deploying surveillance, neighborhood by neighborhood, to watch everyone. Nobody is assessing, and on occasion intervening in the lives of children to derail them, as they develop into the next generation of adult who could pose a threat to their control even though to do so would be easy, and nobody would believe such an organization could exist in America.

So you begin, really, with no firm grasp of reality. Then you have these targets, who themselves had no firm grasp of reality. Out of the blue, they are exposed to an unimaginable, horrifying reality, and then they are subject to the professional psychological headgames, gaslighting, and psyops of a domestic intelligence machine which is well practiced in gaslighting its victims, so if they speak out, they will sound crazy and nobody will believe them. I have no doubt Bryce ran into the American Stasi, and they did a job on him.

Bryce began to intrude into that world, where power is apportioned, and he saw the machines you have been told do not exist. You see him say they dosed his food with LSD, and think him crazy. But they know you will think him crazy if he asserts that, and they dose his food specifically to make his story unbelievable, while knowing they are shouldering no risk, since nobody will believe him.

He mentions the Masons. When I am followed, there will often be Mason stickers on cars. Are they Masons? Or do they just want me to tell people I am followed by Masons, because it will degrade by credibility? He mentions demons. As you will see at, they have a technology, which they have deployed on me, which can mimic the paranormal. How better to discredit someone truthful, than to make the story they tell sound unhinged? I recorded my encounter with their tech, so you can actually hear what transpired, but even so, it’s nearly unbelievable.

In short these stories will tend to be unbelievable, because the people inflicting the stories on the targets will make them unbelievable as part of a procedure to make the target unbelievable, should they ever try to tell anyone. This entire operation is very sophisticated. It’s been doing this a long time.

All of which ignores the psychological effects of living 24/7, even in your own home, in some combination of the movies Enemy of the State, 1984, Brave New World, The Exorcist, and The Twilight Zone – and doing it for years, or even decades. I have done it, it is a definite stress on your neurological structures, and it never abates. There is a reason the East Germans called it “Zersetzung,” which is German for, “decomposition.” It is designed to break down normal individuals quite effectively.

Be understanding and empathetic when encountering the people who have labored under this machine. Their path has not been easy, they have acclimated to things you could not even imagine encountering, and they will inevitably endure damage along the way. Remember, they are still, deep inside, your countrymen, and they have been wronged, horribly.

Bryce died of a heart malady at 30 years of age, however given the stress he was under, and the potential technologies deployed on him, I would assume it was not unrelated to his targeting.

Another tragic case was already described – Army soldier and IED blast survivor Brian Mancini, who encountered this machine and ended up committing suicide due to the stress.

There are many well-documented cases of people who were targeted due to rising to positions of power or fame which they were not allowed to occupy. But with these units deployed throughout the nation, invariably bad apples will rise to positions of power, and they will begin harassing random people as well, just to enjoy the feelings of omnipotence. Here, a young woman is being followed by lookouts for other people who break into her house to frighten her, by moving furniture and opening windows, so she will know someone was in her house while she was out.

From the news piece:

Facika Tafara thinks she may be the victim of a bizarre practice called gangstalking or community stalking.

It’s like an alternate reality, really,” Tafara said. “It’s spooky, and it’s my understanding that if this is actually what it is, it can go on for years.”

Community or gang stalking is an eerie practice that takes aim at your psyche to make you almost feel like you’re going crazy.

In Tafara’s case, she said she would notice strange things out of place in her house when she would get home from work, such as her windows being opened, dresser drawers opened, and she said she even found a camera inside the bedroom of her 11-year-old son.

It’s so creepy, I had a bolt put on the door and I’m having my son sleep in here with me,” she said.

Are people following me? And then I started to wonder also well how do they know when I’m here and when I’m not here then?” – Farah found this small camera in her 11 year old son’s bedroom…

Community stalking is not some group of random people in the community just joining together and working together that seamlessly, as a unit, and employing advanced surveillance technologies and techniques. That is a recruited and trained neighborhood unit of the American domestic surveillance machine, the Amerian Stasi, outfitted with all the advanced domestic surveillance equipment such an agency would be issued.

In another case, anti-vaccine activist and former pharmaceutical executive Brandy Vaughan ran up against this when she challenged vaccine requirements for children. She made the following video, and ended up being “found unresponsive” at age 44, by her son, before being declared dead.

Brandy Vaughan

From the video:

The first one happened when I was coming back from the capital rally in Sacramento against SB 277 and I came home with a friend to my Hide-A-Key being on my on my doorstep open to the key. And the story behind this was a year ago when I bought my house I hid that deep in the bushes and six months ago I had looked for it because I thought well it’s probably not a good idea to have a key to my house outside mine, right outside my door. I couldn’t find it.

But when I came back from Sacramento that one time, it was about two months ago, that key was on my doorstep open to the key. That day I had my locks changed and I called an alarm service and I installed a $3,000 alarm system.

Two days later, so what happened apparently, is someone opened the door, the front door, went through the front door, picked the lock, and my alarm went off and they immediately disarmed it with the master code, which nobody had but me. I made sure nobody else had that code, and they disarmed it at the panel and with that code, according to the alarm company.

At 3:45 in the morning somebody entered in through the front door, the alarm went off, they disabled the alarm by putting in the master code right away into the panel, and then at 3:46 in the morning my hallway monitor sensor went off, so someone went down the hall. And then at 3:48 someone opened my dining room window and then closed it right away. And then if you notice the dining room window actually faces out towards the backyard which is much more private than the front door which they used to enter that time, and then they went over to the keypad, entered the code again, and then left through the front door at 3:49.

After the incident I talked to some security experts who have actually done intimidation for corporations and they explained a few things. They said, well, they were probably tapping your place so everything I say and do in here is listened to if not watched. And then opening of the back window because it’s a much more private way to get in for future reference for future visits

There is more at the video. I do not think Brandi was dealing with a special “Big Pharma” intimidation unit brought in from out of town. I think she encountered the regular neighborhood domestic surveillance operation, which was told to frighten her, to dissuade her from entering the political arena.

She was a beautiful woman, intelligent, headstrong, with beliefs and principles. People liked her. I saw the video, and I liked her. She was already getting to be a moral, principled, natural leader who people followed. Domestic intelligence, which runs the domestic surveillance, is under strict orders to keep people like that, who are uncontrolled, out of politics.

They tell you the great thing about our nation is anyone can be anything, even run for political office. But that lie only persists because nobody ever tries. I wrote a political book, and I have experienced everything from harassment surveillance, to honeypot operations, to being hit in the night by Directed Energy Weaponry, as I will detail later.

My guess is Brandi’s neighborhood archivist, after assigning coverage for tracking her to rallies, and analyzing her speeches, and looking at the decades of surveillance they already had on her just as a regular citizen, predicted she might one day run for office. I think what she encountered was designed to ease her out of the political realm, before she would need to be killed.

Her death is a mystery. According to the coroner, she suffered bilateral pulmonary thrombosis, meaning at least two massive blood clots blocked off blood flow through her lungs and suffocated her. At age 44, in the physical condition she appeared to be in, it seems quite unusual.

On the other hand, you have a woman who is a top-level target of the American Stasi, a group which, according to Bill Binney, is fielding directed energy weapons, which it fires through walls at people in their homes. You have to ask, given that, would it be a higher probability a thin, healthy 44 year old female, heading for political stardom, dies from a random bilateral pulmonary thrombosis, or would it be more likely domestic intelligence accidentally turned up The Beam too high and triggered a clotting effect in her blood with the microwaves?

You see the problem, and why I am willing to risk death or being crippled to resist this and inform the nation. This is not America. American men do not do this to young women. Young mothers. Young single mothers. This is pure evil, and worth fighting, at any cost. I hope to find my fellow American patriots feel the same and will join me in this call to arms.

In this section we are only describing the act of stalking, so we will not have an inordinately large number of such cases to characterize, since the vast majority of these cases do not make the news. To be noteworthy, argets will usually need to die or engage in a shooting themselves, and leave behind evidence of the targeting.

As an example, were I not web savvy, and unusually aggressive, nobody would ever have heard of my own case. There are at least tens of thousands of innocent Americans, perhaps hundreds of thousands, who endure such harassment operations every day.

I am convinced that just about every American is actively affected by the surveillance covertly, through such varied means as hidden interventions to derail life-opportunities, or the use of directed energy weapons to subtly degrade an individual’s health.

Much of this operation’s mission objective at the neighborhood level, seems to be keeping everyone in the neighborhood occupationally constrained, running on the treadmill of life while still falling behind, almost in an enslaved fashion, so nobody can rise to a level where they might be able to break free of the system and live their own life freely, without the need to slave away every day of their lives for a subsistence living.

I believe they do this, even to the extent of assigning a handful of vehicular units to create traffic jams on the highways every day, to waste the free time of commuters on their way to and from work, so they will have less free time to be “problematic.”

I myself have been trapped in an engineered traffic jam, which I caused to disappear entirely within moments, merely by pulling to the side of the road and sitting for a few minutes. The rest of my trip was driven at 75 mph non-stop once I picked up and resumed moving. My vehicular units, not knowing if I intended to sit by the side of the road for five minutes or five hours, did not have the vehicular assets to maintain the traffic jam around me indefinitely, and within minutes my surveillance, which had been obstructing traffic ahead of me, exited the highway and cars began moving.

When I wrote about this on my website, one of my readers immediately pointed me to the video here, which shows a vehicle creating a traffic jam during a morning commute, by driving at ten miles per hour on the freeway. In the still below, where a vehicle is pulling out from behind him, you will notice, he has shut off one headlight, the signal surveillance vehicles use, to notify law enforcement who are aware of the illegal surveillance operation, that they are operational, and should be left alone:

Ask yourself how prolifically surveillance must be creating traffic jams, that not only has it been caught on video, and published online, but on top of that, one of my readers immediately can point me to the video to document it.

Regardless, he apparently encountered a highway patrol officer who was not aware of the secret society of surveillance people, or who did not notice his far side headlight was out, who immediately pulled him over and forced him to wait for a tow.

Much of what I say will sound crazy, because you have not seen the American Stasi firsthand yet, and do not know how badly those in power do not want to lose power to you. But once you see this machine, you will realize it has nothing to do with law enforcement, or national security. Its entire purpose is making sure you can never rise to a point in life that you can compete with those who hold power.

To that end, assigning a handful of its vehicular surveillance units each day to the local highway, to drive slow during rush hour and jam it up, is a very effective use of resources to make sure you do not manage to create a side-hustle which would allow you to escape the system’s treadmill. To the surveillance, it is not insane, it is merely an effective use of resources to make sure everyone stays busy and under control. Because if everyone stops being under control, their little secret club will cease being able to pay them their benefits for surveilling you.

Those who refuse to be kept under control, or who appear as a threat for some reason, will get the overt harassment operations, as I have. This will sound improbable to the newcomer, who will say surely America cannot be that bad. However I would urge you to contemplate what you have seen so far.

Just the covert surveillance is an affront to the very spirit of America. We real Americans do not want to live in a surveillance state, which charts our movements when we leave our house. Once that Rubicon is crossed – making something real Americans would not want – things begin to snowball rapidly.

Now you need to control who is allowed to know this thing exists. That means you need to control who works the poles for the utilities. That means you need control over the union.

Now you are an intelligence agency controlling a domestic union, which has effects on elections. Now you really cannot let anybody know what you are up to. So you take over more things, to protect your operational security. Now a citizen finds out and opposes you. If you let them expose your operation, your life, and the lives of all your people are ruined, so you have to harass and intimidate that citizen.

Now you are a domestic intelligence agency, exerting control over your nation’s elections, and harassing innocent citizens over free speech. Now you had better take over the media, so it will not catch wind of this and report it. And it will keep snowballing, as you try to control more and more, getting in deeper and deeper, until you have to control even more.

And as it progresses, you reach a point where you have so transgressed, that real Americans will be willing to kill you, if it comes to light, adding a degree of drive and commitment to attaining total control which will easily produce extreme behaviors, and an extreme desire to abolish every last vestige of liberty which might threaten you, all while keeping the secret, assiduously. I have seen this thing, and that is where we are right now.

The scale of the operation I have seen is so large, they could not allow random people to even accumulate large amounts of money, or have businesses which are too successful. They could not allow it. If they allowed that, somebody might then run for office, and from there exposure is never more than one press conference away. They need total control, and for you to absolutely have no clue.

So now the control needs to go granular, it has to be neighborhood-ized into local cells, which get assigned a specific raft of people, and everyone gets watched, and suppressed if they look like they are about to rise too high. And now you really can’t let anyone know. You need to get control of the news media, and the law enforcement apparatus, and the Inspector Generals. You need to get in the schools, and make sure you are on top of the kids from the very beginning. And to do that, you need to get your own kids operational.

The secret is so big, they need to do whatever it takes, because when the nation finds out, everyone will want blood. And with 150 million gunowners, we could end up getting it.

Once you see just the surveillance, and how extensive it is, you will realize that is the path this thing inevitably took. And suddenly them having their kids report intelligence to them on the other local school children, and build files on them – it is not so unusual. Suddenly you will say, of course our elections are rigged. Suddenly, you realize there is no way this extensive a machine missed 9/11 – it had to see it coming – and it let it happen.

Until now, the plight of the “Gangstalked” probably seemed a world away from your life experience. But the reality is, their story is revealing a force which is just as noxious within your own life. You have merely never noticed it, because it operates from the shadows, while hiding from your awareness. That, and the fact you cannot fathom any fellow American would stoop to this level.

But stoop to this level they have.

If we can do this right, after the release of this book, everyone will notice it.

Up next, Chapter Thirteen – Technical Harassment – Beware of “The Beam”

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