Chapter Sixteen – Guess Who Has A FISA Surveillance Warrant – (You!)

But how can this be fellow patriot, you ask? It could not be legal to spy on all Americans in such a detailed fashion without some kind of warrant?

Au contraire. First, the American Stasi already controls all the law enforcement agencies which would normally enforce such laws. It has penetrated them and subverted their leadership so none will investigate any illegal spying. The lore of gangstalking is littered with the stories of victims, from Aaron Alexis to Bill Binney, who approached law enforcement agencies, and were entirely ignored. Fall under the harassment of the American Stasi and you will find there is no law or justice in the United States, just the illusion of justice.

However even if you could trigger an investigation, in all likelihood, it would make no difference. Any reasonable examination of the mathematics of surveillance would indicate it is legal because just about everyone has a FISA warrant authority which allows the government to spy on them now. That will be another big reveal that is coming. We already know for a fact that as of 2017, there had been 40,668 FISA warrants issued. (Archive here). However a single FISA warrant allows primary surveillance authority for more than one person.

As an example, if a mosque is known to be organizing a terror attack with the help of a foreign entity, under the law, the government can submit an application for a single FISA warrant to put all of the members of the mosque under primary surveillance, and the single warrant will justify making each of the two hundred or three hundred mosque-members a primary target. So there may technically be far more primary FISA surveillance targets than 40,668. However for the purposes of this elucidation, we will assume each warrant is for a single person. That means the coming estimate will be conservative, and maybe very conservative. The real numbers could be much larger.

Once you have a primary target, a FISA warrant allows two “hops.”i (Archive here). That is, the warrant allows surveillance of the primary target. It then allows investigators to also unleash surveillance on every single one of the primary target’s direct contacts and relations, as identified in their databases, no matter how brief the contact or how vague the relationship. Expanding surveillance to this first associated contact is called the first “hop.”

So your FISA warrant also opens up all of your family members, friends, and people you make contact with, however brief, to full, Osama bin Ladin level, terrorist-level surveillance and eavesdropping, as well as all your work and business contacts – your plumber, your mechanic, everyone you exchange mail with all your phone contacts, perhaps going back ten to twenty years, and anyone else you cross paths with in any way. Remember the guy who you called accidentally, when you mis-dialed a number? He is a hop, and now the domestic surveillance neighbor next door is listening in his house, entirely legally.

However the FISA law then allows “investigators” to take each of those secondary targets the primary target contacted or had a relationship with at some point, and perform a second “hop” to all of their contacts and relations, who become tertiary targets. One analysis found that a single FISA warrant on one person would justify surveillance of 25,000 additional people on average, after factoring in all of the hops, and hops from hops, which would be justified off of it. (Archive here.)

Now the interesting part. If there are 40,668 FISA warrants as of 2017, and we assume each FISA warrant only targeted a single person conservatively, and that one primary target would allow surveillance of 25,000 additional people off of all the hops, and hops off hops, then the government presently has a raft of official FISA surveillance warrants, already issued by the judicial system as of 2017, (almost seven years ago), which gives it the right to roll out terrorist-level surveillance, right out of the movie Enemy of the State, on over 1 billion American citizen-surveilance-warrant targets – 1,016,700,000 warrants, to be exact. And that was only as of 2017, and assuming only one person per FISA warrant.

Some of those FISA warrants may be for fifty or five hundred people in some groups, and given the extent of the data stored in government/intelligence databases, and the ability of intelligence to stretch laws far beyond their original intent, it is possible the estimate of 25,000 hops per target is also far smaller than it works out in reality. There could be two billion surveillance authorities off those warrants, or ten billion, since it is probably the goal of intelligence to create as many targets as possible.

Of course, there are only 300 million Americans. So all of us probably have several FISA warrants coming at us from several different directions, allowing the government to legally listen in our homes, tap our phones, and even make entry to our houses to poke around, while we are out at work, or at a child’s dance recital. All of us are Osama bin Ladin-level targets, who might as well be smuggling a bioweapon into DC which would kill everyone there.

Those warrants give the government multiple justifications to build our file. And that probably extends to our children as well, given if you look close enough, you can probably find a hop or two to any of them from you or someone your family knows. Even Donald Trump and Barack Obama each would have multiple FISA warrants, as will everyone who has ever been in contact with them in some capacity, including Trump’s toddler grandchildren. And if there is no hop? The government need only send in a confidential informant who happens to be a primary or secondary target to make contact with your family, and now every family member is a tertiary-level target, and can be spied upon.

Basically, through some clever legal wrangling and some logarithmic mathematics, the government has essentially given itself the ability to treat every American like a James Bond villain armed with a nuclear weapon, bent on raising a mushroom cloud over Washington DC.

It should not be surprising. You have seen the surveillance, from a port city in California, to the remote wilds of Alaska. It is out there, and when the Google car is not rolling through town, the surveillance vehicles are still there, gathering information, and the command center is still operating, actively following targets. It is just that those targets are you and your children, and the information it is gathering is on you – and your children.

Of course we were told the CIA would never roll out on American soil targeting Americans. While I have no idea who exactly has rolled out like the CIA on American citizens, I can assure you somebody has established a surveillance state right out of the East German Stasi, complete with extensive numbers of civilian informants and elite spook technology, all hiding as regular fellow citizens, living right down the street, as they build detailed files on every American, including our children.

Even worse, although this machine may have the authority of the US government behind it, there are indications it is run by some foreign, non-state intelligence operation, which has come in and infiltrated our government for some foreign interests. That would explain how such a fundamentally un-American operation could come to be so ever-present throughout our nation, even as every real American would oppose it with every fiber of their being, were they made aware of it – and as everyone in the military, law enforcement, and intelligence community are supposed to swear an oath the Constitution of the United States of America.

Sadly, it also explains why this operation now appears to be trying to collapse the nation, through the importation of third world migrants from every hellhole on the planet, the freeing of criminals onto our streets, the attacks on Police to erode the security of our neighborhoods, and the wasting of our national treasury on every foreign adventure in which we have zero national interest.

We have been infiltrated and taken over, we are no longer electing our leaders, they no longer represent our best interests, and those who are in control are working to destroy us.

Our time grows shorter by the minute. Making matters worse, there is somewhere between 4% and 10% of the nation which has actively pledged its loyalty to our enemy, which we will have to deal with first and foremost, before we can get our Constitutional Republic back. We will not be able to have a United States of America, organized around an elected, Constitutional government, so long as they remain within the nation. For whatever reason, they seem dedicated to destroying it for our enemies.

We must work quickly. At the end of this, when I ask for your help, I hope you will join me, and follow the small steps I lay out. I will not ask you to sacrifice much, but I need your help to destroy this thing very badly, and we do not have much time.

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