Somebody Caught A Surveillance Walker On Pause, Just Before Their Earpiece Said “Go!”

This is one piece in our greater series on the American Stasi – the American domestic surveillance machine which is targeting every American, to make sure those who are in power, can never face any challenges to their dictatorial power over America.

Somebody caught a surveillance walker on pause, mid-stride, waiting around a corner to turn the corner just as a target exited a building or did something else. Notice the shadow on the ground, showing where the corner is (Video Link Here):

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The clip is going viral, and everybody thinks she was caught in some kind of supernatural dimensional portal, which froze her in time.

You would think the video was some edit of her paused, but when you slow it down, as she starts to move,  she raises both arms laterally, simultaneously as she raises up on both toes to throw herself forward and simulate constant momentum as she makes the corner. Then she almost loses her balance, and her left heel turns outward to catch herself as she turns to look around the corner, presumably at the target:

Open the video in a new tab, and click on the time-bar at the bottom, dragging the circle to slow it down and go backward and forward slowly, and look as she just begins to move, how she bounces, and throws her left arm forward.

It was not a video edit. It is very unnatural looking, even how she is holding her arms out to each side once she is moving, but she wanted to come around the corner as if she had been walking the whole time, so she needed the push to create instant momentum. That is how precise they want that timing, of them entering your frame. She could not start three feet back and start a smidge early.

I see this everywhere I go, and have noticed it for ten years, though I now realize I was seeing it going back to when I was a kid and just disregarding it. I never wanted to talk about this, because when I first started, it sounded crazy. A massive Stasi-like intelligence organization in the US, monitoring everyone, performing headgames like this, on innocent people for no reason, in violation of all laws and even morals of the nation. I knew talking about this thing would negatively impact my credibility.

But I knew what was at stake, if nobody opposed this thing. I knew God wanted me to be honest and help to expose it. So I took the plunge, but I never wanted to.

Understand, this is THE Tier One, covert domestic intelligence/surveillance/Gestapo/Stasi operation in the ENTIRE world. It is probably among the highest trained, with most of them operating from when they were children, guided by their surveillance-parents as they operated against other children. As kids, they were sent on multi-week surveillance-sleep-away camps, where as kids they were all trained up on every aspect of operating, under the careful tutelage of adult professionals.

This thing is operating, as a criminal conspiracy, in violation of an uncountable number of laws, federal and state, as well as contrary to the very spirit of the nation and the Constitution. It makes a mockery of everything Americans hold dear.

And they are doing that in a nation with 90-150 million heavily-armed gunowners, many, many of whom would think nothing of killing every last one of them to protect the nation from attacks like 9/11, which this thing was behind, at least passively.

My point is, this thing needs to hide. It cannot come to light. And it trains its people to hide. They are professionally trained, and work very hard to hide, because they have to. And yet they are running so many operations on so many people, that every week they are making national news, videos of them are popping up and going viral, medical journals are even noting the heart attacks they are probably causing from airborne platforms, and here, you see you cannot walk around a city without seeing some girl standing mid-stride for two minutes, waiting for a target to exit a building, so she can pop out from behind the corner just as he does.

They do this outside people’s houses, they do it in town, they do it at parks, it is just a thing they do. And they do it so often that even with ever-present overwatch everywhere, guys like the photographer here are still able to film it, and get the video in front of me, so I can record it here. Surveillance command should have seen this guy as he was watching, and told her to move when they saw him getting out his camera, before he could film it. They probably have done that hundreds of times before this video was caught.

It is nuts when you see it, because everywhere you go, the timing is incredibly precise, just like that. And it is not just one girl at one spot. You exit the door, and look, and boom, three people all turn corners and enter an empty street just at that moment. You get to your car, nobody is there, and you start to get in, and suddenly there are three people walking by. You pull out of your parking spot in the lot and head to the street, and just as you get there, the sidewalks are empty, except for three people who all show up in your way, making you wait as they pass.

And it goes on like that everywhere you go. You get to the next stop, get out of your car, lot is empty when you pull in and then there they are as you get out. Head for the building, open the door, here they come out just before you go in. Get done, exit the building, they all turn different corners and enter your frame. Get home walk to your front door, just as you go in, one or two drive by on your isolated road.

This is what you did not see, just around each corner. And behind that girl is some kind of central command center, with somebody who is in the earpieces of all the operators, watching the target’s movements incredibly precisely and telling them all just when to move. You see how you will question your own sanity, and how some people go crazy. This is Zersetzung psychological harassment operations like the East German Stasi ran, right here in the good old US of A. And if they are doing pointless operations like this at a cost of millions, what else are they doing? Election rigging? Embezzlement from the national treasury? Controlling the local small business environment? Stock manipulations and market rigging? The list is endless.

And there are tons of people out there, for whom doing this to fellow Americans, every waking moment of their lives, even driving by and revving engines when they roll over in bed at 2AM, to let them know they are still being watched even as they sleep, is entirely normal.

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once said of the Fourth Amendment, that it guaranteed every American, “the right to be left alone.” Well, if you are under this, that begins to sound kind of silly. You don’t have that right, and you find out pretty fast.

You see why I think they don’t view themselves as American though. Nobody would do this to a brother. They view themselves and their group as something different. I don’t know what. It will be fascinating to find out what, as we surely will, because just the presence of this video here, is a sign of the trajectory.

And it is only heading in one direction.

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