Surveillance Detection – Sri Lankan Motorbike Surveillance

Today, Sri Lankan motorbike surveillance. We will be using the February 2016 timeline of photos for this location.

It surprises me how much you find this same operation using the same techniques to track the citizens of every nation. Even more surprising is how everyone has been conditioned to expect that they can live a private life, except for the small cadre of the Secret Society, who know nobody has any privacy – and yet they somehow manage to keep the secret from the rest of us.

These exercises are emphasizing that the weak point of all mobile physical surveillance operations is in fact the commit unit, that unit stationed at every intersection waiting to call out to the team the decision the target makes, on what direction they are going to travel. If you want to uncover a hostile physical surveillance operation by Cabal, go somewhere with very little traffic, and long desolate stretches of road with nobody on them, and see if you constantly see people when you hit intersections.

To be clear, it will probably not look like this if you are a spy or a criminal, or a terrorist. I doubt they will put somebody standing in the open at every intersection, just waiting to be seen by a wily target. Check the manpower devoted to this google car. Then ask yourself, if Sri Lanka can mobilize this kind of manpower for a Google car taking photographs of third world villages using jury-rigged vehicles held together with duct tape and green twine, all with literally zero national security significance, how did a terrorist attack like this ever get off the ground? The answer is simple – this surveillance was not made available to Sri Lankan intelligence. This is that strange Secret Society which seems to have permeated every culture, staking out its territory, and making sure it knows everything that goes on in its various sectors, so it can control its own people, and for it, a terrorist attack is of no concern to it. Just like the American Stasi would have seen 9/11, and known it was coming, and at best it let it happen, assuming it was not actually involved in supporting it to get even more funding and surveillance powers over you.

I have a sneaking suspicion if you found some Sri Lankan Special Forces guys, or some Sri Lankan Intelligence Officers who were not in the conspiracy, and showed them this deployment of physical surveillance forces in their own nation, they would be baffled, and unable to believe it could exist. I will bet they know of an official surveillance unit that can deploy twelve man teams, and which would negotiate housing near a target and then move in, set up, and set up 8 hour shifts. But that unit is understaffed and over-assigned, and they just don’t have enough assets to put coverage on everyone who is trying to make bombs and kill people. As a result simultaneous bombings that kill almost 400 people are inevitable. But meanwhile the Google car is never out of sight of a plethora of quasi-operatives who are constantly on call in every neighborhood. And no civilian ever knows that the idea they have any privacy anywhere is a full-blown myth.

I am getting to the strange point where I am beginning to wonder if I am looking at more than just a secret human conspiracy with incredible organizational skills that has managed to permeate every nation. There is no economic reason I can see to have the network deployed here, in this backwoods area of this backwoods nation like this. It is possible we are going to find there is something more behind this, and truly nothing was as we thought it.

Regardless, we begin with a small incompletely mapped neighborhood here (Believe it or not, this was the first neighborhood I chose in Sri Lanka, and while writing this after getting midway through this post, even I am surprised at their manpower. It is almost as much as you will see in the US. Now I am wondering if this was representative of the entire nation.):

I have said in previous pieces, I have found partially mapped neighborhoods seem more interesting than fully mapped neighborhoods, perhaps indicating the Google car was either chased out of a neighborhood, or barred by the conspiracy from mapping the neighborhood fully.

Take it down to the street here, and we will jump off into the neighborhood by taking the next right.

At this point there is too much normal traffic this close to the town center to tease out the surveillance signal from all the background noise and perform any meaningful detection. However those familiar with surveillance techniques will know there will be a “Commit Unit” stationed with a sightline to any intersection. They will probably have set up hastily, they will not want the target to get too good a look at them unless it is absolutely necessary, they may look slightly out of place, and their position will be chosen to maximize sightlines to you no matter which fork you take, so they can keep eyes on you for as long as possible. So anyone looking to do detection will scan the environment for any such person as they pass, even though it will not afford a conclusive answer as to whether you are under coverage or not. Do so, and you will see this guy:

He is stationed exactly across from the intersection, meaning that if you go straight, he will see you for quite a ways down the main road, and if you take the right, he will see you for quite a ways down that road as well. He may have just set up, having hopped off the motorbike sitting there. He is hiding his head behind the kids so the google car will not photograph his face. Once you take the right, he gets up to move but keeps his back to you. Though there is a lot of traffic, it is a possible, so you file it away, remember as much as you can about him, and move on, taking the right.

You also have this woman, who is on a motorbike ready to roll, but is not advancing her position in any way because she is pointed at a signpost.

Notice, she has chosen to park in what little shade is offered by the sign post, because she has a long day of this ahead of her. That is actually a good sign, because it means it is so hot there should be reduced outdoor activity, and what is out there may alter its behavior is search of shade. That will be good for detection, meaning if you want to run a detection route and look for coverage, inclement weather can be your ally because regular people will try to escape it by staying off the streets.

Meanwhile, as she sits there trying to get any small respite from the sun which she can, a short distance away, (but with less of a sightline to this turn), there is copious cool shade right in front of the store where she could have parked if she were waiting for someone. If I had to guess what she is doing, she is poised to pick you up in the event you pulled into that parking lot and turned around to go in the opposite direction. I know, you think it is impossible they could have enough assets to station both a static “Commit Unit” to call your decision and a mobile “Enter Unit” to pick you up if you flipped direction. I am not here to lie to you and make this bizarre world sound more believable. I say these strange things, because I am committed to the truth, and this is how it works.

We will now continue down the side street. This is probably also an opportune time to point out for context, that in a few frames much later on, Google’s algorithm fails to erase the Google car from the shot, and you can get a look at it if you look straight down. It appears to be one of these motorbike cars, like you see parked here, rather than a real car.

I mainly point it out because this thing is burning the latest generation, highest res images Google street view can produce, which is quite power intensive. Would the alternator on that little thing be enough to run the spark plugs, and ten or fifteen 4K cameras and a special on board image server with GPS receiver and maybe broadband satellite uplink, as well as cooling for the entire system? Is it running a gas generator on board? Is it some type of massive Li-Ion battery? Seems like a lot of technological effort to map out a few sidestreets on this backwoods neighborhood. I have no idea if that is common for Google to do for third world shitholes, or if it might be indicative somebody has something hidden away back here and somebody else in the conspiracy, who runs the Google Streetview program wanted to create a video record of the approaches to some target located here. Regardless, it puzzled me.

Again, too much foot traffic near the intersection to tell anything, especially since it looks like school just let out, so we will drive in and resume at the first intersection:

Motorbike from one direction, motorbike-car from the other. Again, you are close to the town’s main drag, so it could be coincidence that a vehicle came from each direction, and arrived there simultaneously exactly as you arrived. The solution is for you to see how many cars you pass between intersections and compare those straightaways where you can’t make any decision and have to just go straight, with intersections, where you can go in any one of multiple directions, and possibly lose your coverage unless there is someone there to watch you. No cars on the long stretches between intersections, and then suddenly traffic at each intersection is indicative of surveillance.

Mainly it is important here, because you did not hit this intersection and find yourself alone, which would have been significant. And again, this is the google car, so obviously at least one of them was something. You are looking at what it looks like to be under coverage because right now you are under coverage.

We’ll go left, since that is all the Google car mapped, and head to the next intersection. As you reach it, this is your view forward:

The guy on foot may have dumped the motorbike below by the side of the road and begun walking, so you wouldn’t see all vehicles at each intersection, since you just saw a little motorbike-car and a motorbike at the last intersection. You can see the motorbike in the view behind you:

Now again, if you made the entire trip between these two intersections, you drove a very long way without seeing any pedestrians or vehicles. Suddenly you approach this intersection, and it is a bustle of activity. You will not see this with FBI surveillance. I remember the TV show COPS following a detective running surveillance on a target. He had maybe five people to cover the target, and when the target stopped, he jumped into a bus parked by the side of the road, and ducked down in it, peeking out, so the target would not see anybody on his team watching him. He had so few people that he could not burn faces or silhouettes by letting the target see them, so they watched from a distance and stayed hidden. He was not flooding intersections with his people every time a target approached them, and then leaving them alone on the roads in between. This is not law enforcement, and it is global.

We’ll turn left. As you take the first little step you will jump timelines to a different visit to the intersection. When you do, you have a different motorbike-car behind you, this time pointing at you, with some pedestrians, another motorbike left by the side of the road, and another motorbike in the distance:

In front of you is some other type of vehicle, and more pedestrians as seen below. Again, you saw nobody on the entire drive here from the last intersection. This street was deserted. The street you are about to drive will be empty until you reach the next intersection, But each time you hit an intersection, up pops parked vehicles and foot traffic. I almost wonder if you jumped out with an AK if those guys would all pull handguns and grab AK’s from out of the bushes and a few more guys would pile out of the bushes with RPKs to engage you, because they are covert security protecting something sensitive hidden in a basement of one of the houses there. The conspiracy might even have some sort of drug lab or something here.

Moving on, we continue the left turn. Next intersection has no traffic. Looking back is this truck, parked just before the intersection.

You can’t use that for detection, because there could be somebody hidden in the back looking out, or there might not be. If you were doing this as a spy, this intersection would be ignored and you would move on. In my experience, this truck was not surveillance, or if it was, it was immaterial. However, if you look closer, with my extensive experience now with these operations, I would mark this intersection another positive because of this, right on the corner of the intersection:

They are there so they can peek around that corner and see which way you go. You can see the guy has already straightened his neck and stiffened his back as he is leaning toward, you, ready to lean out and peek around the corner.

I’ve said to you the Secret Society members across the globe are completely, almost religiously committed to executing the desires of the machine. And they buy houses on corners of intersections, probably on orders from command, explicitly so they can keep track of traffic at the intersection. It is weird by our metrics and mores, but they seem to accept it as just part of their lifestyle/membership/maybe-quasi-religion/cult.

Here is your next intersection, with no cars forward or back:

This is puzzling. It is the google car. It has to be under surveillance. And if so, somebody has to call this intersection. The easy answer is, even surveillance is not failsafe. These operators are human, and even they make mistakes. Of course if you look closer:

Notice the sightlines. She can see all the way down the side street you might take, and all the way down the road if you go straight. And who would ever think an innocent little old lady was spying on them, or that she might have a hoe specifically to use as cover to conduct follows in her one neighborhood? Plus, it is the heat of the day, the sun is at its apogee, everyone who has to be out is trying to steal whatever little shade they can, the streets are empty, and yet she has decided to do gardening work in the middle of the day, at her age.

I’ve seen this day in and day out for a while now. I’ve seen women so obese they could barely move. I’ve seen a little old lady who looked 110+ years old move at the gas station to get a better sightline to me. I’ve seen women on oxygen tanks, in motorized scooters. I’ve seen male to female transgenders following me. I’ve seen one guy whose cover was that he was a retard who had a helper who walked behind him holding his shoulders, and steering him as he walked. I’ve even seen a full-on midget on my follow – no shit. I’ve had guys in full Russian Orthodox priest outfits follow me, and I have seen children straining to look normal as they try to point the hole in the side of a box of pastries at me. I have had new mothers using their babies as props, using diaper changes to loiter near me for an extended period. They have no profile, so don’t judge her by her age. She is among the least weird people I have seen doing surveillance, and as I have said the machine actually seems to preferentially hire and promote women because they seem less threatening.

Moving on straight, since Google hasn’t mapped those side streets, we come to the next intersection, where the street is empty, until you turn:

Again, just as you hit the intersection. As we begin to drive, if you look to the right we have the proverbial lady with the baby carriage who likely didn’t get out to the street fast enough, and tried to get back from the road to hide, leaving her baby carriage toward the road:

The baby carriage. You’ve seen it in Russia, you’ve seen it in Finland, and you almost saw it here on the street, but she was just a little too slow. Look how awkward she looks. She is not keenly aware of you at all.

That house next door to her is awfully nice, and the street is a nice little cobblestone street, unlike the dirt roads everywhere else. She may have been stationed there as close surveillance of whoever lives next door, and she was just jumping out to support this follow, but wasn’t fast enough. It is weird to think, but if so, that guy next door has no privacy. Everything he says, everything he does, is all documented. One report of a surveillance op documented that the listeners even documented when the target broke wind in the house and noted the exact time and nature of it. As I have said, it is weird to us, but to the Secret Society, that is perfectly normal.

Onward. Here you have no intersection, but you have a real regular pickup truck, with nice off-road tires, and a guy sitting in the bed coming on to you:

Notice the cement block wall blocking access to the house on the left. The truck does have cargo like you would expect from a tradesman doing something, so it could be nothing. But it is a nice truck for the area, and for using on tradework in such a poor country, making me wonder if it was some sort of security arriving at the house just as you did, and then passing you by when it turned out you were nothing in the way of a threat. Notice the military aged male in the back.

Also, you picked up another little vehicle following you as well here at the last intersection, so you are covered on both sides here:

No way to know, but I get the impression there is something interesting in this neighborhood.

Another intersection, two pedestrians, and the motor-bike car and the guy on the bicycle are still behind you:

Dude just sitting in a car here with closed windows, which is odd given it is so hot and everyone is desperate for shade. Also, kind of a new car for an area where the standard is the minibike-car:

Next intersection, resident out standing in front of his house in full sun with a sightline to the intersection, and the motorbike-car is still behind you:

I do not think we have driven by any resident out in the heat of the midday sun, except when the house was opposite an intersection. It points to surveillance detection being made easier by harsh or inclement weather conditions.

Google car popped two feet down that side street and then backed out, so we have lost the motor-bike car behind us and are finally alone, until the next intersection.

Next intersection, two motorbikes in front:

And one motorbike comes up behind:

And woman in the front yard of the house across the street from the intersection, looking at us:

With that, you are back at the intersection by the main drag which has too much traffic to really tell whether what you are seeing is surveillance, or simply normal activity.

We’ll head back to the intersection where we first turned and began a loop, and instead continue on straight.

Next intersection, no cars on either fork, but this is the look back with one trailer welded to a rototiller, one motorbike car, one motorbike, and pedestrians all out and about:

In front is another strange hybrid trailer contraption with two guys on it looking back:

Personally, I believe that if the Google car was not there, none of that would be there.

Next intersection is in front, and you have a girl in back, talking into probably a mic taped to her chest, as she covers her mouth with her hand, while looking back at the two guys you just passed:

She continues talking with her hand covering her mouth, as she turns around to watch you make your decision:

Next intersection, no cars, but the lady on the corner is standing awkwardly in her yard looking at you:

And two pedestrians straight ahead:

Drive up to the next intersection, and you have another woman out in the yard:

Google has since deleted that image, so here is the one they replaced it with:

I am beginning to think in these patriarchal societies, the males predominantly handle the vehicular surveillance on motorbikes, while the females stay at home raising children and jumping out of the house momentarily to serve as posted or foot surveillance in the neighborhoods.

If you look ahead, you will just make out two males on foot walking to the intersection, though here they may just be watching you through foliage:

Here is a better look at them as you pull forward:

Back up to the intersection, turn left, and the next intersection has one house obscured by foliage, though if you back up a little, this lady just happened to be outside hugging her vines lovingly:

I think what is also happening is, as we get deeper into the neighborhood, we are exhausting the supply of cars, since they don’t want the same vehicles driving by us repeatedly, so they are moving to exploiting their static observation posts and their personnel. The more observation posts I see here, the more I think this neighborhood is interesting.

It is even possible surveillance has established it as a surveillance-person neighborhood, where their people can come and go at all hours, and stash numerous rotating units in flop houses. Because so many houses are surveillance people, nobody will talk about the aberrant activity or wonder what it is. Alternatively there is a crime syndicate they want to keep tabs on, or a terrorist group set up in here, or some sort of covert facility, like NSA buries listening posts and data centers in neighborhoods in the US that look like houses on the outside, but which are really like warehouses on the inside.

Turn left, and head to the intersection at the end of the street, and you will notice that you are driving backwards, but when you reached the far intersection, you had a motorbike right behind you as you reached it:

Drive into the motorbike, traveling backward in time until it disappears, and you are arriving at the next intersection, you have another motorbike just sitting at that intersection just as you arrive at it.

Keep going, hit the next intersection at the end of the road, here is what is just passing by chance:

Pull out to the right, and you enter a different time you hit this intersection. Look back behind you, and you see this:

Pull out to the left instead, and look back and the motorbike from the last intersection has pulled off the road just after that driveway, so they will still be able to look back at you:

Keep going, after you turn left, and as you hit the next intersection, look back, and a motorbike just happens to be coming around the turn at that exact moment behind you:

Go back to this intersection and continue straight, and at the next intersection is some sort of masonry supply, and the guy is apparently outside, in the heat of the day, shoveling one pile of black gravel into another in full sun, but he has stopped to watch you:

I could have blown him off if he was shoveling the gravel into a wheelbarrow, but taking time, in full sun, to shovel one pile into another pile right next to it, and without any sweat at all soaking through his T-shirt seems unlikely. I’ve noticed surveillance recruits a lot of contractors, be they landscaping, construction, pool-service, plumbing, HVAC, and so on. I suppose they all can get access to denied areas, They can install surveillance devices in their work products, they are often on the road, and their work vehicles are perfect covers for running vehicular surveillance, and they can make their own hours.

Again, Google has since deleted that image above, but if you pull forward, you can see the woman to his right walking here in a timeline a few minutes later:

Of course there the woman was redundant, as you had this woman just sitting at the intersection on her minibike:

In yet another timeline, somewhat earlier, before all the blocks were delivered in the first photo above, the intersection had what looks like the woman on the motorbike, sitting with friends next to the other house on the corner:

There is a better shot of the little soiree here:

I know, you are thinking how could they have two corner-houses. Well, when you are recruiting Stasi-level percentages of the population as domestic spies and informers, you can get between five and ten percent of the population working for you, and because of the perks of working for the Stasi, they end up richer, and more likely percentage wise to own a home. When you focus on planting them all in corner houses wherever possible, you can end up with redundant residential coverage of some intersections. It just works that way. They are way more prolific than you would think.

You will be stunned when you find out how many houses in your neighborhood were being operated by domestic surveillance. I received a show early on, where they pulled cars out of every driveway they owned to slow me down as I drove, and I was gobsmacked at how many houses were their’s. In one neighborhood I would estimate one in five houses, all spread out evenly, were their’s. It may have been denser than normal there, but I can tell you there are neighborhoods like that, and most will have more houses than you would think possible.

Next intersection, bicyclist approaching as you reach it:

Turn right at the intersection, because it is interesting. Notice as you begin to exit this intersection, long before you reach the next one, kids begin to come out into the street from the house on the corner, as if they knew you were approaching:

As you come up on the intersection, they are all already out and waiting, one with a hand over his mouth:

Again, they could have just happened to have been coming out at that exact moment. But then again, you are racking up an awful lot of coincidences as you cruise around in the Google motorbike-car hitting intersections. If they did not come out by chance at that moment, they were in their property, and they knew exactly when you were about to approach that intersection, and they came out to take a closer look at the Google car. And if even a small percentage of these coincidences were not coincidences, you’d have a lot of people, living day to day in that neighborhood, knowing exactly where you were as you cruised around, and actively working together as a unit to keep track of exactly what you were doing at each intersection.

You see why I feel no Civil War against the conspiracy can succeed, unless the conspiracy wants it to, so long as this remains in the shadows. But if we knew about it, very, very few of these are trigger-pullers, or probably even mentally designed to take lives or fight. They recruit them for controllability through fear.

But so long as nobody knows about it, these people all know everything that goes on, as regular plebes went about their days, blissfully unaware that there was some organized conspiracy keeping track of them, for every moment of their travels.

I can keep going on here, but this has already grown too long, and the repetition runs the risk of growing tedious. Notice every intersection was covered, even though you could go long stretches in between with zero traffic. That was what really opened the eyes of one of our commentators in Melbourne, who saw this in his own neighborhood, apparently watching him. Of this, he wrote:

I’ve read AC’s stuff on surveillance including showing it through Google Streetview. But I live in suburban Melbourne Australia and have never seen it here (I do a lot of cycling, especially at the moment with the way our Dictator Daniel Andrews has us in lockdown). I like simple hypotheses to test so this morning I decided to try and prove AC wrong in my allotted 2 hours of exercise.

One of the great things about cycling is that you’re in touch with the environment around you in a way that is difficult in a car – you don’t have the background noise of an engine when moving, you’re not travelling as fast, you can sit up and look around easily. All of your senses can work unhindered. It’s one of the things I’ve always liked about cycling but also lends itself to this sort of observation. Cars going as slowly as a bicycle will stand out easily and there’s all sorts of tricks you can use to justify going slowly or stopping, forcing cars to overtake you etc.

The method I used was to try and stick to back streets as much as possible (to avoid the normal traffic that is always there on main roads) and at every intersection or decision point where I could choose from multiple directions I’d record if there was someone in a position to observe that decision. In particular I was looking for people walking/jogging close to the intersection and cars. Note that I ignored streets that were dead-ends when counting the intersections – a lot of the housing estates I rode through had heaps of short courts that didn’t seem necessary to monitor since they didn’t lead anywhere. I took a pretty cruisy pace – usually only 15km/h so I could focus on my surroundings.

I rode a total of 38km and counted 208 decision points. Of those 208, I was able to detect there was someone who could observe my choice at 144 of them (69%). It was a Sunday morning so a lot of people are out walking/mowing the lawn etc and on its own this number doesn’t prove/disprove anything. I also probably made a few mistakes as I was keeping track in my head.

The thing that got me (and I noticed VERY quickly) was how few people I observed walking were on the long stretches between intersections – it appeared that almost everyone was walking within a short distance of intersections that were a decision point. I began to focus more on riding along streets that weren’t feeder streets to observe what was happening and it became quite clear that the location of people walking was strongly biased to within a short distance of intersections that were decision points.

I also observed a lot of cars exiting their driveways as I came along. Nothing out of the ordinary here… but possibly because that’s what I’ve always seen and it appears normal, even if statistically abnormal! One time I tried a mini experiment when I noticed a path running between two streets. I went down the path but stopped at a point where there was only one house that could observe my location and then sat there for about 2 minutes. No cars went down either street during that time. I then took a bet with myself what was the chance that there would be a car pulling out of a driveway/starting up as I came onto the street. Sure enough, someone backed out of their driveway as I pulled onto that street. Proves nothing on its own, but adds to my suspicions!

Another time I had a car coming behind me as I approached a T intersection. I pulled over so they would have to go first. They turned right and I slowly followed them, but stopped on the side of the road. They came to a halt in the middle of the road about 150-200m down the road and sat there for about half a minute. It was getting weird as they hadn’t even pulled to the side – just stopped in the middle of the road with no plausible reason. Eventually a car in the house they were stopped in front of started backing out and as it came in site, they left. Over the next little while I felt like this scene from The Truman Show with cars coming from everywhere. I’m only talking about 5 cars or so, but it seemed way out of proportion! In addition, a couple of ladies came along delivering junk mail and stood at the corner across the road from me for a minute or so discussion where to go next. They had came along the street I’d just come from and I didn’t notice them. I wish I had a video camera to go back and see if I had passed them earlier!

In the 5 minutes or so I sat at that spot, I saw about 4 cars pull into or out of houses in one short section (where that first car stopped in the middle of the road). It really makes we wonder if there’s something special about that location!

It would be really interesting to do a statistical analysis of where people are walking. When you regularly go along back streets that are 500-800m long and don’t see anyone walking along the sections away from the end intersections (or only rarely) and then consistently find people within 20-50m of the intersection, you have to wonder what the odds of it are as I’m pretty sure it’s way outside what you’d expect to see!

I’m probably doomed to always notice this now – thanks AC!

I hope by now the reader is beginning to understand a few deeper concepts, revolving around the idea that there is something strange out there which points to our understanding of the world being entirely wrong.

One, this is not surveillance. It follows strange, obvious, predictable procedures, which make it apparent, not just in real life, but in a simple touring of an area in Google streetview.

Two, these appear to be the same organization, using the same strange procedures with minor variations, spanning national boundaries. You go someplace where all they have is donkey carts and midgets living in mud huts, and you see the exact same thing, following the exact same procedures, adapted to more difficult to control vehicles, and lower sightlines. Same thing, in terms of it aways exhibiting unimaginable manpower, and ignoring the laws, in multiple countries.

In addition, there are reports of people in America who were under it fleeing overseas to countries which ostensibly have a hostile intelligence relationship with the United States, such as China, and this street coverage picks them up seamlessly at the airport and continues through their travels in that foreign country. This is the key to a much bigger mystery about the world’s organization.

Three, you have never heard of this. It employs enough people that in some places it can do follows almost entirely using the residents of a neighborhood. That means the neighborhoods are filled with people who not only do spy shit as a regular part of their lives, but they live their entire lives, and make every decision for that purpose, even choosing what house to live in to further the mission, what job to work at, what person to marry and have kids with – they even live their own life knowing other people in the neighborhood are probably spying on them and listening to their most private moments in their houses – and they never breathe a word of this bizarre reality to anyone. They keep the secret. I would have never thought anyone out there could keep a secret, let alone an entire secret society embedded among us, and operating against us, keeping a secret this big. But they do.

Stranger still, they raise their children in it, and the children never let the secret slip.

And finally, I am assuming you will have noticed that as shocking as this work is, it has not gone viral yet after years of me spreading it everywhere I can. Why, among all of the content out there, would this work have not gone viral? Is it not as interesting as anything else you see?

My guess is even virality is a controlled construct of this machine. Most people simply do not post material on sites they visit, thus you will read this, and it will die here with you. As a result, this machine, can use this surveillance machine’s manpower and fealty, to rebroadcast what it wants, using millions of people, acting expressly on orders, soaking up the virality oxygen and in doing so, controlling everything our society sees.

We will know for sure, because these surveillance training courses are part of a bigger plan to produce virality. If at that point, this all fails to go viral you will have the fifth interesting piece of data to emerge from this website, namely that virality is entirely controlled. Though I hope to prove that one wrong.

There are not a lot of good answers for this all, primarily because they have managed to keep the secret. I do not know what the answer is, but we are all missing something in our understanding of the world. Some fundamental basic understanding is off about how things work.

I don’t know if these people know the secret, but but I know somebody out there does. We need to find them, and squeeze it out of them.